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- Written by
- Martin L. Waldman
- A program to convert
- Dot Matrix Printer Controls
- to Laser Printer Control Sequences
- Version 1.1
- Copyright 1991
- All rights reserved
- Page
- 1.1 Introduction ..................... 1
- 1.2 Installing DMPLAS ................ 1
- 1.3 Page Size and Printer Modes ...... 2
- 1.4 Laser Printer Controls ........... 2
- 1.5 Printer Reset..................... 3
- 1.6 Printing a File .................. 3
- 1.7 Testing DMPLAS ................... 4
- 2.1 Pitch Control .................... 5
- 2.2 Print Style ...................... 5
- 2.3 Special Effects .................. 6
- 2.4 Line Spacing ..................... 6
- 2.5 Vertical Movement ................ 6
- 2.6 Margin Control ................... 7
- 2.7 Horizontal Movement .............. 7
- 2.8 Dot Graphics ..................... 7
- 4.1 Screen Dumps .................... 11
- 4.2 Line drawing characters ......... 11
- 4.3 Using DMPLAS with a spooler ..... 12
- 4.4 Using DMPLAS on a LAN ........... 12
- 4.5 Using DMPLAS with Windows 3 ..... 12
- DMPLAS Version 1.1 1
- ======================================================================
- Some of your software may have the capability of being installed for a
- laser printer -- but what about the other stuff ? The programs that
- you've used so often that your fingers do the walking by themselves --
- especially your favorite graphics programs designed for a dot matrix
- printer ?
- DON'T THROW THEM AWAY -- Smile -- now you have DMPLAS !
- Now you can make your laser printer hum along using software designed
- for a dot matrix printer -- just install DMPLAS and activate it when
- you need it.
- DMPLAS is a program that converts dot matrix printer control
- characters (00h to 1Fh) and printer control escape sequences (1Bh +
- character string) to the equivalent printer control commands used by
- HP LaserJet compatible printers.
- The program is written in 8088/8086 assembly language and will run on
- any computer system that operates using DOS 2.x or higher.
- Part 2 of this manual lists the dot matrix printer controls, by
- functional group, that are converted to equivalent laser printer
- controls by DMPLAS.
- Part 3 contains a complete list, in ASCII value order, of the control
- codes and escape sequences that DMPLAS recognizes and evaluates. Those
- that have no equivalents or have conflicting meanings are trapped so
- that your documents don't get messed up and your laser printer doesn't
- start to spit paper.
- DMPLAS can be used in two different ways -- as a permanently installed
- TSR (less than 6K) that can be activated and deactivated, and to print
- files containing printer control data and text (see paragraph 1.6).
- To install DMPLAS as a TSR, the command line to be placed in your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file must contain the drive and pathname where DMPLAS is
- stored plus one of the following:
- "DMPLAS /A" -- installs and/or activates DMPLAS.
- "DMPLAS /D" -- installs and/or deactivates DMPLAS.
- The first time either command line is executed, DMPLAS will be
- installed as a TSR and remains in memory until the system is rebooted.
- Subsequent entry of a command line will only turn DMPLAS on or off --
- it will not be removed from memory and not be installed a second time.
- Using /A switch with additional parameters (see 1.3 below) changes the
- parameters in the installed program. The /D switch only deactivates.
- 2 DMPLAS Version 1.1
- ======================================================================
- Laser printers print on only 10" (e.g. 60 lines at 6 lpi) of an 11"
- letter size page. If your software expects to use all 11" (66 lines),
- enter "DMPLAS /AF" (full) as an intitial or subsequent command line.
- DMPLAS then adjusts the space between lines (leading) to accomadate
- the extra lines -- the adjustment works with whatever line spacing you
- have programmed (i.e. 8 lpi yields 88 lines, etc).
- To return to a normal (10") page, enter the command "DMPLAS /AN".
- The page size adjustment is not effective until DMPLAS receives a line
- spacing or printer reset command (ESC '@') -- see para. 1.5
- Many dot matrix printers have a set of mechanical (DIP) switches or
- setup panel buttons that set power-on defaults, some of which can be
- changed by software commands -- see your printer manual.
- Often one of the switches sets the printer to either the so-called
- Standard (Epson) mode or the so-called IBM (Proprinter) mode and
- cannot be changed by software. The exact way in which some of the
- print controls from these printers work is different depending on how
- the mode switch has been set -- again see your printer manual.
