Amiga Plus Extra 1997 #5
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Text File
600 lines
; $VER: Bomb!-Install 2.0 (01.10.96)
; Original Bomb! Installer script by Luca De Santis <Luca_De_Santis@amp.flashnet.it>
; Inspired by the RO's installing script.
; Set Strings
(set #str1 "Which language for the installer ?")
(set #lanit "Italiano")
(set #laneng "English")
(complete 0)
(set langtype
(prompt #str1)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(if (= langtype 0)
(set #nokick
(cat "You must be using Kickstart 2.04 to use Bomb!. Aborting!"
(set #nomui
(cat "You need version 3.3 of MUI or better. Aborting!"
(set #startmsg
(cat "\n\Bomb! installation script.\n"
"This script installs Bomb! on your Amiga.\n\n"
"Read the Documentation files for\n"
"more information on the distribution.\n"
"Bomb! 2.0 © 1994-1996 Luca De Santis\n"
"All rights reserved."
(set #icons "Which type of icons would you like to install")
(set #magicwbicons "MagicWB-Style Icons; 8 colors")
(set #classicicons "Classic-WB-Style Icons; 4 colors")
(set #gadgets "Which type of gadgets would you like to install")
(set #xen13gad "XEN 13 style gadgets (1:1 screens)")
(set #xen11gad "XEN 11 style gadgets (2:1 screens)")
(set #install "\n\nInstalling Bomb! to\n\n")
(set #drawer
(cat "In which disk or drawer should Bomb! be installed?\n"
"(A drawer \"Bomb!\" will be created there)"
(set #update
(cat "A drawer \"Bomb!\" already exists in the specified disk "
"or drawer. This version is NOT COMPATIBLE with the "
"older versions of the program ( < 2.0 ). You should install "
"Bomb! in another drawer or delete the old one\n"
"Check the documentation as some additional configuration "
"keywords might be introduced by this update.\n\n"
"Should I continue the installation procedure?"
(set #lang "Which languages should be installed? (English is built-in)")
(set #own
(cat "\n\nIf you want to create own versions of\n"
"the catalogs please contact me:\n"
"I will send you the .cd & .ct files.\n"
(set #filt "Which filters should be installed?")
(set #install-docs (cat "Would you like to install Bomb!'s documentation?"
"(Installing AmigaGuide documentation is recommended)"
(set #doclang "Which language do you prefer for the documentation?")
(set #install-pref "Would you like to install default preferences?")
(set #exitmsg
(cat "Please support the shareware concept!\n\n"
"If you like Bomb!, please send $18. / DM 25. / UK £12 to\n\n"
"Luca De Santis\n"
"Via Male' 61\n"
"00124 Roma (Infernetto)\n"
(if (= langtype 1)
(set locale 6)
(set #nokick
(cat "Devi avere almeno il Kickstart 2.04 per poter usare Bomb!. Aborting!"
(set #nomui
(cat "Hai bisogno almeno della versione 3.3 di MUI. Aborting!"
(set #startmsg
(cat "\n\Script di installazione per Bomb!.\n"
"Questo script installa Bomb! sul tuo Amiga.\n\n"
"Leggi i file di documentazione per\n"
"maggiori informazioni sulla distribuzione.\n"
"Bomb! 2.0 © 1994-1996 Luca De Santis\n"
"All rights reserved."
(set #icons "Quale tipo di icone vuoi installare ?")
(set #magicwbicons "MagicWB-Style Icons; 8 colors")
(set #classicicons "Classic-WB-Style Icons; 4 colors")
(set #gadgets "Quale tipo di gadget vuoi installare")
(set #xen13gad "XEN 13 style gadgets (per schermi 1:1)")
(set #xen11gad "XEN 11 style gadgets (per schermi 2:1)")
(set #install "\n\nInstallo Bomb! in\n\n")
(set #drawer
(cat "In quale disco o cassetto vuoi che Bomb! sia installato?\n"
"(Un cassetto chiamato \"Bomb!\" verra' creato li')"
(set #update
(cat "Un cassetto \"Bomb!\" gia' esiste nel disco o cassetto "
"specificato. Questa versione NON E' COMPATIBILE con le "
"versioni precedenti di Bomb! ( < 2.0 ). Conviene installare "
"Bomb! in un altro cassetto o cancellare il vecchio\n"
"Controlla la documentazione dato che il formato di alcuni "
"file di preference puo' essere cambiato in questa versione\n\n"
"Continuo con la procedura di installazione?"
(set #lang "Quali linguaggi vuoi che siano installati? (L'inglese e' built-in)")
(set #own
(cat "\n\nSe vuoi crearti una tua versione \n"
"dei cataloghi, contattami:\n"
"ti manderò i file .cd e .ct dei cataloghi\n"
(set #filt "Quali filtri vuoi che siano installati?")
(set #install-docs (cat "Vuoi installare la documentazione di Bomb! ?"
"(E' consigliata l'installazione della documentazione Amigaguide)"
(set #doclang "Quale linguaggio preferisci per la documentazione?")
(set #install-pref "Vuoi installare le preference di default?")
