Crawly Crypt Collection 2
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435 lines
include "prtequ.h"
* HP PaintJet color print driver
CR equ $d
LF equ $a
FF equ $c
ESC equ $1b
DC2 equ $12
clr.l d0
dc.l "PRNT"
dc.w 200
* distribute the calls the the appropriate routines
move.l a0,table
lsl.w #2,d0
lea prntbl,a1
move.l 0(a1,d0.w),a1
jmp (a1)
* identify who I am, and set up who I like to speak to.
move.l #driver,pdrvrnm(a0) ;pointer to string for driver name
move.w #PARALLEL+ASCENDING,device(a0)
prtok: moveq #1,d0
* initialize the table of printer specific routines
p_init: move.l #driver,pdrvrnm(a0) ;pointer to string for driver name
clr.b pdl(a0) ;no page description language
move.b #0,pmult(a0) ;automatically print mulitiple copies?
move.b #0,pman(a0) ;handle manual feed?
move.b #PRT_CMYK,ptype(a0) ;printer type?
move.l sendout(a0),send+2 ;self-modifing code, tisk, tisk!
* pminlft and pmaxw must be evenly divisible by 16
* this is the part that should be worked out
move.w pdensity(a0),d0
cmp.w #7,d0
bcs pint1
moveq #6,d0
pint1: lsl.w #1,d0
lea xdpi_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pxdpi(a0) ;x resolution
lea ydpi_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pydpi(a0) ;y resolution
lea minl_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pminlft(a0) ;pixels from the left
lea minr_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pminrht(a0) ;pixels from the right
lea mint_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pmintop(a0) ;pixels down from top
lea minb_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pminbot(a0) ;pixels up from bottom
lea xover_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pxover(a0) ;percentage of x overlap of dots
lea yover_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),pyover(a0) ;percentage of y overlap of dots
lea rowht_tbl,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),prowht(a0) ;rows height modula
lsl.w #1,d0
lea grmode_tbl,a1
move.l 0(a1,d0.w),grmode
lea maxw_tbl,a1
move.l 0(a1,d0.w),pmaxw(a0) ;maximum # pixels across
lea maxh_tbl,a1
move.l 0(a1,d0.w),pmaxh(a0) ;maximum # pixels down
bra prtok
* going to begin printing a document
move.l grmode,a0
bsr sendline
lea colorpal,a0
bsr sendline
lea bgnmode,a0
bra sendline
* about to start printing of a page
bra prtok
* about to print a new tile for the page
bra prtok
* print a block to the printer
move.l table,a0
move.l pblockw(a0),d0
move.w d0,width
move.l pblockplane(a0),pplane
move.l pblockptr(a0),a1
move.l (a1),a1
add.l pblockoff(a0),a1
move.l a1,v_base
move.l v_base,v_ptr ;yellow
move.l pplane,d0
lsl.l #1,d0
add.l d0,v_ptr
bsr putline
move.l v_base,v_ptr ;magenta
move.l pplane,d0
add.l d0,v_ptr
bsr putline
move.l v_base,v_ptr ;cyan
bsr putline
move.l v_base,v_ptr ;black
move.l pplane,d0
lsl.l #1,d0
add.l pplane,d0
add.l d0,v_ptr
bsr putline
lea endline,a0
bra sendline
** **
move.w width,d0
move.l v_ptr,a0
putln1: tst.b -1(a0,d0.w)
bne putln2
subq.w #1,d0
bne putln1
moveq #1,d0
putln2: move.l v_ptr,a0
bsr compit
move.w d0,twidth
lea compress,a0 ;turn data compression on
bsr sendline
lea grfstart,a0
bsr sendline
move.w twidth,d0
bsr sendn
move.b #"V",d0
bsr send
move.w twidth,d1
lea buffer,a0
putln3: move.b (a0)+,d0
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.w d1,-(sp)
bsr send
move.w (sp)+,d1
move.l (sp)+,a0
subq.w #1,d1
bne putln3
bra prtok
* just finished describing current tile **
bra prtok
bra p_endtile
* just finished describing all tiles for this page **
bra prtok
* finished printing the document **
lea cleanup,a0
bra sendline
*** these are the send routines for the ***
*** dot matrix driver. ***
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq prtok
move.l a0,-(sp)
bsr send
move.l (sp)+,a0
bra sendline
sendn: cmp.w #10,d0
bcs sdn1
and.l #$ffff,d0
divu #10,d0
swap d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
swap d0
bsr sendn
move.w (sp)+,d0
sdn1: or.b #"0",d0
* bra send
send: jmp $ffffff
** compress the data going to the printer **
lea buffer,a2 ;get address of buffer
moveq #0,d1 ;zero out the length counter
moveq #0,d3 ;zero out the total length counter
cmpt2: move.b (a0)+,d2 ;get pattern byte from string
subq.w #1,d0 ;subtract 1 from the string length (twidth)
beq.s cmpt3
cmp.b (a0),d2
bne.s cmpt3
add.b #1,d1 ;add 1 to the length
cmp.b #255,d1 ;have i done the max count yet?
