var startMilli = Date.parse("<%= Application("SHOW_TIME") %>");
var endMilli = Date.parse("<%= Application("SHOW_END_TIME") %>");
if (startMilli > endMilli)
errorDetect1 = "True"
conflictDate = "True"
if (errorDetect0 == "True")
if (errorDetect1 == "True")
// -->
<SCRIPT language="javascript">
// Write Out Any Error Messages
if(errorNum >= 1)
if (errorNum >=2)
document.write("Errors have been detected in the current configuration of Presenter. The following errors need to be repaired before the Presenter will work correctly:");
document.write("An error has been detected in the current configuration of Presenter. The following error needs to be repaired before Presenter will work correctly:");
if (errorDetect0 == "True")
document.write('<LI>The SHOW_TIME or SHOW_END_TIME for this event are not valid dates.');
if (errorDetect1 == "True")
document.write('<LI>The SHOW_TIME and SHOW_END_TIME dates conflict.');
var adminName = "<%= Application("ADMIN_NAME") %>"
var adminEmail = "<%= Application("ADMIN_EMAIL") %>"
if (adminName == "" && adminEmail == "")
document.write('Please contact your event administrator for more information.')
else if (adminName != "" && adminEmail != "")
document.write('Please contact <A href="mailto:' + adminEmail + '">' + adminName + '</A> for information on how to adjust these settings.')
else if (adminEmail != "" && adminName == "")
document.write('Please contact <A href="mailto:' + adminEmail + '">the event administrator</A> for information on how to adjust these settings.')
else if (adminEmail == "" && adminName != "")
document.write('Please contact ' + adminName + ' for information on how to adjust these settings.')
// End Write Out Any Error Messages
// -->
<SCRIPT Langauge="JavaScript">
// Write out the appropriate messages on the screen depending on which browser the client is using and if Windows Media Player is installed.
if ((br == "e4") && (errorNum == 0))
document.write('<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="verdana, arial, helvetica" SIZE="2">As you wait for the presentation to start, Windows Media Player is automatically loading the required software components and presentation slides.<BR></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>');
document.write('<BLOCKQUOTE>The Microsoft Media Player is already installed on this machine.<BR> Thank you for using the Microsoft Media Player. Enjoy the Presentation.')
document.write('<BLOCKQUOTE>You currently do not have the Windows Media Player installed. Please follow these steps:<BR><OL><LI>Download <A HREF="<%= Application("NS_PLAY") %>">Windows Media Player</A>.<LI>Exit from Netscape Navigator.<LI>Double click on the downloaded file to install the Windows Media Player.<LI>You may be asked to restart your computer.<LI>Restart Netscape Navigator and return to this page.</OL>')