Bishop≡Charles≡W.≡Islander- 6E≡North Lumina Ave.≡Cary≡NC≡28480≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡810-258-3128≡≡≡000005≡ViaPrint 3.0≡3.5 HD≡Check≡$34.50≡Mail≡Jan 6 95≡Jan 10 95≡N/A≡Catalog≡3H-VP3≡1≡The above address is current for Jan, Feb, Mar 95. After that the address is: 6567 Hasnell Drive, Marksburg, PA 16415.≡Jan 10 95≡ ≡$34.50≡≡
Johanson≡Edwin≡≡9825 Chamberlain Rd.≡≡Columbus≡OH≡44087≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡216-425-4777≡≡≡29≡Poke It!≡3.5 HD≡A Credit Card≡$18.00≡Phone≡January 8, 1995≡January 14, 1995≡Yes≡Rack≡3H-PP≡1≡Bought shareware version at a computer show for $15.00! The salesperson was demonstrating the register1 version and then sellling the shareware version.≡≡ ≡$18.00≡≡
Johnson≡Henry≡≡43-23 Colden Street≡Suite 15E≡Manhattan≡NY≡11355≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡718-961-4556≡≡≡000030≡ViaPrint 3.0≡3.5 HD≡COD≡$18.00≡Phone≡January 3, 1995≡January 5, 1995≡N/A≡N/A≡3H-VP3≡5≡COD fee $3.50. Disk !$18. each . . Shipping $3.00 Total fo 5 copies- Total: $96.50.≡January 23, 1995≡ ≡$96.50≡$6.50≡
Mahaley≡Harry≡≡6580 Woodhawk Drive≡≡Lima≡OH≡44124≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡216-449-7998≡≡≡000035≡ViaPrint 3.0≡3.5 HD≡A Credit Card≡$34.50≡Phone≡January 3, 1995≡January 10, 1995≡Yes≡Friend≡3H-VP3≡1≡Company owner is Jack Jacobs.≡January 4, 1995≡ ≡$34.50≡≡
McNarry≡Rick≡≡412 West Chestnut≡≡Paterson≡NJ≡08312≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡609-481-8963≡609-831-5454≡≡000036≡WEIII≡3.5 HD≡Reorder≡$.00≡Phone≡January 2, 1995≡January 9, 1995≡N/A≡N/A≡3H-WEIII≡1≡Received copy last year with no Threed.vbx file.≡≡ ≡$.00≡≡
Miller≡Lex≡≡BEK Software≡PO Box 352≡Brisbane≡Victoria≡3138≡AUSTRALIA≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡000038≡ViaPrint 3.0≡3.5 HD≡A Credit Card≡$34.50≡Phone≡January 2, 1995≡January 17, 1995≡Yes≡Catalog≡3H-VP3≡1≡This record will contain the name of the actual registered owner once the info is faed to us. Lex is acting as agrent for someone else. who ordered the program from his catalagoue.≡January 4, 1995≡ ≡$34.50≡≡
Strout≡Larry≡≡PO Box 276≡≡Walla Walla≡WA≡98266≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡604-888-9446≡≡≡000053≡Poke It!≡3.5 HD≡Money Order≡$18.00≡Mail≡January 7, 1995≡January 10, 1995≡N/A≡Install On Computer≡3H-PP≡1≡Sent a two dollar tip!≡January 10, 1995≡ ≡$18.00≡≡