main1:ImageBank has to close its display viewers due to the pixel aspect ratio changing.
main2:Can't load fast JPEG code.
cat0:Image Bank catalogue information
cat1:writing catalogue information
cat2:reading catalogue information
cat3:catalogue entry
cat4:'%s' is not a sprite file.
cat5:catalogue sprite file
cat6:reading catalogue header information
browse0:browser structures
browse1:Image '%s' already exists. Overwrite with new image or cancel operation ?
browse2:Do you really want to delete %d object(s) from the archive ?
browse3:Too many images. Only %d images can be archived with this version of ImageBank.
browse4:Import from '%s'
browse5:thumbnail image
browse6:This is a read-only copy of ImageBank. Contact Irlam Instruments Ltd. for a full version.
browse7:Can't delete image directory '%s' as it is not empty.
browse8:Sorry, ImageBank can't import files of type '%s'.
browse9:Can't copy images within ImageBank using clipboard.
browse10:Error importing old version of ImageBank. No images were present.
saveas1:To save, drag the icon to a directory viewer.
decomp0:Can't save true colour images in this version of ImageBank.
IHELP0:\Rshow version information about ImageBank.
IHELP1:\Ralter the global choices.
IHELP2:\Ssave the current choices as the defaults.
IHELP3:\Squit ImageBank.
IHELP10:\Suse Homerton font in the viewer windows.
IHELP10S:\Suse the system font in the viewer windows.
IHELP11:\Ralter the size of the browse images created.
IHELP12:\Ralter the quality level to compress an image to.|mThe scale is 0-100, low values mean smaller file size but worse quality.
IHELP13:\Soptimise the entropy encoding factors. This will make the compressed file smaller but will take longer to compress.
IHELP13S:\Sdisable entropy encoding optimisation.
IHELP14:\Senable input smoothing on compression.|m\Ralter the level of input smoothing used.
IHELP14S:\Sdisable input smoothing.|m\Ralter the level of input smoothing used.
IHELP15:\Suse block smoothing when decompressing an image.
IHELP15S:\Sdisable block smoothing.
VMENU1G/VMENU3G/VMENU14G:\Gno images are selected.
VMENU0:\Rchange the display style and sort order.
VMENU1:\Rsave, rename and edit the information about the selected image.
VMENU2:\Rperform clipboard actions.
VMENU3:\Rcreate a new image directory and open its browser.
VMENU4:\Sopen the parent directory browser.
VMENU4G:\Gthis is the top level directory browser.
VMENU00S/VMENU00:\Sdisplay just the browse images and their filenames.
VMENU01S/VMENU01:\Sdisplay the browse images and full information about each one.
VMENU02S/VMENU02:\Ssort the images by filename.
VMENU03S/VMENU03:\Ssort the images by the size of the compressed file.
VMENU04S/VMENU04:\Ssort the images by when they were placed in the archive.
VMENU10S/VMENU10:\Rcopy the compressed image to another directory.|m\Schoose JPEG as the default save type.
VMENU11S/VMENU11:\Rsave the image as a sprite.\Schoose Sprite as the default save type.
VMENU12S/VMENU12:\Rsave the image as a clear file.\Schoose Clear as the default save type.
VMENU13:\Rsave the selected images and directories as a read only ImageBank application.
VMENU14:\Rrename the object.
VMENU15:\Redit the catalogue info for the object.
VMENU110S/VMENU110:\Rsave the image as a 256 colour sprite with a standard palette.\Schoose this as the default sprite type.
VMENU111S/VMENU111:\Rsave the image as a 256 colour sprite with an optimised palette.\Schoose this as the default sprite type.
VMENU112S/VMENU112:\Rsave the image as a 256 grey level sprite.\Schoose this as the default sprite type.
VMENU113S/VMENU113:\Rsave the image as a 32 thousand colour sprite.\Schoose this as the default sprite type.
VMENU114S/VMENU114:\Rsave the image as a 16 million colour sprite.\Schoose this as the default sprite type.
VMENU140:Type in a new name for the object and press RETURN.
VMENU10G/VMENU11G/VMENU12G/VMENU110G/VMENU111G/VMENU112G/VMENU113G/VMENU114G:\Gthis action can only be performed on a single image.
VMENU14G/VMENU15G:\Gthis action can only be performed on a single image or directory.
VMENU20:\Scopy the image to the global clipboard.
VMENU21:\Simport an image from the global clipboard into ImageBank.
VMENU22:\Sdelete the selected images and directories.
VMENU23:\Sselect all the images.
VMENU24:\Sdeselect all the images.
VMENU20G:\Gthis action can only be performed on a single image.
VMENU21G:\Gthe clipboard does not contain a suitable filetype to import.
VMENU23G:\Gall the objects are selected.
VMENU24G/VMENU22G/VMENU13G:\Gno objects are selected.
VMENU30:Type in a name for the new directory and press RETURN.
ICON:This is the ImageBank icon.|m\Sopen the top level image browser.|m\Aclose the image browser.|mDrag a JPEG file here to display it in a window.
progInfo:This \w shows information about the ImageBank application.
qwin:Enter a value in this window and press RETURN or click SELECT on OK.
brsize:This \w shows the maximum size that will be used for browse images. Change the valus as appropriate and press RETURN or click SELECT on OK.
xfersend:This box allows you to save data in a file, or transfer it to another application.
xfersend0:Click here to save the data with the current filename. If it is not a full pathname, you must drag the icon to a directory display first.
xfersend2:This shows the filename for this data. If it is not a full pathname, drag the icon into a directory display.
xfersend3:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file. Or, drag it to the program into which you want to transfer the data.
info:\TCatalogue info \w.|mWhen adding an image to the archive it allows a description. It can also be used to alter this information at later date.
info0:\Sstore or update the information in the archive.
info1:\Snot save the image in the archive or to ignore changes made to its description.
info6:This icon shows the filename of the original file that was imported to ImageBank.
info7:This icon shows the date the image was placed in the archive.
info17:This icon shows the size of the compressed and decompressed files.
info8:\Senter or change the description of the image then click on OK.
info19:This icon shows the width and height of the image in pixels.
info9:This icon shows the resultion of the image in pixels per inch.
info20:This icon shows the quality factor at which the image was compressed (if known).
browser0/browseA0:\TImage Browser \w.|M\Dmove an image to another browser or to copy to a directory or application.|mDouble click \s to decompress an image into a display \w.|mCTRL Double click \s to alter the description of an image.