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TITLE HDSniff.Com Version 2.1
Comment @
Tells you how your AT/XT hard disks were last low-level formatted.
Needs no parameters.
example of use:
HDSniff | More
HDSniff >Temp.Dat
by Roedy Green
Canadian Mind Products
#168 - 1020 Mainland Street
Vancouver BC
Canada V6B 2T4
(604) 684-6529
This program is copyrighted, however it may be copied freely and
used for any purpose except military.
Here is a typical output for an XT with one 72 MB hard disk:
░▒▓█ HDSniff 2.1 █▓▒░
(C) Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
May be freely copied and used for non military purposes only.
Ferrets out the parameters that were used to perform
the last low-level hard disk format.
All numbers are both in decimal and [hex].
Low level formatting parameters for DISK 0 [0=C: 1=D:]
XT style disk controller presumed
1024 [400] / 918 [396] = Number of cylinders (per drive parms/per drive table)
8 [8] / 15 [F] = Number of heads (per drive parms/per drive table)
918 [396] = Starting cylinder for reduced write current
918 [396] = Starting cylinder for write precompensation
7 [7] = Maximum bits of error burst to attempt to correct (usually 7 to 11)
2 [2] = Step control byte
(bit 7 = disable retries; bit 6 = disable ECC retries)
(bits 2..0 = seek step PULSE rate, faster than track-to-track seek rate)
(approx 12 µs for modern buffered seeks, 3 ms for older unbuffered.)
Brand Debug Init Step byte code interpreted as step pulse rate
═════ ══════════ ═════════════════════════════════════════════
Adaptec g=c800:ccc 3=13 µs, 2=30 µs, 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0=3 ms
DTC5150CRH g=c800:5 2=12 µs, 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0,1,6,7=3 ms
DTC5150XL g=c800:5 0=5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70 µs (cannot tell which!)
IBM/Xebec 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0,6,7=3 ms
Omti g=c800:6 1=10 µs, 2=25 µs, 3=40 µs, 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs,
0,6,7=3 ms
WD-old g=c800:5 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0,6,7=3 ms
WD1002-WX1 g=c800:5 3,7=10.5 µs, 2=22.5 µs, 6=28.5 µs, 1=46.5 µs,
5=70.5 µs, 4=202.5 µs, 0=3.1 ms
WD1002-27X g=c800:5 3,7=8 µs, 1,2,4,5,6=24 µs, 0=3 ms
WD10025WX2 g=c800:5 3,7=18 µs, 6=30 µs, 1=45 µs, 2=60 µs, 5=75 µs,
4=210 µs, 0=3ms
WD1004-WX1 g=c800:5 3,7=12 µs, 6=27 µs, 1=51 µs, 2=63 µs, 5=75 µs,
4=207 µs, 0=3 ms
WD1004-27X g=c800:5 3,7=8 µs, 1,2,4,5,6=24 µs, 0=3 ms
WD1004A27X g=c800:5 3,7=11 µs, 1,2,4,5,6=24 µs, 0=3.3 ms
WD-XT-GEN1 g=c800:5 3,7=18 µs, 6=30 µs, 1=45 µs, 2=60 µs, 5=75 µs,
4=210 µs, 0=3ms
WD-XT-GEN2 g=c800:5 3,7=18 µs, 6=30 µs, 1=45 µs, 2=60 µs, 5=75 µs,
4=210 µs, 0=3ms
4 [4] = Standard timeout value
25 [19] = Formatting timeout value
10 [A] = Disk check timeout value
17 [11] / 0 [0] = sectors per track (per drive parms/per drive table)
(usually 17 for MFM, 26 for RLL, 36 for ESDI)
When information gleaned from get-drive-parameters
(ROM BIOS INT 13 function 08) conflicts with that gleaned from
get-drive-table (INT 41), trust get-drive-parameters.
See HDSNIFF.TXT for information on interpreting these results.
To see everything before it scrolls off the screen try:
HDSniff | MORE
HDSniff >LPT1:
HDSniff >Temp.Dat
HDSniff will tell you the parameters that were used the last
time your hard disk was low-level formatted. It displays
information from hard disk BIOS INT 13 function 08 get drive
parameters and from the INT 41 get drive table. This can be
useful if you need to reformat your hard disk, or if you want to
ensure the formatting was done correctly.
