; If you don't have .TPL template files, or one is missing, this one is
; used instead.
MS_TemplateMsg @Moved* Answer to msg in @OEcho (@ODesc).\n@Moved\n@Changed* Changed by @CName (@CAddr), @CDate @CTime.\n@Changed\n@Forward* Forward: @OName to @DName\n@Forward* Subject: @Subject\n@Forward\nHello @TFName!\n@New\n@Position\n@CommentIn a msg of <@ODate>, @OName writes to @DName:\n@Comment@Position\n@QuotedIn a message of <@ODate>, @OName (@OAddr) writes:\n@Quoted@Position\n@Quote\n\n@CFName\n\n
; These three are standard messages that are put into "extra" file messages.
; You can successfully use most of the template tokens in these.