Crawly Crypt Collection 1
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Assembly Source File
535 lines
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; - debugger v2.0 theo de raadt 21/1/90 -
; NOTE: Hardware has to be specially built to handle this monitor.
; The CODE address space and the DATA address space have to be mapped
; on top of each other. ie. CHIP_READ* = 8031RD* AND 8031PSEN* and
; CHIP_WRITE* = 8031WR*.
; Within this (combined) address space, you can now use either MOVX
; or MOVC for the same effect.
; In this address space, I have placed the rom this debugger is in
; at 0x0000 and ram at 0x8000. (additional IO would go in between.)
; (actually, I used a battery backed up static ram at 0x000.)
; Some of the commands in the help are actually unimplimented. It
; suited my purposes. The 'g' command could be much improved, to have
; a seperate register set for the called routine.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.org 0
start: nop ; for accidental overwrite if ram
; at 0 -- bug in my decode logic?
mov P3, #0xff ; use alternate fns on P3
ajmp main
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; SERINIT() nothing hurt
serinit: mov TMOD, #0x20 ; timer 1 mode 2
; mov TH1, #230 ; 1200 baud
mov TH1,#243 ; 4800 baud
mov TCON, #0x40 ; turn timer 1 on
mov SCON, #0x52 ; serial mode 1 rx, fake tx done
mov A, PCON ; for 4800 baud
setb ACC.7
mov PCON, A
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; PUTC( A=char )
putc: jnb TI, putc ; wait for tx free
clr TI
mov SBUF, A ; send it
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; GETC() A=char
getc: jnb RI, getc
clr RI
mov A, SBUF
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; GETS( DPTR=start of string ) A not hurt, DPTR at start of string
gets: push ACC
push DPL
push DPH
mov A, R3
push ACC
clr A
mov R3, A
gets_nxt: lcall getc
cjne A, #8, gets_notbs
ajmp gets_bs
gets_notbs: cjne A, #'\r', gets_good
clr A
movx @DPTR, A
pop ACC
mov R3, A
pop DPH
pop DPL
pop ACC
gets_bs: mov A, R3 ; backspaced too far
jz gets_nxt
dec A
mov R3, A
mov A, #8 ; "\b \b"
lcall putc
mov A, #' '
lcall putc
mov A, #8
lcall putc
setb C ; this is "dec DPTR"
mov A, DPL
subb A, #0
mov DPL, A
mov A, DPH
subb A, #0
mov DPH, A
ajmp gets_nxt
gets_good: movx @DPTR, A
lcall putc
inc DPTR
inc R3
ajmp gets_nxt
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; HEXPARSE( DPTR=string ) A not hurt, DPTR advanced, R0/R1 [H/L] return
hexparse: push ACC
hp_char: movx A, @DPTR ; get char
clr C
subb A, #'a'
jc hp_notalpha ; < 'a' not hex alpha char
subb A, #5+1
jnc hp_notalpha ; > 'f' not hex aplha char
movx A, @DPTR
clr C
subb A, #'a'-10
sjmp hp_nybble
hp_notalpha: movx A, @DPTR
clr C
subb A, #'0'
jc hp_notdigit ; < '0' not hex digit
subb A, #9+1
jnc hp_notdigit ; > '9' not hex digit
movx A, @DPTR
clr C
subb A, #'0'
hp_nybble: inc DPTR
anl A, #0x0f
push ACC ; R0 R1
mov A, R0 ; HHHH LLLL hhhh llll
swap A
anl A, #0xf0