The following parameters are often specified incorrectly during
low level format and result is flaky operation.
- Starting cylinder for reduced write current.
- Starting cylinder for write precompensation.
- Step control byte seek step PULSE rate, faster than
track-to-track seek rate, ranging from 12 µs for modern
buffered seeks to 3 ms for older unbuffered seeks.
Interpreting HDNSNIFF Results
From the drive manufacturer you must determine the number of
cylinders, heads, starting reduced write cylinder and write
precomp cylinder. Many BBS's also post lists of such information.
If the cylinders and heads are incorrect, you are wasting part
of your disk. If the RWC and WP are incorrect you might expect
unreliable operation.
The ECC burst length should be a number between 5 and 11.
Setting it smaller is more conservative. ECC will not attempt
to correct serious errors without telling you. When ECC tries
to correct serious errors it does not always succeed, but it
lets you carry on without notice. Setting the ECC burst length
larger allows you to carry on and recover from serious errors,
though you never hear about them unless you use HDTest.
If the step pulse rate is set too fast (lower number) you can
expect slower response due to corrected seek errors. If the
pulse rate is too slow (higher number) you can expect slower
response due to the disk waiting needlessly long for pulses.
Sometimes there can also be seek errors.
Most AT controllers use 35 µs fixed by the motherboard BIOS.
Ontrack offer a utility to override this.
It is hard to get information about the optimal pulse rates for
disk drives. As rule of thumb try 3 ms for very old drives with
unbuffered seeks, 30 µs for 20 MB disks, and 18 µs for 30 to 40
MB disks, and 12 µs for premium voice coil drives.
If any parameters are incorrect, you must back up everything
twice, redo the low level format, the FDISK, the FORMAT C:/S/V
and restore your data.
HDSNIFF currently cannot tell you the interleave. Use Gibson
SpinRite to determine the optimum interleave and correct it.
Information about the size of a disk is indirectly recorded in
four separate places:
1. the drive table accessed via int 41
2. BIOS via int 13 ah=08
3. the partition table in the mini partition-selector boot on track 0
4. the BPB in the boot on track 0 of the DOS partition
Unhappily these do not all necessarily agree.
HDSniff will tell you about 1 and 2.
FDisk will tell you about 3.
ChkDsk will tell you about 4.
I have found 2 to be the most reliable, and 1 the least.
Some controllers fail to record the RWC (Reduced Write current
Cylinder) and WPC (Write Precompensation Cylinder) in the drive
table. If you plan to reformat your disk, get the proper values
from the disk manufacturer or from tables in OnTrack software or
from tables posted on BIX.
Why Copyright?
In the past all CMP software was public domain. Now we are
releasing only copyrighted software. We did this because
Rockwell International (a major American defense contractor)
asked my permission to use my public domain RESTORE program to
distribute their software. I refused to bend my no military use
rule. They told me they were going to continue using it anyway.
I found out legally I had no way to stop them because we did not
display a copyright notice.
If there is any doubt whatsoever if your use of HDSniff
constitutes military use, you must get clearance with Canadian
Mind Products.
Future possible enhancements include:
0. display the AT drive type index.
1. calculate the current interleave and suggest the optimum.
2. display the partition sizes.
3. display the cluster sizes of each partition.
4. display other partition stats such as free space,
number of directories, location of interesting tables.
5. Determine the DOS version in MSDOS.SYS and Command.com
Version 1.0 Written 1988 April 6.
Version 1.1
- added note that seek step pulse rate 2 is 30 ms
Version 1.2 1988 November 14
- added per int 13 for cyls and heads
- Determine AT vs XT then trim the display.
- added more explanation of pulse rate
Version 1.3 1989 March 31
- new version handles 80386 accelerator in XT style machine
with XT style disk controller.
Now makes XT AT determination based on ECC length.
- added Western digital XT-GEN controller documentation.
- reordered step list by speed.
- changed landing zone usual message.
