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Text File  |  1992-05-14  |  37KB  |  493 lines

  1. Apply the  |{Don't disturb the $'s or the lengths of linz 1 to 406.}|Trim off |
  2. glue on    |{Any text added to this file must begin on line 407.}   |outer    |
  3. the back   |{Be sure to confine the text you type into this file to}|line of  |
  4. of the     |{the rectangular areas containing text in {}'s}         | |'s     |
  5. page from  |{when putting the mailers together, remember to cut,}   |closest  |
  6. the right  |{fold, glue, and seal.  The "pros" can "blank out" as}  |to right |
  7. edge of    |{many guide lines of | or - or _ characters as needed}  |edge of  |
  8. the paper  |{so the final product is as professional looking as}    |finished |
  9. as seen    |{possible.  This may make as many as four extra lines}  |mailer  >|
  10. from the   |{available for text on lines 29-32.  At a minimum,}     |so only  |
  11. back of    |{leave the two inner lines of |'s on lines 1-58,}       |2 lines  |
  12. the page   |{the two lines of -'s on lines 87 and 90, and}          |of |     |
  13. to the     |{the rightmost line of |'s and ASCII 12's on lnz 1-406.}|Chars    |
  14. line of    |{Do not forget to put the return address in the {}ed}   |can be   |
  15. | chars    |{in area below which is the same as the destination}    |see from |
  16. on the     |{addresses printed on the postcards on "pg" two in the} |the out- |
  17. front left |{{}ed in areas located on that page.  This "half" of}   |side of  |
  18. of this    |{this "page" is either blank, or contains Shareware}    |the      |
  19. page.     >|{Information File info, a PD file fmt by Jim Hood (see }|mailer.  |
  20.            |{DM11RDME.SIF for example) or other txt of your choice.}|Aply tape|
  21. Apply the  |{Use non-objectionable text since it is on the outside} |at btm   |
  22. glue in    |{of the diskette mailer when it is mailed.}             |opn end &|
  23. the same   |{Trim off same amount of left side "margin" of mailer}  |postage  |
  24. manner     |{as right side so both "margins" are equal.}            |if need- |
  25. for the    |{Any text in {}'s can be "blanked out" including {}'s.} |ed and   |
  26. right side |{Fold on first of three lines below for 60 linz per pg.}|the      |
  27. of this    |{Fold on second of three lines below for 66 lines/page.}|mailer   |
  28. page as    |{Fold on third of three lines below for 3.5" dsk mlrs.} |is       |
  29. seen from  |________________________________________________________|ready to |
  30. the front. |{Apply good coat of glue right to the iner line of |'s.}|mail!    |
  31. Apply glue |________________________________________________________|be sure  |
  32. on the     |________________________________________________________|to       |
  33. back of    |{attention line         if nonprofit,}  |--------------||"blank   |
  34. this page  |{title firstname lastname substitute}   |  BULK RATE   ||out" the |
  35. to the in- |{businessname          "nonprofit org."}| U.S. POSTAGE ||text     |
  36. nermost    |{address               for "bulk rate"} |     PAID     ||that     |
  37. line of |  |{city state zip  USA   or "blank out"}  |  FLINT.MI.   ||is on    |
  38. chars as   |                 {bulk mail imprint and}|PERMIT NO.0000||both     |
  39. seen from  |{glue one first class postage stamp,}   |--------------||sides of |
  40. the front  |{precanceled stamp, or metered postage on this page in} |this     |
  41. right of   |{the upper rt hnd cnr of mlr bfr glueing to rest of mlr}|page be- |
  42. this page. |$                                        {do not move}  |fore the |
  43.            |                                         {the $ char}   |mailers  |
  44. Carefully  |                                         {at the left}  |are      |
  45. fold the   |                                         {edge of this} |printed, |
  46. back of    |                                         {part of mlr,} |put to-  |
  47. this page  |{this is where dest addr goes; leave above area blank}  |gether,  |
  48. in half    |{hndlng info & msde valu for customs for int'l mailings}|and      |
  49. over the   |PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE                                 |mailed.  |
  50. open end   |FLOPPY DISK INSIDE (VALUE: $ZERO) GTDR                  |template |
  51. of the     |DO NOT BEND OR EXPOSE TO                                |Copyright|
  52. other half |EXTREME HEAT OR COLD, MOISTURE,                         |1992 GTDR|
  53. of the     |{or here} OR ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS                     |Bryan    |
  54. mailer     |{for 3.5"}TO OPEN: CUT OR TEAR CAREFULLY                |E.       |
  55. with the   |{dsk mlrs}ALONG THE | CHARACTERS AND TAPE.              |Taylor   |
  56. disk in it |{^}                                                     |All      |
  57. and smooth |{|}                                                     |Rights   |
  58. ends flat. |{Bulk mail "pkg" stick-on labels go in lower left cornr}|Reserved 
  59.                                                                               |
  60.                                                                               |
  61. {Any text in {}'s can be "blanked out" including {}'s.}                       |
  62. Cut along line below. (V) Apply good coat of glue right to inner line of |'s. |
  63. -----------|--------------------------------------------------------|---------|
  64. Apply the  |$                                        |-------------||Be sure  |
  65. glue on    |                                         | NO POSTAGE  ||to       |
  66. the front  |                                         |  NECESSARY  ||"blank   |
  67. of the     |                                         |  IF MAILED  ||out" the |
