Black Box 4
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303 lines
The following is a list that OACOMP 1.16 supports. Generally speaking
they are the same as OECC 1.06 supports, but the ones marked with a '*'
are either additions or new keywords for the same option. If it's a new
keyword for an option supported by OECC, the keyword defined by OECC
is also supported, but not recommended for use.
^A Press ENTER to continue [ENTER]
^B Disable break (^K but not ^C) * [KOFF]
^C Allow break (^K but not ^C) * [KON]
^D If within 5 lines of end-of-screen, show a "More?" [MORE]
^E Enable "More?" [MOREON]
^F See ^F codes.
^G Ring the caller's bell [BELL]
^H Backspace [BS]
^I Tab [TAB]
^J Carriage Return/Line Feed Pair [LF]
^K Turn "More?" off. [MOREOFF]
^L Clear screen. [CLS]
^O See ^O Codes
^P See Privilege Codes.
^V See Avatar Codes.
^X See Expiration Codes.
^F^A quote of the moment [QUOTE]
^F^B user's name [USER]
^F^C user's city/state [CITY]
^F^D current date [DATE]
^F^E total number of calls user has made to system [USERCALL]
expressed as an ORDINAL number (*eg. `1st', `2nd',
^F^F user's first name [FNAME]
^F^G dramatic one-second pause [PAUSE]
^F^H Shows the last time that a user accessed the current [FILEDATE]
file area.
^F^K total minutes on-line in the last 24-hours, including [MINUTES]
the time for the current call
^F^L length of the current call so far (in minutes) [LENGTH]
^F^N control-niel (disconnect) [HANGUP]
^F^O number of minutes remaining for this call [REMAIN]
^F^P written-out date/time when the user has to be off the [TIMEOFF]
^F^Q number of calls to system to date (ORDINAL NUMBER) [SYSCALL]
^F^R NET downloads today (download minus upload). If [NETDL]
uploads are greater than downloads, this number will
be negative.
^F^T current time [TIME]
^F^U on a questionnaire, all answers are required [ANSREQ]
^F^V on a questionnaire, all answers are optional [ANSOPT]
^F^W total user uploads [UL]
^F^X total user downloads [DL]
^F^Y upload:download ratio [RATIO]
^FA Show total number of messages read by user * [MSGSREAD]
^FB Show total number of messages entered by user * [MSGSWRITTEN]
^FC Does the _Send_Message command * [SENDMSG]
^FL Leave a message to next online user * [LEAVEMSG]
^FM Displays which menu is active * [ACTIVEMENU]
^FR Displays chat file if it exists * [LOOKCHAT]
^FS Does the _Sysop_Msg command (also ends OEC) * [SYSOPMSG]
^FW See who other is on * [WHOISON]
^FZ Dumps memory to OPUS log file * [DUMPMEM]
^OA Calls another OEC file * [CALL]
^OB Only show rest of line if user at baud >= BPS * [BAUD GE bps]
^OC Call/execute another program. Rereads LASTUS??.DAT [DOS]
and stuffs an <ENTER> into the command buffer before
returning to OPUS.
^OD Set default directory for gbs/bbs files [SUBDIR]
^OE Skip until [ENDCOLOUR] if not ANSI/AVATAR * [COLOUR]
^Oe End a previously defined [COLOUR] block * [ENDCOLOUR]
^OF On exit do this file next. [ONEXIT]
^OG Stuff characters into OPUS's keyboard buffer (ends
OEC file) * [STUFF]
^OH Call/execure another program. No reload of LASTUSER
but stuff an <ENTER> into the OPUS command buffer * [SDOS]
^OI Get command tail for next external command * [GETTAIL]
^OJ Like [DOS] but doesn't stuff OPUS command buffer * [DOSN]
^OK Like [SDOS] but doesn't stuff OPUS command buffer * [SDOSN]
^OL~@@ If user language==~, jump to byte @@, where ~ is a [ULANG~ lbl]
number 1-6, and @@ is a decimal number.