Version 1.4 1989 April 6
- added further step pulse info for WD controllers
- info on interpreting results embedded in source code.
Version 1.5 1989 May 4
- added Xebec controller infor.
Version 1.6 1989 June 19
- added info on sources of info and which can be trusted
- fixed bug in HaveXT HaveAT comment
Version 1.7 1989 July 27
- suppress the discrepancy comment when there is no discrepancy.
Version 1.8 1989 Sept 26
- acknowledge ESDI drives
Version 1.9 1990 May 15
- flashier banner
- new address
- added decoding of several additional WD controllers.
- added explanation of HDSniff | MORE to output.
Version 2.0 1990 Sep 12
- added WD1002A-27X to step pulse rate list
- added DTC5150XL and DTC5150CRH
Version 2.1 1991 April 4
- fix bug that gave wrong results on second disk.
DI register was not properly preserved.
- bug discovered by James Cox, JaCoRa on BIX.
@ ; end of comment
CR MACRO ; Carriage return line feed
DB 0dh,0ah
EOS MACRO ; marks end of display string
DB 0dh,0ah,'$'
; register conventions:
; preserved across calls DS: CS: ES: SS: CX SI DI
; trashed across calls AX BX DX
DriveTab Struc ; Drive Table accessible Via
; BIOS int 41H
Max_Cyl dw ? ; Max number of cylinders
Max_Heads db ? ; Max number of heads
Red_Write_Cyl dw ? ; starting reduced write cylinder
Precomp_Cyl dw ? ; starting write precompensation
Ecc_Burst db ? ; max ECC burst length (bits)
Step_Control db ?
Std_TimeOut db ?
Fmt_TimeOut db ?
Chk_TimeOut db ?
Land_Zone dw ?
Sects_Per_Track db ?
reserved db ? ; 1 byte reserved
DriveTab Ends
code segment para
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
HDSniff proc far
lea dx,Welcome$
Call Say
mov di,0080h ; drive no. for c:
mov dx,di ; get drv parms for disk c:
mov ax,0800h ; ah 08 = get disk parameters
int 13h ; into CX/DX
mov cl,dl ; put drv count in cx
xor ch,ch ; zero high order byte of drive count
jcxz quit ; zero drives--exit procedure
xor DI,DI ; loop with DI=0,1,2...
sloop: ; loop once for each drive c: d:...
call Sniff1
inc DI ; inc to next drive D:
loop sloop
test byte ptr IsConflict,-1 ; Was there a conflict?
jz NoConflict ; no bypass message
lea dx,Conflict$
Call Say
lea dx,Interpret$ ; note on how to interpret results
Call Say
mov ax,4c00h ; exit to DOS
int 21h
Say Proc
; on entry DX points to a string to display terminated by $
; displays string
Push AX
Int 21h
Pop AX
Say EndP
SayNum PROC Near
; on entry displays number in AX in Decimal and [hex]
Call SayDec
lea dx,leftbr$
Call Say
Call SayHex
lea dx,rightbr$
Call Say
SayNum EndP
; call with number in range 0..65535 in AX
; converts it to ASCII and displays it on the screen
; If it is 0 shows as 0.
; leading 0's are suppressed.
; field is exactly wide enough to hold the number.
; No leading or trailing spaces. DISPLAYED IN DECIMAL
PUSH DI ; preserve DI
MOV BX,10d
MOV DI,5 ; work right to left building digits at PAD
XOR DX,DX ; DX:AX / 10
DIV BX ; AX=quot DX=remdr
ADD DL,'0' ; convert digit to ASCII
JNZ SayDecLoop
; Number is ready
lea dx,pad[di]
call Say ; terminated by $
; call with number in range 0..65535 in AX
; converts it to ASCII and displays it on the screen
; If it is 0 shows as 0.
; leading 0's are suppressed.
; field is exactly wide enough to hold the number.
