' This file is a product of Criterion Software Ltd.
' This file is provided as is with no warranties of any kind and is
' provided without any obligiation on Criterion Software Ltd.
' or Canon Inc. to assist in its use or modifiation.
' Criterion Software Ltd. and Canon Inc. will not, under any
' circumstances, be liable for any lost revenue or other damages
' arising from the use of this file.
' Copyright (c) 1994, 1995. Canon Inc.
' All Rights Reserved.
' Call points into the RenderWare DLL
Declare Function iRwAddChildToClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Child As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddClumpToScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddHint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Hint As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwAddHintToClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Hint As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddLightToScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddPolygonToClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Sides As Long, VArray As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddPolygonsToClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal DestClump As Long, ByVal SrcClump As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddTextureModeToMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal TextureMode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddTextureModeToPolygon Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal TextureMode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddTextureModeToSurface Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal TextureMode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwAddVector Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (A As RwV3d, b As RwV3d, Result As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwAddVertexToClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwBeginCameraUpdate Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwBitmapRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal hbitmap As Long, ByVal RasterOptions As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwBlock Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlWid As Single, ByVal RlHght As Single, ByVal RlDepth As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwCalculateClumpVertexNormal Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal vindex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwClearCameraViewport Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Sub iRwClose Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Sub iRwCloseDebugStream Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Function iRwClumpBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwClumpDistance Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, Pos As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwClumpEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCone Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlHght As Single, ByVal RlRad As Single, ByVal Sides As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwCopyMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal MatSrc As Long, ByVal MatDest As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCopyMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal MatrixSrc As Long, ByVal MatrixDest As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal MaxWid As Long, ByVal MaxHght As Long, ByVal Image As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal VCount As Long, ByVal PCount As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateDecal Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateLight Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Kind As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal RlLum As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Wid As Long, ByVal Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateSpline Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal NPoints As Long, ByVal Kind As Long, Pts As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateSprite Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCreateTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCrossProduct Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (A As RwV3d, b As RwV3d, C As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCubicTexturizeClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCurrentMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCurrentMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwCylinder Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlHght As Single, ByVal RlMinRad As Single, ByVal RlMaxRad As Single, ByVal Sides As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDamageCameraViewport Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Wid As Long, ByVal Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDefaultScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDestroyCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyLight Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyPolygon Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroySpline Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDestroyTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDeviceControl Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Action As Long, ByVal Param1 As Long, ByVal Param2 As String, ByVal Size As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDisc Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlHght As Single, ByVal RlRad As Single, ByVal Sides As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwDotProduct Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (A As RwV3d, b As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwDuplicateCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Image As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDuplicateClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDuplicateLight Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDuplicateMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDuplicateMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDuplicateRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwDuplicateSpline Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwEndCameraUpdate Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwEnvMapClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwFindNamedTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal TexName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwFindTaggedClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwFindTaggedPolygon Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraBackColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraBackdrop Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraBackdropOffset Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, x As Long, y As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraBackdropViewportRect Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, x As Long, y As Long, Wid As Long, Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraFarClipping Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetCameraImage Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraLookAt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, LookAt As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraLookRight Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, LookRight As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraLookUp Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, LookUp As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraLTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386Libentry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraNearClipping Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetCameraPosition Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, Pos As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraProjection Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraViewOffset Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, Offset As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraViewport Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, x As Long, y As Long, Wid As Long, Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraViewportRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetCameraViewwindow Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, RlWid As Single, RlHght As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpBBox Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, BLLeft As RwV3d, FURight As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpAxisAlignment Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpHints Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpJointMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpLocalBBox Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clump As Long, BLL As RwV3d, FUR As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpLTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpNumChildren Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpNumPolygons Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpNumVertices Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpOrigin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, Origin As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpOwner Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpParent Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpRoot Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpTag Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpVertex Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Index As Long, vertex As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpVertexNormal Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Index As Long, Normal As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpVertexUV Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Index As Long, UV As RwUV, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetClumpVertexViewportPosition Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal vindex As Long, ByVal Cam As Long, x As Long, y As Long, Visible As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwGetClumpViewportRect Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Cam As Long, x As Long, y As Long, Wid As Long, Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetDebugAssertionState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetDebugMessageState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetDebugScriptState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetDebugSeverity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetDebugTraceState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetDeviceInfo Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Info As Long, ByVal value As String, ByVal Size As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwGetError Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetFirstChildClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetInternalError Lib "rwwrxp.