Black Box 4
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Text File
76 lines
* SCRATCHS.QM -- A macro to auto-initialize a number of scratch buffers
* on startup of QEdit 2.1, QEdit for OS/2 1.5, or QEdit TSR.
* Lets the user have a set of "standard" buffers, that contain the same
* text every time, that are initialized upon entering QEdit with an
* autoexecute macro.
* Modified to take advantage of JUMP commands---now handles an unlimited
* number of Scratch Buffers. (Limited only by RAM).
* INSTRUCTIONS: See notes below on how to edit the macro to customize it
* for the layout of your hard disk.
* Then, run QMAC to convert this to a binary macro:
* You must use QMAC version 2.1 or higher to process this macro
* Then, use QEdit's /E command line switch to execute this
* macro when you start up QEdit:
* Q /Escratchs.mac myfile.txt
* NOTES: (1) Edit where it says 'SCRATCHS.LST' to be the full path
* specification of your scratch buffer file. That will insure
* that this auto-execute macro will always be able to
* find it, no matter what directory you are in.
* (2) The format of the scratch buffer file looks like this:
* ┌──────────────────────┐
* │1 │<---- Scratch name on line by itself
* │Text of scratch1■ │<---- Scratch text, followed by ASCII 254
* │2 │<---- Second scratch name
* │This is the text of │<---- Second scratch text
* │scratch number 2. │
* │ │ Type the delimiter character
* │Note that it can │ by pressing the ALT key, pressing
* │contain any text │ 2, 5 then 4 on the numeric keypad
* │except for an ASCII │ with the ALT key held down,
* │254. That is used │ then releasing the ALT key.
* │to delimit the end │
* │of the scratch buffer │
* │■ │<---- NOTE delimiter on line by itself
* │3 │ so scratch above will include line
* │Scratch 3■ │ break
* └──────────────────────┘
* (3) All scratch buffers are marked as CHARACTER marks.
@f12 MacroBegin
EditFile 'SCRATCHS.LST' * Load the scratchs file into QEdit
BegFile BegLine * Go to the top of it
MarkLine Cut * Get the scratch NAME, Cut to SCRAP
MarkBlockBegin * Mark beginning of scratch TEXT
Find #254 Return " " Return * Find the end of the scratch TEXT
MarkBlockEnd * Mark the end.
StoreScrBuff Paste Return * STORE the block to name in SCRAP
DropAnchor PrevPosition * And delete this text to get it
DeleteBlock DelLine * out of our way for now.
CursorDown CursorUp * Only one line in file?
JFalse NO_MORE: * If so, get out of here.
SECOND_PASS: * Same thing, using RepeatFind
BegLine MarkLine Cut MarkBlockBegin RepeatFind MarkBlockEnd
StoreScrBuff Paste Return
DropAnchor PrevPosition DeleteBlock DelLine
CursorDown CursorUp * Are we at bottom of file?
JTrue SECOND_PASS * If not, repeat.
Quit * Discard edited SCRATCH file
* (Don't save the deletions)