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Assembly Source File
536 lines
Page 60,132
;* *
;* EMILY is a character-oriented device driver. *
;* *
;* All block-oriented functions in EMILY simply set the *
;* DONE status flag and exit. *
;* *
;* The basic request-header structure used in all *
;* request-headers is called the Request_Header_Preamble. *
;* All request-headers begin with a 13-byte area *
;* corresponding to the Request_Header_Preamble. *
;* *
;* Assembled using Microsoft MASM 1.25. *
;* *
; Request-header structure type 1
; Used by services 6, 7, 10, and 11
Request_Header_Preamble STRUC
Header_Length DB (?) ; Length in bytes
Unit_Code DB (?) ; Unit code
Command_Code DB (?) ; Command code
Status_Code DW (?) ; Status of the request
PCDOS_Reserved DB 8 Dup (?) ; Reserved area for PC DOS
Request_Header_Preamble Ends
; Request-header structure type 2
; Used by service 0 (Init)
Request_Header_Init STRUC
DB 13 dup(?) ; Area for Request_Header_Preamble
Init_Unit_Count DB (?) ; Number of units
Init_Ending_Program_Addr DD (?) ; Stay resident address
Init_Bios_Param_Block_Addr DD (?) ; Doesn't apply to char. devices
Init_Byte_Drive_Number DB (?)
Request_Header_Init Ends
; Request-header structure type 3
; Used by service 1 (Media Check - doesn't apply to char. devices)
Request_Header_Media STRUC
DB 13 dup(?) ; Area for Request_Header_Preamble
Media_Media_Descriptor DB (?) ; Define media type
Media_Byte_return DB (?) ; Indicate media status
Media_Vol_Id_Addr DD (?) ; Previous Vol ID pointer
Request_Header_Media Ends
; Request-header structure type 4
; Used by service 2 (BUILD BPB - doesn't apply to char. devices)
Request_Header_BPB STRUC
DB 13 dup(?) ; Area for Request_Header_Preamble
BPB_Media_Descriptor DB (?) ; Define media type
BPB_Data_Transfer_Address DD (?) ; I/O buffer
BPB_Bios_Param_Block_Addr DD (?) ; Pointer to BPB
Request_Header_BPB Ends
; Request-header structure type 5
; Used by service 3, 4, 8, 9, and 12 (Input or Output)
Request_Header_IO STRUC
DB 13 dup(?) ; Area for Request_Header_Preamble
IO_Media_Descriptor DB (?) ; Define media type
IO_Data_Transfer_Address DD (?) ; I/O buffer
IO_Byte_Counter DW (?) ; Number of bytes transferred
IO_Starting_Sector DW (?) ; Not used in char. devices
IO_Vol_Id_Addr DD (?) ; Pointer to Vol ID
Request_Header_IO Ends
; Request-header structure type 6
; Used by service 5 (Non Destructive Input No Wait)
Request_Header_Non_Dest STRUC
DB 13 dup(?) ; Area for Request_Header_Preamble
Non_Dest_Read_Byte DB (?) ; Byte read from device
Request_Header_Non_Dest Ends
;* *
;* Beginning of EMILY *
;* *
CSEG Segment Para Public 'CODE'
Assume CS:CSEG,DS:Nothing,ES:Nothing,SS:Nothing
; The source code begins here
Org 0000H
Device_Driver Proc Far
; Here is the device header
Next_Device DD -1 ; Setting this field to -1
; . indicates that there is
; . only one driver in this
; . device-driver program.
Attribute DW 0C000H ; Turn bits 14 and 15 on, all
; . others off. Bit 15 = 1 for
; . a character device. Bit 14 = 1
; . if device supports the IOCTL
; . function.
Strategy DW Offset Strategy_Routine
; Tells PC-DOS the offset address
; . of the Strategy routine.
; . The segment address is assumed
; . to be the value in the CS
; . register.
Interrupt DW Offset Interrupt_Routine
; Tells PC-DOS the offset address
; . of the Interrupt routine.
; . Like the Strategy routine, the
; . segment address is assumed to
; . be in the CS register.
Device_Name DB "EMILY " ; The name of this particular device
; . driver is EMILY. Name must be
; . 8 characters, so 3 blanks added.
