Tiger Disk 20
< prev
Commodore BASIC
325 lines
1 goto910
2 print"X[169][141][169][141]x{$60} [234][255][169][255][133][145]l4[234]X[169]1[141][169][234][141]x{$60}
3 [153]"Xstepginputstopstepinputonx{$60} (NULL)(NULL)step(NULL)inputlistlx(NULL)Xstepuinputstopstep(NULL)inputonx{$60}
4 print"XHHH[170]H[168]HHHHHHH[152]h[138]hx{$60}
5 [153]"HHHHHHH{$60}
6 print"[160][255][200][132][251][169][216][133][252] [241][183][138][162][160][255][200][145][251][136][208][251][230][252][202][208][246]{$60}
7 [153]"newclose(NULL)left$>(NULL)on(NULL)let(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)mid$(NULL)(NULL){$60}
35 if uw = 0thensysuu,15
40 pokeuc,0:pokeun,0:ur$="":ui$="":if ul = 0thenul=39
45 getui$:ifui$ = ""then45
50 ua=asc(ui$):ur=len(ur$):ifua = 13 and ur > 0thenpokeuc,1:print" [157]";:goto70
55 if ua = 20thenon-(ur=0)goto45:ur$=left$(ur$,ur-1):print"[157] [157][157]";:goto45
60 if ur = ulthen45
65 gosub95:ur$=ur$+ui$:printui$;:goto45
70 if ur$ = ux$thenprint"[157] ";:goto145
75 forui=urto1step-1:if mid$(ur$,ui,1) = " "thennext
80 ur$=left$(ur$,ui):print:return
95 if len(us$) = 0then110
100 forui=1tolen(us$):if ui$ < > mid$(us$,ui,1)thennext:ui$=""
105 return
110 if ua = 46thenreturn
115 if ua = 32 and ur < > 0thenreturn
120 if ua > 47 and ua < 58thenreturn
125 if ua > 64 and ua < 91thenreturn
130 if ua < 193 or ua > 218thenui$="":return
135 if peek(ut) = uu%thenui$=chr$(ua-128)
140 return
145 gosub170:poke251,0:poke252,us/256:poke253,0:poke254,uf:sysuv
150 uz=1:uv%=peek(ut):goto300
155 uz=0:us$=uj$:ug$=uk$:ut$=ul$:up=uj:ul=uk:print"[147]";:if uw = 0thenpokeuy,6:pokeux,6
160 pokeut,uv%:poke251,0:poke252,uf:poke253,0:poke254,us/256:sysuv:if uw = 0thensysuu,15
165 pokeu1,u1%:pokeu2,u2%:pokeu3,u3%-1:pokeu4,u4%:goto35
170 u1%=peek(u1):u2%=peek(u2):u3%=peek(u3):u4%=peek(u4)
175 uj$=us$:uk$=ug$:ul$=ut$:uj=up:uk=ul:return
300 print"[147]":pokeut,uu%:if uw = 0thenpokeuy,12:pokeux,6
305 print" m e n u e"
310 print" --------------------------------"
315 print" 1. spielbeginn"
320 print" 2. anleitung"
325 print" 3. hinweise / uebersetzer"
330 print" 4. ende"
335 print" --------------------------------"
340 print" drueck' eine ziffer (1-4) ";
345 ul=1:us$="1234"
347 gosub35:us$=""
350 onval(ur$)gosub1000,400,500,390
355 goto300
370 if uz = 1thensysup%:goto155
375 return
390 sysue:print"[154][147]":if uw = 0thenpokeuy,6:pokeux,14:sysuu,14
395 clr:end
400 print"[147]":pokeut,ul%:if uw = 0thenpokeuy,11:pokeux,12
405 ut$=" [215]achmann":uh=1:up=0:ug$="[193]nleitung":gosub850
410 print" [201]ch zeige dir eine [211]tadtkarte."
412 print" [196]ort musst du patroullieren, damit"
414 print" sicher ist, dass nichts passiert."
416 print" [196]abei darfst du auf keiner strasse"
418 print" mehr als [197][201][206][205][193][204] gehen. [197]ckpunkte"
420 print" darfst du aber mehrmals ueberqueren."