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightBrightness Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetLightColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightConeAngle Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetLightData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightLTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightOwner Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightPosition Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, Pos As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightType Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetLightVector Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, Vector As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialAmbient Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialDiffuse Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialGeometrySampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialLightSampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialOpacity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialSpecular Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetMaterialTextureModes Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetMatrixElement Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal J As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetMatrixElements Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, FArray As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetNamedTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal TexName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetNextClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetNumNamedTextures Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPaletteEntries Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal start As Long, ByVal Length As Long, palette As RwPaletteEntry, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonAmbient Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonCenter Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, Center As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonDiffuse Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonGeometrySampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonLightSampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonNormal Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, Normal As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonNumSides Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonOpacity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonOwner Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonSpecular Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonTag Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonTextureModes Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonUV Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, UVS As RwUV, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetPolygonVertices Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, VArray As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetRasterData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetRasterDepth Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetRasterHeight Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetRasterPixels Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetRasterStride Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetRasterWidth Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSceneData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSceneNumClumps Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSceneNumLights Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetShapePath Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Path As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSplineData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSplineNumPoints Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSplinePoint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal Index As Long, Pnt As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetSystemInfo Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Kind As Long, ByVal Info As String, ByVal Size As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwGetTextureData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureDictSearchMode Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureDithering Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureFrame Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureFrameStep Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureGammaCorrection Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureName Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal Buf As String, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureNumFrames Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwGetTextureRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwHemisphere Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlRad As Single, ByVal Sides As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwIdentityCTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwIdentityJointTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwIdentityMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwInclude Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwIncludeGeometry Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwInvalidateCameraViewport Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwInvertMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal srcMatx As Long, ByVal DstMatx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwJointTransformBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwJointTransformEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwMaskTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwMaterialBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwMaterialEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwModelBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwModelEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwMultiplyMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal MatrixA As Long, ByVal MatrixB As Long, ByVal MatrixC As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwNormalize Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (Vector As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwNormalizeClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwOpen Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal DevName As String, ByVal Param As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwOpenDebugStream Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwOpenExt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal DevName As String, ByVal Param As Long, ByVal NumArgs As Long, Args As RwOpenArgument, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwOrthoNormalizeMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal srcMatx As Long, ByVal DstMatx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPanCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlAngle As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPickClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal VPX As Long, ByVal VPY As Long, ByVal Cam As Long, Pick As RwPickRecord, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPickScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Cam As Long, Pick As RwPickRecord, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPointCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPolygon Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Sides As Long, VArray As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwPolygonExt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Sides As Long, VArray As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwPopCurrentMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPopCurrentMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPopScratchMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwProtoBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Proto As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwProtoEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwProtoInstance Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Proto As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwProtoInstanceGeometry Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Proto As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPushCurrentMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPushCurrentMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwPushScratchMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwQuad Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal V1 As Long, ByVal V2 As Long, ByVal V3 As Long, ByVal V4 As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwQuadExt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal V1 As Long, ByVal V2 As Long, ByVal V3 As Long, ByVal V4 As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwQueryRotateMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, Axis As RwV3d, RlDegrees As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRandom Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReadMaskRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReadNamedTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReadRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal options As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReadShape Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReadTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReleaseRasterPixels Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Raster As Long, ByVal pixels As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveChildFromClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveClumpFromScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveHint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Hint As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwRemoveHintFromClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Hint As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveLightFromScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveTextureModeFromMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal Mode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveTextureModeFromPolygon Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal Mode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRemoveTextureModeFromSurface Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwRenderClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRenderScene Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwResetCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwReversePolygonFace Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRevolveCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlT As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRotateCTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlAX As Single, ByVal RlAY As Single, ByVal RlAZ As Single, ByVal RlT As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwRotateJointTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlAX As Single, ByVal RlAY As Single, ByVal RlAZ As Single, ByVal RlT As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwRotateMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal RlVX As Single, ByVal RlVY As Single, ByVal RlVZ As Single, ByVal RlT As Single, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwRotateMatrixCos Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal RlVX As Single, ByVal RlVY As Single, ByVal RlVZ As Single, ByVal RlCT As Single, ByVal RlDir As Single, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwScaleCTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlSX As Single, ByVal RlSY As Single, ByVal RlSZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwScaleMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal RlSX As Single, ByVal RlSY As Single, ByVal RlSZ As Single, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwScaleVector Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (Vector As RwV3d, ByVal RlScale As Single, Result As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwScratchMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraBackColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlRed As Single, ByVal RlGreen As Single, ByVal RlBlue As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraBackColorStruct Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraBackdrop Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraBackdropOffset Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraBackdropViewportRect Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Wid As Long, ByVal Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal CamData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraLookAt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraLookUp Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraNearClipping Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlNear As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraPosition Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraProjection Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Kind As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraViewOffset Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraViewport Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Wid As Long, ByVal Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetCameraViewwindow Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlWid As Single, ByVal RlHght As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ClumpData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpAxisAlignment Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Align As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpHints Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Hints As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpTag Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpVertex Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Index As Long, vertex