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/ Computer Buyer 1996 March / buyer-0396.iso / micrgrap / abc.z / NETWORK.FRM (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1995-09-15  |  12KB  |  304 lines

  1. NetworkDatabaseDemo
  2. Network Database Demo
  3. Form15
  4.     ABCEvents
  5.     BrowseBtn
  6. &Browse...
  7. Picture1
  8. Data1%
  9. Network
  10. Data1
  11. OpenDatabaseFile
  12. CommonDialog
  13. Open DataBase File%(
  14.     cmdCancel
  15. &Cancel
  16. cmdOK
  17. Text1
  18. Label2
  19. *Press "Browse" to choose another database.
  20. Label1
  21. Database File:
  22. Line1
  23. DrawNetChart
  24.     DrawChart?
  25. Object5
  26. ChartO
  27.     ABCObject
  28.     DrivePath
  29. NewLine*
  30. Shape
  31. Shape1
  32. recCount
  33. Path3
  34. VisibleO
  35. CloseAll
  36. Maximize
  37.     Hourglass
  38. ActiveChartX
  39. Objects
  40. MasterItemsT
  41. HideAll
  42. RegisterEventZ
  43. ABC1P
  44. Layout
  45. Orientation
  46.     NoRepaint
  47. CurrentShapePalette
  48. CurrentShapew
  49. DrawPositionX
  50. DrawPositionY<
  51.     DrawShape
  52. Height]
  53. Width
  54. TextC
  55. Font-
  56. BorderWidth
  57. BorderColor'
  58.     FillColor
  59. ShapePaletteVisiblea
  60. DrawSpacingX
  61. DrawDirection<
  62.     GetRecNum
  63. Data1I
  64.     Recordset
  65. strCurrRec
  66. GetCurrRec)
  67. hmemcpy6
  68.     NetSource
  69.     strVerifyU
  70. Color
  71. BLUEv
  72. Current
  73. DrawLine
  74. Line_
  75.     StemWidthR
  76. Repaintw
  77.     Form_Load
  78. ABC1_Click
  79. frmNetDBSMP
  80. Screen
  81.     NetDBDemo
  82. ABC2_DoubleClickSUBCLASS
  83. ABC1_DoubleClickSUBCLASS
  84. cmdBrowse_Click
  85. cmdCancel_Click
  86. cmdOK_Click#
  87. Record
  88. PageLayout
  89. CurrentLineRoutingj
  90. DatabaseName
  91. DrivePa}
  92. RecordSource{
  94. Data1_Validate
  95. Action
  96. Savee
  97. Database
  98. Dynaset
  99. ABC1_AppQuitNOTIFYn
  100. ABC1_ChartNewNOTIFY
  101. mnuOpen_Click
  102. mnuFile_Click
  103. GetFile
  104. Caption?
  105.     FileTypes(    
  106. MODAL
  107. Label1
  108. FullPathR
  109. Text1_ChangeE
  110. Text1
  111. Text1_Click
  112. ValidateFilename
  113. OrgChartTextFileEditU
  114. OKBtnD
  115. Enabled
  116. WindowState@    
  117. OpenDatabaseFilep
  118. CancelError
  119. cmdOK3
  120. DefaultExt!
  121. Filter5
  122. Flagsa
  125. DataBaseFile    
  126. Filename_
  128. Text1_KeyPressG
  129. KeyAscii
  130. Text1_GotFocus
  131. SelStart
  132.     SelLength
  133. ValidFileNamee
  134. DemoDatabaseFile
  135. Label1_Click
  136. ValidDatabaseFile]
  137. IfDatabaseFilek
  138. CurrentDrive7
  139. TestFileValidL
  140. Invalidx
  141. Override,
  142. GetDatabaseInfo
  143. UserName
  144. Fields^    
  145. Value}
  146.     frmServer
  147. txtProcess
  148.     txtServer
  149.     txtUserID
  150. txtUserName
  151. txtType
  152.     Error_out
  155. CloseDB?
  156. CurrentRec
  157.     FieldInfo
  158.     TextTitle2    
  159. DrawTextBlock
  160. FindFileName
  161. DataBaseFileOne
  162. DataBaseFileTwo
  165. GotFocusP    
