Crawly Crypt Collection 1
File List
115 lines
** T h e C r a w l y C r y p t C o l l e c t i o n **
* P r e s e n t s *
** Atari ST Screen Saver Utilities **
16F_MOVI Several 16 color animations ("Movie-Modules") for the Before Dawn
screen saver.
ATARIROT Four somewhat different "Movie Modules" for the Before Dawn screen
saver. The modules feature various rotating Atari Symbols.
ATARISTA Atari Symbol as "Stars" for the Before Dawn" screen saver
AUTO Four automobiles as "Hole" for the Before Dawn" screen saver.
BALLOONS Balloons - a module for the Before Dawn screen saver.
BAUM Baum - a module for the Before Dawn screen saver.
BESEN The Dancing Broom Movie-Module for the Before Dawn screen saver. It
features a broom that is carrying two pails of water. Reminiscant of
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice".
CAN_CAN French Can Can Movie-Module for the Before Dawn screen saver.
CONCEPT Concept is an Extend-O-Save Module for Warp 9. It is an interesting
DAFFY A daffy Duck animation module by Martin Heise for the Before Dawn
screen saver.
DALEKEOS Daleks by Daniel W. McAndrew is an Extend-O-Save (EOS) Module for
Warp 9. I hope Doctor Who fans enjoy this. This time the Doctor is
in serious trouble! Check out who is chasing him across the
blackness of space and time.
DARKLORD Darklord version 3.10 by Dr. Steve Pedler is a programmable,
extensible screen saver for the Atari TOS series of computers.
DarkLord modules can use the VDI for screen output, and its modules
can be written in C, as well as in assembly.
DAWN139G Before Dawn version 1.39 by Arne Rudolph is a SHAREWARE screen saver
that can use external animation modules in a fashion similar to Warp
9's Extend-O-Save feature. All docs are in German.
DAWN_EL "Electrical" animation for the Before Dawn screen saver.
DCKLINES Crawling Lines version 1.0 by Robin Bettridge is a module for
DarkLord that produces a pleasing line that travels around the screen
leaving a variable length tail behind it. The line bounces off of
the screen's edges, and changes color.
DISSOLV2 Dissolve II version 1.0 by Charles F. Johnson is an Extend-O-Save
(EOS) Module for Warp 9. Dissolve II does block wipes, fading
between darkness and a variety of colorful geometric shapes, or
between darkness and your original screen. Dissolve II is completely
resolution-independent, and will work in all screen modes on ST, TT,
or Falcon computers.
DMJFONTS Damien M. Jones presents three fonts you can use with Warp 9 in any
640x400 or higher resolution. I've seen lots of fonts for Warp 9 (it
comes with a bunch of them), but most of them are seriously lacking
in the readability department. These fonts are designed to be
readable, with a bit more character than the system font.
EDISON The Edison screen saver. Works on all Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon
EOS_TEST Extend-O-Save Overhead Tester by John Eidsvoog & Charles F. Johnson
shows how much processor time is consumed by your Extend-O-Save
modules. This may or may not be important to you. If you've ever
tried to do a download or printing operation and had a busy EOS
module kick in, you know that it can grind the operation to a halt,
resulting in an aborted download or a printout that never finishes.
By carefully choosing which modules you use, you can eliminate or
minimize this problem.
FORT11 Fortunes: an Extend-O-Save module for use with Warp 9.
INTELOUT "Intel Outside" Module for use with the Before Dawn screen saver.
MANDALA Mandala an Extend-O-Save Module for Warp 9 by John Eidsvoog & Oliver
Broadway. Works in all resolutions on all monitors. Produces random
kaleidoscopic patterns in an infinitely changing movement.
MKACC MKACC by Markus Kilbinger is a mouse accelerator and screen saver.
The program and all docs are in German.
MOVIE11 Movies At Night version 1.1 by Anthony Watson is an Extendo-Save
Module For Warp 9 that will randomly select and play "movie
MOV_CS10 Movies At Night Construction Set version 1.0 by Anthony Watson is an
Animation Conversion Utility for the "Movies at Night" Warp 9 EOS
Module. The Construction Set allows users to create their own screen
saver animations from a series of Degas picture files, or to convert
Cyberpaint animations for use as screensaver animations. Shareware!
NEWEOS01 3 excellent Warp 9 EOS modules (clock.ext, squiggly.ext, things.ext)
updated so that they are resolution independent. Tested on a Mega
STe and a Falcon030 w/ ScreenBlaster. Run them as .PRGs for a "demo"
of them.
NOPIRACY PIRACY SUCKS! is a screen-saver for use with Warp 9. It was created
with John Eidsvoog's Image Swap/Flying Thrones.
PARA_SAV This is a telecommunications oriented screen saver. The screen is
blanked any time there is *NO CARRIER DETECTED*. Whenever there is a
carrier, the screen is active. Whenver the carrier is lost, the
screen is blanked again.
PUZZLE Sliding Puzzle by John Eidsvoog is an Extend-O-Save Module for Warp 9
Works in all resolutions on all monitors. Sliding Puzzle divides
your screen into little blocks, randomly blackens one of them, and
then begins randomly sliding pieces around like the little "Sliding
Puzzle" that most of us are familiar with.
RUBIK_EN Rubrik's screen saver version 1.15 by Thomas Schallar. A nice
shareware screen saver from Germany (program and docs are in German
of course).
SAFSVR12 SAFESAVR version 1.2 by Robert Fasoldt. Most screen savers do more
than just blank the screen, many put the computer to sleep too.
SAFESAVR will never interfere with *any* computer function. It *only*
dims the screen.
SPACE "Space travel" animation for the Before Dawn screen saver.
SPECKLES This is Speckles, the second Extend-O-Save module by Damien M. Jones.
The speed of the Speckles effect may be fast or slow, depending on
the screen resolution you use and the speed of your computer. You
can, however, restore the screen instantly. Speckles should work in
any resolution, on any ST/STe/TT/Falcon, that Warp 9 can handle.
STARSTRK Star Struck version 2.0 by Tony Sanson is a screen saver with a
difference. It smoothly fades to black and fills screen with
repeating burst of stars from a central point. It will run in ANY
resolution! Dated Feb. 10, 1990
STNGCREW This Warp 9 EOS module and demo program by Daniel W. McAndrew
features the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
TNG_DAWN StarTrek 'The Next Generation' Logo module for the Before Dawn screen
TOASTER "Flying Toaster" module for the Before Dawn screen saver.
TURBODAW A module for use with the "Before Dawn" screen saver.
WARP_11 Warp version 1.1 by Timothy Scott Davis is an Extend-O-Save Module
for Warp 9. This screen saver shows a 3-D starfield rushing by.