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Novaterm 9.5 is released as SHAREWARE.
That means if you like the program and
use it regularly, you are obligated to
register by sending at least US$25.00
(Can$33.00) as compensation for the
work that has gone into the program.
(It's not a small amount of work.)
When you register Novaterm:
* You'll receive a registration number
that stays with you.
* You will receive a disk with a copy
of the current version. The title
screen will display your name,
address, and registration number
instead of the shareware notice.
* You'll be notified of future new
versions and new or updated modules
as soon as they are released. Just
send in your disk for a registered
copy of the new version.
* You'll be supporting shareware, which
is the last hope for quality software
in the defunct Commodore commercial
* For an extra US$15.00 (Can$22.00),
you'll receive a printed copy of the
Registering Commodore 64 shareware
products is extremely important. Your
registrations make it possible for me
to provide support and add new
features. The support and evolution of
Novaterm can continue only if you
Send your registration to:
Nick Rossi
10002 Aurora Ave. N. #1159
Seattle, WA 98133
Make checks paid to the order of Nick
Rossi. Return delivery usually takes a
few weeks.
If you are not a resident of the U.S.,
you can obtain a money order in U.S.
funds at your local bank. You are
entitled to all the same registration
Novaterm is available in several lan-
guages. If you are using the English
version but are more comfortable with
your native language, request the
version in your language and you'll
receive it if it's available.
If you have comments, please feel free
to write to me. Be sure to send a
self-addressed stamped envelope for a
reply! I always welcome comments,
complaints, and news of bugs that will
undoubtedly show up, as no program is
perfect. I can receive electronic mail
at the following addresses:
Internet: "voyager@eskimo.com"
GEnie: "N.ROSSI"