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Peoria, Illinois
December 9, 1991
PostCard - Version 8.2
Copyright (C) J. R. Landers - All Rights Reserved
< PostCard 7.0 Utilities by Jeff Conner >
*** Changed in Version 8.2
It is the author's belief the advantages and simplicity of PostCard
far outweigh its current limitations; however, you are the user and I'm
willing to let you be the judge. If you use PostCard, please send a reg-
istration fee of $20.00 to:
Jim Landers
700 East Arcadia
Peoria, Illinois 61603
Voice: (309)682-3197
Internet: jlanders@heartland.bradley.edu
This version of PostCard is meant for shareware distribution and
evaluation. It includes an opening screen that requests users to register
their copy. When you register PostCard, the author will mail a copy that
opens more quickly. Please specify whether you need a 5.25" or 3.5"
diskette. Registered users of previous versions can receive the quick-
opening version by sending $10.00 to cover postage and handling.
PostCard comes with no guarantees expressed or implied, and using it
is the user's option, since the author assumes no responsibility for its
suitability or functionality. This program is intended to be distributed
to private users for evaluation and home use only, through bulletin boards
or other on-line services, provided that this document accompanies it and
is included with it when PostCard is uploaded to or downloaded from such
services. Any other manner of free distribution is denied without the ex-
press permission of the author. Use of this product by businesses or on
commercial premises is denied without registration and consent of the au-
thor. It is not to be sold by anyone other than the author, even if the
only remuneration is recovery of distribution costs.
Important Notes For New Users:
This documentation is not meant to be printed. In keeping with what
is rapidly becoming a paperless society, it is intended to be read with a
file lister such as Vern Buerg's LIST.COM.
Version 8.2 is for machines with CGA, EGA or VGA graphics adapters.
It will not work on older monochrome adapters, and users who have older
IBM-XT's will find the <Alt-S> command does not work properly because of a
bug in the XT's BIOS. If you have an IBM-XT, you will need to change data
files using <Alt-C>.
PostCard is written in QuickBASIC which does not support Com3 or Com4.
The POST.PRM file distributed with PostCard is set to Com1. If you're
using Com2, you will get an error message when PostCard initiates. After
the message clears, use <Ctrl-O> to set your parameters to Com2 and check
the other parameters to see if they agree with the requirements of your
equipment. Then use <Alt-X> to exit the program, which updates POST.PRM,
and re-run PostCard.
If you are a new user, the PostCard files included in the archive this
file came in are all you need. The best way to learn to use the program
is to set up a sub-directory where you keep all of the PostCard files and
use it! If you make a mistake, it won't hurt your computer, and if you
keep backup copies of your data files, mistakes won't be disastrous. There
are tips on using PostCard to maximum advantage in various parts of this
documentation, but several are included in POSTMORTEM below.
*** Setting Up PostCard ***
The following is a checklist of the files that should be in your de-
fault directory. For the purpose of illustration, assume you decide to
keep all of your files in one sub-directory named \Util:
Required files:
Sub-directory: \Util
POSTCD82.EXE 'PostCard program
POST.PRM 'PostCard's parameter file
COMM.PCD 'Initial default data file distributed with PostCard
VENDOR.PCD 'Sample data file to experiment with
SORT.EXE 'DOS sort utility used by PostCard
POSTAREA.TXT 'ASCII file containing area code information
MACRO.PRM 'AirMail's macro key file
Optional files:
*.PCD - Other data files you've created.
QMXFER.COM - John Friel's program containing Xmodem & Xmodem CRC.
TCQB.COM - John Bridges' program containing CIS Quik 'B'.
DSZ.COM - Chuck Forsberg's program containing Zmodem & Ymodem batch,
which must be downloaded separately. It is not included in
PostCard's archive because it requires registration with
its author. AirMail can call it if it's available. Please
see AIRMAIL.DOC for more details.
PCUT2.ZIP - A zippered file containing the following utility programs:
POSTMK70.EXE - A program that splits PostCard PCD data files into two sep-
arate files.
POSTU-70.EXE - Jeff Conner's utility that converts PostCard data files into
text files that can be read into any word processor, Micro-
soft Windows cardfiler, etc.; will print PostCard data
files on standard form-feed 4" X 2.25" address cards;
produce Quick Listings on your printer of all the records
in a data file; produce delimited ASCII files that can be
used in data base programs, print merge programs, etc.;
and will print PostCard data files on 3.5" x 15/16" mailing
labels. Check out PCUT2.ZIP. It contains programs that
have some very useful features.
PostCard is easier to use than it is to explain. The author has tried
to write PostCard and AirMail so extensive explanation is unnecessary, but
it will not be possible to use all of PostCard's features without reading
certain parts of this documentation. The author suggests you read through
it quickly - especially the explanations on <Alt> and <Ctrl> key sequences.
Then set up PostCard and use it. When you have questions, come back to the
Note For Current Users:
*** Current users will find a summary of enhancements made to Version 8.2
in POSTPARTUM below. POSTCD82.EXE is being distributed with the same POST.
PRM file contained in the previous version, but it may have settings that
are different from those your system requires and that will need to be
If you are currently using PostCard and your copy is earlier than
Version 7.0, PostCard now uses a different data format and requires data
files with a ".PCD" extension. Before you attempt to configure Version 8.2,
please read two files included in the archive entitled README.1ST and
DAT2PCD.DOC. They explain the differences between V8.2 and previous
versions and how to convert your data files. Conversion is easy and only
takes a few minutes. If you haven't used PostCard before, or if you are
currently using V7.0 or above, you need not read these files.
