Crawly Crypt Collection 1
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C/C++ Source or Header
2,157 lines
# line 22 "as31.y"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define NOPE
#include "as31.h"
#undef NOPE
#define YYSTYPE union ystack
extern int lineno;
extern int dashl;
extern char *asmfile;
extern jmp_buf main_env;
extern FILE *listing;
int pass,fatal;
unsigned long lc;
static unsigned char bytebuf[1024]; /* used by dumplist() */
static int bytecount;
/* ------------------------ G R A M M E R ----------------------------- */
# define STRING 257
# define D_ORG 258
# define D_BYTE 259
# define D_WORD 260
# define D_SKIP 261
# define D_EQU 262
# define D_FLAG 263
# define D_END 264
# define ACALL 265
# define ADD 266
# define ADDC 267
# define AJMP 268
# define ANL 269
# define CJNE 270
# define CLR 271
# define CPL 272
# define DA 273
# define DEC 274
# define DIV 275
# define DJNZ 276
# define INC 277
# define JB 278
# define JBC 279
# define JC 280
# define JMP 281
# define JNB 282
# define JNC 283
# define JNZ 284
# define JZ 285
# define LCALL 286
# define LJMP 287
# define MOV 288
# define MOVC 289
# define MOVX 290
# define NOP 291
# define MUL 292
# define ORL 293
# define POP 294
# define PUSH 295
# define RET 296
# define RETI 297
# define RL 298
# define RLC 299
# define RR 300
# define RRC 301
# define SETB 302
# define SJMP 303
# define SUBB 304
# define SWAP 305
# define XCH 306
# define XCHD 307
# define XRL 308
# define AB 309
# define A 310
# define C 311
# define PC 312
# define DPTR 313
# define BITPOS 314
# define R0 315
# define R1 316
# define R2 317
# define R3 318
# define R4 319
# define R5 320
# define R6 321
# define R7 322
# define VALUE 323
# define SYMBOL 324
#define yyclearin yychar = -1
#define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0
extern int yychar;
extern int yyerrflag;
#define YYMAXDEPTH 150
#ifndef YYSTYPE
#define YYSTYPE int
YYSTYPE yylval, yyval;
typedef int yytabelem;
# define YYERRCODE 256
# line 949 "as31.y"
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char *s;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* error:
* Uses semi-variable arguments. This causes immediate assembler
* termination.
char *cs,*a1,*a2,*a3,*a4,*a5,*a6;
fprintf(stderr,"File: %s, line: %d, ",asmfile,lineno);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* warning:
* Produce error message. This will abort assembly at
* the end of the current pass.
char *cs,*a1,*a2,*a3,*a4,*a5,*a6;
fprintf(stderr,"File: %s, line: %d, ",asmfile,lineno);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* makeop:
* This function makes an opcode based on the instruction symbol table
* entry, and an addressing mode structure.
* This function is called from both passes, but
* only generates code in pass 2.
* Resultant opcode bytes are passed to genbyte().
* Returns the nuumber of bytes that the instruction
* occupies.
struct opcode *op;
struct mode *m;
register unsigned int newop;
if( m == NULL ) {
if(pass2) genbyte(op->bytes[0+add]);
if( pass2 ) {
newop = op->bytes[ get_md(*m)+add ] | get_ov(*m);
if( get_sz(*m) > 0 ) genbyte( get_b1(*m) );
if( get_sz(*m) > 1 ) genbyte( get_b2(*m) );
return( get_sz(*m)+1 );
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* inclc:
* Increments the Location Counter by 'i' amount.
* Check to see if 'i' overflows 64K.
* Checks to see if assembler is overlapping previous sections
* of code. (using a large bit field).
#define indx(a) ( (a)/(sizeof(long)*8) )
#define bit(a) ( 1 << ((a)%(sizeof(long)*8)) )
#define getloc(a) (regions[indx(a)] & bit(a))
#define setloc(a) (regions[indx(a)] |= bit(a))
static unsigned long regions[ 0x10000/(sizeof(long)*8) ];
while(i-- > 0) {
if( pass2 && getloc(lc) )
error("Location counter overlaps");
if( pass2 ) setloc(lc);
lc += 1;
if( lc > 0xffff )
error("Location counter has exceeded 16-bits");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* padline:
* This routine returns a new string, which is equivilant to
* 'line' except that all tabs have been expanded to spaces, and
* the total length has been truncated to 60 chars.
char *padline(line)
char *line;
static char newline[61];
char *p1;
int pos=0,nxtpos;
for(p1=line; pos<sizeof(newline)-1 && *p1; p1++ ) {
if( *p1 == '\t' ) {
nxtpos = pos+8-pos%8;
while(pos<sizeof(newline)-1 && pos <= nxtpos)
newline[pos++] = ' ';
} else if( *p1 != '\n' )
newline[pos++]= *p1;
newline[pos] = '\0';
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* dumplist:
* Outputs the current location counter, bytebuf[] array, and
* the string 'txt' to the listing file.
* This routine is called for every source line encountered in the
* source file. (Only in pass 2, and if listing is turned on).
char *txt;
int i,j;
fprintf(listing,show?"%04X: ":" ",lc);
for(i=0; i<bytecount; i++ ) {
fprintf(listing,"%02X ",bytebuf[i]);
if( ++j >= 4 ) {
j = 0;
fprintf(listing,"\n ");
while(++j <= 4)
fprintf(listing," ");
fprintf(listing," %s\n",padline(txt));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* gen* routines:
* Place information into the bytebuf[] array, and also
* call emitbyte with the byte.
