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══ ADDENDUM.DOC ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The StupenDOS distribution diskette contains three versions of StupenDOS.
The SD.EXE file is the normal registered version of StupenDOS. In a
subdirectory called \OVERLAY, is a version of StupenDOS that uses overlays,
which is a technique that reduces memory usage, but may slow the operation
of StupenDOS in some functions. We recommend you use the normal version of
StupenDOS unless you run into memory problems. If you put both of these
versions of StupenDOS on your machine, you should be aware that StupenDOS
looks for files that correspond to the executable filename. So if you
run the overlay version of StupenDOS, and the filename is SDO.EXE, then
this version will look for SDO.SET, and SDO.TRE, etc., when looking for
its configuration files. The exception is the SD.PRO file, which should
not be renamed. The third version of StupenDOS included on the disk is
in the \SHARWARE directory. This is a self-extracting file that contains
the shareware version of StupenDOS. Feel free to distribute this file to
your associates and friends. This file may also be uploaded to any online
system. The filename should be uploaded as SD-500.EXE to remain consistent
with previous shareware releases of StupenDOS.
New Programmable Features
* File Coloring
StupenDOS supports file coloring, so you can display groups of files in
different colors, so they will stand out.
The file coloring is a programmable option, so you must make changes to
the SD.PRO file to invoke file coloring. The file coloring examples
below have four sections in each entry.
1. The keyword CLR, to tell StupenDOS that the following command is a
COLOR command.
2. The FILESPEC of the files you wish to color.
3. The color of the text of the filename displayed.
4. The background color to be displayed. If you want to use the standard
file background color, do not specify a background color.
The following examples show how the COLOR commands are used:
CLR:<DIR>;black; // Directory entries will be displayed in BLACK
CLR:*.exe;RED; // All .EXE files will be displayed in RED
CLR:*.;LTYELLOW;defa // All files with no extension will be LTYELLOW
CLR:*.DOC;cyan;black // All .DOC files will be CYAN on BLACK
The following is a list of legal colors:
If you have a Monochrome or CGA video card, you must use one of the first
eight colors listed above for the background color, since these video
cards do not support bright background colors.
* Programming the bottom line of the screen
The function keys at the bottom of the screen are programmable. You
must make changes to the SD.PRO file to modify the default values. The
examples below have five sections in each entry.
1. The keyword FKY, to tell StupenDOS that the following command is a
Function KeY command.
2. The text you wish displayed on the screen. Put a '&' character in
front on characters you wish to be highlighted. These highlighted
characters can be used as shortcut keys.
3. The key value of the shortcut key desired. Use the WHATKEY.EXE
program to determine the value of the shortcut key.
4. The value you wish to be returned to StupenDOS. This is a function
value that is listed in the StupenDOS manual (page 39-40).
5. The column on the screen the text will be displayed. The starting
column number is zero.
The following examples show how the FKY commands are used:
FKY:F1 &Copy;67;11570;0 // "Copy", shortcut key = 'C', return
// value is to COPY files. Text will
// be displayed starting at column 0
KEY:315;11570; // Now add the KEY command, F1=copy
FKY:F2 &Move;77;11575;9
K:77;11575; // M=move, starting at column 9
K:316;11575; // F2=move
See the bottom of the SD.PRO file for additonal examples.
Secondary Sort
* StupenDOS version 5.0 supports secondary sorting. This feature is
designed to help you filter through files in a more logical order.
For example, if you were looking for the newest .DOC file in a
directory, and there were hundreds of .DOC files, you can sort by
extension first, to group all the .DOC files together, then do a
secondary sort by date to put all the newest .DOC files together.
To do a secondary sort, bring up the "Sort" pull down menu by pressing
ALT S. Then select the "Secondary sort" option. Use the arrow keys or
the mouse to select the desired sort type. Pressing the SPACE Bar will
toggle the sort direction from Ascending to Descending.
To permanently set the secondary sort type, press ALT P to invoke the
"setuP" pull down menu. The select "File options", and another menu will
appear. Select "seCondary sort", and set the desired sort type as
described above.
* FILEFILL has been added in several areas. FILEFILL eliminates spelling
errors by finishing directory or filenames for you in certain input boxes.
For example, if you are changing directories, and you start to type
and then press the TAB key, StupenDOS will look on the DISK for
directories that start with C:\WI. If a match is found, StupenDOS
will fill in the directory name for you. In the above example, SD
would most likely have filled in
If the incorrect name was filled in by StupenDOS, just press TAB again and
the next match will be displayed.
When all of the matching files have been displayed, a beep will sound and
the first match will again be displayed.
4DOS descriptions
* 4DOS (or NDOS) is a popular shareware COMMAND.COM replacement. StupenDOS
can now display 4DOS comments. 4DOS comments allow you to add text to
files, so instead of displaying the size, time and date of a file, you
can display a description of the file. You can also modify 4DOS
descriptions easily. Note: Even if you do not use 4DOS, you can add
descriptions to files.
To add or modify the description of a file, you must enable 4DOS
description usage in the setup menu. Press ALT P to invoke the "setuP"
pull down menu. Then select the "Other options" item. Then enable
"4DOS descriptions". Once the "4DOS descriptions" option is enabled,
you can enter or modify descriptions. Use the arrow keys to select
the file you wish to add a comment to. Then select the "4DOS
description" item from the "File" pull down menu. This will display a
pop up window. Enter the desired text, and press ENTER when finished.
You can also enable a hot key to enter descriptions quicker. The '4'
key has been added to the SD.PRO file as follows:
KEY:52;11070; // Key 52 ('4') will invoke option 11070 (descriptions)
This will make the '4' key a shortcut to enter 4DOS descriptions.
ZIPPING Several Subdirectories
* StupenDOS now allows PKZIP to compress several subdirectories at one
time. Just tag the directories you want compressed before going into
the ZIP screen. The directories will be added to the ZIP file
automatically. In most cases, you will want to select the "Absolute
paths" option in the "Path" pull down menu to save the directory name
in the ZIP file. See the PKZIP documentation for details on the
absolute path (-P) option.
TREE Options
* The TREE display can now display additional information about your
disk drive. To invoke the TREE display, press ALT M, then select the
"Tree display", or "Reread tree" option. The TREE display must be
"fresh", that is to say that the disk was just scanned, and not
read in from the SD.TRE file, which could happen if you selected the
"Tree display" option and not the "Reread tree" option