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File List  |  1993-04-25  |  14KB  |  228 lines

  1. 5MINP.ZIP    Short primer on improved parenting.
  2. 7RSLIST.ZIP  A list of govermental and non-
  3.                                | governmental agencies pertaining
  4.                                | to the americans with disibilities act 1990
  5. AAH100.ZIP   African-american history events day by
  6.                                | day perfect for teachers or parents.
  7. ADA_ENIL.ZIP An in depth discussion of the
  8.                                | americans with disabilities act.
  9. ADQ20.ZIP    Advanced dosquiz v2.00: is the
  10.                                | advanced (or harder) version of
  11.                                | dosquiz which is designed to be a
  12.                                | quiz of knowledge of dos commands
  13. AECT101.ZIP  Improve your english and grammer.
  14. AGE27.ZIP    Create age distribution graph for telegard 2.7.
  15. AGG.ZIP      Teaches all about greenhuose gardening.
  16. ANGELS92.ZIP Usn blue angels airshow schedule for 1992.
  17.                                | data flow diagrams.
  18. BEERWINE.ZIP "natures whey" beer and wine
  19.                                | making catalog for supplies you'll
  20.                                | need and a toll-free 800 number
  21. BLIND.ZIP    A guide to using recording for the blind's serv
  22. BONSAI.ZIP   How to cultivate bonsai trees.
  23. BRAKECDL.ZIP Test your knowledge of the cdl brake test
  24. CDLCOMB.ZIP  Test your knowledge of the cdl-
  25.                                | general knowledge test.
  26. CDLHAZMT.ZIP Test your knowledge of the
  27.                                | commercial drivers license
  28.                                | hazardous materials test.
  29. CD_WAIT.ZIP  Info on new cd rom technology. read if you
  30.                                | are shopping for a new unit.
  31. CELTIC.ZIP   Celtic.zip is a shareware preview of a 50 page
  32.                                | great goddess. this is a rigorous study
  33.                                | approached in scholarly manner goodies
  34.                                | this package contains a 4 page
  35.                                | preview of the study to whet your appetite.
  36.                                | this project attempts to set the historical
  37.                                | record straight for the celtic goddess who
  38.                                | provides much of our contemporary imagery.
  39. CHRNS205.ZIP Chronos v2.05: how old was paul revere -
  40.                                | sort/select by individual people and events
  41.                                | or nations and occupations
  42.                                | insights/race patterns across different eras
  43. CMPTUTOR.ZIP A tutorial for computers ... funny also
  44. CODE0292.ZIP Comprehensive breakdown & listing of u.s.
  45.                                | exchanges & area codes with cities &
  46.                                | exchanges. ascii text.
  47. COMMANDM.ZIP Ten commandments of computer ethics.
  48. COMPOST.ZIP  Information on composting household waste
  49. COPR92.ZIP   Programmers' guide to
  50.                                | copyrighting software. 1992 changes.
  51. CPL.ZIP      Scudder college cost planner
  52.                                | includes 1992 costs for many public and
  53.                                | private colleges
  54. CPYRGHT.ZIP  Explains copyright software laws
  55. CPYRIGHT.ZIP Good discussion of the copyright laws.
  56. CREDIT35.ZIP Creditfix 3.5d credit report.
  57. DISPOST.ZIP  Postal regulations for individauls with
  58.                                | disabilities.
  59. DIVORCE3.ZIP Program designed to educate laymen about
  60.                                | divorce from an attorney's perspective.
  61. DQM10.ZIP    Dos quiz manager (dqm) v1.0:
  62.                                | allows you to customize the suite
  63.                                | of dos quiz programs (dos 5 quiz
  64.                                | dosquiz & advanced dosquiz)
  65. ECR.ZIP      Electronic class roll v3.0
  66.                                | grading program for teachers.
  67. EGBUR.ZIP    Easy gradebook.  this looks like a great
  68.                                | simple gradebook program if you are enbolved
  69.                                | with teaching of any sort.
  70. ESPTST.ZIP   Esp test for personal
  71.                                | evaluation & psychology studies.
  72. ETHIK.ZIP    Ethics awareness kit
  73.                                | educational seminar on ethics vga required.
