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/ World of Shareware - Software Farm 2 / wosw_2.zip / wosw_2 / GENERAL / NONMED.ZIP / GENERAL.3 < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-09-21  |  4KB  |  227 lines

  1. L31/85/103/54
  2. L103/54/111/53
  3. L111/53/116/54
  4. L116/54/118/56
  5. L118/56/115/59
  6. L115/59/92/72
  7. L92/72/48/93
  8. L49/93/45/96
  9. L45/96/47/96
  10. L47/96/95/75
  11. L95/75/129/60
  12. L129/60/149/51
  13. L149/51/156/49
  14. L156/49/164/50
  15. L164/50/166/52
  16. L166/52/165/56
  17. L165/56/155/62
  18. L155/62/135/72
  19. L135/73/115/85
  20. L115/85/70/106
  21. L70/106/69/107
  22. L69/107/73/109
  23. L73/109/79/108
  24. L79/107/153/74
  25. L153/74/184/60
  26. L184/60/201/53
  27. L201/53/208/54
  28. L208/54/214/55
  29. L214/55/216/58
  30. L216/58/215/61
  31. L215/61/209/64
  32. L209/64/196/69
  33. L196/69/173/82
  34. L173/82/143/98
  35. L143/98/119/112
  36. L119/112/111/117
  37. L111/117/111/119
  38. L111/119/117/118
  39. L117/118/130/112
  40. L130/112/187/84
  41. L187/84/204/74
  42. L204/74/208/74
  43. L208/74/212/74
  44. L212/74/218/77
  45. L218/77/217/81
  46. L217/81/214/84
  47. L214/84/206/88
  48. L206/88/189/99
  49. L189/99/156/120
  50. L156/120/139/132
  51. L139/132/108/152
  52. L105/54/96/59
  53. L96/59/104/62
  54. L104/62/115/58
  55. L153/50/139/57
  56. L139/57/151/61
  57. L151/61/162/56
  58. L200/54/186/61
  59. L186/61/198/65
  60. L198/65/213/60
  61. L203/76/194/82
  62. L194/82/204/85
  63. L204/85/214/81
  64. style3
  65. C101/64/3
  66. text/163/23
  68. ~
  70. style1
  71. text/112/2
  73. ~
  75. text/112/2
  76. STEP 5
  77. ~
  79. text/5/12
  80. Press the points just below and
  81. to  the  inside  corner of  the
  82. fingernails of the little  fin-
  83. gers.
  84. ~
  86. L25/57/70/61
  87. L70/61/60/54
  88. L70/60/56/65
  89. text/462/12
  90. STEP 6
  91. ~
  93. text/353/21
  94. Bend your head so that your chin
  95. touches your chest. Feel for the
  96. top most vertebra  that you  can
  97. feel  (above  which   the   neck
  98. muscles  cover the  spine).  Ma-
  99. ssage  the  area  one-half  inch
  100. above this bump for one  minute.
  101. ~
  103. text/289/94
  105. ~
  107. L380/186/385/170
  108. L385/170/387/166
  109. L387/166/390/163
  110. L390/163/401/160
  111. L401/160/416/151
  112. L416/151/417/146
  113. L417/146/422/136
  114. L422/136/432/129
  115. L432/129/449/124
  116. L449/124/479/125
  117. L479/125/494/130
  118. L494/130/499/137
  119. L499/137/498/139
  120. L498/139/497/141
  121. L497/141/495/141
  122. L495/141/496/143
  123. L496/143/495/147
  124. L495/147/487/148
  125. L487/148/490/149
  126. L490/149/491/155
  127. L491/155/483/155
  128. L483/155/480/156
  129. L480/156/478/159
  130. L478/159/475/161
  131. L476/161/474/165
  132. L474/165/458/163
  133. L458/163/447/160
  134. L447/160/443/149
  135. L450/160/442/172
  136. L442/172/445/185
  137. L445/185/448/188
  138. L487/145/483/145
  139. L470/157/475/158
  140. L419/143/429/142
  141. L429/142/435/137
  142. L435/137/446/135
  143. L447/135/454/136
  144. L454/136/457/141
  145. L457/141/461/137
  146. L461/137/471/137
  147. L471/137/498/139
  148. L498/139/499/134
  149. L499/134/493/129
  150. L493/129/457/122
  151. L457/122/444/123
  152. L443/123/434/127
  153. L434/127/427/134
  154. L427/134/418/139
  155. L418/139/419/143
  156. changepattern9
  157. changepattern9
  158. L454/125/440/128
  159. L440/128/434/131
  160. L435/131/427/136
  161. L427/136/424/140
  162. L424/140/431/136
  163. L431/136/441/129
  164. L441/129/455/126
  165. L455/126/465/125
  166. L465/125/482/127
  167. L483/127/490/131
  168. L491/132/496/135
  169. L496/135/497/138
  170. L497/138/489/135
  171. L489/135/484/129
  172. L484/129/486/135
  173. L487/135/487/137
  174. L487/137/485/137
  175. L485/137/479/128
  176. L479/128/476/127
  177. L476/127/479/137
  178. L479/137/472/137
  179. L472/137/473/126
  180. L473/126/474/136
  181. L474/136/470/136
  182. L470/136/467/125
  183. L467/125/442/134
  184. L442/134/435/135
  185. L435/135/454/128
  186. L454/128/468/127
  187. L468/127/464/135
  188. L464/135/462/138
  189. L462/138/459/138
  190. L459/138/463/127
  191. L463/127/456/136
  192. L456/136/455/135
  193. L455/135/463/127
  194. L463/127/451/135
  195. L447/140/447/139
  196. L447/139/442/139
  197. L442/139/440/141
  198. L440/141/440/144
  199. L339/135/391/157
  200. L392/157/390/150
  201. L389/157/379/156
  202. P383/156/0
  203. P382/156/0
  204. P381/156/0
  205. P379/156/0
  206. P380/156/0
  207. P383/157/15
  208. P382/157/15
  209. P381/157/15
  210. P380/157/15
  211. P390/156/15
  212. P391/156/15
  213. P392/156/0
  214. P390/151/0
  215. P391/151/15
  216. P389/150/15
  217. P390/150/0
  218. P389/150/0
  220. KV/337/120/558/195/376/92
  223. S1000/80
  224. S2000/80
  225. S4000/80