*** PostCard is a fast name, address and telephone directory that includes
its own dialer and terminal program and uses intuitive hot keys, in-memory
sorts, and binary searches to speed its operation. It is a simple program
which can be quickly learned and relies on its simplicity and intuitive hot
keys to allow quick mastery. Users who don't like hot keys, can invoke any
PostCard command with the slash key </> on their keyboard.
PostCard always begins by displaying the Help Menu. The main screen
contains a post card-sized window into which each record (card) is written.
The names of the next six records are written on cards staggered above it.
Use the <up arrow> and <down arrow> keys on your keypad to move up or down
in the data file. The <PgDn> and <PgUp> keys move down or up seven records
at a time.
When PostCard begins, it looks for three files: POST.PRM, the default
data file (initially COMM.PCD, but the user can stipulate whatever file he
or she would like to be current when PostCard initiates), and the DOS
utility program, SORT.EXE. Please make sure they are in your default
directory. POST.PRM stores the settings for:
Com1/2 1
Pulse/Tone P
Default data file COMM.PCD
Modem initiation string ATV1
Dialing modifier ~ 1-800-
Menu selection #1 Microsoft Word
Path for #1 C:\DOS\WORD.BAT
Menu selection #2 Lotus 1-2-3 V3.0
Path for #2 LOTUS3.BAT
Menu selection #3 PostCard Utilities
Path for #3 POSTU70.BAT
Menu selection #4 NEC Printer Setup
Path for #4 NEC.BAT
Menu selection #5 ASCII
Path for #5 C:\DOS\ASCII.EXE
Menu selection #6 LIST
Path for #6 C:\DOS\LIST.COM
The copy of POST.PRM that is distributed with PostCard initially sets
the ComPort to Com1, dialing to Pulse, default data file to COMM.PCD, modem
string to ATV1 and dialing modifier string to "1-800-". If you are
configured to Com2 or need different parameters, you should select <Ctrl-O>
and change them before you try to dial a number or call AirMail. After you
have made the necessary changes, use <Alt-X> to exit the program and re-
initiate PostCard so the ComPort can be opened correctly. POST.PRM and the
program's data files should be in the default sub-directory with
POSTCD82.EXE or the program may not work correctly.
If COMM.PCD (or the file you have designated as the default data file)
exists in the default directory, PostCard will open it and display the
first record in the record window with the names of the next six records
displayed alphabetically above it. The program knows how many records
there are in any given file and will display them accordingly.
If COMM.PCD, (or the file that you subsequently designate as the
default data file) is not in the default directory, the program will open
COMM.PCD as a new file and display a blank window with the cursor po-
sitioned on the Name line waiting for input. You type the name, for exam-
ple, and hit the <Enter> key. The cursor will then drop down to the next
field which is the address line. If you want to leave it blank, just hit
<Enter> without typing any characters. When you have completed the last
field (the Note line) and hit <Enter>, PostCard will sort the record alpha-
betically and display it in the proper position. Zam!
PostCard also uses the DOS sort utility file, SORT.EXE. This file
should either be in the default directory with POSTCD82.EXE, POST.PRM and
your default data file or the user should put a path command in his or her
AUTOEXEC.BAT file which will direct PostCard to the sub-directory where
SORT.EXE is stored. See POSTMORTEM below.
PostCard Commands
The Menu Bar </>
Previous versions of PostCard used only <Alt> and <Ctrl> key sequences
to invoke features. PostCard now offers users an alternative to using
hot keys. The slash key </> can be used to invoke a "hybrid" menu. It uses
the Left Arrow key <>, the Right Arrow key <>, the <Enter> key and the
first letter of each command.
The following is a brief listing of PostCard's commands:
Alt Commands
Alt-A Add a record.
When you add a record to an existing data file by choosing <Alt-A>,
PostCard will position the cursor on the Name line and wait for in-
put. PostCard's line editor features overstrike (large box cursor)
and insert mode (small line cursor). The <Right Arrow> and <Left
Arrow> keys can be used to position the cursor anywhere on the line,
and the <Home> and <End> keys can be used to go to either the
beginning or the end of the line. The <Backspace> and <Delete> keys
can both be used to erase a letter, and the <Enter> key tells PostCard
that you are ready to process any additions or corrections you made to
the line. If the field is blank, hitting the <Enter> key without
typing anything will tell PostCard you wish to leave the entire field
blank. If the field includes input, whatever it includes when you hit
<Enter> is saved, and you can hit <Enter> from anywhere on the line.
After the last line (the Note line) is processed and the <Enter> key
is pressed, PostCard assumes that you are through editing and will
sort the new record to its appropriate place in the data file and
display it. If you are through making changes before you get to the
Note line, pressing <ESC> will save all changes made to that point and
exit the editing routine. The <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys can
also be used to move from one line to another and to terminate input
on a line. They will not, however, terminate the editing session like
the <Enter> key will when it is pressed on the Note line or the <ESC>
key when it is pressed on any line. And if what you just read doesn't
make sense to you, don't worry about it: You'll figure it out as you
use PostCard.
Alt-C Create a new file or change the current file.
PostCard is a small program. Since any one data file will hold only
about 240 records, the <Alt-C> command allows you to create new data
files. When you select <Alt-C>, PostCard will ask you to type in the
name of the data file you want to open. If the data file doesn't exist
in the current directory, the program will assume it is a new file and
act accordingly. PostCard Version 8.2 uses data file names that end
with a .PCD extension: COMM.PCD, VENDOR.PCD, PERSONAL.PCD, etc. You
do not have to supply the .PCD extension, as PostCard will automati-
cally append it to the file name. You can also use <Alt-S> to select
files. But for those of you who are command line oriented and hate
point and shoot algorithms, <Alt-C> will also change files if the file
name supplied exists in the default directory. It is recommended that
data files be kept in the default directory where POSTCD82.EXE re-
Alt-D Dial a number.
