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/ PhotoDisc 17: European Pe…e, Business & Lifestyles / 02back.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-01-01  |  2MB  |  1600x1401  |  24-bit (193,197 colors)
Labels: text | electronics | computer | person | human face | screenshot | clothing | man
OCR: Delete European Tens of thousands of the inspiring images you need. People, We're constantly updating our collection, with hundreds Business of fresh new images added every month. You can view and these images in the latest Resource Books or online at Lifestyles www.photodisc.com. For help researching images and Version 2 getting them on CD-ROM or purchasing and downloading from the website, call us. Our expert customer service staff is standing by to help. Telephone Worldwide: +1 206 441 9355 Telephone Europe: +44 181 255 2903 Toll Free US/Canada: 1 800 528 3472 PHOTODISC® For a complete listing of all our local offices, please see the last page of the CD booklet. Copyright 1995 PhotoDisc, Inc. PhotoDisc and the PhotoDisc logo are official trademarks of PhotoDisc, Inc. and are registered ...