World of Shareware - Software Farm 2
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Assembly Source File
181 lines
;void input_right(col,row,color,max_len,char_case,return_strg);
; unsigned short col,row,color,max_len;
; char char_case,*ret_strg;
EXTRN _memory_model:byte
EXTRN _error_code:byte
EXTRN _beep_on:byte
PUBLIC _input_right
_input_right proc near
mov _error_code,1 ;1 = parameter out of range
push bp ;
mov bp,sp ;set up stack frame
push di ;
push si ;
cmp _memory_model,0 ;near or far?
jle begin ;jump if near
inc bp ;else add 2 to BP
inc bp ;
begin: cmp _memory_model,2 ;data near or far?
jb A0 ;jump if near
les di,dword ptr[bp+14] ;point ES:DI to return string
jmp short A00 ;jump ahead
A0: mov ax,ds ;move DS to ES
mov es,ax ;
mov di,[bp+14] ;
A00: mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ;clear descriptor in case error
sub al,al ;clear AL
mov dl,[bp+4] ;col to DL
dec dl ;count from 0
cmp dl,79 ;in range?
jna B1 ;jump ahead if so
A1: jmp U1 ;else quit
B1: mov dh,[bp+6] ;row to DH
dec dh ;count from 0
cmp dh,24 ;in range?
ja A1 ;quit if not
mov bl,[bp+8] ;attribute to BL
sub bh,bh ;page 0
mov al,[bp+10] ;max string length to AL
or al,al ;test for zero length
jz A1 ;quit if zero
dec _error_code ;0 = no error
mov ah,[bp+12] ;character case to AH
mov bp,di ;let BP point to string
mov di,ax ;store both in DI
mov ah,2 ;function to set cursor
int 10h ;set the cursor
sub si,si ;SI points to ret string
sub al,al ;initial string length
mov es:[bp],al ;set the descriptor
C1: inc si ;forward string pointer
D1: mov cx,1 ;num chars to write
sub ah,ah ;func to read keystroke
int 16h ;wait for keystroke
cmp al,0 ;test for extended code
jne E1 ;jump if not extended
cmp ah,83 ;is it the Del key?
jne D1 ;next keystroke if not
jmp short I1 ;else jmp to backspc code
E1: cmp al,13 ;test for carriage return
jne F1 ;jump ahead if not CR
jmp S1 ;else quit routine
F1: cmp al,27 ;test for Escape
jne H1 ;jump ahead if not Escape
mov cl,es:[bp] ;string length to CX
or cl,cl ;test for null string
je D1 ;ignore keystroke if null
mov es:[bp],ch ;zero out strg length
sub si,si ;clear string pointer
sub dl,cl ;col pos - string length
G1: inc dl ;inc cursor column
mov ah,2 ;function to set cursor
int 10h ;reset the cursor
mov al,32 ;erase with spc character
push cx ;save strg len counter
mov cx,1 ;number chars to write
mov ah,9 ;function to write char
int 10h ;erase a char
pop cx ;restore counter
loop G1 ;go erase next char
jmp short C1 ;go get next keystroke
H1: cmp al,8 ;test for backspace
jne J1 ;jump ahead if not bkspc
I1: cmp es:[bp],ch ;start of string?
je K1 ;go beep, get next key
sub es:[bp],cl ;dec string descriptor
dec si ;dec string pointer
push dx ;save cursor position
mov ax,si ;string length to AX
sub dl,al ;subtract from cursor pos
inc dl ;back one column
mov ah,2 ;function to set cursor
int 10h ;reset cursor
pop dx ;restore prior cursor pos
mov al,32 ;erase with space char
mov ah,9 ;function to write char
int 10h ;erase a char
cmp si,1 ;single char left?
je D1 ;no need to rewrite line
jmp short Q1 ;else go rewrite line
J1: cmp al,32 ;some other ctrl code?
jb D1 ;skip it if so
push dx ;test right margin...
sub dh,dh ;DX = col position
inc dx ;adjust
cmp si,dx ;line length equals?
pop dx ;restore row/col
jnbe K1 ;skip char, beep
xchg di,cx ;fetch MaxLen
cmp es:[bp],cl ;comp to strg descriptor
xchg di,cx ;restore CX
jne L1 ;jump if string not full
K1: push dx ;save cursor setting
mov ah,2 ;DOS func to write char
mov dl,7 ;bell character
cmp _beep_on,0 ;test whether beep enabled
je K2 ;jump if not
int 21h ;beep!
K2: pop dx ;restore cursor setting
jmp D1 ;go get next keystroke
L1: xchg cx,di ;move case type to CH
cmp ch,'u' ;upper case?
je M1 ;jump if so
cmp ch,'U' ;upper case?
jne N1 ;jump ahead if not
M1: cmp al,'a' ;below 'a'?
jb P1 ;move on if out of range
cmp al,'z' ;above 'z'?
ja P1 ;move on if out of range
sub al,32 ;convert to upper case
jmp short P1 ;go write it
N1: cmp ch,'l' ;lower case?
je O1 ;jump if so
cmp ch,'L' ;lower case?
jne P1 ;no adjustment if not
O1: cmp al,'A' ;below 'A'?
jb P1 ;move on if out of range
cmp al,'Z' ;above 'Z'?
ja P1 ;move on if out of range
add al,32 ;convert to upper case
P1: xchg cx,di ;restore CX count
mov es:[bp][si],al ;set keystroke for return
add es:[bp],cl ;inc string descriptor
Q1: mov cl,es:[bp] ;string length to CX
sub dl,cl ;cursor col-number chars
sub si,si ;point SI to descriptor
R1: inc dl ;forward cursor position
mov ah,2 ;function to set cursor
int 10h ;reset the cursor
push cx ;save strg len counter
mov cx,1 ;number chars to write
inc si ;inc string pointer
mov al,es:[bp][si] ;get char to write
mov ah,9 ;function to write char
int 10h ;write the char
pop cx ;restore strg len counter
loop R1 ;go write next char
jmp C1 ;go get next character
S1: sub cx,cx ;convert to C string
mov cl,es:[bp] ;get string length
or cl,cl ;test for zero length
jz U1 ;quit if null string
T1: mov al,es:[bp+1] ;get a char
mov es:[bp],al ;shift downward
inc bp ;forward ptr
loop T1 ;move whole string
mov byte ptr es:[bp],0 ;terminating byte
U1: pop si ;
pop di ;
pop bp ;
cmp _memory_model,0 ;quit
jle quit ;
db 0CBh ;RET far
quit: ret ;RET near
_input_right ENDP