  68. page from  |                                         |   IN THE    ||text     |
  69. the left   |                                         |UNITED STATES||that     |
  70. edge of    |{attn ln  Don't mov $ abv.  Lv abv blnk.}|-------------||is on    |
  71. the paper  |{title fname lname  <BUSINESS REPLY MAIL               }|both     |
  72. to the     |{business           <FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO.000 FLINT,MI}|sides of |
  73. line of    |{address            <POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE }|this     |
  74. |'s.      >|{city state zip USA or use 1st class stmp in upr rt cnr}|page be- |
  75.            |Please fill in the blnk(s) of the stmts below that apply|fore the |
  76. Apply the  |DSKMLR11.EXE was received by my/our organization on     |mailers  |
  77. glue in    |__/__/____ for possible plcmnt in my/our software lbry. |are      |
  78. the same   |DSKMLR11.EXE was received by my/our organization on     |printed, |
  79. manner     |__/__/____ for possible registered use here.            |put to-  |
  80. for the    |DSKMLR11.EXE was received by my/our organization on     |gether,  |
  81. right side |__/__/____ for possible review in my/our publication.   |and      |
  82. of page to |                                                        |mailed.  |
  83. the inner- |Signed:__________________________________Date:__/__/____|         |
  84. mst line of|Please send a software catalog (Put "x" by choice below)|Blank out|
  85. |'s on rt. |_Printed _On 360k disk(s) _Not available _Not our policy|the bus- |
  86.            |Thanks for responding!  Please copy & share DSKMLR11.EXE|ines rply|
  87. Carefully  |--------------------------------------------------------|mail text|
  88. fold the   |Cut pstcds aprt on lines, glu or tape to sealed envlope |and use  |
  89. front upr  |& mail when needed{fold on upr ln 60l/pg; lwr ln 66l/pg}|1st class|
  90. "half" of  |--------------------------------------------------------|postage  |
  91. this page  |$                                        |-------------||if needed|
  92. down over  |                                         | NO POSTAGE  ||         |
  93. the btm    |                                         |  NECESSARY  ||Don't    |
  94. "half" of  |                                         |  IF MAILED  ||forget to|
  95. this page  |                                         |   IN THE    ||put the  |
  96. at the     |                                         |UNITED STATES||same des-|
  97. proper     |{attn ln  Don't mov $ abv.  Lv abv blnk.}|-------------||tination |
  98. fold line  |{title fname lname  <BUSINESS REPLY MAIL               }|addresses|
  99. and smooth |{business           <FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO.000 FLINT,MI}|on both  |
  100. flat.      |{Address            <POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE }|postcards|
  101. Let dry.   |{City state zip usa or use pstcard pstage in upr rt cnr}|in the   |
  102. Insert the |Please fill in the blnk(s) of the stmts below that apply|{}ed in  |
  103. labeled dsk|DSKMLR11.EXE was available for distribution to others on|area on  |
  104. in its slv |__/__/____ with a disk number/filename of:_____________.|ea. card.|
  105. In the     |DSKMLR11.EXE was registered in my/our organization on   |Bth post-|
  106. open end   |__/__/____ for use by my/our user(s)/computer(s).       |cards may|
  107. of this    |DSKMLR11.EXE was reviewed by my/our organization on     |be edited|
  108. part of    |__/__/____ for plcmt in the ____ issue of ______________|except   |
  109. the mailer |                                                        |the      |
  110. between    |Signed:__________________________________Date:__/__/____|"boxes"  |
  111. the "half" | Thank you for the software catalog if one was sent and |that ea. |
  112. pgs so lbl |for evaluating DSKMLR11.EXE for(continued)use(by others)|contain  |
  113. is seen.   |Thanks for responding!  Please copy & share DSKMLR11.EXE|a $ char.|
  114. -----------|--------------------------------------------------------|---------|
  115. Cut along line above. (^)                                                     |
  116. template Copyright 1992  Bryan E. Taylor  All Rights Reserved  GTDR           
  117. -----------|--------------------------------------------------------|---------|
  118.            |{attention line         if nonprofit,}  |--------------||         |
  119.            |{title firstname lastname substitute}   |  BULK RATE   ||         |
  120.            |{businessname          "nonprofit org."}| U.S. POSTAGE ||         |
  121.            |{address               for "bulk rate"} |     PAID     ||         |
  122.            |{city state zip  USA   or "blank out"}  |  FLINT.MI.   ||         |
  123.            |                 {bulk mail imprint and}|PERMIT NO.0000||         |
  124.            |{glue one first class postage stamp,}   |--------------||         |
  125.            |{precanceled stamp, or metered postage on this page in} |         |
  126.            |{the upper rt hnd cnr of mlr bfr glueing to rest of mlr}|         |
  127.            |$                                        {Do not move}  |         |
  128.            |                                         {the $ char}   |         |
  129.            |                                         {at the left}  |         |
  130.            |                                         {edge of this} |         |
  131.            |                                         {part of mlr,} |         |
  132.            |{This is where dest addr goes; leave above area blank}  |         |
  133.            |TO OPEN: CUT OR TEAR CAREFULLY                          |         |
  134.            |         ALONG THE | CHARACTERS                         |         |
