Labels:bulletin board | lodestone | person | plant | reckoner | sky OCR: abcdefgh jamnopgrstuuwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLT MNOPQTSTUTWXYZ 0123456789 T@#$% & *()- 1[10 quick Grour fax Jumes (azy cp The goinb 6rown fox jumps OUCr the lazy gop 24 The ppinb 6rown fox jumps the hzej dog. 36 The 6rown fox jumps oUer the hzej gop The 6rown fox sdun! over the hzej dog. The 6rown xof saun! over the hze dog. The 6rown xof sdun! over the hze] doo. ypyapoge ABCD CICK Groun dogt epinb Grown fazy gpinb sdwn hzel