^OM Store multiple-choice response. [STORE]
^ON Store line. [READLN]
^OO Open answer file for responses. [OPEN]
^OP Post user stats. [POST]
^OQ Quit immediately [QUIT]
^OR Read multiple choice [MENU]
^OS Show another file. [DISPLAY]
^OT Go to the top of current file. [TOP]
^OU User response conditional. [CHOICE]
^OV### Go to byte ### in this file. [GOTO lbl]
^OW$$$ Show rest of line if file $$$ exists * [EXISTS]
^OX Makes a call within the same file * [GOSUB lbl]
^OY Returns from a GOSUB * [RETURN]
^OZ### The OEC equivalent of 'IF ERRORLEVEL' * [ERRLEVEL]
^O0### Go to byte ### in this file. * [JUMP lbl]
^O2 Executes a file. Differs from [DOS] in the respect * [SPAWN]
it returns the error level of the program that was
called. [DOS] only reports success or failure.
Reloads LASTUS??.DAT file and stuffs <ENTER>
^O3 Like [SPAWN], but doesn't reload LASTUSER.DAT * [SSPAWN]
Doesn't reload LASTUS??.DAT file, but stuffs <ENTER>
^PF@ If user priv is < @, end file. * [LT @ QUIT]
If user priv is > @, end file. * [GT @ QUIT]
^PQ@^OQ If user priv is = @, end file. * [EQ @ QUIT]
^PB@^OQ If user priv is <= @, end file. * [LE @ QUIT]
^PL@^OQ If user priv is >= @, end file. * [GE @ QUIT]
^PX@^OQ If user priv is <> @, end file. * [NE @ QUIT]
^PB@ If user priv is > @, skip rest of line. * [GT @ SKIP]
^PL@ If user priv is < @, skip rest of line. * [LT @ SKIP]
^PQ@ If user priv is <> @, skip rest of line. * [NE @ SKIP]
^PX@ If user priv is = @, skip rest of line. * [EQ @ SKIP]
^PB@^PX@ If user priv is >= @, skip rest of line. * [GE @ SKIP]
^PL@^PX@ If user priv is <= @, skip rest of line. * [LE @ SKIP]
^PB@ If user priv is <= @, see rest of line. * [BE @ SEE]
^PL@ If user priv is >= @, see rest of line. * [AE @ SEE]
^PQ@ If user priv is = @, see rest of line. * [EQ @ SEE]
^PX@ If user priv is <> @, see rest of line. * [NE @ SEE]
^PB@^PX@ If user priv is < @, see rest of line. * [LT @ SEE]
^PL@^PX@ If user priv is > @, see rest of line. * [GT @ SEE]
AE = GE, BE = LE
^PH# If user's help level is not the one specified, skip
rest of line. Help level is defined outside the []'s
and is one of N (Novice), R (Regular), E (Expert) or
H (HotFlash) * [HELPLEVEL]
^PN### If user doesn't have keys ###, end file. * [FILEKEY]
^PO### If user doesn't have keys ###, skip rest of line * [LINEKEY]
^PK### If user have keys ###, end file. * [NFILEKEY]
^PP### If user have keys ###, skip rest of line. * [NLINEKEY]
^PS# If user is in section #, show rest of line * [INSECT]
^PT# If user is not in section, show rest of line * [OUTSECT]
^PA### Add keys ### to current user * [ADDKEYS]
^PC### Remove keys ### from current user * [DELKEYS]
^PY~ If user language is NOT ~ skip rest of line. * [NLINELAN]
^PZ~ If user language is ~ skip rest of line. * [LINELAN]
^XC If user expiration flag is by date, show when * [EXPDATE]
access expires as "01 Jan 90"
^XD If user expiration flag is by date, show number of * [EXTDAYS]
days until expires.
^XE If user expiration flag is by date, show rest of * [LINEXD]
^XM If user expiration flag is by time, show number of * [EXPMINS]
minutes remaining.
^XN If user expiration flag is by time, show rest of * [LINEXT]
^V^A<atr> Set colour [col on col]
Set only foreground colour [FG col]
Set only background colour [BG col]
Turn off blink [STEADY]
Set colour [$nn]
Set only foreground colour [$?n]
Set only background colour [$n?]