Activates the dialer which operates on the highlighted telephone num-
ber of the current record displayed in PostCard's record window. Each
record can have up to two telephone numbers: home/work; data/voice,
manager/secretary, etc. If only one number is recorded, it can be
typed on either Phone line #1 or #2. The dialer will know whether one
number or two are present. If there are two numbers, the up and down
arrow keys can be used to select either number for a voice call. The
highlighted telephone number is your indication that the dialer is ac-
tive. When you hit the <Enter> key, the highlighted number will be
dialed. Wait until you hear it ringing before picking up the re-
ceiver. After you have picked up the receiver, hit the <space bar> or
any other key and the modem will disconnect establishing a clear voice
call. Should you decide that you don't want to initiate a call after
you have highlighted a number, pressing the escape key <ESC> will al-
low you to exit the dialer without dialing the number.
If you use AirMail with PostCard, Phone line #1 is reserved for data
numbers and Phone line #2 is always reserved for voice numbers. You
can still use <Alt-D> to dial both numbers for voice calls within
PostCard and the <Enter> key will still dial either number. But when
and if you use <Ctrl-A> to call AirMail, PostCard will pass the FIRST
phone number to AirMail and AirMail will automatically interpret it as
a data number. Since most people have difficulty establishing voice
dialogue with a bulletin board, this bears remembering.
Alt-E Exit to the operating system.
<Alt-E> allows the user to shell out to the operating system. Once
you are in the operating system, typing "Exit" will return you to
PostCard at the point where you were before you shelled out. A word of
caution: The shell command is a very handy feature of this program.
If used haphazardly, however, it can become very "un-handy". I sug-
gest you not attempt to do file maintenance while you're shelled out
to the operating system unless you are very familiar with DOS and
PostCard. Both object to users renaming or deleting files that are
currently open, and PostCard has at least two files open at all times:
the current data file and a temporary file called "POSTFILE".
Alt-F Find a record.
PostCard uses a binary search algorithm to locate records. It op-
erates on the name field with varying degrees of specificity, depend-
ing on how may letters of the name you enter. Its search routine is
not case sensitive, so you may search for a name by typing all upper-
case letters, all lower case letters or any combination of the two.
The fastest way to locate a record is to type the first letter of the
name. For example, if you want to locate "Landers, Jim", typing "l"
or "L" will put you somewhere in the names that begin with "L". Since
PostCard moves through records very rapidly, you can get to the name
you want quickly. You can also type "La", "la" or "LA" to make the
search more specific, or "Lan", "LAN" or "lan" to make it even more
specific yet.
Alt-H Help menu.
The Help Menu consists of intuitive hot keys. The author has tried to
associate the key with the function to be performed so you can easily
remember commands. The menu is a toggle, so you can turn it off by
hitting <Alt-H> if you don't need it or prefer an uncluttered screen.
Alt-M Modify a record.
<Alt-M> enables you to modify an existing record. When <Alt-M> is se-
lected, PostCard will position the cursor on the Name line and wait
for input. PostCard's line editor features overstrike (large box cur-
sor) and insert mode (small line cursor). The <Right Arrow> and <Left
Arrow> keys can be used to position the cursor anywhere on the line,
and the <Home> and <End> keys can be used to go to either the begin-
ning or the end of the line. The <Backspace> and <Delete> keys can
both be used to erase a letter, and the <Enter> key tells PostCard
that you are ready to process any additions or corrections you made to
the line. If the field is blank, hitting the <Enter> key without typ-
ing anything will tell PostCard you wish to leave the entire field
blank. If the field includes input, whatever it includes when you hit
<Enter> is saved, and you can hit <Enter> from anywhere on the line.
After the last line (the Note line) is processed and the <Enter> key
is pressed, PostCard assumes that you are through editing and will
sort the modified record to its appropriate place in the data file and
display it. If you are through making changes before you get to the
Note line, pressing <ESC> will save all changes made to that point and
exit the editing routine. The <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys can
also be used to move from one line to another and to terminate input
on a line. They will not, however, terminate the editing session like
the <Enter> key will when it is pressed on the Note line or the <ESC>
key when it is pressed on any line.
Alt-N Search the Note Line For a Word or Expression.
<Alt-N> will allow you to search all of the Note lines in the current
data file for a keyword or expression up to 27 characters long. This
can be very handy. For example, if you want to call every member of
your bridge club, if you have all their names in a file called
PERSONAL.PCD, make PERSONAL.PCD current using <Alt-S> and put "bridge"
anywhere on the Note line of each member of your bridge club. Then
select <Alt-N>, and type in the keyword "bridge". PostCard will
sequentially search the Note lines in PERSONAL.PCD and stop at each
occurrence of the word "bridge", allowing you to call that person or
to skip them and move on to the next occurrence. After the last
occurrence of "bridge" has been found, PostCard will display the
message "Name Not Found" and exit the note search routine.
Once you have found a match on the Note line with the keyword you in-
putted, PostCard will stop at that record and put a short reminder on
the screen that the <Enter> key can be used to continue the search for
another occurrence of the keyword if the record currently displayed is
not the one you want. While in the search routine, <Alt-D> will dial
either number of the current record. The <ESC> key will take you out
of the search routine and return you to PostCard. You will also exit
the routine if the keyword you supplied is not found on any of the
data file's Note lines. A message will be displayed saying "Name Not
Found", which tells you that you are at the end of the data file and
about leave the search routine. The search routine is not case-
sensitive, so you can use lowercase, uppercase or a combination of the
Alt-P Print the current record on a continuous form address label.
