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/ Loadstar 26 / 026.d81 / irq.menu (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-08-26  |  909b  |  28 lines

  1. 10 rem irq.menu
  2. 20 print"[147][144]":poke53280,5:poke53281,12
  3. 30 printspc(8)"[208]ardon [205]y [201]nterruptions"
  4. 40 printspc(8)"[215]ritten by [194]ruce [202]aeger"
  5. 50 :
  6. 60 print"  [215]hich would you like to play with?"
  7. 70 print""
  8. 80 print"  [193] ==> [198]lashcolors"
  9. 82 print"  [194] ==> [211]pritemover"
  10. 84 print"  [195] ==> [211]pookybells"
  11. 85 print"  [196] ==> [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
  12. 90 print"  [215]hich?":gosub1000
  13. 95 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
  14. 96 ifa$="d"thenf$="hello connect":fi$="[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]...":goto105
  15. 97 ifa$="a"thenf$="irq.flash":fi$="[198]lashcolors...":goto105
  16. 98 ifa$="b"thenf$="irq.sprite":fi$="[211]pritemover...":goto105
  17. 99 ifa$="c"thenf$="irq.bells":fi$="[211]pookybells...":goto105
  18. 100 goto95
  19. 105 ifa$="d"thenopen15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er
  20. 106 ifa$="d"thenclose15:ifer<>63thenend
  21. 110 print"[147]         [199]oing to "fi$:poke646,peek(53281)
  22. 120 print"load f$,8":print"run"
  23. 130 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
  24. 1000 rem nice screen
  25. 1010 forx=1to40:a$=a$+"*":next:a$=left$(a$,40)
  26. 1020 print""a$;:forx=1to23:print"*"spc(38)"*";:next:printleft$(a$,39)""
  27. 1023 poke2023,42:poke56295,peek(55296):return