  135.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  136.            |{Fold on line above for 60 lines per page} {aditional}  |         |
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  138.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  139.            |{Advertisement text goes here}                          |         |
  140.            |{Fold this page in thirds on the proper lines shown and}|         |
  141.            |{apply glue on the lower 4 blank rectangular areas on}  |         |
  142.            |{the front at the sides and on the back of the upper 2} |         |
  143.            |{rectangles at the sides.  Refold to seal shut so the}  |         |
  144.            |{address shows.  Can apply proper postage and mail as a}|         |
  145.            |{postcard if glue margins are cut to one character just}|         |
  146.            |{outside the inner lines of |'s.}                       |         |
  147.            |{template Copyright 1992 Bryan E. Taylor}               |         |
  148.            |         {All Rights Reserved GTDR}                     |         |
  149.            |                                                        |         |
  150.            |                                                        |         |
  151.            |                                                        |         |
  152.            |                                                        |         |
  153.            |                                                        |         |
  154.            |                                                        |         |
  155.            |                                                        |         |
  156.            |                                                        |         |
  157.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
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  160.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  161.            |{Advertisement text goes here}                          |         |
  162.            |                                                        |         |
  163.            |                                                        |         |
  164.            |                                                        |         |
  165.            |                                                        |         |
  166.            |                                                        |         |
  167.            |                                                        |         |
  168.            |                                                        |         |
  169.            |                                                        |         |
  170.            |                                                        |         |
  171.            |                                                        |         |
  172.            |                                                        |         |
  173.            |                                                        |         |
  174. -----------|--------------------------------------------------------|---------
  175. -----------|--------------------------------------------------------|---------|
  176.            |{attention line         if nonprofit,}  |--------------||         |
  177.            |{title firstname lastname substitute}   |  BULK RATE   ||         |
  178.            |{businessname          "nonprofit org."}| U.S. POSTAGE ||         |
  179.            |{address               for "bulk rate"} |     PAID     ||         |
  180.            |{city state zip  usa   or "blank out"}  |  FLINT.MI.   ||         |
  181.            |                 {bulk mail imprint and}|PERMIT NO.0000||         |
  182.            |{glue one first class postage stamp,}   |--------------||         |
  183.            |{precanceled stamp, or metered postage on this page in} |         |
  184.            |{the upper rt hnd cnr of mlr bfr glueing to rest of mlr}|         |
  185.            |$                                        {Do not move}  |         |
  186.            |                                         {the $ char}   |         |
  187.            |                                         {at the left}  |         |
  188.            |                                         {edge of this} |         |
  189.            |                                         {part of mlr,} |         |
  190.            |{This is where dest addr goes; leave above area blank}  |         |
  191.            |TO OPEN: CUT OR TEAR CAREFULLY                          |         |
  192.            |         ALONG THE | CHARACTERS                         |         |
  193.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  194.            |{Fold on line above for 60 lines per page} {additional} |         |
  195.            |{Fold on line below for 66 lines per page} {thanx text} |         |
  196.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  197.            |{Thank you note text goes here}                         |         |
  198.            |{Fold this page in thirds on the proper lines shown and}|         |
  199.            |{apply glue on the lower 4 blank rectangular areas on}  |         |
  200.            |{the front at the sides and on the back of the upper 2} |         |
  201.            |{rectangles at the sides.  Refold to seal shut so the}  |         |
  202.            |{address shows.  Can apply proper postage and mail as a}|         |
  203.            |{postcard if glue margins are cut to one character just}|         |
  204.            |{outside the inner lines of |'s.}                       |         |
  205.            |{template Copyright 1992 Bryan E. Taylor}               |         |
  206.            |         {All Rights Reserved GTDR}                     |         |
  207.            |                                                        |         |