Effective with Version 7.1, <Alt-P> has been modified to print a
three-line or four-line mailing label of the current record. If a
comma separates the last name from the first name on the Name line,
PostCard will reverse their order and remove the comma. For example,
if the Name line has "Anthony, Phil", the mailing label will look like
this when it is printed:
Phil Anthony
Address (from the address line)
City, State Zip code
If, however, you have an address that requires four lines, you can use
the contents of the Note line of the record to insert a line between
the Address line and the City line by typing a tilde "~" as the first
character on the Note line. Whatever follows the tilde will be printed
as the THIRD line of the label before the City, State Zip code is
Phil Anthony
Address (from the address line)
Address (whatever appears directly to the right of a
tilde "~" on the Note line
City, State Zip code
The print routine assumes you are using 3.5" X 15/16" mailing labels,
and that your printer understands Epson control characters. Most dot
matrix printers support Epson control characters. If you haven't used
labels before, you will need to experiment to properly align the
labels on your printer's carriage. Also, be aware that a 3.5" label
will only accommodate about 34 characters per line, so it is possible
on the City, State Zip line to exceed that amount. In cases such as
this, some abbreviation may be necessary. Usually, abbreviating the
name of a state by its two-letter abbreviation will solve this
problem, but if the line is still too long, Jeff Conner's utility
program, PostCard 7.0 Utilities, will print labels with longer lines
by switching to compressed print. (See PostCard 7.0 Utilities below,
and also <Alt-Q> for printing all records in a data file.
Alt-Q Queue all records & print them on continuous form address labels.
This command will print all records in the current data file on 3.5" X
15/16" standard address labels if your printer supports Epson control
characters. Like the <Alt-P> command, <Alt-Q> evaluates the Note line
to see if a tilde "~" is the first character on the line. If so, it
assumes you want to insert whatever appears after the tilde between
the Address line and the City, State Zip code line of the record. See
<Alt-P> above for more details about printing labels.
Alt-S Select a new file.
<Alt-S> provides a quick method of changing data files without having
to type the name of the file you want to make current. Use the Up and
Down arrow keys to highlight the name of the data file you want to
select and press <Enter> and that data file will be made current.
<Alt-S> will scroll both ways and beep when either the first or the
last data file DISPLAYED has been highlighted. You can use <PgDn> to
move to the last file displayed or <PgUp> to move to the first file
displayed on the screen. If you have more than 20 data files in the
sub-directory, the <UpArrow> and <DownArrow> keys can be used to move
up or down until you reach either the first or the last file in the
Alt-U Select Utility Menu
<Alt-U> selects a second help menu for additional features of PostCard
not covered in the regular help menu. These features are invoked with
the <Ctrl> key rather than the <Alt> key. For example, you can delete
a record using <Ctrl-D>, or export a record from a data file <Ctrl-E>
and import it into another data file <Ctrl-I>, or set operating pa-
rameters such as comport, pulse or tone dialing, default data file and
modem initiation string with <Ctrl-O>. All of these features are ex-
plained in "Ctrl Commands" below. Commands invoked with a <Ctrl> key
sequence can be used at any time in the program. The Utility Menu
doesn't have to be active to use them. The menu is only meant to
remind the user what <Ctrl> key functions are available.
Alt-X Say good bye.
This command terminates the program and returns you to the operating
system. It is suggested you always exit PostCard with this command so
files can be properly closed.
Ctrl Commands
Ctrl-A AirMail.
Effective with version 8.1, PostCard was re-written into modules to
make the program's interface more efficient and seamless. AirMail is
now an integral part of the program and is a small comm program that
supports 1k Y/Xmodem, Xmodem CRC, and Imodem included in John Friel's
QMXFER.COM. It also supports John Bridges' TCQB.COM which is a fossil
driver for CompuServe's Quik 'B'. AirMail also includes an interface
for Chuck Forsberg's Zmodem, Ymodem-g and Ymodem-Batch (DSZ.COM) which
is not included in PostCard's archive because it requires
registration. AirMail has disk and printer logging, but lacks many of
the features of larger, more powerful comm programs. The file
AIRMAIL.DOC describes AirMail in detail and explains how to use it.
It is included for PostCard users who don't need a powerful terminal
program but want one that is fast, easy to learn and use and that
supports state-of-the-art protocols.
***Ctrl-C Calendar
<Ctrl-C> activates PostCard's calendar window. The calendar can
display any month from 1899 to 2099. This feature is handy for
quickly checking what days certain dates fall on, etc.
Ctrl-D Delete Current Record
<Ctrl-D> will allow you to delete the current record from the data
file. When <Ctrl-D> is invoked and the NotePad isn't active, the user
will be asked if he or she really wants to delete the current record.
This safeguard was added because it is possible to get <Alt-D> (dial a
number) and <Ctrl-D> (delete the current record) confused. Also,
<Ctrl-D> is used in the NotePad to delete notes. This shouldn't prove
to be confusing, however, since the NotePad has its own menu of
commands while the NotePad window is open. If you meant to press
<Alt-D> and pressed <Ctrl-D> instead, just answer "N" or "n" and hit
<Enter> and PostCard will go on as if you had never pressed <Ctrl-D>.
If you do want to delete the current record, type "Y" or "y" and hit
<Enter>, and it will be deleted from the file. This feature is now an
internal function of PostCard, and Phil Anthony's utility program
POSTPACK.EXE is no longer required.
