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Text File  |  1994-06-01  |  10KB  |  1,369 lines

  1. bumpy
  2. sweat
  3. blimp
  4. liven
  5. strap
  6. yacht
  7. watch
  8. first
  9. sugar
  10. learn
  11. dozen
  12. ables
  13. abort
  14. about
  15. above
  16. abuse
  17. acing
  18. aches
  19. ached
  20. acids
  21. acnes
  22. acorn
  23. acres
  24. actor
  25. acute
  26. adieu
  27. admit
  28. adopt
  29. adore
  30. adult
  31. agent
  32. aimer
  33. aimed
  34. alert
  35. alien
  36. align
  37. alike
  38. aline
  39. alive
  40. alone
  41. amend
  42. amigo
  43. among
  44. ample
  45. amuse
  46. angel
  47. angry
  48. armed
  49. aside
  50. asker
  51. asked
  52. audio
  53. audit
  54. aunts
  55. autos
  56. awoke
  57. awful
  58. axles
  59. backs
  60. badge
  61. badly
  62. bagel
  63. bails
  64. baked
  65. baker
  66. bakes
  67. banjo
  68. banks
  69. barfs
  70. barns
  71. basic
  72. basin
  73. batch
  74. bated
  75. beads
  76. beady
  77. beaks
  78. began
  79. belch
  80. below
  81. bends
  82. biker
  83. biked
  84. bikes
  85. bingo
  86. black
  87. blade
  88. blame
  89. blank
  90. blaze
  91. blimp
  92. blind
  93. block
  94. blond
  95. blows
  96. blunt
  97. board
  98. boast
  99. bolts
  100. bonks
  101. bored
  102. bores
  103. bowed
  104. bower
  105. bowel
  106. bowls
  107. boxed
  108. boxer
  109. boxes
  110. brace
  111. brave
  112. brats
  113. break
  114. brick
  115. bring
  116. broil
  117. brown
  118. built
  119. build
  120. bulks
  121. bulky
  122. bumps
  123. bumpy
  124. bunks
  125. buoys
  126. burps
  127. burst
  128. butch
  129. buyer
  130. bylaw
  131. bushy
  132. cabin
  133. cable
  134. caged
  135. cages
  136. cager
  137. caked
  138. cakes
  139. cakey
  140. calms
  141. canes
  142. caned
  143. caner
  144. canoe
  145. caped
  146. capes
  147. caper
  148. cards
  149. cared
  150. carob
  151. carve
  152. cater
  153. cause
  154. caves
  155. cents
  156. chain
  157. chair
  158. chalk
  159. champ
  160. chant
  161. chaos
  162. chase
  163. chart
  164. chats
  165. cheap
  166. cheat
  167. chews
  168. chewy
  169. chins
  170. chink
  171. chips
  172. chirp
  173. chive
  174. chops
  175. chord
  176. chore
  177. chose
  178. chows
  179. chugs
  180. cigar
  181. cited
  182. cites
  183. citer
  184. clams
  185. clamp
  186. claps
  187. clasp
  188. claws
  189. clean
  190. clear
  191. climb
  192. clips
  193. clone
  194. close
  195. cloth
  196. clots
  197. clove
  198. clubs
  199. clues
  200. clued
  201. coals
  202. cobra
  203. codes
  204. coils
  205. coins
  206. colts
  207. comas
  208. combs
  209. comes
  210. comet
  211. coned
  212. cones
  213. coped
  214. copes
  215. coral
  216. cords
  217. corks
  218. corny
  219. count
  220. crabs
  221. cramp
  222. crane
  223. crank
  224. crape
  225. crave
  226. crawl
  227. crazy
  228. craze
  229. cream
  230. crest
  231. crews
  232. cried
  233. crime
  234. crimp
  235. crisp
  236. croak
  237. crops
  238. crows
  239. crumb
  240. crust
  241. cried
  242. cubed
  243. cubes
  244. curbs
  245. cured
  246. curls
  247. curse
  248. curvy
  249. daily
  250. daisy
  251. dames
  252. damps
  253. darts
  254. dashy
  255. dazes
  256. dazed
  257. dealt
  258. debts
  259. decor
  260. defog
  261. delay
  262. delta
  263. demos
  264. dents
  265. depot
  266. devil
  267. dials
  268. dimes
  269. dingy
  270. dimly
  271. dinky
  272. diner
  273. dines
  274. dined
  275. disco
  276. ditch
  277. diver
  278. dives
  279. docks