int b;
if( bytecount < sizeof(bytebuf) )
bytebuf[bytecount++] = b;
char *s;
while( *s )
unsigned long w;
genbyte( (w & 0xff00) >> 8 );
genbyte( (w & 0x00ff) );
yytabelem yyexca[] ={
-1, 1,
0, -1,
-2, 0,
# define YYNPROD 161
# define YYLAST 742
yytabelem yyact[]={
9, 286, 168, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188,
189, 208, 229, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188,
189, 6, 121, 120, 226, 289, 228, 263, 262, 69,
282, 68, 284, 283, 70, 192, 10, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 116, 117, 190, 302, 301,
191, 269, 276, 243, 304, 156, 303, 288, 121, 120,
9, 287, 270, 154, 75, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109,
105, 108, 106, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
170, 253, 252, 173, 170, 107, 226, 4, 171, 69,
56, 68, 158, 172, 70, 5, 10, 139, 300, 292,
291, 271, 255, 79, 69, 199, 68, 254, 297, 70,
224, 249, 245, 151, 280, 69, 235, 68, 212, 69,
70, 68, 83, 87, 70, 211, 210, 209, 95, 206,
69, 205, 68, 204, 296, 70, 203, 201, 198, 223,
69, 197, 68, 196, 295, 70, 194, 141, 142, 193,
129, 167, 157, 248, 95, 166, 147, 233, 69, 231,
68, 180, 69, 70, 68, 179, 169, 70, 178, 69,
169, 68, 74, 69, 70, 68, 126, 230, 70, 138,
69, 274, 68, 250, 234, 70, 90, 66, 76, 77,
78, 82, 86, 89, 131, 132, 133, 134, 58, 84,
115, 73, 57, 3, 119, 238, 55, 114, 148, 104,
69, 143, 68, 135, 261, 70, 260, 163, 128, 88,
160, 69, 8, 68, 7, 146, 70, 2, 1, 0,
236, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 164, 122, 123, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 14, 15, 13, 18,
47, 35, 36, 23, 22, 24, 51, 21, 48, 50,
42, 25, 49, 43, 44, 45, 41, 40, 52, 53,
54, 11, 26, 19, 39, 38, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 37, 46, 16, 33, 20, 34, 17, 225,
244, 155, 121, 120, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 72, 71, 6, 12, 14, 15, 13, 18,
47, 35, 36, 23, 22, 24, 51, 21, 48, 50,
42, 25, 49, 43, 44, 45, 41, 40, 52, 53,
54, 11, 26, 19, 39, 38, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 37, 46, 16, 33, 20, 34, 17, 75,
153, 225, 152, 0, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 72, 71, 92, 200, 0, 91, 0, 96,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 72, 71, 278,
96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 72, 71,
92, 0, 72, 71, 181, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 103, 72, 71, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 103, 72, 71, 136, 81, 257, 246, 240,
96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 162, 67,
67, 72, 71, 75, 85, 72, 71, 258, 0, 0,
75, 0, 72, 71, 0, 0, 72, 71, 0, 118,
80, 0, 0, 72, 71, 0, 93, 127, 127, 130,
130, 130, 130, 130, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 94, 94, 0, 0, 159, 281, 165, 159,
0, 0, 0, 72, 71, 0, 176, 177, 0, 124,
125, 0, 290, 0, 72, 71, 0, 0, 140, 140,
140, 0, 145, 149, 137, 0, 0, 0, 144, 150,
0, 161, 298, 299, 173, 170, 0, 0, 220, 171,
175, 305, 174, 0, 172, 0, 0, 0, 0, 173,
170, 0, 0, 195, 171, 175, 0, 174, 0, 172,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 202, 0, 0, 0,
0, 207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 213, 214, 215, 216,
217, 218, 219, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 169, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 237, 239, 237, 169, 0, 264, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 165, 259, 222,
227, 0, 0, 0, 0, 221, 0, 0, 275, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 232, 0, 0, 0, 285, 0,
242, 0, 247, 0, 251, 0, 241, 0, 0, 0,
256, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 165, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 265, 0, 266, 267, 268,
0, 0, 0, 0, 272, 273, 0, 0, 237, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 277,
279, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 237, 237,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 237, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 293, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 294 };
yytabelem yypact[]={
-10, -3000, -10, -3000, 32, -3000, -3000, 192, 188, -3000,
-185, -3000, 129, 129, -246, -246, -246, 140, 133, 133,
-246, 64, 90, -240, -237, 21, -238, -3000, -3000, -241,
-242, -243, -244, -245, -246, -265, -265, -265, 129, 129,
129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 115, -301, -301,
-301, 100, 49, -247, -9, -3000, 50, -3000, -3000, 129,
181, 129, 129, -303, -322, -3000, -3000, 502, -3000, 129,
129, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, 124, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
121, 502, -3000, -3000, -3000, 117, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
-3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -278, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
-3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -263, -3000, -3000,
-3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -279,
-3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, 502, -3000, -3000,
502, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, 105, 102, -278, -3000,
99, -3000, -3000, -3000, 97, 94, -3000, -3000, -3000, 61,
93, -278, 92, 89, 87, 85, -302, -3000, -3000, 502,
83, -3000, -3000, 82, -3000, 502, -3000, 81, 74, 129,
