The Party 1994: Try This At Home
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Assembly Source File
311 lines
; rplasma - Runtime real plasma clouds demo.
; File created: 9-28-93
; Copyright (C) 1993, Carlos Hasan Last modified: 9-28-93
; Description:
; This file implements a runtime real plasma using sinus overlapping
; waves at random speeds using the VGA 320x400x256 mode. Based on the
; Vangelis Plasma demo code.
; Portability:
; Requires Turbo Assembler 3.2 or better to be assembler.
; Dependent on the IBM PC 286 and the VGA graphics card.
.model small,pascal
global SinusPlasma:proc
;======================= Demo equates and data ===============================
TIMEOUT equ 70 * 6 ; 6 secs for timeout.
include sintable.inc ; sinus table.
Palette db 768 dup (?) ; plasma palette.
FadePalette db 768 dup (?) ; faded palette.
WavHPos1 db ? ; wave horizontal and
WavHPos2 db ? ; vertical positions
WavVPos1 db ? ; and increments.
WavVPos2 db ?
WavHAdd1 db ? ; WARNING: the four waves
WavHAdd2 db ? ; positions must be at
WavVAdd1 db ? ; consecutive addresses.
WavVAdd2 db ?
Fade db ? ; fade level.
Esckey db ? ; true if key pressed.
Timer dw ? ; timer counter.
;======================= Demo routines =======================================
; SetPalette - set the 256 entries of the VGA color palette.
; In:
; DS:SI - Palette structure address.
SetPalette proc near
mov cx,768
mov dx,3C8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
mov dx,3DAh
WaitVRT: in al,dx
test al,8
jz WaitVRT
mov dx,3C9h
rep outsb
WaitVRTE: in al,dx
test al,8
jnz WaitVRTE
SetPalette endp
; SinusPlasma - Performs the demonstration.
; In:
; DS - Data segment.
SinusPlasma proc
push ds
push es
mov ax,0013h ; set 320x200x256 mode.
int 10h
mov ax,ds ; set black palette.
mov es,ax
lea di,[FadePalette]
mov cx,768
xor ax,ax
rep stosb
lea si,[FadePalette]
call SetPalette
mov dx,3C4h ; setup VGA tricky
mov ax,0604h ; 320x400x256 mode.
out dx,ax
mov ax,0F02h ; enable 4-planes.
out dx,ax
mov dx,3D4h ; disable dword mode
mov ax,0014h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0E317h ; enable byte mode
out dx,ax
mov ax,0009h ; dup each scan 1 times
out dx,ax
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,8000h ; clear video memory.
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov [Fade],0 ; setup variables.
mov [EscKey],0
mov [Timer],0
mov [WavHPos1],0 ; setup wave parameters.
mov [WavHPos2],0
mov [WavVPos1],0
mov [WavVPos2],0
mov [WavHAdd1],2
mov [WavHAdd2],1
mov [WavVAdd1],3
mov [WavVAdd2],4
GenPalette: lea di,[Palette] ; generation of the
xor al,al ; plasma palette.
mov [di+0],al
mov [di+1],al
mov [di+2],al
add di,3
mov cx,1
GP0: mov al,63
mov ah,cl
mov bl,al
sub bl,cl
mov [di+0],al
mov [di+1],ah
mov [di+2],bl
add di,3
inc cx
cmp cx,64
jb Gp0
xor cx,cx
Gp1: mov al,63
sub al,cl
mov ah,63
mov bl,cl
mov [di+0],al
mov [di+1],ah
mov [di+2],bl
add di,3
inc cx
cmp cx,64
jb Gp1
xor cx,cx
Gp2: mov al,0
mov ah,63
sub ah,cl
mov bl,63
mov [di+0],al
mov [di+1],ah
mov [di+2],bl
add di,3
inc cx
cmp cx,64
jb Gp2
xor cx,cx
Gp3: mov al,cl
mov ah,0
mov bl,63
mov [di+0],al
mov [di+1],ah
mov [di+2],bl
add di,3
inc cx
cmp cx,64
jb Gp3
PlasmaLoop: cmp [EscKey],0 ; change fade level.
jne FadeOut
FadeIn: mov bl,[Fade]
cmp bl,64
jae SkipFade
inc [Fade]
jmp FadeInOut
FadeOut: mov bl,[Fade]
cmp bl,0
jbe FadeInOut
dec [Fade]
FadeInOut: lea si,[Palette] ; set faded palette.
lea di,[FadePalette]
mov cx,768
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
FadeLoop: lodsb
mul bl
shr ax,6
loop FadeLoop
SkipFade: lea si,[FadePalette]
call SetPalette
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
lea si,[SinusTable]
mov di,80*100+10 ; top left corner.
mov ah,100 ; 100 lines.
mov cl,[WavVPos1]
mov ch,[WavVPos2]
VertLoop: push ax
mov ah,60 ; 60 columns.
mov dl,[WavHPos1]
mov dh,[WavHPos2]
HorizLoop: mov bx,bp ; get random value.
mov al,bl
xor bh,bh
mov bl,dl
add al,[bx+si]
mov bl,dh
add al,[bx+si]
mov bl,cl
add al,[bx+si]
mov bl,ch
add al,[bx+si]
or al,1
add dl,1
add dh,3
dec ah
jne HorizLoop
add di,80+20 ; skip scan line.
add cl,7
add ch,3
pop ax
dec ah
jne VertLoop ; next plasma line.
inc bp ; get random value.
mov bx,bp
xor bl,bh
xor bl,[di-1]
xor bl,cl
xor bl,dl
add bl,ch
add bl,dh
test bl,8 ; change waves speed.
jne SpeedDown
SpeedUp: and bx,3
cmp [WavHAdd1+bx],+7
jg ChangePos
inc [WavHAdd1+bx]
jmp ChangePos
SpeedDown: and bx,3
cmp [WavHAdd1+bx],-7
jl ChangePos
dec [WavHAdd1+bx]
ChangePos: mov al,[WavHAdd1] ; change waves positions.
add [WavHPos1],al
mov al,[WavHAdd2]
add [WavHPos2],al
mov al,[WavVAdd1]
add [WavVPos1],al
mov al,[WavVAdd2]
add [WavVPos2],al
mov ah,1 ; if any key pressed,
int 16h
jz CheckTimer
mov ah,0
int 16h
jmp BeginFadeOut
CheckTimer: inc [Timer] ; or timeout,
cmp [Timer],TIMEOUT
jb CheckExit
BeginFadeOut: inc [EscKey] ; then fade-out and exit.
CheckExit: cmp [Fade],0
je PlasmaExit
jmp PlasmaLoop
PlasmaExit: mov ax,0003h
int 10h
pop es
pop ds
SinusPlasma endp