- DMPLAS defaults to the Standard mode. Where no conflict exists between
- the two modes, DMPLAS ignores the mode. In Parts 2 and 3 those
- commands that depend on the mode are flagged.
- You can set the IBM mode by an additional parameter to the /A switch
- either at the initial command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or when
- issuing subsequent activation command lines. The formats are:
- "DMPLAS /ANI" sets IBM mode and normal page (10")
- "DMPLAS /AFI" sets IBM mode and full page (11")
- (The page size parameter must be included for the mode to be set)
- On some printers setting the mode to IBM causes the printer to accept
- FS (1Ch) as a substitute for ESC (1Bh) in some control sequences --
- the remainder of the sequence is the same. DMPLAS therefore also
- accepts FS as being the same as ESC without further ado.
- DMPLAS can send unaltered control sequences directly to the laser
- printer. To do so send the leading ESC character (1Bh) twice followed
- by the rest of the sequence. ~~~~~
- For example, to set the end-of-line wrap around function you would
- normally send ESC + the characters "&s0C" to the laser printer. If
- DMPLAS is actvated you can send ESC + ESC + "&s0C" to achieve the same
- result. See DLTEST-4 for other examples.
- DMPLAS Version 1.1 3
- ======================================================================
- ESC '@' (Reset printer) is used by most dot matrix printers to reset
- the printer to the power-on status defined by the settings of
- mechanical (DIP) switches.
- Some word processors take advantage of this by sending ESC '@' and
- other condition resets at the beginning of a document to establish a
- known base from which to proceed with formatting commands.
- To emulate ESC '@', DMPLAS sets the following default parameters:
- Pitch Pica (10 cpi)
- Line Spacing 1/6" (6 lpi)
- Auto Linefeed off
- Left/Right margins cleared
- Superscript/Subscript off
- Horizontal Tabs set to every 8 columns
- and a carriage return (0Dh) is sent to the printer.
- The mode (STD or IBM) and page factor (10" or 11") are NOT changed.
- To avoid the ejection of an empty sheet of paper from the laser
- printer, DMPLAS does NOT send the laser printer soft reset (ESC 'E').
- You may eject the current page by entering the command "DMPLAS /F".
- This will send a formfeed (0Ch) to the printer whether or not DMPLAS
- is active.
- Some programs can create ASCII files that contain both the text to be
- printed and the printer control data to format the printout. Such
- files can be printed on your laser printer even if DMPLAS has not been
- installed or activated.
- Enter the folllowing command (entries inside brackets are optional):
- "[drive:][\pathname\]DMPLAS /P [drive:][\pathname\]filename.ext"
- You may also use both additional parameters with the /P command to set
- the page size and mode. Note however that if DMPLAS has been installed
- and activated, the TSR page size and mode takes precedence.
- Before printing the file a printer reset is performed and the laser
- end-of-line wrap and perforation skip functions are activated. The
- laser printer soft reset (ESC 'E') is sent at the end.
- NOTE: DMPLAS does NOT check printer status, neither as a TSR nor as a
- file printer, but does return a normal status byte. You should make
- sure your printer is on line and ready.
- 4 DMPLAS Version 1.1
- ======================================================================
- So that you can see if DMPLAS works well with your computer and your
- printers, we have included a series of files on the distribution
- diskette that you can use to check it out.
- DLTEST-W.WS4 is a document written in Wordstar Version 4 to be printed
- on a dot matrix printer. DLTEST-W.PRN is the result of redirecting the
- printer output to a file -- it contains both formatting commands and
- document text.
- The other test files are named "DLTEST-n" (n = a number or letter).
- There are two files each with the same name. DLTEST-n.BAS is the Basic
- program that was used to create DLTEST-n.PRN -- the file that contains
- both the printer controls and the text.
- Before you install DMPLAS you may want to try the following:
- 1. Put your dot matrix printer on line, and at the DOS prompt enter
- ~~~~~~~~~~ "COPY DLTEST-n.PRN PRN"
- 2. Now put your laser printer on line, and at the DOS prompt enter
- ~~~~~ "DMPLAS /P DLTEST-n.PRN"
- If you have installed and activated the TSR, you can print to your
- laser printer with the command "COPY DLTEST-n.PRN PRN"
- The test files contain examples of the more commonly used controls.