129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 487, 42, 75, 51,
-21, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
134, 116, -3000, 122, 149, 72, 129, 129, 129, -11,
68, 118, 67, 148, -301, 18, 17, 63, 58, 170,
129, 129, -296, -3000, -3000, 42, 42, 42, 46, 46,
-3000, -3000, -3000, -278, 129, -3000, 129, -3000, -301, -301,
-262, -248, 57, 129, 129, 146, -3000, 502, -3000, 502,
-3000, -3000, -3000, -278, -3000, -259, -3000, -3000, 129, 79,
129, -3000, -280, -312, -249, -253, -3000, -3000, -3000, 502,
-3000, -289, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
-3000, 129, 56, 55, 129, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
129, -3000, 101, 91, 65, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000,
-3000, 129, 129, 54, -3000, -264, -254, -256, -3000, -3000,
129, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000 };
yytabelem yypgo[]={
0, 228, 227, 203, 87, 95, 224, 222, 92, 220,
217, 426, 216, 214, 460, 236, 187, 172, 103, 199,
186, 200, 176, 150, 213, 97, 211, 208, 404, 466,
459, 230, 205, 204 };
yytabelem yyr1[]={
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6,
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 12, 13, 13,
4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11,
11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 17, 17,
17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 25, 26, 26,
27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
27, 27, 27, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21,
24, 24, 24, 24, 31, 32, 30, 30, 33, 33,
29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 28, 28,
28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 14, 15, 16, 22,
23 };
yytabelem yyr2[]={
0, 3, 4, 2, 7, 3, 5, 5, 3, 7,
7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3,
3, 7, 7, 3, 3, 7, 3, 3, 7, 5,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 11,
11, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
15, 15, 15, 15, 11, 11, 11, 11, 7, 7,
9, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 11, 9,
7, 7, 9, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3,
11, 13, 13, 15, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3 };
yytabelem yychk[]={
-3000, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, 324, -6, -7, 10,
46, 291, 265, 268, 266, 267, 304, 308, 269, 293,
306, 277, 274, 273, 275, 281, 292, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301, 305, 307, 271, 272, 302, 295, 294,
287, 286, 280, 283, 284, 285, 303, 270, 278, 282,
279, 276, 288, 289, 290, -3, 58, 10, 10, 258,
259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, -16, -11, 42, 40,
45, 324, 323, -16, -17, 310, -17, -17, -17, -18,
-14, -11, -17, -18, -19, 311, -17, -18, -19, -17,
-20, 313, 310, -29, -14, 64, 315, 316, 317, 318,
319, 320, 321, 322, -20, 310, 309, 64, 309, 310,
310, 310, 310, 310, -17, -21, 310, 311, -30, -33,
324, 323, -21, -21, -14, -14, -22, -11, -22, -23,
-11, -23, -23, -23, -23, -24, 310, -29, 64, -25,
-30, -25, -25, -26, -29, -14, -17, -18, -27, -14,
-29, 64, 313, 311, 310, 310, 64, -5, -8, -11,
-9, -14, 257, -10, -15, -11, -8, -4, 324, 124,
38, 42, 47, 37, 45, 43, -11, -11, 44, 44,
44, -28, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322,
310, 313, 314, 44, 44, -28, 44, 44, 44, 44,
314, 44, -28, 44, 44, 44, 44, -28, 313, 44,
44, 44, 44, -11, -11, -11, -11, -11, -11, -11,
41, -29, -14, 64, 35, 310, 35, -30, 47, 33,
43, 43, -14, 35, 35, 44, -31, -11, -32, -11,
-31, -29, -14, 64, 311, 44, 310, -14, 35, 44,
35, -30, 64, 64, 44, 44, -14, 257, -15, -11,
-12, -13, 324, 323, -28, -14, -14, -30, -30, 313,
310, 44, -14, -14, 35, -28, 311, -14, 310, -14,
35, -15, 310, 313, 312, -28, 313, 310, 310, 314,
-31, 44, 44, -14, -14, 43, 43, 43, -31, -31,
44, 313, 312, 310, 310, -31 };
yytabelem yydef[]={
0, -2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 20, 0, 0, 8,
0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 63, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 6, 7, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 40, 158, 27, 0,
0, 37, 38, 41, 42, 0, 43, 44, 45, 46,
0, 156, 47, 48, 49, 0, 50, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 123, 124, 125, 0, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 56, 57, 58, 0, 61, 64,
65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 127, 128, 129, 137,
138, 139, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 159, 76, 77,
160, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 0, 0, 0, 83,
0, 84, 85, 86, 0, 0, 87, 88, 89, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 9, 16,
10, 23, 24, 11, 26, 157, 12, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0,
0, 126, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155,
0, 0, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
28, 98, 99, 0, 0, 102, 0, 104, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 134, 108, 135,
109, 113, 114, 0, 121, 0, 110, 111, 0, 0,
0, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 22, 25, 13,
14, 0, 18, 19, 100, 101, 103, 105, 106, 59,
60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 122, 112, 116, 117,
0, 119, 0, 0, 0, 94, 95, 96, 97, 17,
130, 0, 0, 0, 118, 0, 0, 0, 131, 132,
0, 90, 92, 91, 93, 133 };