  166.     LostFocus
  167. Text1_KeyDown
  168. KeyCode
  169. Shifty    
  170. Text1_LostFocus
  171. Enable
  172. Form_Paint)
  173. SetFocusCall
  174. ABCObjects
  175. Selected
  176. DeselectAll
  177. StringUserNameh
  178. txtProcessor
  179.     Processor
  180. UserID
  181. txtName
  182. Server
  183. EndAppDraw
  184. HidePercentGauge
  185. CloseChart2
  186. PercentGauge{
  187. ChartCancelledn
  188. PercentGaugeCancelled
  189. PercentGaugeValue
  190. Activate`
  191.     PageWidth
  192. Page_width
  193. DrawSpacing
  194. ABCPercentGauge
  195. Picture1_ClickG
  197. Label2_Click
  198. Error_in
  199. Command1_Click
  200. BrowseBtn_Click8
  201. NetworkDatabaseDemo
  202. ServerInfo
  203. OrgChartDlg6
  204. NumberShowN
  205. ShadowColor
  206. DK_Gray
  207. ShadowStyle
  208. SetDefaults
  209. Clear_
  210. DataBaseTitlef
  211. CenterX
  212. DataBaseText
  213. click
  214. instructions
  215. ItemFromTextO
  216. Valid
  217. Form_Activate
  218.     CHARTTYPE'
  219. TypeRequiresEXEq
  220. TypeUsesEXE
  221. ProcessorType
  222. ValidateFileNameEnd
  223. Counter
  224. ounter
  225. TotalCount
  226. Computer
  227. ABC1_AppQuitNOTIFY
  228. ABC1_DoubleClickSUBCLASS
  229.  Get the database from the chart
  230. BrowseBtn_Click
  231. In case of error
  232. Set properties herel
  233. Database Files(*.mdb)|*.mdb
  234. Close if cancelled
  235. cmdCancel_Click
  236. cmdOK_Click
  239. File does not exist!
  240. This is an Invalid Database File!
  241.  iconize formt
  242. Build the chartw
  243. DrawNetChart
  244. Get the chartm
  245.  Set the Chart's internal type
  246. NETWORK
  247. Prepare for chart to draw 
  248.  Set defaults so there are no shape numbersW
  249. This object can be seen when selected'
  250. Set gauge=
  251. Building Diagram
  252. Please Wait...
  253. Title page
  254. Standard
  255. Rounded Process
  256. Network Diagram
  257. give feedback here
  258. ABC.PercentGaugeValue = 10
  259. cancel chart? 
  260. Get Network palette
  261. Net - PC Workstations
  262. Tower
  263. Set shape spacing
  264. SERVER
  265. Open the Database 
  266. Network
  267. Get the number of recordss
  268. Draw Shapes and add Usernames
  269. Draw Lines from server to workstationI
  270. Increment gauge
  271. Give feedback here
  272. ABC.PercentGaugeValue = 90
  273. Give double-click instructions
  274. To find server information, Double-click on a shape.
  275.  Write out database name
  276. Data1.Recordset.Close 
  277. Give feedback here
  278. Draw chart
  279. EndAppDraw
  280. Form_Load
  281. Open ABC
  282. ABCFlow.application
  283.  ABC.Maximizee
  284. Register the Eventso
  285. Network
  286. DoubleClickSUBCLASS
  287. Network
  288. AppQuitNOTIFY
  289. Load both forms 
  290. netbase1.mdb
  291. GetDatabaseInfo
  292. Network
  293. Find this username in the database
  294. Display server information
  295. This Station is Unassigned.
  296. Display server information
  297. This is not a Workstation!
  298.   Please choose a valid name.
  301. Text1_Change
  302. Text1_GotFocus
  303. ValidateFilename