  280. dolts
  281. doing
  282. dongs
  283. dopey
  284. doubt
  285. dough
  286. dozen
  287. dozer
  288. draft
  289. drags
  290. drain
  291. downs
  292. drape
  293. drink
  294. dream
  295. drift
  296. draws
  297. drive
  298. drove
  299. drugs
  300. drums
  301. drunk
  302. dries
  303. dumps
  304. dutch
  305. dwarf
  306. dying
  307. earns
  308. earth
  309. ebony
  310. edits
  311. eight
  312. elbow
  313. emits
  314. entry
  315. equal
  316. equip
  317. ethic
  318. ethyl
  319. exact
  320. exist
  321. exits
  322. extra
  323. fable
  324. faced
  325. faces
  326. facer
  327. facet
  328. facts
  329. faith
  330. fails
  331. faint
  332. fairy
  333. false
  334. fancy
  335. farce
  336. fared
  337. fares
  338. farms
  339. farts
  340. favor
  341. feast
  342. fends
  343. ferns
  344. fiber
  345. fight
  346. filmy
  347. final
  348. finds
  349. fires
  350. firms
  351. fired
  352. fires
  353. fishy
  354. fives
  355. flabs
  356. flags
  357. flair
  358. flaky
  359. flame
  360. flaps
  361. flash
  362. flats
  363. flaws
  364. flick
  365. fling
  366. flock
  367. flush
  368. flute
  369. flied
  370. flies
  371. foams
  372. focal
  373. focus
  374. foils
  375. folks
  376. fonts
  377. forge
  378. forks
  379. forts
  380. fours
  381. frays
  382. frets
  383. fried
  384. fries
  385. front
  386. fruit
  387. fumed
  388. fumes
  389. fumed
  390. fumer
  391. funds
  392. fungi
  393. funky
  394. fused
  395. games
  396. gamer
  397. gamed
  398. gamey
  399. gaped
  400. gapes
  401. gaper
  402. gaped
  403. gates
  404. gated
  405. gator
  406. gauze
  407. gazes
  408. gazed
  409. gazer
  410. gents
  411. gifts
  412. girls
  413. giver
  414. gives
  415. given
  416. glaze
  417. glide
  418. gloat
  419. globe
  420. globs
  421. glove
  422. glows
  423. glued
  424. glues
  425. gluer
  426. gnaws
  427. goals
  428. goats
  429. golfs
  430. gored
  431. gores
  432. grace
  433. grads
  434. grand
  435. grain
  436. grant
  437. grape
  438. graph
  439. grasp
  440. grate
  441. graze
  442. grows
  443. grunt
  444. guard
  445. guide
  446. habit
  447. hacks
  448. hails
  449. hairs
  450. hairy
  451. halos
  452. hands
  453. handy
  454. hangs
  455. hardy
  456. harks
  457. harps
  458. haste
  459. haunt
  460. haven
  461. hazed
  462. hazes
  463. hazer
  464. hazel
  465. heals
  466. heart
  467. heirs
  468. herbs
  469. herds
  470. hicks
  471. hides
  472. hider
  473. hiker
  474. hiked
  475. hikes
  476. hinge
  477. hints
  478. hired
  479. hires
  480. hives
  481. hived
  482. holds
  483. homer
  484. homey
  485. hoped
  486. hopes
  487. hoper
  488. horse
  489. hotel
  490. hound
  491. house
  492. hover
  493. hovel
  494. humid
  495. hunks
  496. hurls
  497. hydro
  498. hyena
  499. hymns
  500. icons
  501. ideal
  502. imply
  503. empty
  504. index
  505. inert
  506. inked
  507. inker
  508. input
  509. irons
  510. irony
  511. ivory
  512. jacks
  513. jails
  514. jambs
  515. jerks
  516. jerky
  517. jibes
  518. jilts
  519. jives
  520. jolts
  521. jolty
  522. joule
  523. juice
  524. jumps
  525. jumpy
  526. kilts
  527. kinds
  528. kings
  529. knelt
  530. knife
  531. knits
  532. knobs
  533. knots
  534. knows
  535. laced
  536. laces
  537. lacer
  538. laden
  539. lades
  540. lader
  541. laevo
  542. laich
  543. lance
  544. lapse
  545. larks
  546. latch
  547. latex
  548. laugh
  549. layer
  550. lazed
  551. lazes
  552. leach
  553. least
  554. lefty
  555. lefts
  556. licks
  557. light
  558. limps