typedef struct { char *t_name; int t_val; } yytoktype;
#ifndef YYDEBUG
# define YYDEBUG 0 /* don't allow debugging */
yytoktype yytoks[] =
"STRING", 257,
"D_ORG", 258,
"D_BYTE", 259,
"D_WORD", 260,
"D_SKIP", 261,
"D_EQU", 262,
"D_FLAG", 263,
"D_END", 264,
"ACALL", 265,
"ADD", 266,
"ADDC", 267,
"AJMP", 268,
"ANL", 269,
"CJNE", 270,
"CLR", 271,
"CPL", 272,
"DA", 273,
"DEC", 274,
"DIV", 275,
"DJNZ", 276,
"INC", 277,
"JB", 278,
"JBC", 279,
"JC", 280,
"JMP", 281,
"JNB", 282,
"JNC", 283,
"JNZ", 284,
"JZ", 285,
"LCALL", 286,
"LJMP", 287,
"MOV", 288,
"MOVC", 289,
"MOVX", 290,
"NOP", 291,
"MUL", 292,
"ORL", 293,
"POP", 294,
"PUSH", 295,
"RET", 296,
"RETI", 297,
"RL", 298,
"RLC", 299,
"RR", 300,
"RRC", 301,
"SETB", 302,
"SJMP", 303,
"SUBB", 304,
"SWAP", 305,
"XCH", 306,
"XCHD", 307,
"XRL", 308,
"AB", 309,
"A", 310,
"C", 311,
"PC", 312,
"DPTR", 313,
"BITPOS", 314,
"R0", 315,
"R1", 316,
"R2", 317,
"R3", 318,
"R4", 319,
"R5", 320,
"R6", 321,
"R7", 322,
"VALUE", 323,
"SYMBOL", 324,
"+", 43,
"-", 45,
"*", 42,
"/", 47,
"%", 37,
"|", 124,
"&", 38,
"-unknown-", -1 /* ends search */
char * yyreds[] =
"-no such reduction-",
"program : linelist",
"linelist : linelist line",
"linelist : line",
"line : undefsym ':' linerest",
"line : linerest",
"linerest : directive '\n'",
"linerest : instr '\n'",
"linerest : '\n'",
"directive : '.' D_ORG defexpr",
"directive : '.' D_BYTE blist",
"directive : '.' D_WORD wlist",
"directive : '.' D_SKIP defexpr",
"directive : '.' D_EQU undefsym ',' expr",
"directive : '.' D_FLAG SYMBOL ',' flag",
"directive : '.' D_END",
"defexpr : expr",
"flag : flagv BITPOS",
"flagv : SYMBOL",
"flagv : VALUE",
"undefsym : SYMBOL",
"blist : blist ',' data8",
"blist : blist ',' STRING",
"blist : data8",
"blist : STRING",
"wlist : wlist ',' data16",
"wlist : data16",
"expr : '*'",
"expr : '(' expr ')'",
"expr : '-' expr",
"expr : expr '|' expr",
"expr : expr '&' expr",
"expr : expr '*' expr",
"expr : expr '/' expr",
"expr : expr '%' expr",
"expr : expr '-' expr",
"expr : expr '+' expr",
"expr : SYMBOL",
"expr : VALUE",
"instr : NOP",
"instr : ACALL addr11",
"instr : AJMP addr11",
"instr : ADD two_op1",
"instr : ADDC two_op1",
"instr : SUBB two_op1",
"instr : XRL two_op1",
"instr : XRL two_op2",
"instr : ANL two_op1",
"instr : ANL two_op2",
"instr : ANL two_op3",
"instr : ORL two_op1",
"instr : ORL two_op2",
"instr : ORL two_op3",
"instr : XCH two_op1",
"instr : INC single_op1",
"instr : INC DPTR",
"instr : DEC single_op1",
"instr : DA A",
"instr : DIV AB",
"instr : JMP '@' A '+' DPTR",
"instr : JMP '@' DPTR '+' A",
"instr : MUL AB",
"instr : RET",
"instr : RETI",
"instr : RL A",
"instr : RLC A",
"instr : RR A",
"instr : RRC A",
"instr : SWAP A",
"instr : XCHD two_op1",
"instr : CLR single_op2",
"instr : CPL single_op2",
"instr : SETB single_op2",
"instr : PUSH data8",
"instr : POP data8",
"instr : LJMP addr16",
"instr : LCALL addr16",
"instr : JC relative",
"instr : JNC relative",
"instr : JNZ relative",
"instr : JZ relative",
"instr : SJMP relative",
"instr : CJNE three_op1",
"instr : JB two_op4",
"instr : JNB two_op4",
"instr : JBC two_op4",
"instr : DJNZ two_op5",
"instr : MOV two_op1",
"instr : MOV two_op2",
"instr : MOV two_op6",
"instr : MOVC A ',' '@' A '+' DPTR",
"instr : MOVC A ',' '@' DPTR '+' A",
"instr : MOVC A ',' '@' A '+' PC",
"instr : MOVC A ',' '@' PC '+' A",
"instr : MOVX A ',' '@' regi",
"instr : MOVX A ',' '@' DPTR",
"instr : MOVX '@' regi ',' A",
"instr : MOVX '@' DPTR ',' A",
"two_op1 : A ',' reg",
"two_op1 : A ',' data8",
"two_op1 : A ',' '@' regi",
"two_op1 : A ',' '#' data8",
"two_op2 : data8 ',' A",
"two_op2 : data8 ',' '#' data8",
"two_op3 : C ',' bit",
"two_op3 : C ',' '/' bit",
"two_op3 : C ',' '!' bit",
"two_op4 : bit ',' rel",
"two_op5 : reg ',' rel2",
"two_op5 : data8 ',' rel",
"two_op6 : reg ',' A",
"two_op6 : reg ',' data8",
"two_op6 : reg ',' '#' data8",
"two_op6 : data8 ',' reg",
"two_op6 : data8 ',' data8",
"two_op6 : data8 ',' '@' regi",
"two_op6 : '@' regi ',' A",
"two_op6 : '@' regi ',' data8",
"two_op6 : '@' regi ',' '#' data8",
"two_op6 : DPTR ',' '#' data16",
"two_op6 : C ',' bit",
"two_op6 : data8 ',' C",
"two_op6 : data8 BITPOS ',' C",
"single_op1 : A",
"single_op1 : reg",
"single_op1 : data8",
"single_op1 : '@' regi",
"single_op2 : A",
"single_op2 : C",
"single_op2 : bit",
"three_op1 : A ',' data8 ',' rel",
"three_op1 : A ',' '#' data8 ',' rel",
"three_op1 : reg ',' '#' data8 ',' rel",
"three_op1 : '@' regi ',' '#' data8 ',' rel",
"rel : expr",
"rel2 : expr",
"bit : bitv BITPOS",
"bit : bitv",
"bitv : SYMBOL",
"bitv : VALUE",
"reg : R0",
"reg : R1",
"reg : R2",
"reg : R3",
"reg : R4",
"reg : R5",
"reg : R6",
"reg : R7",
"regi : R0",
"regi : R1",
"regi : R2",
"regi : R3",
"regi : R4",
"regi : R5",
"regi : R6",
"regi : R7",
"data8 : expr",
"data16 : expr",
"addr11 : expr",
"addr16 : expr",
"relative : expr",
#endif /* YYDEBUG */
#define YYFLAG (-3000)
/* @(#) $Revision: 64.2 $ */
** Skeleton parser driver for yacc output
#if defined(NLS) && !defined(NL_SETN)
#include <msgbuf.h>
#ifndef nl_msg
#define nl_msg(i,s) (s)
** yacc user known macros and defines
#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
#define YYACCEPT return(0)
#define YYABORT return(1)
#define YYACCEPT {free_stacks(); return(0);}
