¢áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááᢠWELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK¢áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááᢢMost of the programs on this side ¢of the disk are for the ATARI 520 ST.¢¢We recommend you refer to the¢corresponding issue of ANTIC for¢comprehensive documentation. If you¢wish to order a back issue, or need¢subscription information, contact us¢at (415) 957-0886 or, for credit card¢orders, dial (800) 227-1617, Ex. 133.¢In California,(800) 722-3545, Ex. 133¢XXX¢² *** BONUS FILES * BONUS FILES ***²¢¢Whenever there is sufficient room,¢we will be including TYPO-ST and¢LINKLINE on the monthly disks.¢¢Please see the HELP files on this¢side of the disk for LINKLINE¢instructions.¢¢(Note: All the WFPZZL files are¢8-bit bonus files.)¢²²²¢¢XXX¢¢The menu that appeared on the screen¢when you booted the disk will only¢RUN programs with a .BAS extender.¢(NOTE: The menu WILL NOT RUN ¢ ST BASIC programs!)¢If you try to run a program and the¢response is 'cannot run Filename',¢then check the file extender with¢the following list:¢XXX¢¢¢.SYS Reserved for DOS system files.¢.DAT Data file. Usually accessed by¢ another program.¢.TXT Text file. Usually accessed¢ by another program.¢.PI2 A Med.-resolution DEGAS ¢ picture file.¢XXX¢¢*** Files for the 520 ST ***¢¢.C C Language source code. ¢ Must be ported to an ST disk.¢ See the corresponding article¢ for complete details.¢¢.BAS An ST BASIC program.¢ WILL NOT RUN on 8-bit¢ computers!!!¢ Must be ported to an ST disk.¢ See the corresponding article¢ for complete details.¢¢¢XXX¢.PRG A compiled ST program which¢ uses GEM.¢ Must be ported to an ST disk.¢ See the corresponding article¢ for complete details.¢¢.TOS A compiled ST program which¢ does not use GEM.¢ Must be ported to an ST disk.¢ See the corresponding article¢ for complete details.¢¢.S 68000 Assembly language ¢ source code.¢ Must be ported to an ST disk.¢ See the corresponding article¢ for complete details.¢¢XXX¢¢ Whenever possible, we will try to¢adapt our programs to work with as¢many configurations of C as possible.¢But we think ANTIC's published C¢listings should come as close as¢possible to the industry standard.¢ At this time, only the Lattice,¢Alcyon, GST and Megamax C packages¢do this.¢¢¢XXX¢¢All programs from ANTIC issues dated¢prior to August 1984 were reproduced¢from ANTIC's Archive. We've updated¢them from our HELP columns and¢most are compatible with the XL and¢XE machines. We have worked to insure¢that our programs operate as¢published, but we consider all our¢software listings to be works in¢progress which we encourage you to¢personalize and enhance.¢¢Good luck, and ENJOY!¢¢-ANTIC ED¢¢