Ctrl-E Export Current Record
Users can export the current record and import it into another data
file. To accomplish this, select the record you want to export and
press <Ctrl-E>. A message will appear in the current record window
reminding you that a record is available for importing. Then use
<Alt-S> to select the data file into which you want to import the
record. When you have made that data file current, press <Ctrl-I>,
and the record will be inserted in proper alphabetical order and the
reminder message will be turned off. <Ctrl-E> does not delete the
record from the original data file. It simply makes a copy of it in
memory that can be inserted into another data file.
Ctrl-I Import Record Into Current Data File
Imports a record into the current data file. Prior to invoking <Ctrl-
I>, the user should have selected a record with <Ctrl-E>. See <Ctrl-
E> above.
Ctrl-K Disable/Enable Clock And Key Status Reporting
<Ctrl-K> is for users who prefer to use screen blankers. When <Ctrl-K>
is invoked, the clock and status keys will no longer be updated, and
no screen writing will be performed until a key is pressed. <Ctrl-K>
is a toggle.
Ctrl-L LeMenu
Effective with version 8.1, PostCard has a feature called LeMenu which
enables you to store the names and paths of your six most frequently
used programs and gives you one key access to them with <Ctrl-L>. The
names of the programs and the paths used to invoke them are entered by
selecting Operating Parameters <Ctrl-O>, which stores them in
POST.PRM. You can use <Ctrl-O> to change the parameters to those
required by your system. See Operating Parameters <Ctrl-O) below.
Every system is different, but the author can call his word processor
(Microsoft Word) and spell check this documentation without running
out of memory. Lotus 1-2-3 versions 2.01 and 3.0 can also be called
and fairly large spreadsheets opened - especially with version 3.0 and
above that can take advantage of additional extended RAM. Small util-
ity programs like Vern Buerg's LIST.COM, Jeff Conner's POSTU-70.EXE or
a printer setup program are also handy additions. The author stores
his print spooler and ramdrive up above the 1 megabyte boundary in
extended memory and uses DOS's 640k sparingly for purposes other than
running application programs. If you don't - if for example, you have
several TSR's resident simultaneously - memory may be a problem,
depending upon the application program you are using, how much memory
your system has to begin with and how you have it configured.
LeMenu is not documented in AirMail's help screen, but it also can be
called and used in AirMail.
Ctrl-N Activate NotePad
Pressing <Ctrl-N> will open the NotePad window and allow you to attach
notes up to twelve lines long to the current record. Once the NotePad
window has been opened, the <Ctrl-S> key will save whatever you have
typed in a Note file. If a note is attached to the record, and it is
no longer needed, <Ctrl-D> will delete it but leave the record intact.
Hitting <ESC> will return you to PostCard without saving anything you
have typed. The NotePad uses the current time and day of the year for
naming Note files. Once a note has been saved, its name will be
imbedded in the record until the record or the note is deleted. If the
record is deleted, the note attached to the record will also be
deleted from the current directory. It is possible for the user to
erase the note file using the DOS erase command. If this happens, the
record will still carry the Note file's name and can be left in the
record to use again or expunged with <Ctrl-D> while the NotePad is
active. Remember: <Ctrl-D> outside the NotePad removes the record from
the data file. The NotePad's editor is rudimentary but serviceable.
*** Effective with version 8.2, when a note has been attached to a record,
the record number will be highlighted in bright red when it becomes
current as a reminder a note is attached to that record. It is useful
for maintaining records, as notes become outdated and should be culled
from time to time to keep your hard drive clean and your .PCD files in
Ctrl-O Operating Parameters.
You can select <Ctrl-O> to designate the operating parameters for your
system. The file POST.PRM stores the comport setting, tone or pulse
dialing, the default data file that will be displayed when PostCard is
first run and a modem initiation string in addition to the program
names and paths used by LeMenu. The Operating Parameter screen looks
like this:
Com1/2 1
Pulse/Tone P
Default data file COMM.PCD
Modem initiation string ATV1
Dialing modifier ~ 1-800-
Menu selection #1 Microsoft Word
Path for #1 C:\DOS\WORD
Menu selection #2 LOTUS 1-2-3 V3.0
Path for #2 LOTUS3
Menu selection #3 PostCard Utilities
Path for #3 POSTU70
Menu selection #4 NEC Printer Setup
Path for #4 NEC
Menu selection #5 ASCII
Path for #5 C:\DOS\ASCII
Menu selection #6 LIST
Path for #6 C:\DOS\LIST
*** Notes On <Ctrl-O> ***
Effective with V8.1, PostCard incorporated a feature called LeMenu. It
enables users to store the names and paths of their six most fre-
quently used utility programs and call them with <Ctrl-L> by pressing
one key.
The Dialing Modifier string was new to version 8.1, also, and enables
users who need to use access numbers to embed them in the telephone
number. PostCard's telephone number data field is 18 characters wide.
When the user embeds a tilde "~" in the phone number, PostCard will
interpret the tilde as whatever has been assigned to it in in the
Operating Parameter screen. This will allow you to effectively expand
the phone number field by up to 10 characters. While the author could
test PostCard's ability to interpret and insert the dialing modifier
string into a '1-800' number or to dial '9,' at work to get an outside
line, he does not have the kind of phone service that requires access
numbers, so this feature has not been tested on that type of system.
If this feature fails to perform properly, please contact the author.
PostCard has it's own terminal utility, AirMail, and the modem initi-
ation string will be passed to AirMail to set up your modem in the
event you need to give it special instructions before a communication
session begins. The POST.PRM file that comes with PostCard has the
ComPort set as Com1, dialing set to Pulse, default file set to
COMM.PCD, and modem initiation string set to ATV1. If you need differ-
ent settings, use <Ctrl-O> to establish the correct parameters before
you attempt to dial or use AirMail. <Ctrl-O> uses the same editor
used by other routines in the program such as modifying a record, so
it's features will not be described again.