(set #exitmsg
(cat "Per favore, supporta i programmi shareware!\n\n"
"Se Bomb! ti piace, manda 25.000 lire - a\n\n"
"Luca De Santis\n"
"Via Male' 61\n"
"00124 Roma (Infernetto)\n"
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #nokick)
(if (= (exists "LIBS:muimaster.library" (noreq)) 1)
(if (>= (run "c:Version muimaster.library VERSION 14 REVISION 106") 5)
(abort #nomui)
(abort #nomui)
(message #startmsg)
(complete 10)
(set TargetDir
(prompt #drawer)
(default "SYS:Tools")
(help @askdir-help)
(set DestDir (tackon TargetDir "Bomb!"))
(set @default-dest DestDir)
(if (= (exists DestDir) 2)
(message #update)
(complete 20)
(set IconType
(prompt #icons)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(complete 30)
(makedir DestDir
(prompt #install DestDir)
(if (= IconType 0)
(source "gfx_icons/mwb")
(choices "Bomb!.info" "ReadMe.info" "RegForm.info")
(dest DestDir)
(source "gfx_icons/mwb")
(choices "Bomb!.guide.info")
(dest (tackon DestDir "docs"))
(source "gfx_icons/mwb/Drawer.info")
(dest TargetDir)
(newname "Bomb!.info")
(source "gfx_icons/mwb/bomblogo")
(dest (tackon DestDir "gadgets"))
(newname "bomblogo")
(if (= IconType 1)
(source "gfx_icons/st")
(choices "Bomb!.info" "ReadMe.info" "RegForm.info")
(dest DestDir)
(source "gfx_icons/st")
(choices "Bomb!.guide.info")
(dest (tackon DestDir "docs"))
(source "gfx_icons/st/Drawer.info")
(dest TargetDir)
(newname "Bomb!.info")
(source "gfx_icons/st/bomblogo")
(dest (tackon DestDir "gadgets"))
(newname "bomblogo")
(complete 40)
(set GadType
(prompt #gadgets)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(complete 50)
(if (= GadType 0)
(source "gadgets/xen13")
(dest (tackon DestDir "gadgets"))
(if (= GadType 1)
(source "gadgets/xen11")
(dest (tackon DestDir "gadgets"))
(complete 30)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Bomb!")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "Bomb!")
(complete 60)
; Install Filters
(set Filterdir ( tackon DestDir "filters" ) )
(set Filt
(prompt #filt)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "POP3.imp" "SMTP.exp" "QWK.imp" "QWK.exp" "amp.imp" "amp.exp" "mclink.imp" "mclink.exp" )
(default -1)
(if (IN Filt 0)
(source "filters/pop3.imp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "pop3.imp")
(if (IN Filt 1)
(source "filters/smtp.exp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "smtp.exp")
(if (IN Filt 2)
(source "filters/qwk.imp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "qwk.imp")
(if (IN Filt 3)
(source "filters/qwk.exp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "qwk.exp")
(if (IN Filt 4)
(source "filters/amp.imp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "amp.imp")
(if (IN Filt 5)
(source "filters/amp.exp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "amp.exp")
(if (IN Filt 6)
(source "filters/mclink.imp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "mclink.imp")
(if (IN Filt 7)
(source "filters/mclink.exp")
(dest Filterdir)
(newname "mclink.exp")
; (if (IN Filt 8)
; (copyfiles
; (source "filters/agora.imp")
; (dest Filterdir)
; (newname "agora.imp")
; )
; )
; (if (IN Filt 9)
; (copyfiles
; (source "filters/agora.exp")
; (dest Filterdir)
; (newname "agora.exp")
; )
; )
(complete 70)
; Install Locale
(set Catalogdir ( tackon DestDir "catalogs" ) )
(makedir Catalogdir)
(if (AND (NOT (= (getassign "Locale") "")) (exists "libs:locale.library"))
(set Lang
(prompt #lang)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Italiano")
(default 0)
(if (IN Lang 0)
(source "catalogs/italiano")
(dest ( tackon Catalogdir "italiano" ))
(message #own)
(complete 80)
; Install Misc
(set Workdir ( tackon DestDir "Workdir" ) )
(makedir Workdir)
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt #install-pref))
(source "workdir")
(dest Workdir)
(complete 90)
; Install Documentation
;(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt #install-docs))
(set doclang
(prompt #doclang)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(if (= doclang 0)
(source "Docs/Bomb!.guide_english")
(dest (tackon DestDir "docs"))
(newname "Bomb!.guide")
(source "Docs/readme_english")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "Readme")
(source "Docs/RegForm_english")
(dest DestDir )
(newname "RegForm")
(source "workdir")
(dest Workdir)
(if (= doclang 1)
(source "Docs/Bomb!.guide_italiano")
(dest (tackon DestDir "docs"))
(newname "Bomb!.guide")
(source "Docs/readme_italiano")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "ReadMe")
(source "Docs/RegForm_italiano")
(dest DestDir )
(newname "RegForm")
(source "workdir/Bomb!.bubble_italiano")
(dest Workdir)
(newname "Bomb!.bubble")
; (delete (tackon DestDir "docs/Bomb!.guide.info"))
(complete 100)
(exit #exitmsg)