  74. FAIRHOUS.ZIP Fair housing amendments act of 1988.
  75.                                | (hr-1158) amends the civil rights act of
  76.                                | 1968 to include handicapped individauls.
  77. FCTNARY.ZIP  Fictionary learn obscure words multiple
  78.                                | choice game format wilstar software.
  79. FREEDM22.ZIP A collection of historical american documents
  80.                                | comes with a easy to use file viewer.
  81.                                | contains constitution - mayflower compact
  82. FREN1_23.ZIP Utorial for french 1 of 2
  83. FREN2_23.ZIP Utorial for french 2 of 2
  84. FREN2_25.ZIP Language teacher
  85. FRSTAID.ZIP  Tips on giving first aid.
  86. GCHD10.ZIP   Guitar chord hypertext dictionary v1.0.
  87. GENETICS.ZIP Genetics
  88. GERM2_25.ZIP Language teacher
  89. GETAHEAD.ZIP Getahead 1.0 is hypertext
  90.                                | courseware designed to help pc
  91.                                | users get and keep a competitive
  92.                                | edge in the emerging electronic -
  93.                                | learn software attributes of their pc's.
  94. GITAR137.ZIP Guitar teacher v1.37 cord
  95.                                | database right/left hand
  96.                                | cords/tuner. no sound card.
  97. GITAR143.EXE Guitar teacher 1.43 is a system for
  98.                                | displaying guitar cord diagrams.
  99. GPCCAT.ZIP   Geneaological publications catalog (complete)
  100. GRADE22.ZIP  The grade calculator v2.2:
  101.                                | calculates grades and individual
  102.                                | exam question scores
  103.                                | help teachers and others who give
  104.                                | exams calculate the value of
  105.                                | individual questions & total grades.
  106. GSH101.ZIP   Gradesheet v1.01: grade
  107.                                | management for the professional
  108.                                | educator combines elements from
  109.                                | spreadsheets statistical packages and
  110.                                | information mgrs to create an
  111.                                | integrated environment for
  112.                                | processing student grades
  113.                                | handle up to 24 scores for up to 200 students.
  114. GSH200.ZIP   Gradesheet v2.00: grade
  115.                                | management for the professional
  116.                                | educator combines elements from
  117.                                | spreadsheets statistical packages and
  118.                                | information mgrs to create an
  119.                                | integrated environment for
  120.                                | processing student grades
  121.                                | handle up to 24 scores for up to
  122.                                | 200 students.
  123. GSHEET22.ZIP Gradesheet 2.2 - gradebook program for
  124.                                | teachers excellent stats!
  125. HEXDEC.ZIP   Converts hex to dec
  126. ITAL1_25.ZIP Language teacher
  127. KINGBKG.ZIP  Information on the background of martin luther
  128.                                | record and from accuracy in media. little
  129.                                | known facts which differ signifiantly from
  130.                                | the coverage in the mass media each year
  131. KRIS15B.ZIP  Kriskros ver 1.5b
  132.                                | game enthusiasts! kriskros is an educational
  133.                                | entire family! requires agility
  134.                                | your library of favorite games!  req: ega or
  135. LAPTUT56.ZIP Professor p.c. laptop! tutorial -- ver 5.6
  136.                                | hundreds of tips & tricks for laptop users.
  137.                                | how to buy a laptop or portable pc. secret
  138.                                | compuserve resources
  139. MAKETEST.ZIP Use to write tests  multiple choice
  140. MAX210.ZIP   Learn-a-word-a-day vocabulary builder.
  141. MT400.ZIP    Master tester v4.0 creates printed tests
  142.                                | study sheets and computer given quizzes.  it
  143.                                | allows you to enter up to 999 questions per
  144.                                | course using a question editor similar to
  145.                                | those found in a word processor
  146. MYTH2.ZIP    A text file. a discussion of the myths of
  147.                                | assault weapons.
  148. NEWROOF.ZIP  How to install a new roof.
  149. NWSCODES.ZIP List of city codes used by the national
  150.                                | weather service. all states included.
  151. OHIO.ZIP     Graphic educational game.
  152.                                | travel the state of ohio and
  153.                                | answer questions. fun way to learn.