; No leading or trailing spaces. DISPLAYED IN HEX
; This is not the fastest way of doing HEX, but it was
; quickest to code given I had already written SayDec.
push di ; preserve DI
mov bx,10h
mov di,5 ; work right to left buil ding digits at PAD
dec di
xor dx,dx ; DX:AX / 10h
div bx ; AX=quot DX=remdr
cmp dl,9
JG HexChar
add dl,'0' ; convert digit to ASCII
JMP StoreChar
add dl,'A'-0ah ; convert A..H
mov pad[DI],DL
JNZ SayHexLoop
; Number is ready
lea dx,pad[di]
call Say ; terminated by $
pop di
Sniff_Max_Cyl PROC Near
; Displays Total Cyls on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov dx,0080h ; get total cyls from BIOS
add dx,di
mov ax,0800h
int 13h
xor ax,ax
mov al,cl
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov al,ch
inc ax ; include landing zone
inc ax ; max cyl # -> total cyls
push ax ; Save Cyl count per BIOS
Call SayNum
mov ax,ES:[SI].Max_Cyl ; get total cyls from drive table
pop bx ; total cyls per BIOS
cmp ax,bx
je Cyls_Agree
mov byte ptr IsConflict,-1 ; note there was a conflict
lea dx,Slash$ ; display both versions of truth
Call Say
Call SayNum
lea dx,Max_Cyl$
Call Say
lea dx,Disagree$
Call Say
lea dx,Max_Cyl$
Call Say
lea dx,Agree$
Call Say
Sniff_Max_Cyl ENDP
Sniff_Max_Heads PROC Near
; Displays Total Heads on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov dx,0080h ; get total heads from BIOS
add dx,di
mov ax,0800h
int 13h
xor ax,ax
mov al,dh
inc ax ; max head # -> total head
push ax ; Save head count per BIOS
Call SayNum
mov al,ES:[SI].Max_Heads
xor ah,ah
pop bx ; total heads per BIOS
cmp ax,bx
je heads_Agree
lea dx,Slash$
Call Say
Call SayNum
Lea dx,Max_Heads$
Call Say
lea dx,Disagree$
Call Say
Lea dx,Max_Heads$
Call Say
lea dx,Agree$
Call Say
Sniff_Max_Heads ENDP
Sniff_Red_Write_Cyl PROC Near
; Displays reduced write cyl on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov ax,ES:[SI].Red_Write_Cyl
Call SayNum
lea dx,Red_Write_Cyl$
Call Say
Sniff_Red_Write_Cyl ENDP
Sniff_PreComp_Cyl PROC Near
; Displays Precompensation Cyl on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov ax,ES:[SI].Precomp_Cyl
Call SayNum
lea dx,Precomp_Cyl$
Call Say
Sniff_PreComp_Cyl ENDP
Sniff_Ecc_Burst PROC Near
; Displays ECC burst length on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov al,ES:[SI].Ecc_Burst
xor ah,ah
Call SayNum
lea dx,Ecc_Burst$
Call Say
Sniff_Ecc_Burst ENDP
Sniff_Step_Control_AT PROC Near
; Displays AT Step Control Byte on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov al,ES:[SI].Step_Control
xor ah,ah
Call SayNum
lea dx,Step_Control_AT$
Call Say
Sniff_Step_Control_AT ENDP
Sniff_Step_Control_XT PROC Near
; Displays XT Step Control Byte on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov al,ES:[SI].Step_Control
xor ah,ah
Call SayNum
lea dx,Step_Control_XT$
Call Say
Sniff_Step_Control_XT ENDP
Sniff_TimeOut PROC Near
; Displays the three Timeout Values on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov al,ES:[SI].Std_TimeOut
xor ah,ah
Call SayNum
lea dx,Std_TimeOut$
Call Say
mov al,ES:[SI].Fmt_TimeOut
xor ah,ah
Call SayNum
lea dx,Fmt_TimeOut$
Call Say
mov al,ES:[SI].Chk_TimeOut
xor ah,ah
Call SayNum
lea dx,Chk_TimeOut$
Call Say
Sniff_TimeOut ENDP
Sniff_Land_Zone PROC Near
; Displays Landing Zone on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov ax,ES:[SI].Land_Zone
Call SayNum
lea dx,Land_Zone$
Call Say
Sniff_Land_Zone ENDP
Sniff_Sects_Per_Track PROC Near
; Displays sectors per track on one Drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov dx,0080h ; get sectors from BIOS
add dx,di
mov ax,0800h
