The Party 1994: Try This At Home
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Assembly Source File
477 lines
; zoom.asm - Mandelbrot Set Zoom Demostration.
; File created: 10-11-93
; Copyright (C) 1993, Carlos Hasan Last modified: 11-21-93
; Description:
; This file implements the Runtime MandelZoom demostration. Needs the
; Mandelbrot Set calculation routines and the zoom-in path include file.
; Portability:
; Requires Turbo Assembler 3.2 or better to be assembler.
; Dependent on the IBM PC 386 and the VGA graphics card.
; Modifications:
; 10/22/93 - Startup Code.
; 11/21/93 - Now this thing Shows the Frame Creation.
.model small,pascal
dosseg ; used to link like
.stack 1024 ; an standalone program.
global MandelZoom:proc
global DrawMandel:proc ; in MANDEL.ASM
;===================== Demo Equates ==========================================
MAXWIDTH equ 320 ; VGA Screen Dimensions.
;===================== Demo Data =============================================
include ZoomPath.Inc ; Zoom-In Information.
; and Color Palette.
GridX dw WINSIZEX dup (?) ; Used to compute the
GridY dw WINSIZEY dup (?) ; Zoom-In Window.
;===================== Demo Routines =========================================
; WaitVRT - Waits the next VGA Vertical Retrace Period.
WaitVRT proc near
mov dx,3DAh
WaitVRT1: in al,dx
test al,8
jz WaitVRT1
WaitVRT2: in al,dx
test al,8
jnz WaitVRT2
WaitVRT endp
; BlackPalette - Set a Black Palette.
BlackPalette proc near
call WaitVRT
mov dx,3C8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dx
mov cx,768
BlackLoop: out dx,al
loop BlackLoop
BlackPalette endp
; SetPalette - Sets the Color Palette.
SetPalette proc near
call WaitVRT
mov dx,3C8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dx
lea si,[Palette]
mov cx,768
rep outsb
SetPalette endp
; FadeInPalette - Fade-In the palette.
FadeInPalette proc near
xor bx,bx
FadeInLoop: lea si,[Palette]
mov dx,3C8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
mov cx,768
call WaitVRT
mov dx,3C9h
FadeIn: lodsb
mul bl
mov al,ah
out dx,al
loop FadeIn
add bl,4
jnc FadeInLoop
FadeInPalette endp
; FadeOutPalette - Fade-Out the palette.
FadeOutPalette proc near
mov bl,252
FadeOutLoop: call WaitVRT
mov dx,3C8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dx
lea si,[Palette]
mov cx,768
FadeOut: lodsb
mul bl
mov al,ah
out dx,al
loop FadeOut
sub bl,4
jnc FadeOutLoop
FadeOutPalette endp
; ClearScreen - Clears the Video Screen using a Spray-like effect.
ClearScreen proc near
push ds
push es
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
xor cx,cx
SprayLoop: push cx
xor bx,bx
SprayLine: push bx
mov ah,cs:[RandTable+bx]
mov bx,cx
mov al,cs:[RandTable+bx]
mov bx,ax
mov di,ax
xor al,al
mov es:[di],al
pop bx
inc cl
inc bl
jne SprayLine
pop cx
inc cl
jne SprayLoop
pop es
pop ds
RandTable label byte
db 83, 8, 18, 177, 13, 241, 149, 157
db 75, 248, 254, 23, 16, 66, 207, 31
db 211, 183, 80, 242, 218, 27, 15, 128
db 94, 98, 4, 36, 139, 110, 85, 230
db 212, 26, 12, 249, 169, 233, 200, 150
db 95, 114, 130, 167, 202, 187, 76, 145
db 62, 117, 115, 190, 209, 42, 185, 224
db 129, 104, 108, 192, 174, 137, 44, 41
db 141, 53, 179, 81, 181, 57, 147, 210
db 50, 134, 156, 125, 133, 126, 106, 162
db 20, 59, 84, 0, 151, 143, 101, 215
db 68, 246, 189, 197, 99, 213, 112, 144
db 28, 235, 240, 90, 154, 56, 138, 165
db 19, 166, 159, 92, 127, 208, 105, 118
db 119, 153, 191, 184, 87, 70, 9, 164
db 60, 252, 96, 3, 171, 38, 136, 14
db 7, 160, 71, 146, 102, 229, 227, 43
db 221, 182, 217, 30, 131, 219, 61, 180
db 195, 245, 109, 203, 24, 49, 170, 247
db 46, 148, 122, 250, 173, 107, 255, 194
db 6, 37, 93, 22, 168, 97, 193, 5
db 51, 223, 116, 86, 1, 89, 121, 243
db 140, 220, 39, 222, 65, 55, 17, 54
db 175, 206, 214, 155, 142, 163, 25, 188
db 178, 11, 204, 135, 201, 238, 79, 132
db 198, 40, 21, 45, 237, 253, 152, 74
db 32, 111, 52, 47, 236, 2, 176, 239
db 234, 58, 100, 91, 172, 73, 82, 205
db 34, 88, 78, 231, 232, 225, 48, 251
db 67, 123, 244, 29, 216, 64, 196, 69
db 199, 33, 72, 35, 10, 63, 161, 228
db 113, 158, 120, 103, 124, 186, 226, 77
ClearScreen endp
; ZoomBox - Draws the Zoom Window using the precalculated Mandelbrot
; pictures and coordinates in the ZoomPath include file.