  208.            |                                                        |         |
  209.            |                                                        |         |
  210.            |                                                        |         |
  211.            |                                                        |         |
  212.            |                                                        |         |
  213.            |                                                        |         |
  214.            |                                                        |         |
  215.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  216.            |{Fold on line above for 60 lines per page} {additional} |         |
  217.            |{Fold on line below for 66 lines per page} {thanx text} |         |
  218.            |--------------------------------------------------------|         |
  219.            |{Thank you note text goes here}                         |         |
  220.            |                                                        |         |
  221.            |                                                        |         |
  222.            |                                                        |         |
  223.            |                                                        |         |
  224.            |                                                        |         |
  225.            |                                                        |         |
  226.            |                                                        |         |
  227.            |                                                        |         |
  228.            |                                                        |         |
  229.            |                                                        |         |
  230.            |                                                        |         |
  231.            |                                                        |         |
  232. -----------|--------------------------------------------------------|---------
  233. __________________________________________________________________Cut out disk|
  234. |Fold|{Program instructions or other information.}          |Fold|slv & 3 pcs |
  235. |flap|{Any text in {}'s can be "blanked out" incl. {}'s.}   |flap|of dsk lbl. |
  236. |over|                                                      |over|Cut A&B pcs |
  237. |onto|                                                      |onto|out to rt   |
  238. |glue|                                                      |glue|edge of pg. |
  239. |and |                                                      |and |Use glue to |
  240. |smth|                                                      |smth|make slv &  |
  241. |down|                                                      |down|dsk lbl. Wt |
  242. |    |                                                      |    |for glue on |
  243. |Blnk|                                                      |Blnk|both to dry.|
  244. |out |                                                      |out |Glue lbl on |
  245. |text|                                                      |text|fnt of 5.25"|
  246. |in  |                                                      |in  |disk at top |
  247. |this|                                                      |this|of disk wher|
  248. |box |                                                      |box |write prtct |
  249. |befr|                                                      |befr|notch is    |
  250. |pnt-|                                                      |pnt-|(use care). |
  251. |ing |                                                      |ing |Put disk in |
  252. |and |                                                      |and |its jacket  |
  253. |mail|                                                      |mail|and set     |
  254. |ing |{Fold away from you in "half" along line below.}      |ing |aside.      |
  255. +----+------------------------------------------------------+----+____________|
  256.      |Put |{Program instructions or other information.}|Put |{Pgm info pt A^ }|
  257.      |glue|                                            |glue|{or other info.} |
  258.      |in  |                                            |in  |{Cut to the rt}  |
  259.      |this|                                            |this|{edge of pg  on} |
  260.      |"bx"|                                            |"bx"|{line pointed to}|
  261.      |and |                                            |and |{by ^ & < chrs.} |
  262.      |on  |                                            |on  |{<}              |
  263.      |flap|                                            |flap|                 |
  264.      |    |                                            |    |                 |
  265.      |Blnk|                                            |Blnk|_________________|
  266.      |out |                                            |out |{Pgm info pt B}  |
  267.      |text|                                            |text|{or other info.} |
  268.      |in  |                                            |in  |{Cut pt B like}  |
  269.      |this|                                            |this|{pt A.Put glu on}|
  270.      |"bx"|                                            |"bx"|{rt "blnk strip"}|
  271.      |befr|                                            |befr|{on front of "A"}|
  272.      |pnt-|                                            |pnt-|{& put bak of lt}|
  273.      |ing |                                            |ing |{edge of "B" on} |
  274.      |and |                                            |and |{"a" so |s algnd}|
  275.      |mail|                                            |mail|_________________|