int 13h
mov al,cl
and ax,111111b ; mask off cyl number
push ax ; Save sectors per BIOS
Call SayNum
mov al,ES:[SI].Sects_Per_Track
xor ah,ah
pop bx ; total sectors per BIOS
cmp ax,bx
je Sectors_Agree
lea dx,Slash$
Call Say
Call SayNum
Lea dx,Sects_Per_Track$
Call Say
lea dx,Disagree$
Call Say
lea dx,Expect_Sectors$
Call Say
Lea dx,Sects_Per_Track$
Call Say
lea dx,Agree$
Call Say
lea dx,Expect_Sectors$
Call Say
Sniff_Sects_Per_Track ENDP
Point1 PROC Near
; prints out drive table for 1 drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Compute ES:SI so that it points to the drive table
push di ; save di since we will be shifting it
Lea DX,Disk_no$ ; describe which disk 0=C:
Call Say
mov ax,di ; disk number decimal only
Call SayDec
Lea DX,Disk_noC$
Call Say
shl di,1 ; multiply DI by 16 to offset
shl di,1 ; into proper 16-byte drive table
shl di,1
shl di,1
mov al,41h
mov ah,35h ; get int 41 pointer to drive table
int 21h ; ES:BX points to drive table
; get drive table info
mov si,bx ; save address in SI so wont get
; trashed
add si,di ; add on offset
pop di
Point1 ENDP
Discrim PROC Near
; Decide if have XT or AT type controller, XT=1 or AT=0
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
mov al,ES:[SI].Ecc_Burst
or al,al
Discrim ENDP
Sniff1 PROC Near
; prints out drive table for 1 drive
; DI indexes drive wanted usually 0 = C: 1= D:
; Sacrosanct ES:SI points to the drive table
; WE MUST PRESERVE DI throughout!
Call Point1 ; get pointer to drive table
Call Discrim ; discriminate AT vs XT via chip
HaveAT: ; We have an AT controller
lea dx,AT$
call Say
Call Sniff_Max_Cyl
Call Sniff_Max_Heads
Call Sniff_Precomp_Cyl
Call Sniff_Step_Control_AT
Call Sniff_Land_Zone
Call Sniff_Sects_Per_Track
HaveXT: ; We have an XT controller
lea dx,XT$
call Say
Call Sniff_Max_Cyl
Call Sniff_Max_Heads
Call Sniff_Red_Write_Cyl
Call Sniff_Precomp_Cyl
Call Sniff_Ecc_Burst
Call Sniff_Step_Control_XT
Call Sniff_TimeOut
Call Sniff_Sects_Per_Track
Sniff1 ENDP
PAD DB "00000$" ; where numeric output built by SayNum
IsConflict DB 0 ; 0 = no conflict -1 = conflict
; between drive table and BIOS
Welcome$ Label Byte
DB '░▒▓█ HDSniff 2.1 █▓▒░'
db '(C) Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products'
db 'May be freely copied and used for non military purposes only.'
db 'Ferrets out the parameters that were used to perform'
db 'the last low-level hard disk format.'
db 'All numbers are both in decimal and [hex].'
AT$ label Byte
db 'AT style disk controller presumed'
XT$ label Byte
db 'XT style disk controller presumed'
Disk_No$ Label Byte
db 'Low level formatting parameters for DISK $'
Disk_NoC$ Label Byte
db ' [0=C: 1=D:]'
leftbr$ label Byte
db ' [$'
rightbr$ label Byte
db ']$'
Slash$ label Byte
db ' / $'
Max_Cyl$ Label Byte
db ' = Number of cylinders$'
Max_Heads$ label Byte
db ' = Number of heads$'
Red_Write_Cyl$ label Byte
db ' = Starting cylinder for reduced write current '
; only applies to XT
Precomp_Cyl$ label Byte
db ' = Starting cylinder for write precompensation '
Ecc_Burst$ label Byte
db ' = Maximum bits of error burst to attempt to correct'
db ' (usually 7 to 11)'
; only applies to XT
Step_Control_AT$ label Byte
db ' = Step control byte'
db ' (bit 7 = disable retries; bit 6 = disable ECC retries)'
db ' (bit 3 = more than 8 heads)'
Step_Control_XT$ label Byte
db ' = Step control byte'
db ' (bit 7 = disable retries; bit 6 = disable ECC retries)'
db ' (bits 2..0 = seek step PULSE rate, faster than track-to-track seek rate)'
db ' (approx 12 µs for modern buffered seeks, 3 ms for older unbuffered.)'
