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Software Documentation
Copyright (c) 1989-1994 by Nick Rossi
Novaterm was designed with the idea that a terminal program should
incorporate a wide variety of features to support the diverse needs of
the individual user. While the program seems large and complicated,
its simple and straightforward user interface makes it easy for even
the inexperienced user to become proficient.
1.1 Registration
Novaterm 9.5 is released as SHAREWARE. That means if you like the
program and use it regularly, you are obligated to register by sending
at least US$25.00 (Can$33.00) as compensation for the work that has
gone into the program. (It's not a small amount of work.) When you
register Novaterm:
* You'll receive a registration number that stays with you.
* You will receive a disk with a copy of the current version. The
title screen will display your name, address, and registration
number instead of the shareware notice.
* You'll be notified of future new versions and new or updated modules
as soon as they are released. Just send in your disk for a
registered copy of the new version.
* You'll be supporting shareware, which is the last hope for quality
software in the defunct Commodore commercial market.
* For an extra US$15.00 (Can$22.00), you'll receive a printed copy of
the documentation.
Registering Commodore 64 shareware products is extremely important.
Your registrations make it possible for me to provide support and add
new features. The support and evolution of Novaterm can continue only
if you register.
Send your registration to:
Nick Rossi
10002 Aurora Ave. N. #1159
Seattle, WA 98133
Make checks paid to the order of Nick Rossi. Return delivery usually
takes a few weeks.
If you are not a resident of the U.S., you can obtain a money order in
U.S. funds at your local bank. You are entitled to all the same
registration benefits.
Novaterm is available in several languages. If you are using the
English version but are more comfortable with your native language,
request the version in your language and you'll receive it if it's
If you have comments, please feel free to write to me. Be sure to
send a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply! I always welcome
comments, complaints, and news of bugs that will undoubtedly show up,
as no program is perfect. I can receive electronic mail at the
following addresses:
Internet: "voyager@eskimo.com"
GEnie: "N.ROSSI"
SPECIAL NOTE FOR USER GROUPS: A users' group may register as a whole
by sending a US$60.00 registration fee along with a list of group
members who are registering. Everyone in the group who uses Novaterm
becomes a registered user of the program, and all updates of Novaterm
are sent to the group to be distributed from within. If your group
would like to "bulk register", you may certainly contact me by mail
first to make any arrangements, as this is a larger (but more
economical) investment.
1.2 Documentation
The documentation for Novaterm 9.5 is now available in a bound,
laser-printed manual. (It's "digitally mastered"!) The bound version
of the manual contains 40 pages of 12-point Times Roman print, a
page-numbered table of contents, and a complete index. The memory map
is also included. It's all bound with a plastic ring binder and
transparent covers.
The printed manual is available to registered users for US$15.00. To
order the manual, simply send your payment (along with your
registration if you are not registered) to the same address.
1.3 New versions and new modules
When a new version of Novaterm or a new or updated module is released,
you will receive notification by mail as a registered user. Simply
send a blank disk if you wish to receive the update.
This is a change from the past. Due to a sharp decline in the number
of registrations, I can no longer bulk-mail new versions on disk to
all registered users. However, all other modes of support (user mail,
electronic mail, bug fixes, etc.) remain firmly in place. As a
registered user, you'll learn about the latest updates immediately,
and a blank disk is all you need to get them.
1.4 FTP site
If you already have an Internet account, you can access an FTP site
dedicated to Novaterm. The site contains Novaterm archives, the
individual files, the documentation in both Commodore and standard
ASCII, and other news and information pertaining to Novaterm. New
modules and bug fixes will be placed on this site as well. To access
this site, FTP to:
FTP site:eskimo.com
1.5 SwiftLink
The SwlftLink-232(tm) cartridge is a device that allows your Commodore
64 or 128 to communicate at up to 38,400 bps. (Without it, the
Commodore 64 is limited to 2400 bps.) This cartridge is absolutely
necessary if you want to use a high speed modem (9600, 14.4K, or
28.8Kbps) with your Commodore computer. Novaterm fully supports the
SwiftLink and can achieve impressive data speeds with it. The
SwiftLink is distributed by Creative Micro Designs, Inc. For for
information, contact:
Creative Micro Designs, Inc.
P.O. Box 646
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Info: (413)525-0023
BBS: (413)525-0148
1.6 Special thanks!
Special thanks goes out to the following people for helping to make
the development and distribution of Novaterm possible:
Very valuable consultant: Kent Sullivan
Beta-testers for version 9.5: Mark Spacek, Paul Oster, Joshua Brandt,
Bill Lueck
Thanks to Mark Spacek for extensive, patient beta-testing and providing
other utilities that made my life easier.
Thanks to George Hug for writing those excellent RS-232 routines and
to Transactor Magazine (RIP) for publishing them.
Thanks to Daniel Fandrich for writing and releasing source code for
the Zmodem download protocol.
Thanks to Kermit Woodall for his WXmodem protocol source code.
And thanks to everyone who took the time to report bugs, make
suggestions, and provide monetary support. Every little bit has
helped to make this software successful.
1.7 Distribution and Source code
Novaterm is a shareware program, and is released according to the
shareware agreement described above. The software may be distributed
freely in its complete and unmodified form. No part of this program
may be modified or altered with the intent of redistribution without
the express written permission of the author. The source code to this
program cannot be made available due to past problems with
unauthorized modifications.