  276.      |ing |                                            |ing |{Pgm info pt}|<C |
  277.      |{Program instructions or other information in this}   |{C or other} | u |
  278.      |{rectangular area here under the "glue boxes" above.} |{info.  Cut} | t |
  279.      |                                                      |{out "C" and |   |
  280.      |                                                      |{and glue to}| h |
  281.      |                                                      |{"B" as}     | e |
  282.      |                                                      |{described}  | r |
  283.      |                                                      |{for glueing}| e |
  284.      +------------------------------------------------------+{"B" to "A"} | . |
  285.                                                             |_____________|___|
  286. Overwrite the assembly instructions for the disk label with information you   |
  287. you want to appear on the disk label and cut out the floppy disk jacket and   |
  288. label and put it and the label together and put the label on the floppy disk  |
  289. and put the disk in its jacket.  Use parts "B" and "C" for 3.5" disk labels.  |
  290. template Copyright 1992  Bryan E. Taylor  All Rights Reserved  GTDR           
  291. _______________________________________________________________Type in the    |
  292. |{Type information in here.}   |{Type information in here.}   |text that you  |
  293. |                              |                              |want to be seen|
  294. |                              |                              |on the ten lbls|
  295. |                              |                              |for 3.5" disks |
  296. |                              |                              |at left.  Make |
  297. |                              |                              |sure that all  |
  298. |                              |                              |ten labels are |
  299. |                              |                              |identical.  Cut|
  300. |                              |                              |out as many    |
  301. |______________________________|______________________________|labels as you  |
  302. |{Type information in here.}   |{Type information in here.}   |need along the |
  303. |                              |                              |_ and | chars  |
  304. |                              |                              |and glue each  |
  305. |                              |                              |of them to each|
  306. |                              |                              |3.5" disk on   |
  307. |                              |                              |the front of   |
  308. |                              |                              |the disk (NOT  |
  309. |                              |                              |the back where |
  310. |                              |                              |the circular   |
  311. |______________________________|______________________________|metal plate is)|
  312. |{Type information in here.}   |{Type information in here.}   |opposite the   |
  313. |                              |                              |rectangular    |
  314. |                              |                              |metal plate and|
  315. |                              |                              |not covering   |
  316. |                              |                              |the write pro- |
  317. |                              |                              |tect "notch"   |
  318. |                              |                              |(the small hole|
  319. |                              |                              |with the slid- |
  320. |                              |                              |ing tab on the |
  321. |______________________________|______________________________|back of the    |
  322. |{Type information in here.}   |{Type information in here.}   |disk) or the   |
  323. |                              |                              |"high density" |
  324. |                              |                              |sense hole on  |
  325. |                              |                              |high density   |
  326. |                              |                              |3.5" disks.    |
  327. |                              |                              |               |
  328. |                              |                              |               |
  329. |                              |                              |               |
  330. |                              |                              |               |
  331. |______________________________|______________________________|               |
  332. |{Type information in here.}   |{Type information in here.}   |               |
  333. |                              |                              |               |
  334. |                              |                              |               |
  335. |                              |                              |               |
  336. |                              |                              |               |
  337. |                              |                              |               |
  338. |                              |                              |               |
  339. |                              |                              |               |
  340. |                              |                              |               |
  341. |______________________________|______________________________|               |
  342.                                                                               |
  343.                                                                               |