db ' Brand Debug Init Step byte code interpreted as step pulse rate'
db ' ═════ ══════════ ═════════════════════════════════════════════'
db ' Adaptec g=c800:ccc 3=13 µs, 2=30 µs, 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0=3 ms'
db ' DTC5150CRH g=c800:5 2=12 µs, 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0,1,6,7=3 ms'
db ' DTC5150XL g=c800:5 0=5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70 µs (cannot tell which!)'
db ' IBM/Xebec 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0,6,7=3 ms'
db ' Omti g=c800:6 1=10 µs, 2=25 µs, 3=40 µs, 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs,'
db ' 0,6,7=3 ms'
db ' WD-old g=c800:5 5=70 µs, 4=200 µs, 0,6,7=3 ms'
db ' WD1002-WX1 g=c800:5 3,7=10.5 µs, 2=22.5 µs, 6=28.5 µs, 1=46.5 µs,'
DB ' 5=70.5 µs, 4=202.5 µs, 0=3.1 ms'
db ' WD10025WX2 g=c800:5 3,7=18 µs, 6=30 µs, 1=45 µs, 2=60 µs, 5=75 µs,'
db ' 4=210 µs, 0=3ms'
db ' WD1002-27X g=c800:5 3,7=8 µs, 1,2,4,5,6=24 µs, 0=3 ms'
db ' WD1004-WX1 g=c800:5 3,7=12 µs, 6=27 µs, 1=51 µs, 2=63 µs, 5=75 µs,'
DB ' 4=207 µs, 0=3 ms'
db ' WD1004-27X g=c800:5 3,7=8 µs, 1,2,4,5,6=24 µs, 0=3 ms'
db ' WD1004A27X g=c800:5 3,7=11 µs, 1,2,4,5,6=24 µs, 0=3.3 ms'
db ' WD-XT-GEN1 g=c800:5 3,7=18 µs, 6=30 µs, 1=45 µs, 2=60 µs, 5=75 µs,'
db ' 4=210 µs, 0=3ms'
db ' WD-XT-GEN2 g=c800:5 3,7=18 µs, 6=30 µs, 1=45 µs, 2=60 µs, 5=75 µs,'
db ' 4=210 µs, 0=3ms'
; Timeouts only apply to XT
Std_TimeOut$ label byte
db ' = Standard timeout value'
Fmt_TimeOut$ label byte
db ' = Formatting timeout value'
Chk_TimeOut$ label byte
db ' = Disk check timeout value'
Land_Zone$ label byte
db ' = landing zone (usually the last Cylinder+1)'
; Drive table usually 0 in XT
Sects_Per_Track$ label byte
db ' = sectors per track$'
; Drive table has 0 in XT, but BIOS still works
Expect_Sectors$ label byte
db ' (usually 17 for MFM, 26 for RLL, 36 for ESDI)'
Conflict$ label byte
db 'When information gleaned from get-drive-parameters'
db '(ROM BIOS INT 13 function 08) conflicts with that gleaned from'
db 'get-drive-table (INT 41), trust get-drive-parameters.'
Agree$ label byte
Disagree$ label byte
db ' (per drive parms/per drive table)'
Interpret$ label byte
db 'See HDSNIFF.TXT for information on interpreting these results.'
db 'To see everything before it scrolls off the screen try:'
db ' HDSniff | MORE'
db 'or'
db ' HDSniff >LPT1:'
db 'or'
db ' HDSniff >Temp.Dat'
HDSniff endp
code ends
end start