- All use the normal page length and standard mode.
- DLTEST-1 Print Pitch, Style, and Special Effects
- DLTEST-2 The Master Print Mode
- DLTEST-3 Line Spacing
- DLTEST-4 Left and Right Margins
- DLTEST-5 Vertical and Horizontal Movement
- DLTEST-6 Horizontal Tab Commands and Backspace
- DLTEST-F Dot Graphics - grey scale patterns
- DLTEST-G Dot Graphics - cross hatch pattern
- DMPLAS Version 1.1 5
- ======================================================================
- The following is a list of the dot matrix printer controls, by
- functional group, that are converted to equivalent laser printer
- controls by DMPLAS. The controls that depend on mode are indicated by
- <S> or <I>. All others are available in both modes.
- The test files listed demonstrate some of the controls available in
- standard mode.
- DMPLAS pitch controls attempt to use Courier fonts -- Pica translates
- to 10 cpi/12 pts, Elite to 12cpi/10pts, and Condensed to 16cpi/8pts.
- If you are not happy with the appearance provided by your current
- laser printer fonts see FONT.DOC (in DMPLASFN.ZIP) for alternatives.
- The standard print pitch controls are demonstrated in DLTEST-1
- SO Expanded print - one line
- SI Condensed print
- DC2 <S> Cancel condensed
- DC2 <I> Set 10 cpi (Pica)
- DC4 Cancel one line expanded
- ESC SO Expanded print - one line
- ESC SI Condensed print
- ESC DC2 Cancel condensed
- ESC ':' Set 12 cpi (Elite)
- ESC 'M' Set pitch to Elite (12 cpi)
- ESC 'P' <S> Set pitch to Pica (10 cpi)
- ESC 'W' 1 Expanded print on
- ESC 'W' 0 Expanded print off
- ESC 'g' Set 15 cpi
- The standard print style commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-1
- ESC '%G' <I> Begin Italics
- ESC '%H' <I> End Italics
- ESC '4' <S> Select italic characters
- ESC '5' Cancel italic characters
- ESC 'E' Emphasized printing on
- ESC 'F' Emphasized printing off
- ESC 'G' Boldface on
- ESC 'H' Boldface off
- ESC 'P' 1 <I> Select proportional printing
- ESC 'P' 0 <I> Cancel proportional printing
- ESC 'p' 1 Select proportional printing
- ESC 'p' 0 Cancel proportional printing
- 6 DMPLAS Version 1.1
- ======================================================================
- These special effect commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-1
- ESC '-' 1 Underline on
- ESC '-' 0 Underline off
- ESC 'S' 0 Set superscript on
- ESC 'S' 1 Set subscript on
- ESC 'T' Set superscript/subscript off
- ESC '!' n <S> Set Master Print Mode n command is explained and
- demonstrated in DLTEST-2
- Not demonstrated
- ESC 'I' n <I> Set Master print mode n
- The standard line spacing commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-3
- ESC '%8' n <I> Begin n/360 line spacing
- ESC '+' n <I> Begin n/360 line spacing
- ESC '0' Set line spacing to 1/8"
- ESC '1' Set line spacing to 7/72"
- ESC '2' <S> Set line spacing to 1/6"
- ESC '2' <I> Execute ESC 'A' n
- ESC '3' n Set line spacing to n/216"
- ESC 'A' n Set line spacing to n/72"
- ESC 'A' n <S> Set line spacing n/72" immediate
- ESC 'A' n <I> Set line spacing n/72" for ESC '2'
- Not demonstrated
- ESC '[' n <S> Begin n/360 line spacing
- These vertical movement commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-5
- LF Line feed
- FF Form feed
- ESC LF Reverse Linefeed
- ESC FF Reverse Formfeed
- ESC 'J' n Onetime linefeed of n/216"
- ESC 'f' 1 n Set print position to current line + n
- Not demonstrated
- ESC '%4' n <I> Onetime n/360 line feed
- ESC '5' 1 Auto Linefeed on
- ESC '5' 0 Auto Linefeed off
- ESC 'j' n <S> Send one reverse LF n/216"
- DMPLAS Version 1.1 7
- ======================================================================
- These margin control commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-4
- ESC 'l' n Set left margin to column n
- ESC 'Q' n <S> Set right margin col n
- ESC 'X' l r Set left & right margins
- This commands is demonstrated in DLTEST-3
- ESC 'N' n Set bottom margin n lines
- Not demonstrated
- ESC 'O' Cancel top & bottom margins
- These horizontal commands are also demonstrated in DLTEST-5
- ESC '$' n1 n2 Absolute horizontal position
- ESC '\' n1 n2 <S> Relative horizontal position
- ESC 'f' 0 n Set print position to col n
- These are demonstrated in DLTEST-6 (new in DMPLAS 1.1)
- BS Backspace
- HT Horizontal tab
- ESC 'D' n1 n2 ...0 Set variable horizontal tabs at n1,n2,etc.
