1=IBM ThinkPad notebook computers set the pace for mobile computing.
2=That's because these notebooks build on a heritage of exceptionally well thought out design, plus continuous technology innovation aimed at giving our customers exactly what they want in a mobile computer.
3=Bigger, brighter color screens.
4=Smaller, lighter machines.
5=Modularity to protect your investment today, with an open upgrade path for tomorrow.
;6=And something better than a mouse!
6=And a better way to work with the integrated TrackPoint III pointing device!
Exit To OS=0DLG||0DLGBUP|0DLGBDN|Exit|0DLGBUP|0DLGBDN|Cancel||Copyright 1996 |0DLGCYES|0DLGCNO|Show this Welcome next time you start Windows|0DLGCYES|0DLGCNO|Play Video next time this Welcome is shown||||0DLGCYES|0DLGCNO|Password Protection during Video
PWUsageWarning=WARNING|This option is for retailer use only.****This option configures the computer for retail demonstration. Once started, this computer will play the Video continuously.****Retailers: You will now set a password, which will be required to exit the looping Video.****This option will also cause the Welcome screen to appear at startup, and to play the Video.****To start this process, click on OK or press the Enter key.****Otherwise click on Cancel or press the Esc key.|OK|Cancel|||0
PWRead=Password|Enter the password.|OK|Continue Demo|||3
PWEnterNew=New Password|Enter the new password.|OK||||2
PWConfirm=Confirm Password|To avoid any possible error, please re-enter the new password for verification.|OK||||2
PWBadLength=Invalid Password|Your password must be at least one character long (excluding empty spaces), and at most 16 characters long. Please re-enter the password.|OK||||0
PWIllegalChar=Invalid Password|Illegal characters used in password. Please re-enter the password.|OK||||0
PWConfirmFail=Failed to Confirm Password|Sorry, but the two entries of your new password did not match. You will be prompted to re-enter the password from the beginning.|OK||||0
PWComplete=Password Protection Enabled|This application now has password protection enabled. To complete password configuration, Windows must be restarted. To restart now, select OK. To exit this application and go to Windows, select Cancel.|OK|Cancel|||0
PWCannotExit=Cannot Exit Windows|For some reason, one or more applications cannot be closed at this time. Please check each application, and exit Windows manually before re-running this program.|OK||||0
PWIncorrect=Invalid Password|The password you entered is invalid.|OK||||1
PWFileError=Password File Not Found|The current password file does not exist. Password protection will not be enabled until you create a new password.|OK||||0
;PWSuccess=|Your new password has been integrated into the application.
;the following must EXACTLY match the name of the Startup folder
Startup Group=Startup
;the following must EXACTLY match the name of the icon as created by the install
Icon Text=ThinkPad Welcome
StartupIconExists= 0
Delete Intro Only=-1
font=times new roman
;font=Matura MT Script Capitals
; A Dialog code stands apart from any prefix. It defines files by itself.
; For example, the picture file for the Windows Confirm Dialog is DWIN.RLE.