  344.                                                                               |
  345.                                                                               |
  346.                                                                               |
  347.                                                                               |
  348. template Copyright 1992  Bryan E. Taylor  All Rights Reserved  GTDR           
  349. _______________________________________________________________________________
  350. |{Type information in here.}           |{Type information in here.}           |
  351. |                                      |                                      |
  352. |                                      |                                      |
  353. |                                      |                                      |
  354. |                                      |                                      |
  355. |                                      |                                      |
  356. |                                      |                                      |
  357. |                                      |                                      |
  358. |                                      |                                      |
  359. |______________________________________|______________________________________|
  360. |{Type information in here.}           |{Type information in here.}           |
  361. |                                      |                                      |
  362. |                                      |                                      |
  363. |                                      |                                      |
  364. |                                      |                                      |
  365. |                                      |                                      |
  366. |                                      |                                      |
  367. |                                      |                                      |
  368. |                                      |                                      |
  369. |______________________________________|______________________________________|
  370. |{Type information in here.}           |{Type information in here.}           |
  371. |                                      |                                      |
  372. |                                      |                                      |
  373. |                                      |                                      |
  374. |                                      |                                      |
  375. |                                      |                                      |
  376. |                                      |                                      |
  377. |                                      |                                      |
  378. |                                      |                                      |
  379. |______________________________________|______________________________________|
  380. |{Type information in here.}           |{Type information in here.}           |
  381. |                                      |                                      |
  382. |                                      |                                      |
  383. |                                      |                                      |
  384. |                                      |                                      |
  385. |                                      |                                      |
  386. |                                      |                                      |
  387. |                                      |                                      |
  388. |                                      |                                      |
  389. |______________________________________|______________________________________|
  390. |{Type information in here.}           |{Type information in here.}           |
  391. |                                      |                                      |
  392. |                                      |                                      |
  393. |                                      |                                      |
  394. |                                      |                                      |
  395. |                                      |                                      |
  396. |                                      |                                      |
  397. |                                      |                                      |
  398. |                                      |                                      |
  399. |______________________________________|______________________________________|
  400. Type in text that you want to be seen on the ten lbls for the 5.25" dsks abv. |
  401. Make sure that all ten labels are identical.  Cut out as many labels as you   |
  402. need along the _ and | chars and glue each of them to each 5.25" disk on the  |
  403. front of the disk in the top left corner of the disk opposite the oval-shaped |
  404. read/write hole and to the left of the write protect notch near the top right |
  405. edge of the disk.                                                             |
  406. template Copyright 1992  Bryan E. Taylor  All Rights Reserved  GTDR           
  407. the following text is:
  408. Copyright 1992  Bryan E. Taylor  All Rights Reserved  GTDR
  410. ATTENTION!  Special 3.5" disk mailer assembly instructions:
  412. 1.   Print program information on page one of the mailer template with standard
  413.      information file information.  You cannot use the disk jacket for the
  414.      program information because it will make the mailer too heavy (this may
  415.      have to be done if mailing "thick stiff" 5.25" floppy disks).
