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Fantasy Land Player Editor version 1.02b
Copyright (c) 1992 by Cal Gardner (1:247/99)
All Rights Reserved.
Fantasy Land is Copyright 1992 by JPSoft. All Rights Reserved.
This Player Editor is supplied AS IS. I, Cal Gardner disclaim all
warranties, implied or expressed in this or other documents in this
archive. I also assume no liability for any damages, either directly or
indirectly related to the result of my software.
You are allowed to use the Fantasy Land Player Editor so long as one of the
files within the archive are changed, or removed. A banner may be added to
this archive, but please don't add any BBS or other such advertisements in
the arhive itself.
FLPEDIT.EXE Validate Information (21,776 Bytes. 04-27-1992)
File Authentication:
Check Method 1 - 469B
Check Method 2 - 0225
FLPEDIT.EXE Main Executable File, Actual Editor
FLPEDIT.DOC Documentation File
FLPEDIT.EXE should be placed in the same directory as your FANTASY.DAT
file. It doesn't have to though. If FANTASY.DAT is not found in the
current directory, it will prompt you for one. Just type FLPEDIT to run.
Here are you options, once the editor is loaded up. On the bottom you will
notice the following:
(>) Next User
This will display the next player record if there is one. If there is no
record following the current one, it will beep.
(<) Previous User
This will display the user you just viewed. If there isn't one, again it
will beep.
(X) Exit
This will leave FLPEdit.
Here is a list of options for editing that player record:
(A) User Name
This will allow you to edit the name of the user who own's this record.
For instance, the name in the field is JOHN DOE. That means that JOHN DOE,
a user on your system, owns that record.
(B) Alias
This will allow you to edit the alias that your user is using.
(C) Lastdate
This option currently is not installed.
(D) Player Score
This will allow you to edit the player's score.
(E) Turns
This will allow you to edit the number of turns that player has left for
the date shown in Lastdate. This field has a maximum of 200.
(F) Sex
This will allow you to change their player's gender. (M)ale or (F)emale.
(G) Preference
This will allow you to change their sexual preference. You have the
choice of (G)ay, (B)i-Sexual or (S)traight.
(H) Resistance
This allows you to edit their sexual resistance level. Maximum of 100.
(I) Willing Statement
This will allow you to edit their "Willingness" Statement.
(J) Unwilling Statement
This will allow you to edit their "Unwillingness" Statement.
(K) Carrying Items
This option is currently not installed.
(L) Area Number
This will allow you to change their present area.
(M) Status
You can change a person to make them (R)eady (For Sex), or (Q)uivering
(just had it).
(N) Snapshot
This is the filename for their picture. Use with caution.
(O) Sexperience
This adjusts their sexperience level
(P) Protection
This allows you to toggle protection. (Condom or no Condom)
(Q) Ansi
Toggle Ansi Graphics
(R) Dead
Change their status, Dead or Alive.
(S) Robot Player
Allow them to be a robot player.
Although there isn't much in the documentation, everything is self
explanatary. I must thank JPSoft for making such a fine door *grin*.
You may contact me with your suggestions, etc. by the following:
EMail: FidoNet 1:247/99 or 1:247/117
SuperNet 43:1385/101
Board: Air Waves SuperBBS
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
US Robotics Courier HST, 9600/HST/MNP5
Snailmail: Cal Gardner
c/o Air Waves SuperBBS
92 Green Maple Drive
St. Catharines, Ontario
You should be able to use the two features not available in this version.
Along with a user ranking bulletin maker, and a Jump to Player Option.
1.00 - First and Official Release
1.01b - A bug fix for 1.00. It would sometimes save garbage in the
Name Field due to a misconfigured string.
1.02b - On some systems, the < and > keys didn't work. I hope it is
fixed in this version.