- ESC 'e' 0 n Set horizontal tabs at every n columns
- Not demonstrated
- ESC 'd' n1 n2 <I> Relative horizontal position
- Since dot matrix and laser printers differ in the way 8 bit dot
- graphics (raster graphics) are printed, some adjustments are made by
- DMPLAS. Horizontal spacing is maintained by adding dots to make it
- equivalent. Vertical spacing of 8/72" per line is maintained by
- duplicating dot rows on the laser printer.
- These commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-F and DLTEST-G
- ESC 'K' n1 n2 m1 m2 ... Normal density (60 dpi)
- ESC 'L' n1 n2 m1 m2 ... Double density (120 dpi)
- ESC 'Y' n1 n2 m1 m2 ... Double density/double speed (120 dpi)
- ESC 'Z' n1 n2 m1 m2 ... Quadruple density (240 dpi)
- ESC '*' n n1 n2 m1 m2 ... Select graphics mode n where
- n = 0 = Normal density (60 dpi)
- 1 = Double density (120 dpi)
- 2 = Double density/double speed (120 dpi)
- 3 = Quadruple density (240 dpi)
- 4 = Semi-double density (80 dpi)
- 5 = Plotter graphics (72 dpi)
- 6 = CRT graphics (90 dpi)
- 7 = Double density Plotter (144 dpi)
- 8 DMPLAS Version 1.1
- ======================================================================
- The following table lists, in ASCII value order, all of the control
- codes and escape sequences that are recognized by DMPLAS.
- The symbols in the Flag column indicates what action is taken when
- translating the code; * = trapped or > = translated to equivalent
- laser sequence. Actions dependent on the mode are prefixed with
- S (Std) or I (IBM).
- Code/Sequence Flag Printer Function Performed
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- BEL * Sound printer bell
- BS > Backspace
- HT > Horizontal tab
- LF > Line feed
- VT * Vertical tab
- FF > Form feed
- CR > Carriage return
- SO > Expanded print - one line
- SI > Condensed print on
- DC1 * Set printer on line
- DC2 S> Cancel condensed
- DC2 I> Set 10 cpi (Pica)
- DC3 * Set printer off line
- DC4 > Cancel one line expanded
- CAN * Cancel a line (clear buffer)
- DEL * Delete last character sent
- ESC LF > Reverse Linefeed
- ESC FF > Reverse Formfeed
- ESC SO > Expanded print - one line
- ESC SI > Condensed print on
- ESC DC2 > Cancel condensed
- ESC EM n * Sheet feeder commands
- ESC EM 'T' n * Set print start on sheet feeder
- ESC ESC > DMPLAS bypass - sends ESC once
- ESC US n * Double/Triple height printing
- ESC ' ' n * Add n dots between characters
- ESC '!' n S> Set master print mode
- ESC '!' n I* Select international char set
- ESC '#' * Accept bit 8 as is
- ESC '$' n1 n2 > Absolute horizontal position
- ESC '%' n S* Download character set control
- ESC '%4' n I> Onetime n/360 line feed
- ESC '%8' n I> Begin n/360 line spacing
- ESC '%G' I> Begin Italics
- ESC '%H' I> End Italics
- ESC '&' 0 ... * Define download characters
- ESC '(' n * Select NLQ/HSD print quality