  154. ORPH121C.ZIP Orpheus 1.21 program for electronic books
  155.                                | you need to give orpheus a test drive:
  156.                                | includes a sample book from the author.
  157. PCL57.ZIP    Pc-learn beginners computer tutorial  ver 5.7
  158.                                | the ultimate beginners computer tutorial.
  159.                                | study dos - virus prevention
  160.                                | and more.  features color
  161. PCPC0892.ZIP Pcpc (8/17/92): the pc industry on a floppy dis
  162.                                | easily accessible format. user groups
  163.                                | products and services. this dataware allows
  164.                                | you to find information by name (name of a
  165.                                | company - state keyword - a type of software
  166. PHYSIC1.ZIP  Duane bailey's free physics 1/2
  167. PHYSIC2.ZIP  Duane bailey's free physics 2/2
  168. PHYSICS.ZIP  Physics tutor 1.0: helps high school
  169.                                | seniors and college freshmen to understand
  170.                                | physics better. uses graphical animation for
  171.                                | the demonstration of concepts. the program
  172.                                | should supplement normal classroom learning.
  173.                                | the author holds a ph.d in physics and an m.
  174.                                | s. in computer science. for ibm & compatibles
  175.                                | w/ 640 kb & ega/vga. volume ii in a series.
  176. PLDIAG11.ZIP Pd game for teaching plant disease
  177. QBASE10.ZIP  Qbase v1.0s: teachers tool for
  178.                                | building quizzes.
  179. QUAKE.ZIP    Excellent text file on earthquake preparation
  180.                                | compiled by orange county sysop john cairns.
  181.                                | covers what to do before quakes occur
  182. QUIZGN40.ZIP Quizgen v4.0: quiz generating
  183.                                | pgm that will create a randomly
  184.                                | selected quiz from a database of questions
  185.                                | the database and the selected quiz
  186.                                | & as well as printing out both the
  187.                                | quiz and answer key.
  188. QUIZM31.ZIP  Quizmaster version 3.1
  189.                                | for students and teachers
  190. REMEDYS.ZIP  Medical remedies for the year 1861
  191. RSTRMSTR.ZIP Roster master will create alphabetized
  192.                                | class lists from which you may print your
  193.                                | student rosters attendance sheets
  194.                                | rosters can be saved as
  195.                                | text files capable of being imported into
  196.                                | other apps.
  197. SCRTPICK.ZIP How to pick locks verry good!!
  198. SPAN2_25.ZIP Spanish teacher v2.5.
  199. SP_SW_15.ZIP Spell and pronounce spanish
  200.                                | spanish students learn spanish
  201.                                | quicker than normal means.
  202. SQTET143.EXE Strin quartet 1.43 is a tuner for violin
  203. TA10B_1.ZIP  Teacher's assistant (ta) version 1.0 beta.
  204. TA10B_2.ZIP  Teacher's assistant 1.0 beta (file #2 of 3).
  205. TA10B_3.ZIP  Teacher's assistant 1.0 beta (file #3 of 3).
  206. TELEMARK.ZIP Telemarketing computer analysis
  207. TOURDV.ZIP   Tour de vocabulaire 1.0 is an entertaining
  208.                                | way to build your french vocabulary and
  209.                                | knowledge of french history
  210.                                | are drawn from a list that includes over
  211. TPRO02.ZIP   Testpro 2.0 teacher helper.
  212. TW11S.ZIP    Typing world v1.1s: program
  213.                                | designed to help you build typing
  214.                                | speed and accuracy and learn more
  215. VARGR5_1.ZIP Var grade allows you to grade  1 of 2
  216.                                | and record attendance in your
  217.                                | classes. a complete grading system
  218. VARGR5_2.ZIP Documentation for var grade    2 of 2
  219.                                | program. main docs
  220.                                | registration docs included. the
  221.                                | program doc is over 350
  222. VOCAB20.ZIP  Vocabulary power v1.20
  223.                                | automatically create matching and
  224.                                | multiple choice quizzes
  225. WITB.ZIP     What's in the box. vga computer and
  226.                                | equipment tutorial.