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RACE v1.40 - Update info
If you are currently using RACE v1.30 there is little you have to do to
install v1.40. One item, Jump/Utils password, does need to be updated
even if you do not wish to use this option.
Run the new RACECFG provided in the RACE update archive or the full
RACE140.ZIP package. Go to the "Miscellaneous" selection on the
main menu and hit <enter> to pull down the miscellaneous setup screen.
Using your cursor keys, move to the last field. There is a good chance
this field will be filled with garbage. This garbage =MUST= be cleared
out. Once in the field, press CTRL-END to clear the field. If you
wish to use the Jump/Utils password feature, enter the password now.
You =MUST= use CTRL-ENTER to save the changes as indicated on the
RACECFG main screen. Even if you merely cleared the field, CTRL-ENTER
must be used. It is important to keep this in mind as I have received
a number of 'bug' reports because a user of RACE could not change the
last field in a screen and make it 'stick'. This is because using <ESC>
while in an edit field aborts any changes. You may move to another
field and then hit <ESC>, but it's much easier to just hit CTRL-ENTER.
If you enter a password, any time <J>ump or <U>tils is selected in
RACE, the user, yourself included, will be asked for the password.
Typing the password echos asterisks and if entered correctly, you will
have access to the command selected. If the password is not correct,
RACE will merely return to the main screen.
RACEEDIT - RACE message editor
RACEEDIT.DOC, provided in the distribution archive, provides most info
on RACEEDIT. To enable this editor you need only place RACEEDIT.EXE in
the same directory as RACE.EXE. Then, any time you press ALT-E within
the main screen, RACEEDIT will pop up and you may enter a message to
the user currently on-screen.
If you are a registered RACE user and have your RACE.KEY file, ALT-E
will also function in both <V>alidation modes and will allow you to
write a message to the user currently being validated.
Most info for the message header is taken directly from the Welcome
message set up in RACECFG. Keep this in mind when setting up this
portion of RACE. It is NOT necessary to have the welcome message
feature enabled but you must have the Sysop name, message board number,
subject and private status, defined. The TO: name is the user
currently on-screen.
It was a design decision to not allow editing of the message header.
This is to prevent inadvertant posting to non-existant boards, boards
that are not local, users that don't exist, etc.
RACE has been updated to the RA 1.01 message base locking standards and
you should have no problems posting a message while a user is online.
DON'T FORGET TO RUN SHARE.EXE if you plan on posting messages with a
user online!!
If you are a registered RACE user, you may easily pop up a window
showing the contents of RA's LASTCALL.BBS and USERON.BBS. LASTCALL
contains the names (among other things) of the users that have
called your bbs today. USERON contains the names of users that
are currently online.
ALT-L will bring up the TODAY'S CALLERS window.
ALT-U will bring up the USERS ONLINE window.
The following info applies to both of these commands.
Once one of the above windows is up, you may move through the listing
and select a user whose record you would like to view. Simply move the
highlight bar to the desired name and hit <enter>. RACE will search
out that user and display his/her record.
All of the regular cursor movement keys will work in either of these
windows. In addition, you may type a FIRSTNAME LASTNAME and RACE will
go through the list trying to find a match to what you are typing. If
you are a speed typist, slow it down a bit for the best performance.
In the case of USERS ONLINE, any lines that are not occupied will be
indicated by a "Line x unoccupied" message in the appropriate postion
in the window.
Prior to version 1.40, RACE forced the screen into 25 line mode. It
would restore it to whatever mode you were in before starting RACE but
a few users expressed a desire to be able to use RACE in 43/50 line
RACE no longer forces a change into 25 line mode on start up and will
run in whatever mode you are currently in when RACE starts. For the
most part, RACE does not take any special advantage of more than 25
lines. The exception is in Reports sent to the screen and the User
List option in the main Report menu. These two items will fill the
screen to whatever size that may be.
ALT-M may be used while in the main screen to switch from 25 line to
43/50 line. This command will do nothing if you don't have an EGA/VGA
card with more than 128k of ram. RACE considers these loTek cards to
be CGA cards and mode switching is not possible.
RACE also provides a command line switch to force 25 line mode Use
"/F" (no quotes of course) on the command line if you want RACE to
force your screen into 25 line mode. Note that RACE will NOT restore
your screen in this case but will leave it in 25 line mode upon exit.
RACE v1.40 has been updated to RA 1.01's message base locking standard.
What this means is that you will be able to post a message, either via
the validate welcome message or the ALT-E editor, while a user is
REMEMBER, you MUST use SHARE.EXE. RACE will still be able to post the
message if you don't run SHARE, but you run the risk of causing major
problems with your message base.
A few items have been changed/added to the validation functions in
RACE. ALT-E to write a message to the user whose answers are currently
on screen is the most notable of the changes. This is a registered
user feature. If you are not registered, pressing ALT-E will give you
a "Not available in unregistered version" message.
<P>ick has been added to the validation menu. This will pop up a small
window and allow you to select an answer file that is different that
the default answer file defined in RACECFG. Selecting a new answer
file via the <P>ick option only makes that answer file active for the
current session. It does not change your default answer file as
defined in RACECFG.
When pressing <P>ick, RACE lists all files in the RA system directory
that have a filename extension of .ASW. In addition, subdirectories
are listed so that you may move around your drive if you have answer
files in other directories. This is not likely but it's there if you
need it. In any case, RACE will only list *.ASW files or
When selecting a different answer file, RACE will scan the new file for
answers from the user currently on-screen.
<F>ind answers has been changed to allow you to search for another
answer set for the current user. At present, <F>ind will only move
forward through the answer file. You cannot back up to a previous
answer set from the current user.
<S>ave answers to a storage file has not really been changed, but it
still only stores the answers currently on-screen. If you use <F>ind
to view multiple answers from one user and you wish to <S>ave them, you
must use <S>ave each time you come across a set of answers you wish
PACKing the user file
Group numbers have been added as a criteria for packing the user file.
The default is to ignore group numbers and pack a user out based only
on other settings you may have entered. This is indicated in the GROUP
number entry field by a -1. If you wish to pack users out that belong
to any ONE group, enter that number. If you change your mind, enter a
-1 to reset this option to ignore groups.
Context sensitive help has been added to all PACK entry fields.
Pressing F1 while in an entry field will provide help specific to that