- ESC '*' n ... > Select 8 bit graphics mode n
- ESC '+' n1 .. . S* Macro instruction commands
- ESC '+' n I> Begin n/360 line spacing
- ESC '-' 1 > Underline on
- ESC '-' 0 > Underline off
- ESC '/' n * Select vertical tab channel n
- DMPLAS Version 1.1 9
- ======================================================================
- Code/Sequence Flag Printer Function Performed
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ESC '0' > Set line spacing to 1/8"
- ESC '1' > Set line spacing to 7/72"
- ESC '2' S> Set 6 lpi
- ESC '2' I> Execute ESC 'A' n
- ESC '3' n > Set line spacing to n/216"
- ESC '4' S> Select italic characters
- ESC '4' I* Set TOF here (IBM mode)
- ESC '5' > Cancel italic characters
- ESC '5' 1 > Auto Linefeed on
- ESC '5' 0 > Auto Linefeed off
- ESC '6' * Select IBM character set #2
- ESC '6' * 128-159,255 = Italic Internat
- ESC '7' * Select IBM character set #1
- ESC '7' * 128-159,255 = contol codes 0-32,127
- ESC '8' * Disable paper out detector
- ESC '9' * Enable paper out detector
- ESC ':' > Set 12 cpi (Elite)
- ESC ':' 0 n 0 * Copy ROM font n into RAM
- ESC '<' * Set uni-directional print
- ESC '=' * Set bit 8 to zero
- ESC '='n n 20 /1 * Define download characters
- ESC '>' * Set bit 8 to one
- ESC '?' n0 n1 * Redefine graphic mode
- ESC '@' > Reset printer
- ESC 'A' n S> Set line spacing n/72" immediate
- ESC 'A' n I> Set line spacing n/72" for ESC '2'
- ESC 'B' n1 .. .0 * Set vertical tab positions
- ESC 'C' 0 n * Set page length n inches
- ESC 'C' n * Set page length n lines
- ESC 'D' n1 .. .0 > set variable horizontal tab positions
- ESC 'E' > Emphasized printing on (Bold)
- ESC 'F' > Emphasized printing off (Bold)
- ESC 'G' > Boldface Double strike on
- ESC 'H' > Boldface Double strike off
- ESC 'I' n S* Character set selection
- ESC 'I' n I> Set Master print mode
- ESC 'J' n > Onetime linefeed of n/216"
- ESC 'K' n1 .. . > Normal density graphics 60 dpi
- ESC 'L' n1 .. . > Double density graphics 120 dpi
- ESC 'M' > Set 12 cpi (Elite)
- ESC 'N' n > Set bot marg n lines = skip perf
- ESC 'O' > Cancel top & bottom margins
- ESC 'P' S> Set 10 cpi (Pica)
- ESC 'P' 1/0 I> Set Proportional on/off
- ESC 'Q' n S> Set right margin col n
- ESC 'Q' 3,35, 36 I* Deselect printer
- ESC 'R' * Reset horiz and vert tabs
- ESC 'R' n * Select character set n
- ESC 'S' n > Set superscript/subscript on
- ESC 'T' > Set superscript/subscript off
- 10 DMPLAS Version 1.1
- ======================================================================
- Code/Sequence Flag Printer Function Performed
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ESC 'U' n * Unidirectional print control
- ESC 'V' n dat a * Repeat data n times (LQ-1500)
- ESC 'V' NUL * Cancel repeat data (LQ-1500)
- ESC 'W' 1/0 > Expanded print on/off
- ESC 'X' * Cancel all WP modes except propor.