#define YYABORT {free_stacks(); return(1);}
#define YYBACKUP( newtoken, newvalue )\
if ( yychar >= 0 || ( yyr2[ yytmp ] >> 1 ) != 1 )\
yyerror( (nl_msg(30001,"syntax error - cannot backup")) );\
goto yyerrlab;\
yychar = newtoken;\
yystate = *yyps;\
yylval = newvalue;\
goto yynewstate;\
#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrflag)
#ifndef YYDEBUG
# define YYDEBUG 1 /* make debugging available */
** user known globals
int yydebug; /* set to 1 to get debugging */
** driver internal defines
/* define for YYFLAG now generated by yacc program. */
/*#define YYFLAG (FLAGVAL)*/
** global variables used by the parser
YYSTYPE yyv[ YYMAXDEPTH ]; /* value stack */
int yys[ YYMAXDEPTH ]; /* state stack */
# else
YYSTYPE *yyv; /* pointer to malloc'ed value stack */
int *yys; /* pointer to malloc'ed stack stack */
extern char *malloc(), *realloc();
extern void free();
int allocate_stacks();
void free_stacks();
# endif
# endif
long yymaxdepth = YYMAXDEPTH;
YYSTYPE *yypv; /* top of value stack */
int *yyps; /* top of state stack */
int yystate; /* current state */
int yytmp; /* extra var (lasts between blocks) */
int yynerrs; /* number of errors */
int yyerrflag; /* error recovery flag */
int yychar; /* current input token number */
** yyparse - return 0 if worked, 1 if syntax error not recovered from
register YYSTYPE *yypvt; /* top of value stack for $vars */
** Initialize externals - yyparse may be called more than once
if (allocate_stacks()) YYABORT;
# endif
yypv = &yyv[-1];
yyps = &yys[-1];
yystate = 0;
yytmp = 0;
yynerrs = 0;
yyerrflag = 0;
yychar = -1;
goto yystack;
register YYSTYPE *yy_pv; /* top of value stack */
register int *yy_ps; /* top of state stack */
register int yy_state; /* current state */
register int yy_n; /* internal state number info */
** get globals into registers.
** branch to here only if YYBACKUP was called.
yy_pv = yypv;
yy_ps = yyps;
yy_state = yystate;
goto yy_newstate;
** get globals into registers.
** either we just started, or we just finished a reduction
yy_pv = yypv;
yy_ps = yyps;
yy_state = yystate;
** top of for (;;) loop while no reductions done
** put a state and value onto the stacks
** if debugging, look up token value in list of value vs.
** name pairs. 0 and negative (-1) are special values.
** Note: linear search is used since time is not a real
** consideration while debugging.
if ( yydebug )
register int yy_i;
printf( "State %d, token ", yy_state );
if ( yychar == 0 )
printf( "end-of-file\n" );
else if ( yychar < 0 )
printf( "-none-\n" );
for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
yy_i++ )
if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar )
printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
#endif /* YYDEBUG */
if ( ++yy_ps >= &yys[ yymaxdepth ] ) /* room on stack? */
yyerror( (nl_msg(30002,"yacc stack overflow")) );
# else
/* save old stack bases to recalculate pointers */
YYSTYPE * yyv_old = yyv;
int * yys_old = yys;
yymaxdepth += YYINCREMENT;
yys = (int *) realloc(yys, yymaxdepth * sizeof(int));
yyv = (YYSTYPE *) realloc(yyv, yymaxdepth * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
if (yys==0 || yyv==0) {
yyerror( (nl_msg(30002,"yacc stack overflow")) );
/* Reset pointers into stack */
yy_ps = (yy_ps - yys_old) + yys;
yyps = (yyps - yys_old) + yys;
yy_pv = (yy_pv - yyv_old) + yyv;
yypv = (yypv - yyv_old) + yyv;
# endif
*yy_ps = yy_state;
*++yy_pv = yyval;
** we have a new state - find out what to do
if ( ( yy_n = yypact[ yy_state ] ) <= YYFLAG )
goto yydefault; /* simple state */
** if debugging, need to mark whether new token grabbed
yytmp = yychar < 0;
if ( ( yychar < 0 ) && ( ( yychar = yylex() ) < 0 ) )
yychar = 0; /* reached EOF */
if ( yydebug && yytmp )
register int yy_i;
printf( "Received token " );
if ( yychar == 0 )
printf( "end-of-file\n" );
else if ( yychar < 0 )
printf( "-none-\n" );
for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
yy_i++ )
if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar )
printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
#endif /* YYDEBUG */
if ( ( ( yy_n += yychar ) < 0 ) || ( yy_n >= YYLAST ) )
goto yydefault;
if ( yychk[ yy_n = yyact[ yy_n ] ] == yychar ) /*valid shift*/
yychar = -1;
yyval = yylval;
yy_state = yy_n;
if ( yyerrflag > 0 )
goto yy_stack;
if ( ( yy_n = yydef[ yy_state ] ) == -2 )
yytmp = yychar < 0;
if ( ( yychar < 0 ) && ( ( yychar = yylex() ) < 0 ) )
yychar = 0; /* reached EOF */
if ( yydebug && yytmp )
register int yy_i;
printf( "Received token " );
if ( yychar == 0 )
printf( "end-of-file\n" );
else if ( yychar < 0 )
printf( "-none-\n" );
for ( yy_i = 0;
yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
yy_i++ )
if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val
== yychar )
printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
#endif /* YYDEBUG */
** look through exception table
register int *yyxi = yyexca;
while ( ( *yyxi != -1 ) ||
( yyxi[1] != yy_state ) )
yyxi += 2;
while ( ( *(yyxi += 2) >= 0 ) &&
( *yyxi != yychar ) )
if ( ( yy_n = yyxi[1] ) < 0 )
** check for syntax error
if ( yy_n == 0 ) /* have an error */
/* no worry about speed here! */
switch ( yyerrflag )
case 0: /* new error */
yyerror( (nl_msg(30003,"syntax error")) );
goto skip_init;