  559. limbs
  560. liter
  561. links
  562. linky
  563. liven
  564. loafs
  565. lodge
  566. logic
  567. lucky
  568. lunar
  569. lunch
  570. lunge
  571. lying
  572. lymph
  573. lyres
  574. lyric
  575. lurks
  576. maces
  577. maced
  578. macer
  579. macho
  580. macro
  581. magic
  582. maize
  583. major
  584. mango
  585. manic
  586. manly
  587. manor
  588. maple
  589. march
  590. marks
  591. match
  592. means
  593. meant
  594. mayor
  595. meany
  596. medal
  597. media
  598. medic
  599. metal
  600. meows
  601. mercy
  602. midst
  603. might
  604. milks
  605. milky
  606. macro
  607. mince
  608. miner
  609. mined
  610. mines
  611. minty
  612. minus
  613. miser
  614. model
  615. misty
  616. mitre
  617. mixer
  618. moist
  619. moldy
  620. money
  621. moral
  622. motif
  623. mount
  624. mouse
  625. mound
  626. mourn
  627. mouth
  628. movie
  629. mower
  630. munch
  631. musky
  632. musty
  633. myths
  634. nacho
  635. nails
  636. naive
  637. naked
  638. names
  639. nasty
  640. navel
  641. necks
  642. nerds
  643. nerdy
  644. newsy
  645. newts
  646. noble
  647. noise
  648. noisy
  649. notch
  650. nosed
  651. noted
  652. notes
  653. noter
  654. novel
  655. nurse
  656. numbs
  657. nymph
  658. oaths
  659. obeys
  660. ocean
  661. often
  662. oiler
  663. oiled
  664. older
  665. olive
  666. omens
  667. omits
  668. opals
  669. opens
  670. opera
  671. opium
  672. optic
  673. orbit
  674. organ
  675. ovals
  676. ovary
  677. pacts
  678. pager
  679. paged
  680. pages
  681. paint
  682. palms
  683. panel
  684. panic
  685. panty
  686. pasty
  687. patch
  688. patio
  689. pause
  690. pawns
  691. peach
  692. pearl
  693. pecan
  694. phase
  695. phone
  696. piano
  697. pilot
  698. pinch
  699. pivot
  700. place
  701. plain
  702. plans
  703. plane
  704. plank
  705. plant
  706. plate
  707. plead
  708. plied
  709. plier
  710. plies
  711. plots
  712. poems
  713. point
  714. poise
  715. poked
  716. pokes
  717. poker
  718. polar
  719. polka
  720. posed
  721. poser
  722. power
  723. pouch
  724. pound
  725. prick
  726. pries
  727. prize
  728. probe
  729. prime
  730. profs
  731. proud
  732. psych
  733. pudgy
  734. punch
  735. pulse
  736. pushy
  737. purse
  738. quads
  739. quest
  740. queys
  741. quart
  742. quick
  743. quilt
  744. quits
  745. quote
  746. rabid
  747. rafts
  748. raspy
  749. ranks
  750. raven
  751. ratio
  752. reign
  753. rehab
  754. relax
  755. repay
  756. reply
  757. rhino
  758. rifle
  759. ripen
  760. risky
  761. ritzy
  762. rocky
  763. rough
  764. round
  765. rowed
  766. rowdy
  767. royal
  768. rugby
  769. saint
  770. salty
  771. sandy
  772. sauce
  773. scale
  774. scarf
  775. scent
  776. screw
  777. shack
  778. shark
  779. sharp
  780. shelf
  781. shirt
  782. silky
  783. sized
  784. skate
  785. skier
  786. skied
  787. slack
  788. sling
  789. slurp
  790. smart
  791. smirk
  792. smock
  793. soapy
  794. softy
  795. solid
  796. solve
  797. space
  798. spank
  799. spelt
  800. split
  801. squad
  802. squat
  803. squid
  804. stake
  805. stock
  806. story
  807. straw
  808. style
  809. suave
  810. swift
  811. swirl
  812. syrup
  813. table
  814. taxis
  815. taxon
  816. teach
  817. tempo
  818. thank
  819. thief
  820. thump
  821. toads
  822. tonic
  823. tower
  824. trash
  825. tubes
  826. tubed
  827. tuber
  828. tulip
  829. tumor
  830. turfs
  831. twice
  832. typed
  833. ulcer
  834. ultra
  835. unarm
  836. uncle
  837. until