Set colour col on black background [col]
n is a hexadecimal character (0-9 or A-F)
col is one of the following:
Black 00h 0
Blue 01h 1
Green 02h 2
Cyan 03h 3
Red 04h 4
Magenta 05h 5
Brown 06h 6
Gray 07h 7
DarkGray 08h 8
LightBlue 09h 9
LightGreen 0Ah 10
LightCyan 0Bh 11
LightRed 0Ch 12
LightMagenta 0Dh 13
Yellow 0Eh 14
White 0Fh 15
^V^B Turn on blink [BLINK]
^V^C Move cursor one line up [UP]
^V^D Move cursor one line down [DOWN]
^V^E Move cursor one character left [LEFT]
^V^F Move cursor one character right [RIGHT]
^V^G Clear to end-of-line [CLREOL]
^V^H Move cursor * [LOCATE x,y]
Special keywords
[ADDR lbl] Inserts the address of the label lbl at the current
position as a 4-byte long integer. You can use this
if OPUS 1.1x gets new features regarding labels after
the release of the Opus/Avatar COMPiler. By defining
a token in OACOMP.TOK (see the .DOC file) named
[CALL] you can then use [CALL][ADR Sub] to call a
subroutine at label Sub. You can then define another
token [RETURN] to return from the subroutine, should
OPUS 1.1x at some time feature this.
[OFS lbl x] Like ADDR, but inserts it as a decimal number of x
characters length. x is optional. If not defined it
defaults to 5.
[LABEL lbl] Defines the location of a label. It inserts no bytes
and is there only to indicate the position in the
file of the label. [/lbl] is supported as compatibility
with OECC.
[INCLUDE name] INCLUDEs the file with the given name, as if it was
present at the spot of the INCLUDE directive. The
file is sent through the compiler.
[COPY name] Copies the file with the given name. It is a straight
byte-wise copy with no compilation.
Tokens to use with the extended colour definitions
(See and compile+run OACOMP.OEC for details)
[SAVE] Saves the current colour in an internal table
[LOAD] Inserts Opus/Avatar codes to restore the colour to the state
it was in at the last [SAVE]. Use these two to temporarily
change the colours and then change them back, like in:
[SAVE][White on Red][Blink] WARNING [LOAD]
This will ensure that any text following the WARNING statement
will be the same colour the one before it. Even if you should
decide to alter the colour before the WARNING, you will not
have to alter it two places, as you normally should if you had
only used OECL codes:
[White on Red][Blink] WARNING [LightGreen]
Note the second [LightGreen] token needed to restore the
colour. If you then later on wanted to change the colour of
the preceeding and following text to light cyan, you would have
to alter the colour code twice.
[FG Colour] Only alters the foreground colour and keeps the current back-
ground colour.
[BG Colour] Only alters the background colour and keeps the current fore-
ground colour.
[STEADY] Turns off blink.
[BRIGHT] Turns on highlight
[DIM] Turns off highlight
[$nn] Shortcut for setting colour codes for those of you that can
think in hex. The two characters are the background and fore-
ground colours defined in hexadecimal notation, as per the IBM
PC standard:
0 = Black 8 = DarkGray
1 = Blue 9 = LightBlue
2 = Green A = LightGreen
3 = Cyan B = LightCyan
4 = Red C = LightRed
5 = Magenta D = LightMagenta
6 = Brown E = Yellow
7 = Gray F = White
The background colour may use 0-7 and foreground colour may
use 0-F. If background colour uses 8-F, it will be interpre-
ted as colour 0-7 with blink on, and OACOMP will emit the
proper codes to do this.
To only change foreground or background colour, just enter a
'?' for the colour you want to be unchanged. Some examples:
[$1F] = [White on Blue] = ^V^A^_
[$4F] = [White on Red] = ^V^AO
[$0B] = [LightCyan] = ^V^A^K
[$8A] = [LightGreen][Blink] = ^V^A^Pè^V^B
[$?D] = [FG LightMagenta]
[$1?] = [BG Blue]
[VERS n.nn] Refuses to compile is the version of Opus/Avatar COMPiler is
less than n.nn (f.ex. 1.16).