ZoomBox proc near XStart:word,YStart:word,XStop:word,YStop:word, \
mov si,[XStart] ; compute the GridX array.
mov di,[XStop]
lea bx,[GridX]
mov ax,di
sub ax,si
div cx
xchg si,ax
mov di,dx
mov dx,cx
shr dx,1
neg dx
MakeGridX: mov [bx],ax
add ax,si
add dx,di
jl SkipX
inc ax
SkipX: add bx,2
loop MakeGridX
mov si,[YStart] ; compute the GridY array.
mov di,[YStop]
lea bx,[GridY]
mov ax,di
sub ax,si
div cx
xchg si,ax
mov di,dx
mov dx,cx
shr dx,1
neg dx
MakeGridY: mov [bx],ax
add ax,si
add dx,di
jl SkipY
inc ax
SkipY: add bx,2
loop MakeGridY
mov dx,[PicSeg]
mov cx,ds
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
xor bx,bx
ZoomLoopY: push bx
mov ax,[GridY+bx]
imul ax,ax,MAXWIDTH
xor bx,bx
ZoomLoopX: mov si,ax
add si,[GridX+bx]
mov ds,dx
mov ds,cx
add bx,2
cmp bx,2*WINSIZEX
jb ZoomLoopX
pop bx
add bx,2
cmp bx,2*WINSIZEY
jb ZoomLoopY
ZoomBox endp
; MandelZoom - Performs the demonstration. Because this routine is called
; from a High-Level language the allocation and deallocation of memory
; is done by the caller.
; In:
; MemSegs - Array of NUMPICS segments of 64K to store the pictures.
MandelZoom proc MemSegs:dword
mov ax,13h ; set VGA 320x200x256 mode.
int 10h
call SetPalette ; Sets Color Palette
les si,[MemSegs] ; Creates the Mandelbrot
mov cx,NUMPICS ; piccys into the virtual
xor bx,bx ; screens.
MakePics: pusha
push ds
push es
mov eax,[bx+PicTable+0] ; get fixedpoint X,Y,DX,DY.
mov edx,[bx+PicTable+4]
mov esi,[bx+PicTable+8]
mov edi,[bx+PicTable+12] ; Draw Mandelbrot Set.
call DrawMandel,eax,edx,esi,edi,0A000h
pop es
pop ds
pusha ; Copy Picture:
push ds
push es
mov ax,0A000h ; get screen segment
mov ds,ax
mov es,es:[si] ; get vscreen segment
xor di,di
xor si,si
mov cx,32000 ; copy screen
rep movsw
call ClearScreen ; clears screen
pop es
pop ds
add si,2 ; Next Picture Gap.
add bx,16
loop MakePics
call BlackPalette ; set Black Palette.
mov cx,NUMFRAMES ; Zoom-In.
xor bx,bx
ZoomIN: call WaitVRT
push bx
push cx
les si,[MemSegs]
mov ax,[bx+FrameTable+8] ; PicNo.
add si,ax
add si,ax
mov cx,es:[si] ; PicSeg.
mov ax,[bx+FrameTable+0] ; XStart.
mov dx,[bx+FrameTable+2] ; YStart.
mov si,[bx+FrameTable+4] ; XStop.
mov di,[bx+FrameTable+6] ; YStop.
call ZoomBox,ax,dx,si,di,cx
pop cx
pop bx
test bx,bx
jne DontFadeIn
push bx
push cx
call FadeInPalette
pop cx
pop bx
DontFadeIn: add bx,10
loop ZoomIN
mov cx,NUMFRAMES ; Zoom-Out.
mov bx,10*NUMFRAMES-10
ZoomOUT: call WaitVRT
push bx
push cx
les si,[MemSegs]
mov ax,[bx+FrameTable+8] ; PicNo.
add si,ax
add si,ax
mov cx,es:[si] ; PicSeg.
mov ax,[bx+FrameTable+0] ; XStart.
mov dx,[bx+FrameTable+2] ; YStart.
mov si,[bx+FrameTable+4] ; XStop.
mov di,[bx+FrameTable+6] ; YStop.
call ZoomBox,ax,dx,si,di,cx
pop cx
pop bx
test bx,bx
jne DontFadeOut
push bx
push cx
call FadeOutPalette
pop cx
pop bx
DontFadeOut: sub bx,10
loop ZoomOUT
mov ax,03h ; set VGA 80x25x16 mode.
int 10h
MandelZoom endp
; Start - Startup Code called from DOS.
; In:
; ES - Program Segment Prefix.
Start proc
local PicSegs:word:NUMPICS
mov ax,@Data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ss ; shrink memory block.
mov bx,es
sub ax,bx
mov bx,sp
shr bx,4
inc bx
add bx,ax
mov ah,4Ah
int 21h
lea bx,[PicSegs]
mov cx,NUMPICS
AllocLoop: push bx
push cx
mov ah,48h ; alloc 64000 bytes per
mov bx,4000 ; picture.
int 21h
jc Exit
pop cx
pop bx
mov ss:[bx],ax
add bx,2
loop AllocLoop
lea bx,[PicSegs] ; do demostration.
call MandelZoom,ss,bx
lea bx,[PicSegs]
mov cx,NUMPICS ; Free 64000 bytes
FreeLoop: push bx ; per picture.
push cx
mov ah,49h
mov es,ss:[bx]
int 21h
pop cx
pop bx
add bx,2
loop FreeLoop
Exit: mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
Start endp
end Start