  838. upset
  839. urban
  840. urged
  841. urine
  842. usage
  843. valet
  844. value
  845. vault
  846. veils
  847. vibes
  848. video
  849. viola
  850. vitae
  851. vital
  852. vixen
  853. volts
  854. vogue
  855. vowel
  856. vowed
  857. vying
  858. wacky
  859. waist
  860. warms
  861. waste
  862. water
  863. weary
  864. weigh
  865. wheat
  866. wharf
  867. while
  868. whirl
  869. windy
  870. witch
  871. wolfs
  872. wordy
  873. worse
  874. wrist
  875. wrong
  876. yacht
  877. yards
  878. yearn
  879. yield
  880. yolks
  881. youth
  882. zebra
  883. wolfs
  884. zebra
  885. bread
  886. lurch
  887. mousy
  888. stamp
  889. flint
  890. klutz
  891. kilty
  892. helps
  893. maser
  894. gimel
  895. loped
  896. ratch
  897. gaily
  898. fidge
  899. hecks
  900. evict
  901. tynes
  902. drabs
  903. miaul
  904. homes
  905. yeast
  906. ropes
  907. tires
  908. takes
  909. quiet
  910. great
  911. forms
  912. words
  913. quite
  914. strip
  915. timer
  917. lover
  918. chunk
  919. tears
  920. stunk
  921. stink
  922. tanks
  923. talks
  924. spare
  925. lived
  926. holes
  927. shore
  928. ghost
  929. wears
  930. zones
  931. thing
  932. frogs
  933. those
  934. plays
  935. stray
  936. loves
  937. write
  938. rated
  939. wired
  940. hares
  941. spine
  942. shade
  943. bates
  944. mated
  945. fakes
  946. rates
  947. pants
  948. taxed
  949. wines
  950. wiser
  951. liked
  952. mates
  953. train
  954. later
  955. tails
  956. wires
  957. large
  958. curds
  959. saved
  960. steam
  961. tired
  962. rains
  963. tines
  964. burnt
  965. token
  966. guest
  967. faker
  968. tunes
  969. bones
  970. widen
  971. boney
  972. trail
  973. cloud
  974. fazes
  975. gears
  976. waved
  977. motel
  978. print
  979. thine
  980. rainy
  981. named
  982. slang
  983. pears
  984. lanes
  985. boats
  986. grave
  987. lives
  988. parts
  989. float
  990. rides
  991. dance
  992. races
  993. stand
  994. mazes
  995. makes
  996. fined
  997. raged
  998. swing
  999. modes
  1000. force
  1001. shave
  1002. brine
  1003. avoid
  1004. store
  1005. craft
  1006. wined
  1007. plugs
  1008. grams
  1009. wager
  1010. shone
  1011. zoned
  1012. glory
  1013. jutes
  1014. dates
  1015. chime
  1016. twine
  1017. filed
  1018. swine
  1019. blare
  1020. tiled
  1021. mores
  1022. bride
  1023. thick
  1024. toady
  1025. rakes
  1026. tides
  1027. cares
  1028. razes
  1029. prove
  1030. louse
  1031. axiom
  1032. fines
  1033. doter
  1034. right
  1035. waged
  1036. fated
  1037. choir
  1038. waxer
  1039. pines
  1040. loner
  1041. pangs
  1042. flour
  1043. tapes
  1044. bruin
  1045. flare
  1046. mater
  1047. tiles
  1048. wings
  1049. mazer
  1050. lined
  1051. panes
  1052. think
  1053. hated
  1054. voter
  1055. pints
  1056. razed
  1057. pacer
  1058. flunk
  1059. gales
  1060. groat
  1061. tacky
  1062. groin
  1063. wants
  1064. thorn
  1065. angle
  1066. price
  1067. bears
  1068. route
  1069. tamer
  1070. shine
  1071. taxer
  1072. liver
  1073. brake
  1074. sting
  1075. giant
  1076. mails
  1077. grind
  1078. lofty
  1079. grids
  1080. cling
  1081. brand
  1082. flake
  1083. taxes
  1084. toned
  1085. wavey
  1086. guilt
  1087. janes
  1088. rices
  1089. liner
  1090. wilts
  1091. dater
  1092. roast
  1093. piner
  1094. winks
  1095. slide
  1096. giles
  1097. hours
  1098. voice
  1099. jaunt
  1100. quags
  1101. winey
  1102. taker
  1103. voted
  1104. white
  1105. stone
  1106. wiped
  1107. birds
  1108. stage
  1109. flier
