World of Shareware - Software Farm 2
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172 lines
| OPTION 1: |
Optioεá ▒á wil∞ changσ thσ descriptioε oµ thσ categor∙ oµá maintenancσá anΣ ì
titlσ fo≥ billings« Thσ descriptioε currentl∙ default≤ t∩ :
"Category of maintenance"
Yo⌡ caε changσ thi≤ t∩ an∙ phrasσ yo⌡ wisΦ tha⌠ morσ closel∙ describe≤á you≥ ì
business¼ sucΦ a≤ :
"Classes of Service Tickets"
"Service Bay Number"
| OPTION 2: |
Optioε ▓ wil∞ changσ thσ heading≤ tha⌠ appea≥ oε thσ datß entr∙ screen¼ Maste≥ ì
Filσ Menu« I⌠ currentl∙ default≤ to:
============ Maintenance and Service Call Activity Tracking System =========
Default values for Maintenance and Service Activities
Titles on Menus and Data Entry Screens [except main program menu]
Maintenance and Service Call Activity Tracking System
Primary Identifier:
Primary ID
Optional second Identifier:
Secondary ID
Optional third Identifier:
Third ID
Default name for individual unit of Service/maintenance (singular):
Service Call
[used for activity file]
T∩ understanΣ ho≈ thi≤ works¼á g∩ t∩ thσ Maste≥ Filσ Menu¼ optioε A« Theε looδ ì
a⌠á thσ screeε fo≥ datß entry¼á Maste≥ File«á Yo⌡ caε changσ thσ heading≤ tha⌠ ì
yo⌡ seσ withiε thσ guideline≤ above« Experimen⌠ witΦ this.
| OPTION 3: |
Optioεá │ wil∞ changσ thσ headinτ oε al∞ screen≤ anΣá reports«á I⌠á currentl∙ì
defaults to :
Maintenance and Service Call Activity Tracking System
Yo⌡ coulΣ changσ i⌠ t∩ anythinτ tha⌠ describe≤ you≥ busines≤ o≥ industry¼ sucΦì
"Los Angeles Yellow Cab Maintenance Tracking System"
"Dade County Equipment Rental Yard Tracking System"
| OPTION 4: |
Optioε ┤ is║ Togglσ initia∞ graphic≤ imagσ fo≥ Appointments.
Default=[now on]
Wheε you≥ prograφ firs⌠ begins¼á i⌠ perform≤ tw∩ processes║ 1⌐ Display≤ t∩ yo⌡ ì
ho≈á man∙ appointment≤ yo⌡ havσ fo≥ tha⌠ day¼á iµ any╗á anΣ 2⌐ iµ yo⌡ havσá a⌠ ì
leas⌠ onσ appointmen⌠ fo≥ today¼á theε thσ prograφ create≤ ß graphic≤ imagσ oµ ì
you≥ appointment≤ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ tw∩ weeks«á Thesσ ▓ processe≤ takσ somσá time« ì
Iµá yo⌡á wisΦ t∩ turε botΦ ofµ s∩ tha⌠ thσ prograφ goe≤ directl∙ t∩á thσá Maiε ì
Prograφ Menu¼ theε selec⌠ optioε ┤ t∩ bσ [no≈ off].
| OPTION 6: |
6) SET UP SCREENS FOR Master File, by range of category
Thi≤ optioε allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ se⌠ u≡ pre-designeΣ screen≤ fo≥ thi≤ program¼á baseΣ ì
oεá ßá rangσ oµ categories«á Afte≥ yo⌡ desigε you≥ screeε anΣá designatσá thσ ì
rangσá oµá categorie≤ covereΣ b∙ you≥ screen¼á tha⌠ screeε wil∞á automaticall∙ ì
appea≥á anytimσá yo⌡á o≥ someonσ elsσ select≤ ß categor∙ iεá tha⌠á rangσá froφ ì
optioε 3¼ Maiε Prograφ Menu.
| OPTION 7: |
Optioε ╖ turn≤ optioε ╢ oε o≥ off«á Iµ lef⌠ on¼á thσ prograφ check≤ t∩ seσ iµ ìèyo⌡ havσ createΣ pre-defineΣ screen≤ fo≥ tha⌠ category«á Iµ not¼á i⌠ use≤ thσ ì
defaul⌠ value≤ defineΣ iε optioε 2« Otherwise¼ thosσ screen≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ createΣ ì
iε optioε ╢ wil∞ appea≥ throughou⌠ thσ program.
| OPTION 8: |
Thi≤á optioεá establishe≤ thσ namσ useΣ fo≥ Appointments/Schedulσá System«á I⌠ ì
default≤ t∩ 'Appointments'.
| OPTION 9: |
Thi≤ optioε set≤ thσ lengtΦ oµ searcΦ string¼á Activit∙ File¼á AdΣá option« ì
Thi≤á mean≤ tha⌠ iµ yo⌡ ente≥ ß primar∙ I─ iε thσ Activit∙ filσ tha⌠ eithe≥ ì
ha≤á n∩á matche≤ o≥ ha≤ morσ thaε onσ matcΦ giveεá you≥á entry¼á theεá thi≤ ì
optioεá dictate≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ character≤ froφ thσ leftmos⌠ margiε tha⌠ arσ ì
useΣ fo≥ searcΦ anΣ display«
A) Automatic pausing and pacing between screens
Default=[auto pausing ]
Thσ prograφ wil∞ automaticall∙ pausσ betweeε ß numbe≥ oµ it≤ screens¼ allowinτì
yo⌡á t∩á seσ wha⌠ i≤ oε thσ screeε withou⌠ thσ necessit∙ oµá you≥á continuall∙ì
havinτ t∩ interac⌠ witΦ thσ program« Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ over-ridσ thi≤ automatiπì
pacinτ feature¼á selec⌠ optioε ┴ t∩ bσ [manua∞ pausinτ ]«á Wheε yo⌡ d∩á this¼ì
al∞á oµá thσ automatiπ pause≤ wil∞ havσ beeε replaceΣ b∙ ß beep¼á followeΣá b∙ì
thi≤á message║á "Ente≥ An∙ Characte≥ t∩ continue"«á Thi≤ signifie≤á tha⌠á thσì
prograφá i≤ waitinτ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ ente≥ ß ke∙ t∩ continuσ insteaΣ oµ showinτá yo⌡ì
tha⌠ screeε fo≥ ß predetermineΣ numbe≥ oµ seconds«á Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ bypas≤ al∞ì
pauses¼ whethe≥ pre-timeΣ o≥ manual¼ selec⌠ [n∩ pausing ].
Thi≤á featurσ bypasse≤ thσ │ leve∞ datß file/index/batcΦ filσ checkinτ tha⌠ ì
thσ prograφ perform≤ ever∙ timσ thσ progrφ i≤ started«
==============è | OPTION "C"|
Create a default date for Appointments in Activity Add
Normally¼á thσá prograφá create≤ ß defaul⌠ datσ iε thσ Activit∙á AdΣá filσá oµ ì
'01/01/1901'«á Thi≤á datσ i≤ ß codσ tha⌠ tell≤ thσ prograφ no⌠ t∩ schedulσá ß ì
futurσá appointmen⌠ o≥ commitment«á Yo⌡ woulΣ changσ thi≤ defaul⌠ datσ iµ yo⌡ ì
wisΦ AL╠ ne≈ activit∙ record≤ t∩ havσ ß futurσ appointment≤ date.