Black Box 4
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DOS Batch File
198 lines
echo off
echo ┌──────────────────────── QHelpC Setup, 01 Feb 92, Rhg ───────────────────────┐
echo │ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ │
echo │ This setup program will: │
echo │ Make a sub Directory C:\QHelpC. Copy the HELP.EXE, QHelp.H! and support │
echo │ files to C:\QHelpC. You may customize this installation later. │
echo │ │
echo │ To run this setup utility, you MUST be logged on to the Drive │
echo │ ( and Directory ), containing ALL of the supplied QHelpC files. │
echo │ │
echo │ The SHAREWARE QHelpC.EXE file MUST first be copied to a 'temporary' sub │
echo │ Directory on your Hard Drive. The QHelpC file must then be executed, to │
echo │ extract all of its files. NOTE THAT THE SETUP UTILITY CAN BE RUN FROM │
echo │ A FLOPPY IF ALL OF THE EXTRACTED FILES WILL FIT ( i.e. 5 1/4" Hi-Density │
echo │ or a 3 1/2" 720K byte or 1.4M byte ). │
echo │ │
echo │ NOTE: If a C:\QHelpC directory exists, any files located there will │
echo │ be copied to a C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD directory. This will only │
echo │ occur the first time you run this utility ( to prevent over- │
echo │ writting your old files ). You can delete these files and the │
echo │ directory later, if you wish. see also README.BAT │
echo │ │
echo │ Press [ CTRL C ] ... [ Y ] to abort setup, any other key to continue... │
echo └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 010192, SC4EE0 ─┘
pause > nul
set V1=0
if not exist qhsetup.p1 set v1=1
if not exist readme.p0 set v1=1
if not exist readme.p1 set v1=1
if not exist readme.p2 set v1=1
if not exist readme.p3 set v1=1
if not exist readme.p4 set v1=1
if not exist Qh.BAT set V1=1
if not exist QhM.BAT set V1=1
if not exist QhS.BAT set V1=1
if not exist Readme.BAT set V1=1
if not exist QHelpC.DAT set V1=1
if not exist Register.DOC set V1=1
if not exist HELP.EXE set V1=1
if not exist HELP1.EXE set V1=1
: SemWare Version Test
if not exist semware.ver goto Normal
if not exist Q.EXE set V1=1
if not exist QHelp.H! set V1=1
if not exist QHelpC.TXT set V1=1
if %V1%==1 goto Error
set V1=
IF exist C:\QHelpC\*.* goto SaveOld
goto MakeDir
if exist C:\QHelpC\QhelpC.OLD\*.* goto CopyFiles
echo Saving OLD C:\QHelpC files to C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD
COPY C:\QHelpC\*.* C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD > NUL
goto CopyFiles
MD C:\QHelpC
: SemWare Conditional
if exist semware.ver echo COPYING 16 files to C:\QHelpC ... please stand by...
if NOT exist semware.ver echo COPYING 15 files, to C:\QHelpC ... please stand by...
copy Qh.BAT C:\QHelpC
copy Qhm.BAT C:\QHelpC
copy Qhs.BAT C:\QHelpC
copy Readme.BAT C:\QHelpC
copy QHelpC.DAT C:\QHelpC
copy Register.DOC C:\QHelpC
copy Help.EXE C:\QHelpC
copy Help1.EXE C:\QHelpC
: SemWare Version Test
if exist semware.ver copy Q.EXE C:\QHelpC
copy QHelp.H! C:\QHelpC
copy Readme.p0 C:\QHelpC
copy Readme.p1 C:\QHelpC
copy Readme.p2 C:\QHelpC
copy Readme.p3 C:\QHelpC
copy Readme.p4 C:\QHelpC
copy QHelpC.TXT C:\QHelpC
: SemWare Conditional
if exist semware.ver echo Verify that 16 files were copied.
if NOT exist semware.ver echo Verify that 15 files were copied.
echo If OK, Press any key to continue... else [ CTRL C ] [ Y ] to ABORT.
echo NOTE: If the installation is being made from a floppy drive, do NOT
echo remove the diskette from the floppy drive until told to do so !
pause > nul
if "test"=="%1" goto Test?
type qhsetup.p1
CD C:\QHelpC
echo Press any key to continue...
pause > nul
HELP Qhelp
echo NOTE: IF you had a C:\QHelpC sub Directory and files, they were copied to
echo the C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD directory. If you wish to save these files,
echo you should copy them to a floppy and then delete the files from the
echo C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD sub Directory. Then remove the sub Directory.
echo Note that the files in an existing C:\QHelpC sub Directory are only
echo copied if a C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD sub Directory does NOT exist. This
echo is done to prevent overwritting your old files, in the event you run
echo the "Qhsetup" utility more than once.
echo If you created a 'temporary' sub Directory, on your Hard Disk,
echo for the self-extractor ( QHelpC.EXE ), and the extracted files;
echo Delete all of the files in the 'temporary' directory you created.
echo Then, remove the 'temporary' directory.
goto preEND
echo ERROR !!!
echo ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
if not exist qhsetup.p1 echo QhSetup.p1 file does NOT exist !
if not exist readme.p0 echo readme.p0 file does NOT exist !
if not exist readme.p1 echo readme.p1 file does NOT exist !
if not exist readme.p2 echo readme.p2 file does NOT exist !
if not exist readme.p3 echo readme.p3 file does NOT exist !
if not exist readme.p4 echo readme.p4 file does NOT exist !
if not exist Qh.BAT echo Qh.BAT file does NOT exist !
if not exist Qhm.BAT echo Qhm.BAT file does NOT exist !
if not exist Qhs.BAT echo Qhs.BAT file does NOT exist !
if not exist Readme.BAT echo Readme.BAT file does NOT exist !
if not exist QHelpC.DAT echo QHelpC.DAT file does NOT exist !
if not exist Register.DOC echo Register.DOC file does NOT exist !
if not exist HELP.EXE echo HELP.EXE file does NOT exist !
if not exist HELP1.EXE echo HELP1.EXE file does NOT exist !
: SemWare Version Test
if not exist semware.ver goto Normal1
if not exist Q.EXE echo Q.EXE file does NOT exist !
if not exist QHelpC.TXT echo QHelpC.TXT file does NOT exist !
if not exist QHelp.H! echo QHelp.H! file does NOT exist !
echo Aborting Installation.
echo If the installation was made from a floppy drve;
echo After the floppy drive light has gone out, you
echo may remove the diskette from the floppy drive.
if NOT "test"=="%1" goto END
echo Press any key for Test Mode
pause > NUL
if NOT exist C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD\*.* goto END
DEL C:\QHelpC\QHelpC.OLD\*.*
goto END