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- R O U L E T T E
- Roulette is an easy and quiet casino game to play offering a
- variety of bets. Players select a number or a group of numbers
- to win. The numbers run from 1 to 36 plus special "0" and "00"
- numbers. Odd numbers are colored red, even numbers black and the
- 0 and 00 green.
- Players place bets by putting roulette chips on the numbered
- layout as shown below. The dealer then spins the wheel and white
- ball in opposite directions. Bets may be placed until the ball
- is about ready to leave the track. Once it lands in a wheel
- number location, the dealer marks that number on the layout,
- sweeps the loosing bets off and pays the winning bets.
- Chips range in value from 10 or 25 cents and up and are bought in
- stacks of 20 from the dealer. Table minimums should be posted
- but if not ask the dealer before buying-in. At a 25 cent chip
- table, the minimum will likely be some multiple of 25 cents such
- as 3 to 5 chips, bet on each spin of the wheel. The chips may be
- spread on different "inside" numbers 1 to 36, 0 and 00. Bet
- minimums on "outside" number combinations may be more.
- A unique item about roulette is that players decide what the
- chips are worth when bought. Each player on the table has a
- different color of chips to play. The dealer may show what a
- player's chips are worth, by placing a sample of player's color
- and the appropriate amount near the wheel. This is often done
- when the value is above the table minimum. The most important
- thing is that roulette chips have no value on another roulette
- table, any other casino game or at the casino cashier. They must
- be cashed in at that roulette table before leaving. If they are
- not they will lose their value. The casino may allow cash to be
- bet at a roulette table but potential ownership problems can
- result and it is not recommended.
- The player may bet on one or more single numbers or groups of
- various numbers. Payoffs are directly related to whether one
- number or a group of numbers is bet. If one number is bet, the
- payoff is 35 to 1 or 36 total chips. If two numbers are bet as a
- group, the payoff is 17 to 1 or 18 chips. If eighteen numbers
- are bet as a group, the payoff is 1 to 1 or 2 chips.
- Players choose numbers to bet for different reasons. They may
- change numbers every spin or play favorite numbers, birthdays,
- ages or other lucky numbers. There is no statistical advantage
- or difference in betting any number or group of numbers.
- Roulette Table Layout:
- 7 28 12 35 3 +--------------------------------------------+
- 29 26 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3rd |
- 18 0 | 0| 3| 6| 9|12|15|18|21|24|27|30|33|36| Col |
- 22 32 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- 9 W 15 | |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-----|
- 31 19 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2nd |
- 14 H 4 |--| 2| 5| 8|11|14|17|20|23|26|29|32|35| Col |
- 20 21 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- 1 E 2 |00|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-----|
- 33 25 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1st |
- 16 E 17 | | 1| 4| 7|10|13|16|19|22|25|28|31|34| Col |
- 24 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- 5 L 6 +--|-----------------------------------|-----+
- 00 27 | 1st12 | 2nd12 | 3rd12 |
- 10 13 |-----------|-----------|-----------|
- 23 8 30 11 36 |1-18 |EVEN | RED |BLACK| ODD |19-36|
- +-----------------------------------+
- Bet Payoffs:
- Single Number (Straight Up) .................. 35 to 1
- Two Numbers (Split, bet on line).............. 17 to 1
- Three Numbers (Across, bet on line)........... 11 to 1
- Four Numbers (Corner, bet on junction)......... 8 to 1
- Five Numbers (Bet on 0, 00, 1, 2, 3)........... 6 to 1
- Six Numbers (Across, bet on junction)......... 5 to 1
- Section (12 numbers, bet in 1st 12 Box, etc.).. 2 to 1
- Column (12 numbers, bet on 1st COL)............ 2 to 1
- 1 to 18 or 19 to 36 (18 numbers, bet in box)... 1 to 1
- Odd or Even (18 numbers, bet in box)........... 1 to 1
- Red or Black (18 numbers, bet in box).......... 1 to 1
- The casino percent advantage or "PC" on roulette is easy to see
- and understand. There are 38 numbers on the wheel but the payoff
- for one number is only 35 to 1 or 36 chips. This makes the
- casino PC -2/38ths or -5.26%. This -5.26% PC exists on all of
- the other bets on groups of numbers. Actually the one bet on
- five numbers; 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3; has a casino PC of -7.90%. For
- more information see the $mart Gambler tutorial on Odds.
- Roulette is a pleasant casino game to play but $mart Gamblers
- won't be found at it. Not because of the game's sedate
- atmosphere but because the casino's -5.26% PC is just too large a
- price to pay for entertainment.
- There is no system that can overcome that PC and turn roulette
- into a long term winning proposition. The mathematics of the
- game is against the player. Do not believe any advertisements
- for "systems" that claim otherwise. No betting system can
- overcome or come close to overcoming the high PC on roulette.
- The chance of the ball rolling into one number or a group of
- numbers is not dependent on any previous spin. It is purely a
- random event. Just because the ball has not landed in a black
- number for ten times does not automatically change the odds on it
- landing in a red number. The ball has no memory and doesn't care
- where it lands. It will have the same chance of landing in black
- as landing in red or in green for that matter.
- There is one interesting situation that is frequently observed at
- the roulette table. Occasionally a player will bet large
- quantities of different numbers or different groups of numbers.
- It is not unusual to see 20 or 25 separate bets. They apparently
- feel better if something wins. The player of course fails to
- comprehend the affect of 19 or 24 of the bets lose and the impact
- the -5.26% is having on their bankroll.
- There are occasionally casinos that offer a roulette game with a
- single-zero wheel. They will have a 0 number but no 00 number.
- That reduces the casino PC to -1/37ths or -2.70%. If a player
- wants to try a little roulette play, the single-zero wheel is a
- better bet but it is still relatively high.
- The $mart Gambler understands the impact of high casino percent
- advantages as in roulette and chooses other casino games for
- their entertainment. What is the difference of playing roulette
- versus a correct game of craps or blackjack? Situation: Three
- day gambling trip, 15 hours of play, average of 60 decisions per
- hour, average bet of $5. Playing roulette, the entertainment
- cost will average $236 for the trip. Sometimes the player will
- come out a winner but over the long run the player will lose an
- average of $236 per trip. Compare this to playing a correct game
- of craps or six deck blackjack at the same betting level,
- duration and decision activity. These games will cost an average
- $36 per trip based on a casino PC of less than 1%. The player
- will come out a winner more times than playing roulette but on
- the average will lose $36 a trip. Multiple this by four trips a
- year for ten years and the difference is $8000. See the
- appropriate $mart Gambler tutorial for more information on craps
- or blackjack.
- $mart Gamblers enjoy casino gambling and know to continue to
- enjoy it they must play at the best opportunities. Roulette is
- not one of them and for that reason it is not as popular as
- compared to other casino games.
- Copyright 1992 PC Information Systems All Rights Reserved