bne.s cmpt2
cmpt3: move.b d1,(a2)+ ;store the length
clr.b d1 ;reset the length to 0
move.b d2,(a2)+ ;store the pattern byte
addq.w #2,d3 ;add two the the total length
tst.w d0 ;have i done the whole row yet?
bne.s cmpt2 ;no
move.w d3,d0
*** ***
prntbl: dc.l prtok,prtok,prtok,prtok,p_init
dc.l p_bgndoc,p_bgnpage,p_bgntile
dc.l p_block
dc.l p_endtile,p_endpage,p_enddoc
dc.l p_break,p_ident
xdpi_tbl: dc.w 90,180,180,180,180,180,180
ydpi_tbl: dc.w 90,180,180,180,180,180,180
minl_tbl: dc.w 45,90,90,90,90,90,90
minr_tbl: dc.w 45,90,90,90,90,90,90
maxw_tbl: dc.l 720,1440,1440,1440,1440,1440,1440
maxh_tbl: dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
mint_tbl: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
minb_tbl: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
xover_tbl: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
yover_tbl: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
rowht_tbl: dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
grmode_tbl: dc.l rez1,rez2,rez2,rez2,rez2,rez2,rez2
driver: dc.b "HP PaintJet Color Comp. v2.0",0
rez1: dc.b ESC,"E"
dc.b ESC,"*t90R" ;90 DPI
dc.b ESC,"*r720S" ;720 pixels wide max
dc.b ESC,"*r4U" ;4 bitplane mode
dc.b ESC,"*b1M" ;unencoded bitmap
dc.b 0
rez2: dc.b ESC,"E"
dc.b ESC,"*t180R" ;180 DPI
dc.b ESC,"*r1440S" ;1440 pixels wide max
dc.b ESC,"*r4U" ;4 bitplane mode
dc.b ESC,"*b1M" ;unencoded bitmap
dc.b 0
bgnmode: dc.b ESC,"*r0A",0 ;graphics mode
endline: dc.b ESC,"*b0W",0
cleanup: dc.b ESC,"*r0B",0
grfstart: dc.b ESC,"*b",0
nocomp: dc.b ESC,"*b0M",0
compress: dc.b ESC,"*b1M",0
* Esc "*v",n,"I"
* Esc "*v",red,"A"
* Esc "*v",green,"B"
* Esc "*v",blue,"C"
dc.b ESC,"*v90A"
dc.b ESC,"*v88B"
dc.b ESC,"*v85C"
dc.b ESC,"*v0I" ;#0 white
dc.b ESC,"*v89A"
dc.b ESC,"*v83B"
dc.b ESC,"*v13C"
dc.b ESC,"*v1I" ;#1 yellow
dc.b ESC,"*v53A"
dc.b ESC,"*v5B"
dc.b ESC,"*v25C"
dc.b ESC,"*v2I" ;#2 magenta
dc.b ESC,"*v53A"
dc.b ESC,"*v8B"
dc.b ESC,"*v14C"
dc.b ESC,"*v3I" ;#3 red
dc.b ESC,"*v2A"
dc.b ESC,"*v22B"
dc.b ESC,"*v64C"
dc.b ESC,"*v4I" ;#4 cyan
dc.b ESC,"*v3A"
dc.b ESC,"*v26B"
dc.b ESC,"*v22C"
dc.b ESC,"*v5I" ;#5 green
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v29C"
dc.b ESC,"*v6I" ;#6 blue
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v7I" ;#7 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v8I" ;#8 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v9I" ;#9 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v10I" ;#10 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v11I" ;#11 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v12I" ;#12 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v13I" ;#13 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v14I" ;#14 black
dc.b ESC,"*v4A"
dc.b ESC,"*v4B"
dc.b ESC,"*v6C"
dc.b ESC,"*v15I" ;#15 black
dc.b 0
table: ds.l 1
twidth: ds.w 1
v_base: ds.l 1
v_ptr: ds.l 1
width: ds.w 1
pplane: ds.l 1
count: ds.w 1
rows: ds.w 1
rowht: ds.w 1
grmode: ds.l 1
scroll: ds.w 1
buffer: ds.b 1024