mov R0, A
mov A, R1
swap A ; shift left by nybble
anl A, #0x0f
orl A, R0
mov R0, A
mov A, R1
swap A
anl A, #0xf0
mov R1, A
pop ACC
orl A, R1
mov R1, A ; LLLL hhhh llll aaaa
; debugging
; push ACC
; push DPL
; push DPH
; mov DPH, R0
; mov DPL, R1
; lcall putword
; lcall putnl
; pop DPH
; pop DPL
; pop ACC
sjmp hp_char
hp_notdigit: pop ACC
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; EATSPACE( DPTR=string ) A not hurt, DPTR advanced
eatspace: push ACC
eatspace_loop: movx A, @DPTR
cjne A, #' ', eatspace_done
inc DPTR
sjmp eatspace_loop
eatspace_done: pop ACC
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; PUTS( DPTR=string ) A not hurt, DPTR at end of string
puts: push ACC
puts_ch: movx A, @DPTR ; get ch
jz puts_q ; null - finished str
lcall putc
inc DPTR
sjmp puts_ch ; go for next
puts_q: pop ACC
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; PUTNL() nothing hurt
putnl: push ACC
mov A, #0x0d
lcall putc
mov A, #0x0a
lcall putc
pop ACC
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; putword( DPTR=word) nothing hurt
putword: push ACC
mov A, DPH
lcall putbyte
mov A, DPL
lcall putbyte
pop ACC
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; putbyte( A=byte) nothing hurt
putbyte: push ACC
push ACC
swap A
lcall putnyb
pop ACC
lcall putnyb
pop ACC
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; putnyb( A=nybble ) A hurt
putnyb: anl A, #0x0f
push ACC
clr C
subb A, #10
jc pn_digit ; <= 9, then it's a digit
add A, #'a' ; alphabetic
lcall putc
pop ACC
pn_digit: pop ACC ; it's a digit
add A, #'0'
lcall putc
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
main: lcall serinit
mov DPTR, #run_regs_psw ; initialize psw at least!
clr A
movx @DPTR, A
mov DPTR, #title_msg
lcall puts
next_line: mov A, #'>' ; prompt
lcall putc
mov DPTR, #linebuf ; get cmd
lcall gets
lcall putnl
next_cmd: lcall eatspace
movx A, @DPTR
jz next_line
; --------------------------------------------------
cjne A, #'g', cmd_notgo ; g --> lcall addr..
push DPL
push DPH
push ACC
push PSW
mov DPTR, #go_return ; come back to here..
push DPL
push DPH
mov A, R1 ; return on top of function
push ACC
mov A, R0
push ACC
mov DPTR, #run_regs
movx A, @DPTR ; DPH
push ACC
inc DPTR
movx A, @DPTR ; DPL
push ACC
inc DPTR
movx A, @DPTR ; PSW
push ACC
inc DPTR
movx A, @DPTR ; ACC
pop PSW
pop DPL
pop DPH
ret ; enter it
go_return: pop PSW
pop ACC
pop DPH
pop DPL
inc DPTR
sjmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_notgo: cjne A, #'R', cmd_notregs
inc DPTR
push DPH
push DPL
mov DPTR, #regs_msg ; "DPTR ACC PSW"
lcall puts
mov DPTR, #run_regs
movx A, @DPTR
acall putbyte ; xx
inc DPTR
movx A, @DPTR
acall putbyte ; xx
mov A, #' '
acall putc
inc DPTR
movx A, @DPTR
acall putbyte ; xx
inc DPTR
mov A, #' '
acall putc
acall putc
movx A, @DPTR
acall putbyte ; xx
acall putnl
pop DPL
pop DPH
sjmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_notregs: cjne A, #':', cmd_notenter ; : --> eat bytes..