As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpVertexNormal Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal vindex As Long, Normal As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpVertexUV Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal RlU As Single, ByVal RlV As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetClumpVertices Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, Index As Long, vertex As RwV3d, ByVal N As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Sub iRwSetDebugAssertionState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Sub iRwSetDebugMessageState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Sub iRwSetDebugOutputState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Sub iRwSetDebugScriptState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Sub iRwSetDebugSeverity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Sub iRwSetDebugTraceState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Function iRwSetAxisAlignment Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Align As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetHints Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Hints As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetLightBrightness Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal RlLum As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal r As Single, ByVal g As Single, ByVal b As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightColorStruct Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightConeAngle Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal RlT As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal LightData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightPosition Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightState Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetLightVector Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialAmbient Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal RlKA As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal RlRed As Single, ByVal RlGreen As Single, ByVal RlBlue As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialColorStruct Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialDiffuse Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal RlKD As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialGeometrySampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal samp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialLightSampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal samp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialOpacity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal RlOpacity As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialSpecular Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal RlKS As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialSurface Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal RlKA As Single, ByVal RlKD As Single, ByVal RlKS As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMaterialTextureModes Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal Modes As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMatrixElement Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal J As Long, ByVal RlVal As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetMatrixElements Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, RlFArray As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPaletteEntries Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal start As Long, ByVal Length As Long, palette As RwPaletteEntry, ByVal options As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonAmbient Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal RlKA As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal RlRed As Single, ByVal RlGreen As Single, ByVal RlBlue As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonColorStruct Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, color As RwRGBColor, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal PolygonData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonDiffuse Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal RlKD As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonGeometrySampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal samp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonLightSampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal samp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonMaterial Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal Mat As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonOpacity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal RlOpacity As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonSpecular Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal RlKS As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonSurface Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal RlKA As Single, ByVal RlKD As Single, ByVal RlKS As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonTag Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal Texture As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonTextureModes Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, ByVal Modes As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetPolygonUV Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Poly As Long, UVS As RwUV, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetRasterData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal RasterData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetSceneData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Scn As Long, ByVal SceneData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetShapePath Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Path As String, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSplineData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal SplineData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetSplinePoint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal Index As Long, Pnt As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetSurface Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlKA As Single, ByVal RlKD As Single, ByVal RlKS As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceAmbient Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlKA As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceColor Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlRed As Single, ByVal RlGreen As Single, ByVal RlBlue As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceDiffuse Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlKD As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceGeometrySampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal samp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceLightSampling Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal samp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceOpacity Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlOpacity As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceSpecular Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlKS As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceTexture Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (TextName As Any, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceTextureExt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal TextName As String, ByVal MaskName As String, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetSurfaceTextureModes Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Modes As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetTag Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetTextureData Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal TextureData As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetTextureDictSearchMode Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetTextureDithering Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Mode As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetTextureFrame Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetTextureFrameStep Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal value As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSetTextureGammaCorrection Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal State As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSetTextureRaster Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal Rast As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Sub iRwSetUserError Lib "rwwrxp.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Function iRwShowCameraImage Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSphere Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlRad As Single, ByVal Sides As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwSphericalTexturizeClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSplinePoint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal Path As Long, ByVal RlWhere As Single, Pt As RwV3d, Vec As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwSplineTransform Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Spln As Long, ByVal Path As Long, ByVal RlWhere As Single, Up As RwV3d, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Single
Declare Sub iRwSRandom Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal seed As Long, ByVal ID As Integer)
Declare Function iRwSubtractVector Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (A As RwV3d, b As RwV3d, C As RwV3d, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTextureDictBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTextureDictEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTextureNextFrame Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Tex As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTiltCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlT As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformBegin Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTransformCTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTransformCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformCameraOrientation Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformClump Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformClumpJoint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformEnd Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTransformJointTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTransformLight Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Lite As Long, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal DstMatx As Long, ByVal srcMatx As Long, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformPoint Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (A As RwV3d, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTransformVector Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (A As RwV3d, ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTranslateCTM Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlTX As Single, ByVal RlTY As Single, ByVal RlTZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTranslateMatrix Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Matx As Long, ByVal RlTX As Single, ByVal RlTY As Single, ByVal RlTZ As Single, ByVal Op As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwTriangle Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal V1 As Long, ByVal V2 As Long, ByVal V3 As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwTriangleExt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal V1 As Long, ByVal V2 As Long, ByVal V3 As Long, ByVal Tag As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function iRwUndamageCameraViewport Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Wid As Long, ByVal Hght As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwVCMoveCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwVertex Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwVertexExt Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, UV As RwUV, Normal As Any, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwWCMoveCamera Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal Cam As Long, ByVal RlX As Single, ByVal RlY As Single, ByVal RlZ As Single, ByVal ID As Integer) As Long
Declare Function iRwWriteShape Lib "rwl.dll" Alias "Win386LibEntry" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Clmp As Long, ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Function REAL2SINGLE (ByVal x As Single) As Single
End Function
Function RwAddVector (A As RwV3d, b As RwV3d, Result As RwV3d) As Long