(a) People cleaning up their hard drive and suddenly wondering where this mysterious README file came from.
(b) People who have heard that if you read this file backwards you get
satanic messages.
(c) People who have heard about Robin (our text writer)'s sense of humour.
(d) People who care about a game's background.
(e) Or simply people who want to know how to play this great game.
You are the manager of a major English football team (The national team, in fact) and you have to select a team, and well sort of play other ones. I suppose if you get bored you can even try and win.
If you want to find out more about the game, the programmers, the business, or if you simply enjoy sending abusive remarks or revealing pictures to people you don't know, visit this website:
YES!!! we have our own website!!!! (And it's very pretty)
* ========= *
This game is shareware. So please give it to all your fiends saying things like: "This is a really good game.",
or alternatively " This is a football game"
or even "I shoved this up your mother!"
Anything, just please make sure it gets passed around. However, we don't want you to screw about with our programming, otherwise we will have to sue you for lots of money or sort you out some other way!!!!
After 21 days, register it. If you don't, STOP PLAYING IT. If you don't do this you will be driven insane by nasty little phase like "not available on the shareware version" constantly popping up, and who knows you may end up committing suicide because of it. And failing that, you will eventually feel the desire to play more than five games.
For whatever reason, the registration fee is ú6.50 (+P&P) and full details can be found by loading up order.frm. This is also very pretty, and worth looking at even if you don't register the game. Register it, whereupon you will be sent a shiny floppy disk, in a shiny envelope, by shiny, happy people holding hands, who will also enclose a letter reading "Thank you for buying our game... We love you man! From the people who sent you the game."
* ================ *
1. Copy the zipped file into a directory on your hard disk and unzip them (This is a computer zip, so don't wreck the floppy or CD by trying to find a replacement for that coat you buggered up trying to do up too quickly).
1. Type RUN when in the directory you unzipped the files into and press return.
2. Look at the pretty intro screen and press return.
3. Press space
4. Press space again
5. Swear and keep pressing space until the intro and credits have completely disappeared.
6. Now look up and realise that you are in the sound card selection screen (You need a Sound Blaster card to listen to the sound)
7. Fail to understand why the sound isn't working.
8. Turn speakers on
9. Try again and celebrate as the dulcet tones of one of our chief programmers echos through your (excessively expensive) sound system.
10. Arse about with game for half an hour before giving in and reading this file.
11. Realise how good a game it is and REGISTER IT.
A world league has been setup consisting of 96 top countries from around the world. They have been divided into 6 divisions each with 16 team. There are also three cups to try your luck in, but don't expect to see much of them in this shareware version. In the shareware version there are only 64 countries (we couldn't remember any others at the time). Don't you wish you had the registered version.
In the basic game you are England. Your task is to put an end to the current trend of not winning anything, and more importantly, not to be put out of the running by the *!@*#!* GERMANS.
The FA have given you complete control over finances, team selection and ground improvement. There is not a "bugger of with all the money and never be seen again" option however the same effect can apparently be got by putting on some foreign music and masturbating for two weeks. All the T.V. money is distributed after every cup round and season, depending on how well you are doing.
a - up
z - not up
. - right
, - left
SPACE - let on the team, kick off the team, select player, launch off sattelite (Well maybe not quite yet)
c - compare this player with previously selected player using our special PLAYER COMPARE SCREEN.
x - Exit screen.
r - Tell player that he is rubbish in his current position and you think it would be much more beneficial if he stood in a different position. (The players do not get abusive (YET!))
t - Tell the player that this isn't working, so you are going to try something different with him.
s - Call up team menu for no apparent reason.
a - Inject whole team with testosterone and let them attack the opposition like a gang of rabid ferrets. (ATTACK)
d - Make the team act like a group of pansies and stand around the goal screaming "Please don't kick the ball into our goal. (DEFEND)
. - Make the text fly by.
, - Slow the text down, this is great for people who can't read properly
Golden Goal has been proved to work on :
a 486 SX PC 486 MHz with 4 MB of RAM and 1 MB of hard disk space.
But I think it will work on any PC really.
* =============== *
We hope you enjoy Golden Goal and send us some lovely money for the full registered version which includes :-
Save and Load game options.
As many seasons as you have time for.
All features that at the moment say "not available on shareware version".
An even longer readme file.
The possiblity to manage teams other than England (if you buy the required data disk).
And possibly some things I've forgotten to mention here
We will be really nice to the first 25 orders (more details on this in the game)
First, myself for writing this great game.
Secondly, Chris Adams for his programming skills, doing all the boring text screens and sounds.
Thirdly, Robin Peel for writing this README file which I unfortunately had to edit out bits of.
Fourthly, The late Andrew Palfreyman for his help on the research.
Fivthly, Andrew Iddon for the names Golden Goal and Apple Tree Software which are unregistered trademarks of Apple Tree Software.
Sixthly, Brian Wood for the hardware and software providing.
Seventhly, Steven Connolly for his playtesting and installation program.
Eighthly, Chris Wood for his ideas.
Ninthly, Charlie Doyle for his forthcoming graphics.
Tenthly, Chris Adams would like to thank his mum for the doughnuts and tea.
Finally, YOU for trying this game and hopefully buying it so that we can continue our programming.
The use of the names of players, countries, stadiums etc. does not
mean that the players, countries' FA, countries' government, stadium
authorities or any other connected or mentioned party in any way endorse,
support, recognise, recommend etc this product in any way in fact the only
people that do endorse, support, recognise or recommend this product in