inc DPTR
mov A, R2
push ACC
mov A, R3
push ACC
mov A, R0
mov R2, A
mov A, R1
mov R3, A ; R2/R3 = mem ptr
enter_next: lcall eatspace
movx A, @DPTR
jz enter_done
push DPL
clr A
mov R0, A
mov R1, A
lcall hexparse
pop ACC
cjne A, DPL, enter_number
sjmp enter_next
enter_number: push DPL
push DPH
mov DPH, R2 ; put low byte only
mov DPL, R3
mov A, R1
movx @DPTR, A
inc DPTR
mov R2, DPH
mov R3, DPL
pop DPH
pop DPL
sjmp enter_next
enter_done: pop ACC
mov R3, A
pop ACC
mov R2, A
ajmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_notenter: cjne A, #'?', cmd_nothelp
push DPL
push DPH
mov DPTR, #help_msg
lcall puts
pop DPH
pop DPL
inc DPTR
ajmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_nothelp: cjne A, #'l', cmd_notlist
push DPL
push DPH
push B
clr A
mov B, ACC
mov DPH, R0
mov DPL, R1
lcall putword ; addr: [16 bytes]
mov A, #':'
lcall putc
mov A, #' '
lcall putc
cl_nextbyte: movx A, @DPTR
lcall putbyte
mov A, #' '
lcall putc
inc DPTR
inc B
mov A, B
cjne A, #16, cl_nextbyte
lcall putnl
mov R0, DPH
mov R1, DPL
pop B
pop DPH
pop DPL
inc DPTR
ajmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_notlist: cjne A, #'r', cmd_notread
mov A, R3 ; counter
push ACC
mov A, R1 ; base addr
push ACC
inc DPTR ; get arg
lcall eatspace
push DPL
lcall hexparse
pop ACC
cjne A, DPL, nl_loop
mov A, #1
mov R3, A
sjmp nl_start
nl_loop: mov A, R1
mov R3, A
nl_start: pop ACC
mov R1, A
mov A, R1 ; put address
lcall putbyte
mov A, #':'
lcall putc
nl_nextloop: mov A, R3 ; eat one loop
jz nl_endloop
dec A
mov R3, A
mov A, #' '
lcall putc
mov A, @R1 ; put byte
lcall putbyte
inc R1 ; inc address
sjmp nl_nextloop
nl_endloop: lcall putnl
pop ACC
mov R3, A
ajmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_notread: cjne A, #'w', cmd_notwrite
mov A, R3
push ACC
mov A, R1
mov R3, A ; save addr
inc DPTR
nr_nextbyte: lcall eatspace
movx A, @DPTR
jz nr_earlyeol ; [addr] w [EOL]
push DPL
lcall hexparse ; [addr] w [NONHEX]
pop ACC
cjne A, DPL, nr_good
sjmp nr_earlyeol
nr_good: mov A, R3 ; R1 = value, R3 = addr
mov R0, A
mov A, R1
mov @R0, A
ajmp nr_nextbyte
nr_earlyeol: pop ACC
mov R3, A
ajmp next_cmd
; --------------------------------------------------
cmd_notwrite: cjne A, #';', cmd_notcomment
ajmp next_line
cmd_notcomment: push DPL
clr A
mov R0, A
mov R1, A
lcall hexparse ; probably addr, see if ptr
pop ACC ; moved, else error
cjne A, DPL, cmd_more
sjmp cmd_error
; --------------------------------------------------
; debugging
; push DPL
; push DPH
; mov DPTR, #number_msg
; lcall puts
; mov DPH, R0
; mov DPL, R1
; lcall putword
; lcall putnl
; pop DPH
; pop DPL
ajmp next_cmd
cmd_error: mov DPTR, #error_msg
lcall puts
ajmp next_line
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title_msg: .byte "\r\n8031 mon v3.0\r\n", 0
error_msg: .byte "syntax error\r\n", 0
regs_msg: .byte "DPTR ACC PSW\r\n", 0
help_msg: .byte "8031 mon v3.0\r\n"
.byte "[addr] : [bytes]\tstore bytes\t"
.byte "[addr] g\t\tcall address\r\n"
.byte "[addr] l\t\tlist memory\t"
.byte "[addr] r [count]\tlist onchip\r\n"
.byte "[addr] w [bytes]\tstore onchip\t"
.byte "; [comment]\t\tcomment\r\n"
.byte "[value] D\t\tstore in DPTR\t"
.byte "[value] A\t\tstore in ACC\r\n"
.byte "[value] P\t\tstore in PSW\t"
.byte "R\t\t\tprint registers\r\n", 0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; sort of a bss segment
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.org 0x8000
run_regs: .skip 2 ; DPTR [H/L]
run_regs_psw: .skip 1 ; PSW
.skip 1 ; ACC
linebuf: .skip 256