config .mbs
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Commodore BASIC
60 lines
10 rem *************************
20 rem * midi-basic anpassung *
30 rem * (c) 1991 by r. buchty *
40 rem *************************
50 (NULL):(NULL):(NULL) 0
60 (NULL):(NULL) 0,0,12:print"startparameter-editor fuer midibasic v5"
70 (NULL) 3,0:print"i. bildschirmfarben"
80 print"aendern (j/n)";a$:gosub 580:if a$<>"j" then 150
90 input"[145] hintergrund";hf
100 input" vordergrund";vf
110 input" zeichen ";zf
120 (NULL) hf,vf,zf:print:print"farben ok (j/n)?":gosub 580
130 if a$<>"j" then (NULL) 0,0,12:goto 70
140 poke 35515,hf:poke 35516,vf:poke 35517,zf
150 gosub 590
160 (NULL)3,0:print"ii. f-tasten-belegung"
170 print"aendern (j/n)":gosub 580:if a$<>"j" then 310
180 for a=1 to 8:poke 781,3+a:sys 59903
190 (NULL) 3+a,1:print" f"a" (max. 12 zeichen)";:input f$(a)
200 if len(f$(a))>12 then 190
210 if f$(a)="" then 190
220 print"mit return abschliessen (j/n)":gosub 580
230 if a$="j" then f$(a)=f$(a)+":"+chr$(13)
240 next a
250 for a=1 to 4:c=2*a-1:for b=1 to len(f$(c))
260 poke 33344+(a-1)*15+b,asc(mid$(f$(c),b,1)):next b:for c=b to 15
270 poke 33344+(a-1)*15+c,0:next c:for b=1 to len(f$(2*a))
280 poke 33404+(a-1)*15+b,asc(mid$(f$(2*a),b,1)):next b:for c=b to 15
290 poke 33404+(a-1)*15+c,0:next c
300 next a
310 gosub 590
320 (NULL)3,0:print"iii. tastenwiederholung"
330 print"aendern (j/n)":gosub 580:if a$<>"j" then 360
340 print"tastenwiederholung (e)in oder (a)us?":gosub 580
350 poke 32955,0:if a$="e" then poke 32955,128
360 gosub 590
370 (NULL) 3,0:print"iv. f-tasten-interrupt"
380 print"aendern (j/n)?":gosub 580:if a$<>"j" then 410
390 print"f-tasten-belegung (e)in / (a)us?":gosub 580
400 poke 33239,49:poke 33240,234:if a$="e" then poke 33239,217:poke 33240,129
410 gosub 590:(NULL) 3,0:print"v. device":print"aendern (j/n)?":gosub 580
420 if a$<>"j" then 470
430 (NULL) 4,0:print"devicenummer (1:datasette, 8-11:floppy)"
440 input a$:a=val(a$):if a<8 then if a<>1 then 430
450 if a>11 then 430
460 a=val(a$):poke 34076,a
470 gosub 590:(NULL) 3,0
480 print"name, unter dem das veraenderte basic abgespeichert werden soll:"
490 (NULL) 5,0:input n$:if len(n$)>16 or len(n$)=0 then 490
500 for a=1 to len(n$):a$=mid$(n$,a,1)
510 if a$="*" or a$="?" or a$=":" or a$="@" then 490
520 if asc(a$)<32 or (asc(a$)>127 and asc(a$)<160) then 490
530 next a
540 print"speichern auf (d)isk oder (t)ape?":gosub 580
550 x=8:if a$="t" then x=1
560 sys (57812)n$,x:poke 193,0:poke 194,128:poke 174,191:poke 175,138:sys 62957
570 end
580 poke 198,0:wait 198,1:get a$:return
590 z=peek(214):for x=z to 2 step -1:poke 781,x:sys59903:next x:return