The Operating Parameter screen uses the same editor used throughout
PostCard, and since it has been amply explained in several parts of
this documentation, it will not be discussed here.
*** Ctrl-R Call Area Code File (POSTAREA.TXT)
PostCard V8.2 now incorporates a new area code algorithm that uses an
ASCII file external to the program. This scheme not only allows users
to update the file using a word processor as area codes change, there-
by keeping the file up-to-date, but also allows for a much larger num-
ber of cities to be included and searched. POSTAREA.TXT is about 245
lines as it is distributed with PostCard. But it can be expanded to 500
lines if the need to store that many cities arises. It should be noted
that the maximum length of a line in POSTAREA.TXT is 77 columns. If you
use the current line lengths as a guide, you will have no problems. But
it is possible using a word processor to have a line length PostCard is
unable to fully display. Therefore, it is the user's responsibility to
type the line the proper length so it will be displayed correctly.
The user should also be aware that POSTAREA.TXT is an ASCII file.
Word processors usually can read in ASCII files without much dif-
ficulty, but have their own conventions for saving their documents in
ASCII format. Basically, an ASCII file has no imbedded formatting
other than a carriage return/linefeed at the end of each line. If you
have not dealt with ASCII files before, be sure to have a copy of
POSTAREA.TXT in a safe place before you experiment with altering it.
And you will have to experiment with your word processor to learn how
it works with this type of file.
An ASCII editor like QEDIT, which is a superior shareware program by
the way, is ideal for maintaining ASCII files such as POSTAREA.TXT;
although most good word processors can also handle this task.
AirMail was a project to understand what goes on inside a communica-
tion program. It is not highly capable when compared to Procomm, Qmodem or
any of the powerful comm programs available today and is being made avail-
able to PostCard users because it has one virtue: It was written specifi-
cally for PostCard and is, perhaps, one of the simplest and easiest comm
programs to configure and use its author has ever seen. If a user is
familiar with PostCard, he or she need type only four parameters on the
PostCard Note line to call bulletin boards, download or upload files, check
mail, etc.
The author readily admits that if you like or need some of the
features of more powerful programs, Airmail would not be for you. AirMail
does not have its own protocols and uses fossil drivers such as John
Friel's QMXFER.COM, John Bridges' TCQB.COM or Chuck Forsberg's DSZ.COM (or
any other external protocol the user understands and can use from the com-
mand line). The file COMM.PCD will show you how to set up the note line to
pass parameters to AirMail. The file AIRMAIL.DOC has more details on the
use of AirMail. Calling AirMail without communications parameters on the
Note line will result in a recoverable error, since AirMail requires the
Note line to have the baud rate and other communication parameters
explained in AIRMAIL.DOC.
POSTMK70.EXE is a fast and very handy tool for splitting PostCard data
files. If you have files that have reached or are approaching PostCard's
record limit of approximately 240 records, POSTMK70.EXE will allow you to
split them into two files (or more) at a name you designate. POSTMK70.EXE
includes its own documentation, which is short and clear, so it will not be
fully explained here. It is archived in a separate file called PCUT2.ZIP.
If you have used PostCard before Version 7.0, you should be careful to
replace your current copy of POSTMARK.EXE with the new version,
POSTMK70.EXE, distributed with this file.
PostCard 7.0 Utilities
PostCard includes PostCard 7.0 Utilities by Jeff Conner, a friend and
user who lives in Cyprus, Texas. POSTU-70.EXE combines several formerly
independent programs into one utility program that is menu-driven and
prints PostCard data files on standard form-feed 4" X 2.25" address cards
that will fit in a Rolodex Petite-type holder. It also prints 3.5" by
"15/16" mailing labels from PostCard data files. It can also convert
PostCard data files into delimited ASCII format for importing into
databases and merge printing in many word processors. It will also convert
PostCard data files to a text file which may then be read into other
programs (word processor, MS-Windows cardfiler, etc.) and re-formatted as
desired. The new version of PostCard 7.0 Utilities incorporates the new
field sizes introduced in Version 7.0. If you are currently using a version
of PostCard earlier than V7.0, you will need to replace your current copy
with POSTU-70.EXE. It includes its own documentation, so its use will not
be discussed here. POSTU-70.EXE and POSTU-70.DOC are included in a file
called PCUT2.ZIP that includes all PostCard utilities.
PostCard 7.0 Utilities includes several useful features that PostCard,
itself, lacks. When you print labels with POSTU-70.EXE, the program will
count the number of characters in an address line, and switch to compressed
print if the line is too long to fit on a standard 3.5" X 15/16" label.
This feature was not incorporated into PostCard because the label printing
capabilities of PostCard contemplates average-sized address lines and quick
printing. If your addresses frequently exceed about 34 characters per line,
PostCard 7.0 Utilities will be able to print them. POSTU-70.EXE will also
generate a Quick Listing of every record in a data file in abbreviated
format on your printer. This is a particularly nice feature.
