[$1E][CLS][MoreOff]The [OACOMP] is an [OECC] clone with many improvements. Most
improvements are concerned with the new codes supported by OPUS 1.1x,
but the compiler itself also offers a great enhancement over [OECC], most
notably in the way it handles privileges and colours. This file gives you
some examples on this.
[Colour][GOTO LOOP][EndColour]
You may not get the full advantage to this demo, as you do not accept ANSI
or AVATAR control codes to control colours.
[SAVE][COLOUR][KEYCOL]C[TXTCOL]olours, [KEYCOL]P[TXTCOL]rivileges, [KEYCOL]S[TXTCOL]upport programs, [KEYCOL]H[TXTCOL]ow do I get it or [KEYCOL]Q[TXTCOL]uit [[c,P,s,h,q] [Menu]CPQSH|
[GOTO TEST][ENDCOLOUR]Colours, Priviliges, Support programs, How do I get it or Quit [[c,P,s,h,q] [Menu]CPQSH|