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/ The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 December / WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO / pim / krnlstnt.exe / ULTIMATE.EXE / 0 / RCDATA / TCITYTIMES / TCITYTIMES.txt
Text File  |  1996-12-15  |  1KB  |  59 lines

  1. object CityTimes: TCityTimes
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  5.   Caption = 'Local Times in Cities'
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  17.   object CityLabel: TLabel
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  29.   end
  30.   object CityListBox: TListBox
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  45.     OnDblClick = CityListBoxDblClick
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  47.   end
  48.   object cancelBtn: TButton
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  54.     Caption = '&Exit'
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  56.     OnClick = cancelBtnClick
  57.   end
  58. end