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* header file for psfix.c
* This software may be freely distributed under the following conditions:
* 1. It is distributed in its current form, without alterations.
* 2. No monetary profit is made, under any circumstances.
* Marc A. Murison
* Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* 60 Garden Street, MS 63
* Cambridge, MA 02138
* (617) 495-7079 murison@cfacx2.harvard.edu
#define FILES
#define NO_FLOAT
#include "strlib.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "vectdef.h"
#ifndef STRING_H
#define STRING_H
#include <string.h>
#ifndef STDLIB_H
#define STDLIB_H
#include <stdlib.h>
/* global parameters */
#define VERSION "Psfix 2.73"
#if __MSDOS__
#define MAX_FBUFF 54000L /* input (file) buffer size */
#define MAX_FBUFF 100000
#define MAX_LBUFF 260 /* line buffer size */
#define MAX_CHARS 80 /* max # chars per output line */
#define M_C "80"
#define NTABS 4 /* tab expansion spaces */
#define OUTP_INTVL 50 /* interval for screen update of progress */
#define MAXARGS 4 /* max # command line arguments */
#define INEXT ".ps" /* default input file extension */
#define OUTEXT ".out" /* default output file extension */
/* function prototypes */
void process_line_buffer( char *line_buff_start, char **line_buff_ptr_ptr,
File_Def *outfile, long *char_count, long *newlines,
long *oldlines, int *EOF_flag );
void disk_full( File_Def *file );
void banner( char infile_name[], char outfile_name[],
long *char_count_ptr, long *newlines_ptr,
long *oldlines_ptr );
ulong pfill_file_buff( FILE *infile, int ftype, ulong Nmax,
char *buff_ptr, int *EOF_ptr, int *ncomment,
int *paren_level );
uint pfill_line_buff( FILE *infile, int ftype, char file_buffer[],
char **file_buff_ptr_ptr, ulong Fbytes, uint Lbytes,
char *line_buff_ptr, int msg_flag, int *EOF_ptr,
int *ncomment, int *paren_level );
void errout( Boolean bell, FILE *device, char *errstring );
/* usage and help text */
char *usage = "\n"
"\nHelp: psfix ?"
"\nWrite help to a file named \"help\": psfix ??"
"\nUse: psfix infile[.ps] [outfile[.out]]"
"\n psfix infile[.ps] [.out]"
"\n psfix dirfile [.out]"
"\n psfix dirfile [.ps .out]"
char *help =
"\n " VERSION " " __DATE__
"\nThis software is the property of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory"
"\nand the U.S. government. It may be freely distributed under the following"
"\n 1. It is distributed in its current form, without alterations."
"\n 2. No monetary profit is made, under any circumstances."
"\nPsfix: Massage PostScript output from programs such as EasyFlow and "
"\n Word Perfect to help make journeys through mainframe computers"
"\n in an unmangled state."
"\nPsfix performs the following actions:"
"\n * Records are broken to 80 bytes or less, at an appropriate place"
"\n to preserve valid PostScript commands. Psfix will fail if it"
"\n encounters more than " M_C " consecutive non-blank characters."
"\n * All comments are stripped."
"\n * Lone carriage returns are replaced by a space."
"\n * Tabs are replaced by a space."
"\nPsfix will operate on a list of files as well as on a single specified file."
"\nPlease direct comments, suggestions, or problems to"
"\n Marc A. Murison"
"\n Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory"
"\n 60 Garden Street, MS 63"
"\n Cambridge, MA 02138"
"\n (617) 495-7079"
"\n murison@cfacx2.harvard.edu"
"\nTo write this text to a file named \"help\", type \"psfix ??\"."
"\nWARNING: If an output file already exists, it will be overwritten!"
"\nSingle File Use:"
"\n For a single input file, type either"
"\n psfix infile[.ps] [outfile[.out]]"
"\n or"
"\n psfix infile[.ps] [.out]"
"\n where [] indicates quantities which need not be typed. The"
"\n default outfile name is the infile with \".out\" as the"
"\n extension. You may type \".any\" in place of the outfile name,"
"\n in which case the infile name is used with \".any\" as the"
"\n extension."
"\n For example,"
"\n psfix stuff .foo"
"\n will cause psfix to read input from stuff.ps and write output"
"\n to stuff.foo, whereas"
"\n psfix stuff.eps"
"\n will cause psfix to read input from stuff.eps and write output"
"\n to stuff.out. You get the idea."
"\nDirectory File Use:"
"\n For a directory of input files, type"
"\n psfix dirfile [.out]"
"\n or"
"\n psfix dirfile [.ps .out]"
"\n where dirfile contains the word DIRECTORY (case ignored) as the"
"\n first word on the first line in the file, followed by input file"
"\n names, one per line. File extensions are not neccessary and will"
"\n be ignored if present. "
"\n In addition, the result of a DOS dir, sorted or not, will be"
"\n understood without need of any editing. For example, the file"
"\n tmp.dat, created by either"
"\n dir *.ps > tmp.dat"
"\n or"
"\n dir *.ps | sort > tmp.dat"
"\n will work fine, even though \"DIRECTORY\" is not the first word."
"\n The default output file extension is \".out\". If another"
"\n is desired, it must be specified after dirfile on the"
"\n command line. Likewise, the default input file extension"
"\n is \".ps\". If another is desired, *both* the input and"
"\n the output extensions must be specified after dirfile, as"
"\n shown above. Thus, the DOS sequence"
"\n dir *.eps > tmp.dat"
"\n psfix tmp.dat .eps .foo"
"\n will process all *.eps files in the current directory, putting"
"\n the resulting output into the files *.foo."
"\n * * * * * End of Help * * * * *"