  1110. fixer
  1111. shame
  1112. warts
  1113. grade
  1114. court
  1115. braze
  1116. goner
  1117. honey
  1118. score
  1119. piled
  1120. joker
  1121. joint
  1122. unity
  1123. skirt
  1124. roved
  1125. regal
  1126. chute
  1127. glare
  1128. pings
  1129. waned
  1130. brain
  1131. faxed
  1132. trick
  1133. taped
  1134. spoke
  1135. lines
  1136. dirty
  1137. times
  1138. taken
  1139. trace
  1140. gland
  1141. rails
  1142. doves
  1143. voids
  1144. roped
  1145. rages
  1146. bites
  1147. roads
  1148. finer
  1149. years
  1150. stain
  1151. toner
  1152. spike
  1153. neats
  1154. glout
  1155. growl
  1156. payer
  1157. faked
  1158. wages
  1159. dirts
  1160. sound
  1161. clunk
  1162. faxes
  1163. moved
  1164. quods
  1165. fazed
  1166. laker
  1167. crate
  1168. nixed
  1169. paces
  1170. today
  1171. nukes
  1172. cored
  1173. fault
  1174. timed
  1175. frank
  1176. worms
  1177. based
  1178. budge
  1179. waver
  1180. pared
  1181. petal
  1182. loads
  1183. jingo
  1184. waves
  1185. wives
  1186. hater
  1187. nicer
  1188. wader
  1189. famed
  1190. pique
  1191. mired
  1192. jeans
  1193. raids
  1194. inlet
  1195. dicey
  1196. quasi
  1197. dales
  1198. horns
  1199. taper
  1200. ounce
  1201. hoars
  1202. wring
  1203. loved
  1204. heavy
  1205. vices
  1206. lower
  1207. clang
  1208. vanes
  1209. track
  1210. waxed
  1211. biter
  1212. mover
  1213. flown
  1214. quail
  1215. reals
  1216. dopes
  1217. pends
  1218. hanky
  1219. brail
  1220. moves
  1221. waits
  1222. bland
  1223. hones
  1224. tried
  1225. groan
  1226. braid
  1227. vomit
  1228. pores
  1229. glans
  1230. pater
  1231. swamp
  1232. waxes
  1233. tiler
  1234. shock
  1235. spore
  1236. doily
  1237. quips
  1238. shunt
  1239. quake
  1240. croft
  1241. coper
  1242. honed
  1243. frame
  1244. share
  1245. males
  1246. bluer
  1247. ponds
  1248. jupes
  1249. hates
  1250. stark
  1251. votes
  1252. rules
  1253. homed
  1254. bales
  1255. fates
  1256. filer
  1257. maker
  1258. wagon
  1259. jiver
  1260. tangs
  1261. stole
  1262. nicks
  1263. bulge
  1264. paver
  1265. drown
  1266. toyer
  1267. baths
  1268. mazed
  1269. vined
  1270. parse
  1271. bloat
  1272. moans
  1273. lingo
  1274. party
  1275. moats
  1276. waken
  1277. bacon
  1278. fluke
  1279. wimpy
  1280. waked
  1281. clads
  1282. robes
  1283. payed
  1284. quota
  1285. inept
  1286. prong
  1287. joins
  1288. bound
  1289. gains
  1290. jubes
  1291. madly
  1292. aloud
  1293. jowel
  1294. coats
  1295. tares
  1296. boned
  1297. blink
  1298. pairs
  1299. rouge
  1300. mixes
  1301. field
  1302. arose
  1303. bytes
  1304. grail
  1305. junks
  1306. rants
  1307. raves
  1308. pubic
  1309. walks
  1310. drips
  1311. early
  1312. diets
  1313. lifts
  1314. files
  1315. mires
  1316. bathe
  1317. fixed
  1318. puked
  1319. miter
  1320. bugle
  1321. warns
  1322. pried
  1323. blend
  1324. whale
  1325. forty
  1326. joist
  1327. found
  1328. pixel
  1329. glean
  1330. tardy
  1331. types
  1332. camel
  1333. trial
  1334. wades
  1335. tribe
  1336. wakes
  1337. caved
  1338. pined
  1339. pitch
  1340. crown
  1341. slate
  1342. trams
  1343. tales
  1344. steal
  1345. jived
  1346. flout
  1347. tread
  1348. spurn
  1349. minds
  1350. grits
  1351. shape
  1352. trips
  1353. grips
  1354. kites
  1355. group
  1356. grump
  1357. harms
  1358. dares
  1359. slain
  1360. toxin
  1361. crude
  1362. stump
  1363. slant
  1364. zesty
  1365. cries
  1366. carts
  1367. terms
  1368. froze