Record Layout
Effective with Version 7.0 and thereafter, PostCard has incorporated
enlarged field sizes. The file DAT2PCD.DOC fully explains this change and
the reasons for it, and you are encouraged to read it before trying to use
PostCard Version 8.2 if you are now using a version previous to 7.0. The
new field sizes are as follows:
New Field Size Old Field Size
Name: 32 characters 30 characters
Address: 32 characters 30 characters
City: 26 characters 15 characters
State: 20 characters 2 characters
Zip: 10 characters 5 characters
Phone #1: 18 characters 14 characters
Phone #2: 18 characters 14 characters
Note: 40 characters 40 characters
FileName: 12 characters <New with V7.0>
The new field sizes better accommodate address labels, since the names
of practically all cities found in a medium-sized atlas can now be fitted
on the city line without abbreviation. The telephone number fields are
better for systems that require a suffix such as "9" to get an outside line
or a "," to pause for dial tone. They also make international telephone
numbers more readable; and the addition of a Dialing Modifier in the
Operating Parameters screen should help people who need to use access
numbers. In addition, the Zip code field can now accommodate ten-position
zip codes. The author recognizes the new field sizes still won't cover 100%
of all possibilities, but size, capacity and speed are still design
criteria for PostCard, and the new field sizes are compromises. PostCard
now serves more users needs, but it still does not try to be all things to
all people.
Using a Path Command
If you store POSTCD82.EXE, POST.PRM and your default data file in a
sub-directory called "\Util" and your DOS files in a sub-directory called
"\Dos", you should include the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file in
the root directory of your hard drive:
Path c:\;c:\Dos;c:\Util
This command will cause a program that cannot locate a file in the current
sub-directory to look first in the root directory, then in the "\Dos" sub-
directory and then in the "\Util" sub-directory.
Calling PostCard from Another Application
The recommended method for calling PostCard from a sub-directory other
than the one where PostCard's files are stored is to use a batch file. If
you use a path command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, store this batch file
where you store your DOS files (in a sub-directory named \DOS, for example)
and make sure the \DOS directory occurs in the path command BEFORE the di-
rectory in which you normally store your PostCard files. Then write the
batch file and store it in that sub-directory as follows:
CD\<name of directory where PostCard files are stored>
POSTCD82.EXE (Or POSTCARD.EXE, if you renamed the file)
If you call PostCard from another application which is stored in another
sub-directory, this batch file will return you to it after invoking Post-
Card's <Alt-X>.
Modifying Your CONFIG.SYS File
To attain maximum performance, the user should be using a hard drive
with the buffers= command in his or her CONFIG.SYS file set to at least 20
and the files= command set to 25 (recommended). While PostCard will work
on a floppy-based system, its speed is significantly degraded by the
inherent limitations of the floppy format.
Backup Your Files Frequently
It is suggested that the user make frequent backup copies of his or
her data files. This is especially true when you begin to approach the up-
per record limit of approximately 240. Making frequent backups can save
you wasted time if you do not read this documentation carefully or do not
observe the warnings contained in it. If, for example, you exceed the
record limit and get an "Out of String Space" error, you should delete that
file and substitute a backup copy, because once you exceed the string space
of the program, you will find that you cannot add to or modify records in
that particular file. If you keep backup copies of your files, you can
keep adding records until you run out of string space; at which time, you
can simply copy the backup copy over to your default directory and use
POSTMK70.EXE to split it into two or more files. POSTMK70.EXE makes it very
fast and easy to split such a file into two smaller units.
The author uses PKZIP to create a file called PCD.ZIP. Every time I
make a change to a large data file, I use <Alt-E> to shell out to the
operating system and freshen this archive. This way, I always have an
updated backup in case something goes wrong. After the Zip file has been
updated, I type <Exit> and return to PostCard. This is very easy to do.
Once you have the operating system prompt, you merely type: "PKZIP_-f_
PCD_*.PCD. In this example, the underline character stands for a space
<SPACEBAR> and is not typed. I'm happy to report that in over four years
of use, I've seldom had to recall a Zippered version of a data file. But
you backup for protection against the FIRST time something goes south and,
if you use the program long enough, something inevitably will. According
to Mr. Murphy, "If it can go wrong, it eventually will." According to Mr.
Anthony, "If it goes wrong and you're properly backed-up, who cares?"
File Organization
You can get more out of PostCard if you give some thought to the
organization of your data files and how you name them. For example, the
author uses a file called COMM.PCD for all bulletin board and information
service data numbers he calls. At work, he has a file called INTERNAL.PCD
which includes all of the people in his company he calls on a daily basis
and uses <Alt-N> to search for departments or functions by keywords on
their respective Note lines. He also begins each Note line with the
title's or person's mail drop. For external calls, he organizes files by
subject such as DEALER.PCD, DISTRICT.PCD, VENDOR.PCD, etc. and puts names
and titles on their respective Note lines. With planning, he can limit the
number of data files he uses to twenty, which is the number that can be
displayed on the screen at one time. That way, he doesn't have to scroll
through them to find a file, and lookup is even faster. It also keeps the
the author's hard drive mean and lean, and it is easier to keep a mean and
lean hard drive in fighting trim than one that has been trashed by hundreds
of programs that are not used and probably never will be.
Sometimes when Note lines are getting crowded or more than two phone
numbers are associated with one entity, he creates two or more cards in the
same data file and varies the names slightly such as: Dallas - Depot;
Dallas - District; Dallas - Sam Jones. There is a wide variety of options
you can use, but for maximum speed, pick a convention you are comfortable
with and stick to it. It will quickly become second nature and require a
minimum amount of thought. Always abbreviating in the same way, or putting
Fax numbers in the same place or starting each note with a department's or
person's mail drop will result in a more intuitive grasp of the task at
hand and make PostCard even faster to use.
Apologies in Advance
PostCard was written in QuickBASIC on an IBM AT equipped with an EGA
monitor and a Hayes 2400B internal modem configured to Com1. The program
also has been tested on several IBM Clones, and many different brands of
modems. Version 8.2 supports CGA, EGA and VGA, but still does not support
monochrome adapters.
