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Text File  |  1991-09-16  |  3KB  |  162 lines

  1. R0/0/639/199
  2. big2C/320/10/
  5. text/12/25
  6. Apply  cream  or  oil,
  7. then,  using  a  firm,
  8. kneading motion  simi-
  9. lar  to   a  contented
  10. kitten's  front  paws,
  11. massage back and sides
  12. of  neck  with    both
  13. hands.  Begin  at  the
  14. base  of   the  skull,
  15. working  slowly to the
  16. shoulders, and  back a
  17. few times while  stay-
  18. ing off the vertebrae.
  19. Do this for 5 minutes.
  20. ~
  22. L538/86/584/89
  23. L584/89/588/90
  24. L588/90/592/94
  25. L592/94/590/96
  26. L590/96/587/99
  27. L587/99/581/99
  28. L581/100/550/99
  29. L550/99/533/97
  30. L533/97/530/94
  31. L530/94/530/97
  32. L530/97/481/100
  33. L481/100/474/99
  34. L475/99/477/101
  35. L477/101/426/104
  36. L536/85/524/85
  37. L524/85/501/86
  38. L501/86/476/87
  39. L476/87/416/100
  40. L569/87/598/89
  41. L598/89/598/89
  42. L598/89/585/92
  43. L585/92/561/90
  44. L558/98/568/100
  45. L568/100/571/101
  46. L571/101/570/103
  47. L570/104/566/108
  48. L566/108/548/109
  49. L548/109/523/108
  50. L523/108/521/104
  51. L521/104/521/107
  52. L521/107/513/109
  53. L513/109/482/112
  54. L482/112/474/112
  55. L474/112/464/109
  56. L464/109/467/111
  57. L467/111/465/112
  58. L465/112/449/116
  59. L449/116/433/119
  60. L433/119/414/122
  61. L414/122/401/119
  62. L401/119/412/121
  63. L412/121/411/122
  64. L411/122/394/130
  65. L412/99/387/106
  66. KV/335/81/626/127/328/43
  67. L392/90/401/113
  68. L401/113/410/118
  69. L410/118/407/127
  70. L407/127/397/130
  71. L397/130/392/128
  72. L391/128/409/129
  73. L409/129/439/126
  74. L440/126/457/128
  75. L457/128/460/130
  76. L460/130/460/127
  77. L460/127/480/125
  78. L480/125/502/123
  79. L502/123/509/124
  80. L510/124/521/128
  81. L521/128/521/131
  82. L521/131/521/136
  83. L521/136/515/138
  84. L515/138/509/140
  85. L509/140/483/143
  86. L483/143/467/145
  87. L467/145/458/146
  88. L458/146/437/150
  89. L437/150/413/152
  90. L414/152/424/151
  91. L424/151/413/158
  92. L413/158/387/169
  93. L387/169/370/176
  94. L370/176/344/184
  95. L344/184/323/186
  96. L390/64/338/72
  97. L338/72/336/74
  98. L336/74/328/77
  99. L328/77/317/89
  100. L317/89/292/111
  101. L292/111/281/124
  102. L281/124/271/156
  103. L271/156/245/171
  104. L485/125/513/124
  105. L513/124/518/125
  106. L518/125/525/131
  107. L525/131/523/134
  108. L523/134/522/135
  109. L522/135/501/138
  110. L500/138/495/128
  111. KV/402/74/463/84/245/73
  112. KB/235/67/305/90
  113. KY
  114. L463/73/454/77
  115. L454/77/448/80
  116. L448/80/431/83
  117. L431/83/419/84
  118. L419/84/406/85
  119. L410/84/393/91
  120. note: little person in rt corner
  121. E554/152/0/359/24/15
  122. L568/163/573/173
  123. L573/173/578/176
  124. L578/176/589/177
  125. L589/177/606/178
  126. L606/178/616/180
  127. L616/180/623/186
  128. L623/186/626/191
  129. L536/163/530/173
  130. L530/173/525/176
  131. L525/176/514/176
  132. L514/176/495/178
  133. L495/178/486/180
  134. L486/180/481/185
  135. L481/185/478/192
  136. style3
  137. C554/167/3
  138. style1
  139. text/245/27
  140. For  further  tension
  141. release, press points
  142. every 1/2 inch   down
  143. neck for 3 seconds
  144. each.
  145. ~
  149. text/421/86
  150. With the middle finger
  151. on top  of  the  fore-
  152. finger,  press  hollow
  153. at  base of the skull.
  154. ~
  158. S1000/80
  159. S2000/80
  160. S4000/80