- ESC 'X' l r > Set left & right margins
- ESC 'Y' n1 .. . > Dble dens/dble speed graphics
- ESC 'Z' n1 .. . > Quadruple density graphics
- ESC '[' n S> Begin n/360 line spacing
- ESC '[' n ... I* Print double high/wide
- ESC '\' n1 n2 S> Relative horizontal position
- ESC '\' n1 n2 I* Print all codes as characters
- ESC ']' n > Onetime linefeed of n/360"
- ESC '^' 0/1 . .. * 60/120 dpi graphics
- ESC '^' n ... * 9 pin graphics
- ESC '^' n * Print char(n) from all char chart
- ESC '_' 1/0 * Overlining on/off
- ESC 'a' n * Align or center printing
- ESC 'b' n ... 0 * Set vertical tabs in channel
- ESC 'c' n * Set top margin n lines
- ESC 'd' n1 n2 > Relative horizontal position
- ESC 'e' 0/1 n * Set H/V tabs every n chars
- ESC 'e' 0 n > Set horizontal tabs every n columns
- ESC 'e' 1 n * Set verical tabs every n lines
- ESC 'f' 0 n > Set print position to col n
- ESC 'f' 1 n > Printer to current line + n
- ESC 'g' > Set pitch to 15 cpi (Micron)
- ESC 'h' n * Enlarged characters on/off
- ESC 'i' n * Set immediate printing on/off
- ESC 'j' n S> Send one reverse LF n/216" (STD)
- ESC 'j' I* Deselect printer
- ESC 'k' n * Select font/typeface n
- ESC 'l' n > Set left margin to column n
- ESC 'm' * Select Triple width printing
- ESC 'm' 1/0 * Select/Cancel HX-20 graphic symbols
- ESC 'p' 1 > Select proportional printing
- ESC 'p' 0 > Cancel proportional printing
- ESC 'q' n * Select character style n
- ESC 'r' n * Select color to print
- ESC 'r' n * Set top margin n lines
- ESC 's' n * Set printing speed
- ESC 't' n * Select graphic/italic chars set
- ESC 'v' n * Custom character set n
- ESC 'w' 0/1 * Double high off/on
- ESC 'x' 1/0 * Set Near Letter Quality on/off
- ESC 'y' n * Select quasi 8 bit graphics
- ESC '~' 0/1 * Print normal/slashed zero
- DMPLAS Version 1.1 11
- ======================================================================
- Text screen prints (from pressing the Shift-PrtSc key) on some dot
- matrix printers as well as laser printers have special characters
- printed instead of true lines as shown on the screen. See 4.1 for a
- solution to this problem.
- The program GRAPHICS.COM included with DOS before version 5 worked
- only with CGA screens and IBM/Epson dot matrix printers. DMPLAS /A
- allows these screen dumps to be printed on HP LaserJet compatibles.
- Unfortunately GRAPHICS.COM will still only work properly with CGA
- graphic screens. There are other programs that handle EGA, VGA, and
- Hercules graphics and DOS 5's GRAPHICS.COM accomidates these as well
- as HP LaserJets.
- For DMPLAS to be properly effective it should be loaded (DMPLAS /A)
- before GRAPHICS.COM.
- ~~~~~~
- IBM Graphics and IBM Proprinters are capable of printing the IBM line
- drawing characters. The Epson FX is effectively compatible with the
- IBM Graphics printers except that italic characters are printed
- instead. This is why text screen dumps have "e"s and other characters
- instead of lines.
- There are 2 solutions to this problem.
- 1) DOWNLOAD CO120RPN.SFP from the DMPLASFN font set pack.
- 2) With a HP LaserJet series II the following will change the
- character set of the native font from Roman 8 (with italic characters)
- to IBM-US (with line drawing characters).
- Hold down the menu key until the display reads "SYM SET = Roman 8*"
- Press the + key until the display reads "SYM SET = IBM-US"
- Press the Enter/Reset Menu key to make the IBM-US the new default set.
- (The display marks this with the asterisk from Roman 8)
- Hold down the Continue/Reset key until the display reads "07 RESET"
- You only need do this once. After this the LaserJet will power-on with
- the IBM-US symbol set active.
- 12 DMPLAS Version 1.1
- ======================================================================
- Since a spooler can effectively hold up the physical printing of the
- output until the laser printer can catch up, we recommend that you
- load DMPLAS as a TSR after you load your spooler software into memory.
- ~~~~~
- If your spooler works as a device driver (in CONFIG.SYS) there DMPLAS
- should work fine also.
- Due to the way DMPLAS achieves activation and de-activation, DMPLAS
- must be loaded on remote terminals (where the programs are actually
- run) rather than on the file server (where the printer is attached).
- DMPLAS will then translate the output to the HP LaserJet standard
- before the LAN transfers the output over the wires to the printer.
- DMPLAS works fine when used with DOS programs being run on the DOS
- shell under Windows. DMPLAS can either be loaded before WIN is
- executed or from the DOS shell after the DOS icon has been clicked.
- DMPLAS can also be included in a batch file executed by a .PIF
- routine. In this case there is no need to deactivate DMPLAS after the
- program has executed.
- Please remember that even in a multi-tasking situation, the activation
- and deactivation of DMPLAS via DMPLAS /A and DMPLAS /D takes
- place immediately. If there is print left in a spooler or being
- outputted by another program running in the background the changes to
- the status of DMPLAS might affect the final output to the printer.
- Before issuing a DMPLAS command the system should be "quiet".