The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Assembly Source File
117 lines
dosint MACRO function ;; Call the DOS interrupt
mov ah,function ;; Put function number in AH
int 21h
error MACRO errnum ;; Display error and exit
mov dx,OFFSET err&errnum;; Load address of error message
dosint 09h ;; Display string function
mov al,errnum ;; Exit with return code of errnum
dosint 4Ch ;; Quit
PUBLIC prompt,namebuf,fname,buffer,err1,err2,count,new_flag
PUBLIC get_file,open_file,ok,buff_read,done,conv_hex,rotate
PUBLIC quit,word_c,next_char,new_word,old_word,out_word,get_out
stack SEGMENT word stack 'STACK'
DB 100h DUP (?)
stack ENDS
data SEGMENT word public 'DATA'
prompt DB 'Enter file name: $'
namebuf DB 15h,? ; Maximum length of file name
fname DB 15h DUP(?) ; is 15h (21d)
buffer DB 800h DUP(?) ; Buffer size is 800h (2048d)
err1 DB 'Can''t access file',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
err2 DB 'I/O error',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
count DW 0 ; Initialize word count to 0
new_flag DB 1 ; Initialize new word to true (1)
data ENDS
code SEGMENT byte public 'CODE'
ASSUME cs:code,ds:data
start: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax ; Load data segment address
mov dx,OFFSET prompt ; Load address of prompt string
dosint 09h ; Display it
get_file: mov dx,OFFSET namebuf ; Load address for file name buffer
dosint 0Ah ; Get file name string
mov si,dx ; Set SI to start of file name buffer
mov bl,BYTE PTR [si+1] ; Put the number of bytes read in BL
mov BYTE PTR [si+bx+2],0; Put 0 at end to make ASCIIZ string
; (0 overrides CR from prompt)
mov dl,0Ah ; Load linefeed character
dosint 02h ; Print it
open_file: mov dx,OFFSET fname ; Load offset of ASCIIZ string
xor al,al ; Set code 0 - open for reading
dosint 3Dh ; Try to open the file
jnc ok ; If opened, then process file
access: error 1 ; else error macro
ok: mov bx,ax ; Move file handle to BX
mov dx,OFFSET buffer ; Give address to dump file contents
io_loop: mov cx,800h ; Set buffer size
dosint 3Fh ; Read a buffer of data from file
buff_read: jc io_err ; If there's a read error, then quit
cmp ax,0 ; else see if we read anything
je done ; If not, we're done
call word_c ; else count what we read
jmp SHORT io_loop ; Do it again
io_err: error 2 ; Error macro
done: dosint 3Eh ; Close (file handle already in BX)
mov bx,count ; Put count in BX for processing
conv_hex: mov cl,4 ; Load number of bits to rotate
mov ch,4 ; Load count for digits
rotate: rol bx,cl ; Rotate left digit to right
mov dl,bl ; Move to DL for processing
and dl,0Fh ; Mask off left digit
add dl,30h ; Convert to ASCII digit
cmp dh,3Ah ; Is it greater than 9?
jl show ; If not, display character
add dl,07h ; else convert hex letter
show: dosint 02h ; Display character function
dec ch ; Decrement the digit count
jnz rotate ; If count isn't zero, do it again
quit: xor al,al ; else set 0 for return code
dosint 4Ch ; Return to DOS function
word_c PROC NEAR ; Procedure to count words in buffer
push bx ; Save BX - it has file handle
mov si,OFFSET buffer-1 ; Load address one byte before buffer
mov bx,0 ; Set BX to 0 for word count
mov cx,ax ; Put number of characters read in CX
mov ah,new_flag ; Set new word flag (AH)
next_char: inc si ; Bump index (adjust on first pass)
mov al,[si] ; Get next character
cmp al,20h ; Compare to space
jle out_word ; If less, we're not in a word
cmp ah,1 ; else is new word flag TRUE?
je new_word ; If flag is TRUE, it's a new word
jmp old_word ; else it's an old word
new_word: inc bx ; Bump word count
xor ah,ah ; Set new word flag to FALSE (0)
old_word: loop next_char ; Get next character
jmp get_out ; Fall through at end of buffer
out_word: mov ah,1 ; Set new word flag to true (1)
loop next_char ; Get next character
get_out: add count,bx ; Add buffer count to variable
mov new_flag,ah ; Save current flag status
pop bx ; Restore file handle
word_c ENDP
code ENDS
END start