  417. 2.   Cut out the preprinted disk labels for the 3.5" disks from a "run" of the
  418.      DSKMLR11.EXE program.
  420. 3.   Glue label to front of disk (NOT the back where the circular metal plate
  421.      is) opposite the rectangular metal plate and not covering the write
  422.      protect "notch" (the small hole with the sliding tab on the back of the
  423.      disk) or the "high density" sense hole on high density 3.5" disks.
  425. 4.   After cutting off the unused portions of page two at the top and bottom
  426.      along the indicated lines, apply glue to front of page two of the mailer
  427.      template at sides in the "boxes" formed by the left and right edges of the
  428.      page and the line of |'s down the front left of the page and the innermost
  429.      line of |'s down the front right of the page.
  431. 5.   Glue the front of page two of the mailer template to the back of page
  432.      one so both bottom edges of both pages are even with each other.
  434. 6.   Fold top of page one of the mailer template back and down over page two
  435.      in between printed lines 8 and 9 at the front top of page one for 66 lines
  436.      per page or lines 7 and 8 for 60 lines per page.
  438. 7.   Fold "upper half" of pages one and two of the mailer template back and
  439.      down along the third line in the group of three lines that are in the
  440.      "middle" of the front of page one.
  442. 8.   Fold bottom of pages one and two of the mailer template back and up
  443.      over folded back "upper half" of the same pages.
  445. 9.   Unfold the mailer template and turn over so the backs of pages one and
  446.      two face you and the "single ply strip" of page one of the mailer
  447.      template is at the bottom.
  449. 10.  Apply glue to the small "boxes" (see step 4 for a description of these
  450.      "boxes") on the back of this "strip" and fold up to create a "pocket".
  452. 11.  Smooth the sides of this "pocket" down and put the formatted, 3.5"
  453.      software program distribution disk in the middle of the pocket on its
  454.      longest side so the rectangular metal plate "points" to the left or right.
  456. 12.  Apply glue to lower "half" of the mailer template at the sides in the
  457.      "boxes" (see step 4 for a description of these "boxes") and fold
  458.      the upper "half" toward you and down onto the glue.  Smooth the
  459.      sides down.
  461. 13.  Turn the mailer template over so the "double ply strip" of the backs of
  462.      pages one and two is at the bottom.
  464. ATTENTION!  Special 3.5" disk mailer assembly instructions: (continued)
  466. 14.  Apply glue to the small "boxes" on this "strip" (see step 4 for a
  467.      description of these "boxes") at the sides and fold toward you and up
  468.      onto the rest of the mailer template.  Smooth both sides of the template
  469.      down "real good".
  471. 15.  Trim both glued "margins" down to .25" on each side as measured from the
  472.      | characters.  You can edit in two extra lines of |'s on both sides of
  473.      page one to cut on when cutting both glue "margins" to about .25" from the
  474.      two innermost lines of |'s.
  476. 16.  Seal the partially open "flap" shut with a piece of tape and turn the
  477.      completed mailer over.
  479. 17.  Apply postage (if needed) and the mailer is ready to mail!
  481. ATTENTION! 3.5" disk DISKMAILER 1.1 Users:
  483. You MIGHT be able to mail your 3.5" disks as a "postcard" for the postcard
  484. rate if you trim both glued margins down to one character in width (you can use
  485. the technique described in step 15 above) so the mailer is a little less than
  486. six inches long.  Reinforce the glue margins with tape (along with the strip of
  487. tape sealing the partially open "flap" shut).  Mail a 3.5" disk in this fashion
  488. to a friend to see if this idea works or you or the friend will have to pay for
  489. the "insufficient postage" to complete the delivery of the 3.5" disk.
  491. Thank you for using DISKMAILER  please copy and share DSKMLR11.EXE with others