I apologize in advance if you have problems, but there are so many
hardware/software combinations that all I can safely say is that the pro-
gram works as alleged on my machines configured as noted above. The only
documented cases where it would not work was on a user's machine who was
running a monochrome display with a monochrome adapter, users trying to run
it with multitasking programs like DesQview, and users who have high-speed
Courier HST modems. PostCard writes directly to video memory and is not
compatible with multitasking or pseudo-multitasking programs that require
all screen updating to be done through the BIOS.
■ A user in Long Beach, California took the time to call and suggest I
point out to harried or inexperienced users of external modems that, when
trying to dial, PostCard will work much better if they turn their modem on.
■ A user in Cyprus, Texas pointed out from the first version of PostCard
that it had a rather primitive editor. At the time, the author admitted
this was true but hastened to point out that the primitive editor was
written to be compatible with PostCard's primitive price; primitive ease of
use; primitive size; and primitive documentation, which could be read and
mastered by primitive people like its author during a coffee break. In the
course of PostCard's evolution, time has marched on and several registered
users have cast aspersions on PostCard's "pre-cambrian editor". The au-
thor, who is neither deaf, dumb nor blind, but who has on numerous occa-
sions been accused of being all three, improved the editor, but only with a
certain amount of nostalgia and regret. Some people have faces only
mothers can love, and some editors have features only someone who began
programming on a TRS-80 with 16K of RAM can appreciate.
■ The world of computers is in a constant state of flux. If you examine
the wide range of programs available today - TSR's of all varieties and
flavors, multitasking programs and operating systems, DOS extenders,
programming language environments, networking software, hardware
peripherals and controlling programs, communication programs with interrupt
handlers for background tasks - writing a program that will work reliably
on every system has become a hazardous undertaking. Writing a "small
program" that is fast and capable of working on all possible combinations
of the above has become almost impossible. It may be a program like
PostCard is a Model-A in a rapidly changing world, but it may also turn out
that the mega-systems of today will one day collapse from their own weight.
Ultimately, it may be smarter, cheaper and more efficient learning to
live within given constraints rather than expanding systems to the point
where they become "cumbersome". The author prefers the DOS Operating
System to either OS/2 or Windows because it is more cost effective, less
cumbersome, and much faster. The author has yet to meet a casual user who
would benefit from the features of either OS/2 or Windows. The fact of the
matter is very few business users and fewer still home users either benefit
from or are equipped to use multi-tasking. In fact, OS/2 is not a true
multi-tasking operating system: it is a time-slicing operating system, and
as such requires an extremely fast CPU in order to present the "appearance"
of multi-tasking. Some business users who work with large data bases can
use them to advantage, but even so, there are very few businesses that can
afford the cost of converting their hardware and software base to the
systems required to run such software. The author seriously questions the
motives and judgement of companies who have committed private and business
users to such software when this type of software has such inherent
drawbacks and carries considerably higher price tags than its DOS
counterparts. In short, the author doesn't see either OS/2 or Windows as
the millennium, but rather ill-advised attempts to shove ten pounds of
"stuff" in a five pound bag simply because it can be done.
There is as much emphasis being put on internal efficiency within
PostCard as there is external functionality (the part users see). The two
are obviously related. Modern techniques are suited to job shops that have
high turnover, but they are far from efficient. One day soon, all programs
are going to look alike, act alike and be uniformly uninspiring. They also
are going to require hardware "average people" can't afford. Registering
your copy of PostCard and other shareware programs you use constitutes a
vote for modesty and sanity in a world that is otherwise out of control and
that addresses the well-being of software companies far more than the needs
of individual users like you and me.
■ Effective with version 8.1, both PostCard and AirMail were rewritten
and modularized. This change had two important advantages: First, the
interface between PostCard and AirMail is much smoother and more seamless.
Second, by modularizing the programs, PostCard's code is about 47,000 bytes
smaller. Modularization has other advantages besides a smoother interface
and a smaller disk footprint. The author uses a PC equipped with 4
megabytes of memory and puts his print spooler, disk cache and ramdisk in
extended memory beyond the 1 megabyte boundry. Even with a couple small
TSR's, the author still has about 430,000 bytes after shelling out to other
programs. This is adequate for invoking Microsoft Word and using the spell
checker to proof fairly large documents such as this file. It also is
adequate for Lotus 1-2-3, V3.1 which can still accomodate rather large
spreadsheets. Large spreadsheets, however, could require more than 2
megabytes of RAM. How much memory you have after activating LeMenu will
depend upon your system, how you have it configured and the kinds of
programs you use. But this new feature has proved very handy for many
application and utility programs such as Vern Buerg's LIST.COM, PostCard
Utilities, printer setup programs, etc., and that is primarily what it is
for. If you have more memory, it can be a significant enhancement.
Effective with Version 8.2 the following enhancements have been added:
1. PostCard now includes a perpetual calendar that will display each month
from the year 1899 to the year 2099. This feature is generally handy, but
it is especially useful for users who have to plan events in the future, or
who need to check how the number of days in any particular month vary from
year to year.
2. Area codes have been changing rapidly of late, and the original table
of area codes PostCard included needed to be updated each time there was
a change. Consequently, the author has incorporated a new area code al-
gorithm that uses an ASCII file external to the program. This scheme not
only allows the user to update the file using a word processor, thereby
keeping the file up-to-date, but allows for a considerably larger number
of cities to be included and searched.
3. An obscure bug in the NotePad which caused file names to occasionally be
inserted incorrectly was found and rectified.
4. PostCard now highlights the current record number in bright red if there
is a note attached to that record. This informs users a note is attached
and also greatly simplifies deleting notes that are no longer current.
5. Before PostCard shells out to the operating system, it determines the
current disk drive and subdirectory and restores them upon returning
regardless of what disk or subdirectory the user has set when he or she