Request_Header Label Word
Request_Header_Offset DW (?) ; Here is where the pointer
Request_Header_Segment DW (?) ; . is defined
; Here is the jump table of command modules
Device_Functions Label Word
DW Offset Initialize_Driver_Command ;command-code = 0
DW Offset Media_Check_Command ;command-code = 1
DW Offset Build_BPB_Command ;command-code = 2
DW Offset IOCTL_Input_Command ;command-code = 3
DW Offset Read_Input_Command ;command-code = 4
DW Offset Non_Destruct_Input_Command ;command-code = 5
DW Offset Input_Status_Command ;command-code = 6
DW Offset Input_Flush_Command ;command-code = 7
DW Offset Write_Output_Command ;command-code = 8
DW Offset Write_Verify_Command ;command-code = 9
DW Offset Output_Status_Command ;command-code = 10
DW Offset Output_Flush_Command ;command-code = 11
DW Offset IOCTL_Output_Command ;command-code = 12
DW Offset Device_Open_Command ;command-code = 13
DW Offset Device_Close_Command ;command-code = 14
DW Offset Removable_Media_Command ;command-code = 15
; Here is the strategy routine
Strategy_Routine Proc Far
Mov Word Ptr CS:Request_Header_Offset,BX
Mov Word Ptr CS:Request_Header_Segment,ES
Strategy_Routine Endp
; Here is the interrupt routine
Interrupt_Routine Proc Far
Push AX ; Save the registers
Push BX ; . and flags
Push CX ; .
Push DX ; .
Push SI ; .
Push DI ; .
Push DS ; .
Push ES ; .
Pushf ; ..End
Push CS ; Set DS equal to CS
Pop DS ; ..End
Mov BX,Word Ptr CS:Request_Header_Offset
Mov ES,Word Ptr CS:Request_Header_Segment
; Get the address of the
; . request header into
; . ES:[BX]
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0000H
; Clear the status word
Mov DX,0000H ; Calculate the index into
Mov DL,Byte Ptr ES:[BX].Command_Code
Shl DX,1 ; . the jump table and put
Mov DI,DX ; . it into DI
Cmp DI,0024D ; Compare for an invalid
Jbe INRT03 ; command
; Here is the error routine for an illegal command
Or Byte Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code+1,80H
; Set the error bit
Mov Byte Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,03H
; Set the error byte
Jmp Short INRT90
Mov SI,Word Ptr CS:Device_Functions[DI]
; Get the offset address
; . of the appropriate
; . command
Call SI ; This is a near call to
; . the command
Popf ; Restore the registers
Pop ES ; . and flags
Pop DS ; .
Pop DI ; .
Pop SI ; .
Pop DX ; .
Pop CX ; .
Pop BX ; .
Pop AX ; ..End
Interrupt_Routine Endp
; Here is the initialization command
Initialize_Driver_Command Proc Near
Mov AX,Offset End_Of_the_Program
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].Init_Ending_Program_Addr,AX
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX+2].Init_Ending_Program_Addr,CS
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Initialize_Driver_Command Endp
; Here is the media check command
Media_Check_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Media_Check_Command Endp
; Here is the construct Bios Parameter Block command
Build_BPB_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Build_BPB_Command Endp
; Here is the IOCTL input command
IOCTL_Input_Command Proc Near
Lds DI,ES:[BX].IO_Data_Transfer_Address
Mov Byte Ptr DS:[DI],'E'
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].IO_Byte_Counter,0001H
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
IOCTL_Input_Command Endp
; Here is the read input command
Read_Input_Command Proc Near
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].IO_Byte_Counter,0000H
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Read_Input_Command Endp
; Here is the non-destructive input command
Non_Destruct_Input_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0200H
; Set the busy bit
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].Non_Dest_Read_Byte,0000H
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Non_Destruct_Input_Command Endp
; Here is the input status command
Input_Status_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Input_Status_Command Endp
; Here is the flush input command
Input_Flush_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Input_Flush_Command Endp
; Here is the write output command
Write_Output_Command Proc Near
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].IO_Byte_Counter,0000H
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Write_Output_Command Endp
; Here is the write verify command
Write_Verify_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Write_Verify_Command Endp
; Here is the output status command
Output_Status_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Output_Status_Command Endp
; Here is the flush the output command
Output_Flush_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Output_Flush_Command Endp
; Here is the IOCTL output command
IOCTL_Output_Command Proc Near
Mov Word Ptr ES:[BX].IO_Byte_Counter,0000H
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
IOCTL_Output_Command Endp
; Here is the device open command
Device_Open_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Device_Open_Command Endp
; Here is the device close command
Device_Close_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Device_Close_Command Endp
; Here is the removable media command
Removable_Media_Command Proc Near
Or Word Ptr ES:[BX].Status_Code,0100H
; Set the finished bit
Removable_Media_Command Endp
Device_Driver Endp
End_of_the_Program Equ $ ; The assembler sets the
; . variable to the last
; . valid address in the
; . program
End Device_Driver