** get globals into registers.
** we have a user generated syntax type error
yy_pv = yypv;
yy_ps = yyps;
yy_state = yystate;
case 1:
case 2: /* incompletely recovered error */
/* try again... */
yyerrflag = 3;
** find state where "error" is a legal
** shift action
while ( yy_ps >= yys )
yy_n = yypact[ *yy_ps ] + YYERRCODE;
if ( yy_n >= 0 && yy_n < YYLAST &&
yychk[yyact[yy_n]] == YYERRCODE) {
** simulate shift of "error"
yy_state = yyact[ yy_n ];
goto yy_stack;
** current state has no shift on
** "error", pop stack
# define _POP_ "Error recovery pops state %d, uncovers state %d\n"
if ( yydebug )
printf( _POP_, *yy_ps,
yy_ps[-1] );
# undef _POP_
** there is no state on stack with "error" as
** a valid shift. give up.
case 3: /* no shift yet; eat a token */
** if debugging, look up token in list of
** pairs. 0 and negative shouldn't occur,
** but since timing doesn't matter when
** debugging, it doesn't hurt to leave the
** tests here.
if ( yydebug )
register int yy_i;
printf( "Error recovery discards " );
if ( yychar == 0 )
printf( "token end-of-file\n" );
else if ( yychar < 0 )
printf( "token -none-\n" );
for ( yy_i = 0;
yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
yy_i++ )
if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val
== yychar )
printf( "token %s\n",
yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
#endif /* YYDEBUG */
if ( yychar == 0 ) /* reached EOF. quit */
yychar = -1;
goto yy_newstate;
}/* end if ( yy_n == 0 ) */
** reduction by production yy_n
** put stack tops, etc. so things right after switch
** if debugging, print the string that is the user's
** specification of the reduction which is just about
** to be done.
if ( yydebug )
printf( "Reduce by (%d) \"%s\"\n",
yy_n, yyreds[ yy_n ] );
yytmp = yy_n; /* value to switch over */
yypvt = yy_pv; /* $vars top of value stack */
** Look in goto table for next state
** Sorry about using yy_state here as temporary
** register variable, but why not, if it works...
** If yyr2[ yy_n ] doesn't have the low order bit
** set, then there is no action to be done for
** this reduction. So, no saving & unsaving of
** registers done. The only difference between the
** code just after the if and the body of the if is
** the goto yy_stack in the body. This way the test
** can be made before the choice of what to do is needed.
/* length of production doubled with extra bit */
register int yy_len = yyr2[ yy_n ];
if ( !( yy_len & 01 ) )
yy_len >>= 1;
yyval = ( yy_pv -= yy_len )[1]; /* $$ = $1 */
yy_state = yypgo[ yy_n = yyr1[ yy_n ] ] +
*( yy_ps -= yy_len ) + 1;
if ( yy_state >= YYLAST ||
yychk[ yy_state =
yyact[ yy_state ] ] != -yy_n )
yy_state = yyact[ yypgo[ yy_n ] ];
goto yy_stack;
yy_len >>= 1;
yyval = ( yy_pv -= yy_len )[1]; /* $$ = $1 */
yy_state = yypgo[ yy_n = yyr1[ yy_n ] ] +
*( yy_ps -= yy_len ) + 1;
if ( yy_state >= YYLAST ||
yychk[ yy_state = yyact[ yy_state ] ] != -yy_n )
yy_state = yyact[ yypgo[ yy_n ] ];
/* save until reenter driver code */
yystate = yy_state;
yyps = yy_ps;
yypv = yy_pv;
** code supplied by user is placed in this switch
switch( yytmp )
case 1:
# line 124 "as31.y"
} break;
case 4:
# line 133 "as31.y"
if( pass1 ) {
yypvt[-2].sym->type = LABEL;
yypvt[-2].sym->value = lc;
bytecount = 0;
} break;
case 5:
# line 141 "as31.y"
{ inclc(yypvt[-0].value); bytecount = 0; } break;
case 6:
# line 144 "as31.y"
yyval.value = yypvt[-1].value;
if( dashl && pass2 )
} break;
case 7:
# line 149 "as31.y"
yyval.value = yypvt[-1].value;
if( dashl && pass2 )
} break;
case 8:
# line 155 "as31.y"
yyval.value = 0;
if( dashl && pass2 )
} break;
case 9:
# line 172 "as31.y"
lc = yypvt[-0].val.v;
if( pass2 ) emitaddr(lc);
bytecount = 0;
yyval.value = 0;
} break;
case 10:
# line 178 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = yypvt[-0].value; } break;
case 11:
# line 179 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = yypvt[-0].value; } break;
case 12:
# line 180 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = yypvt[-0].val.v;
if( pass2 )
emitaddr(lc+yyval.value); } break;
case 13:
# line 184 "as31.y"
if( yypvt[-0].val.d == 0 )
error("Expression is undefined in pass 1");
yypvt[-2].sym->type = LABEL;
yypvt[-2].sym->value = yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.value = 0;
} break;
case 14:
# line 193 "as31.y"
yypvt[-2].sym->type = LABEL;
yypvt[-2].sym->value = yypvt[-0].value;
yyval.value = 0;
} break;
case 15:
# line 198 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0; } break;
case 16:
# line 202 "as31.y"
if( yypvt[-0].val.d == 0 )
error("Expression is undefined in pass 1");
if( !(isbit16(yypvt[-0].val.v)) )
error("Value greater than 16-bits");
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].val.v;
} break;
case 17:
# line 212 "as31.y"
if( !isbit8(yypvt[-1].value) )
warning("Bit address exceeds 8-bits");
if( isbmram(yypvt[-1].value) )
yyval.value = (yypvt[-1].value-0x20)*8+ yypvt[-0].value;
else if( isbmsfr(yypvt[-1].value) )
yyval.value = yypvt[-1].value + yypvt[-0].value;
warning("Invalid bit addressable RAM location");
} break;
case 18:
# line 225 "as31.y"
if( yypvt[-0].sym->type == UNDEF )
error("Symbol %s must be defined in pass 1",yypvt[-0].sym->name);
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].sym->value;
} break;
case 19:
# line 230 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = yypvt[-0].value; } break;
case 20:
# line 235 "as31.y"
if( yypvt[-0].sym->type != UNDEF && pass1)
error("Attempt to redefine symbol: %s",yypvt[-0].sym->name);
yyval.sym = yypvt[-0].sym;
} break;
case 21:
# line 243 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) genbyte(yypvt[-0].value);
yyval.value = yypvt[-2].value + 1;
} break;
case 22:
# line 248 "as31.y"
if( pass1 )
yyval.value = yypvt[-2].value + yypvt[-0].value;
else {
yyval.value = yypvt[-2].value + strlen(yypvt[-0].str);
} break;
case 23:
# line 259 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) genbyte(yypvt[-0].value);
yyval.value = 1;
} break;
case 24:
# line 264 "as31.y"
if( pass1 )
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].value;
else {
yyval.value = strlen(yypvt[-0].str);
} break;
case 25:
# line 276 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) genword(yypvt[-0].value);
yyval.value = yypvt[-2].value + 2;
} break;
case 26:
# line 281 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) genword(yypvt[-0].value);
yyval.value = 2;
} break;
case 27:
# line 294 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = lc;
yyval.val.d = 1; } break;
case 28:
# line 297 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-1].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-1].val.d; } break;
case 29:
# line 300 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = -yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 30:
# line 303 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v | yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 31:
# line 306 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v & yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 32:
# line 309 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v * yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 33:
# line 312 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v / yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 34:
# line 315 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v % yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 35:
# line 318 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v - yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 36:
# line 321 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-2].val.v + yypvt[-0].val.v;
yyval.val.d = yypvt[-2].val.d && yypvt[-0].val.d; } break;
case 37:
# line 324 "as31.y"
if( pass1 ) {
yyval.val.v = yypvt[-0].sym->value;
yyval.val.d = (yypvt[-0].sym->type != UNDEF);
else {
if( yypvt[-0].sym->type == UNDEF )
error("Undefined symbol %s",yypvt[-0].sym->name);
yyval.val.v = yypvt[-0].sym->value;
yyval.val.d = 1;
} break;
case 38:
# line 336 "as31.y"
{ yyval.val.v = yypvt[-0].val.v; yyval.val.d=1; } break;
case 39:
# line 349 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-0].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 40:
# line 351 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 41:
# line 353 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 42:
# line 355 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 43:
# line 357 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 44:
# line 359 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 45:
# line 361 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 46:
# line 363 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,4); } break;
case 47:
# line 365 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 48:
# line 367 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,4); } break;
case 49:
# line 369 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,6); } break;
case 50:
# line 371 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 51:
# line 373 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,4); } break;
case 52:
# line 375 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,6); } break;
case 53:
# line 377 "as31.y"
{ if( get_md(yypvt[-0].mode) == 3 )
error("Immediate mode is illegal");
yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0);
} break;
case 54:
# line 382 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 55:
# line 384 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,4); } break;
case 56:
# line 386 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 57:
# line 388 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 58:
# line 390 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 59:
# line 392 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-4].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 60:
# line 394 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-4].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 61:
# line 396 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 62:
# line 398 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-0].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 63:
# line 400 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-0].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 64:
# line 402 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 65:
# line 404 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 66:
# line 406 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 67:
# line 408 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 68:
# line 410 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 69:
# line 412 "as31.y"
{ if( get_md(yypvt[-0].mode) != 2 )
error("Invalid addressing mode");
yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,-2); } break;
case 70:
# line 416 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 71:
# line 418 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 72:
# line 420 "as31.y"
{ if( get_md(yypvt[-0].mode) == 0 )
error("Invalid addressing mode");
yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,-1); } break;
case 73:
# line 424 "as31.y"
struct mode tmp;
yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&tmp,0);
} break;
case 74:
# line 433 "as31.y"
struct mode tmp;
yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&tmp,0);
} break;
case 75:
# line 442 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 76:
# line 444 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 77:
# line 446 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 78:
# line 448 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 79:
# line 450 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 80:
# line 452 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 81:
# line 454 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 82:
# line 456 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 83:
# line 458 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 84:
# line 460 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 85:
# line 462 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 86:
# line 464 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 87:
# line 466 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,0); } break;
case 88:
# line 468 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,4); } break;
case 89:
# line 470 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-1].op,&yypvt[-0].mode,6); } break;
case 90:
# line 474 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-6].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 91:
# line 476 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-6].op,NULL,0); } break;
case 92:
# line 478 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-6].op,NULL,1); } break;
case 93:
# line 480 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-6].op,NULL,1); } break;
case 94:
# line 483 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-4].op,NULL,yypvt[-0].value); } break;
case 95:
# line 485 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-4].op,NULL,2); } break;
case 96:
# line 487 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-4].op,NULL,yypvt[-2].value+3); } break;
case 97:
# line 489 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = makeop(yypvt[-4].op,NULL,5); } break;
case 98:
# line 501 "as31.y"
set_ov(yyval.mode, yypvt[-0].value);
set_sz(yyval.mode, 0);
} break;
case 99:
# line 507 "as31.y"
} break;
case 100:
# line 514 "as31.y"
} break;
case 101:
# line 520 "as31.y"
} break;
case 102:
# line 529 "as31.y"
} break;
case 103:
# line 536 "as31.y"
} break;
case 104:
# line 546 "as31.y"
} break;
case 105:
# line 553 "as31.y"
} break;
case 106:
# line 560 "as31.y"
} break;
case 107:
# line 569 "as31.y"
} break;
case 108:
# line 579 "as31.y"
} break;
case 109:
# line 586 "as31.y"
} break;
case 110:
# line 596 "as31.y"
} break;
case 111:
# line 602 "as31.y"
} break;
case 112:
# line 609 "as31.y"
} break;
case 113:
# line 616 "as31.y"
} break;
case 114:
# line 623 "as31.y"
} break;
case 115:
# line 631 "as31.y"
} break;
case 116:
# line 638 "as31.y"
} break;
case 117:
# line 644 "as31.y"
} break;
case 118:
# line 651 "as31.y"
} break;
case 119:
# line 658 "as31.y"
set_b1(yyval.mode, (yypvt[-0].value & 0xff00) >> 8 );
set_b2(yyval.mode, (yypvt[-0].value & 0x00ff) );
} break;
case 120:
# line 666 "as31.y"
} break;
case 121:
# line 682 "as31.y"
} break;
case 122:
# line 689 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit8(yypvt[-3].value) )
warning("Bit address exceeds 8-bits");
if( isbmram(yypvt[-3].value) )
set_b1(yyval.mode, (yypvt[-3].value-0x20)*8+ yypvt[-2].value );
else if( isbmsfr(yypvt[-3].value) )
set_b1(yyval.mode, yypvt[-3].value + yypvt[-2].value );
warning("Invalid bit addressable RAM location");
} break;
case 123:
# line 708 "as31.y"
} break;
case 124:
# line 715 "as31.y"
} break;
case 125:
# line 721 "as31.y"
} break;
case 126:
# line 728 "as31.y"
} break;
case 127:
# line 736 "as31.y"
} break;
case 128:
# line 742 "as31.y"
} break;
case 129:
# line 748 "as31.y"
} break;
case 130:
# line 757 "as31.y"
} break;
case 131:
# line 765 "as31.y"
} break;
case 132:
# line 773 "as31.y"
} break;
case 133:
# line 781 "as31.y"
} break;
case 134:
# line 791 "as31.y"
long offset;
if( pass2 ) {
offset = yypvt[-0].val.v - (lc+3);
if( offset > 127 || offset < -128 )
warning("Relative offset exceeds -128 / +127");
yyval.value = offset;
} break;
case 135:
# line 808 "as31.y"
long offset;
if( pass2 ) {
offset = yypvt[-0].val.v - (lc+2); /* different! */
if( offset > 127 || offset < -128 )
warning("Relative offset exceeds -128 / +127");
yyval.value = offset;
} break;
case 136:
# line 821 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit8(yypvt[-1].value) )
warning("Bit address exceeds 8-bits");
if( isbmram(yypvt[-1].value) )
yyval.value = (yypvt[-1].value-0x20)*8+yypvt[-0].value;
else if( isbmsfr(yypvt[-1].value) )
yyval.value = yypvt[-1].value + yypvt[-0].value;
warning("Invalid bit addressable RAM location");
} break;
case 137:
# line 834 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit8(yypvt[-0].value) )
warning("Bit address exceeds 8-bits");
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].value;
} break;
case 138:
# line 844 "as31.y"
if( yypvt[-0].sym->type == UNDEF && pass2 )
error("Symbol %s undefined",yypvt[-0].sym->name);
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].sym->value;
} break;
case 139:
# line 849 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = yypvt[-0].value; } break;
case 140:
# line 852 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0; } break;
case 141:
# line 853 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 1; } break;
case 142:
# line 854 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 2; } break;
case 143:
# line 855 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 3; } break;
case 144:
# line 856 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 4; } break;
case 145:
# line 857 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 5; } break;
case 146:
# line 858 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 6; } break;
case 147:
# line 859 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 7; } break;
case 148:
# line 862 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0; } break;
case 149:
# line 863 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 1; } break;
case 150:
# line 865 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0;
warning("Illegal indirect register: @r2"); } break;
case 151:
# line 868 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0;
warning("Illegal indirect register: @r3"); } break;
case 152:
# line 871 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0;
warning("Illegal indirect register: @r4"); } break;
case 153:
# line 874 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0;
warning("Illegal indirect register: @r5"); } break;
case 154:
# line 877 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0;
warning("Illegal indirect register: @r6"); } break;
case 155:
# line 880 "as31.y"
{ yyval.value = 0;
warning("Illegal indirect register: @r7"); } break;
case 156:
# line 885 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit8(yypvt[-0].val.v) )
warning("Expression greater than 8-bits");
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].val.v;
} break;
case 157:
# line 895 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit16(yypvt[-0].val.v) )
warning("Expression greater than 16-bits");
yyval.value = yypvt[-0].val.v;
} break;
case 158:
# line 905 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit16(yypvt[-0].val.v) )
warning("Address greater than 16-bits");
if( (yypvt[-0].val.v & size11) != ((lc+2) & size11) )
warning("Address outside current 2K page");
set_ov(yyval.mode, (yypvt[-0].val.v&0x0700)>>3 );
} break;
case 159:
# line 920 "as31.y"
if( pass2 ) {
if( !isbit16(yypvt[-0].val.v) )
warning("Address greater than 16-bits");
set_ov(yyval.mode, 0 );
set_b1(yyval.mode, (yypvt[-0].val.v & 0xff00 ) >> 8 );
set_b2(yyval.mode, (yypvt[-0].val.v & 0x00ff ) );
} break;
case 160:
# line 934 "as31.y"
long offset;
if( pass2 ) {
offset = yypvt[-0].val.v - (lc+2);
if( offset>127 || offset<-128 )
warning("Relative offset exceeds -128 / +127");
} break;
goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */
int allocate_stacks() {
/* allocate the yys and yyv stacks */
yys = (int *) malloc(yymaxdepth * sizeof(int));
yyv = (YYSTYPE *) malloc(yymaxdepth * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
if (yys==0 || yyv==0) {
yyerror( (nl_msg(30004,"unable to allocate space for yacc stacks")) );
else return(0);
void free_stacks() {
if (yys!=0) free(yys);
if (yyv!=0) free(yyv);
# endif /* defined(__RUNTIME_YYMAXDEPTH) */