422 print" [198]alls du [208]robleme haben solltest,"
424 print" druecke 'z' bei meiner naechsten"
426 print" [198]rage. - [201]ch bringe dich dann zum"
428 print" [211]pielbeginn zurueck."
485 gosub835
490 if uz = 1thensysup%:goto155
495 return
500 print"[147]":pokeut,ul%:if uw = 0thenpokeuy,2:pokeux,10
501 ut$=" [215]achmann":uh=1:up=0:ug$="[200]inweise":gosub850
502 print" [206]ach unserem besten [215]issen ist"
503 print" dieses [208]rogramm [208]ublic [196]omain."
504 print" [198]alls nicht, gebt uns bitte"
505 print" [206]achricht:"
506 print" [195][207][205][205][207][196][207][210][197][160][194][213][211][201][206][197][211][211][160][205][193][195][200][201][206][197][211]"
507 print" 3370 [208]harmacy [193]ve.
508 [153]" atngincourt, (NULL)ntario"
509 [153]" lenanada, (NULL)1(NULL) 2(NULL)4"
510 [153]" (416) 499-4292"
511 uh[178]1:[141]835:[141]850
512 [153]" (NULL)rogram (NULL)ame: (NULL)achmann"
513 [153]" chr$eschrieben von: (NULL)ac (NULL)glesby"
514 [153]" peekearbeiet von: (NULL)ike str$emmer
520 print:print:print:print:print" [196][197][213][212][211][195][200][197][160][213][197][194][197][210][211][197][212][218][213][206][199] von"
521 print:print" [212][160][201][160][199][160][197][160][210][160]- [195][160][210][160][197][160][215]"
522 print:print" [198]eldstrasse 17"
523 print:print" [196] - 6492 [211][201][206][206][212][193][204] 1"
585 gosub835
590 if uz = 1thensysup%:goto155
595 return
700 printuc$"[147]before running this program on an 8032
705 [153]" load the 'cbm 4032' program":[128]
800 [153]"load";:[151]ut,uu%:[139]uw[178]0[167][151]uy,1:[151]ux,14
801 [129]i[178]1[164]38:[153]" wait";:[130]
802 [129]i[178]1[164]22:[153]"cmd wait";:[130]
803 [129]i[178]1[164]37:[153]"cmdcmd wait";:[130]
804 [129]i[178]1[164]22:[153]"oncmd wait";:[130]
805 [153]"step wait
806 print" [146] [146][169]
807 [153]" wait tab((NULL)wait o m m o d o r e
808 print"[223] [146]
809 [153]" bildungs
810 print" software
811 [153]" 1983
812 printleft$(ud$,24);"drueck space oder warte[146]"uc$:ui=0
813 getui$:ifui$<>" "thenui=ui+1:ifui<250then813
814 goto300
835 pokeun,0:printleft$(ud$,24);" drueck space zur bestaetigung[146]"
840 getui$:if ui$ < > " "then840
845 return
850 up=up+1:print"[147]"left$(ut$+up$,21);right$(up$+ug$+str$(up),18)
855 print" --------------------------------------"
860 if uh = 0thenprintleft$(ud$,24);left$(up$,7);"hilfe - drueck 'z'<return>"
865 uh=0:print"":return
875 printleft$(ud$,24);" einen augenblick.... ":return
900 ux$="z":us=32768:u1=196:u2=197:u3=198:u4=216:uc=167:ub=1024:ud=1084:ue=1105
901 ut=59468:uu%=12:ul%=14:up%=1158:un=158:poke50003,0:uw=peek(50003):uf=peek(53)
902 if uw = 0thenus=1024:u1=209:u2=210:u3=211
903 if uw = 0thenu4=214:uc=204:ub=2048:ux=53280:ud=2064
904 uc$=chr$(155):uv=1214:if uw = 0thenuf=196:uv=2238
905 ud$="":up$=" "
906 if uw = 0thenut=53272:uu%=21:ul%=23:up%=2151:un=198:uy=53281:uu=2199:ue=2087
907 dimlc(25),ds(25),ls(25)
909 return
910 gosub900:print"[147]":print"[160]":rem shifted space
915 if peek(us+40) < > 96then700
920 if (fre(0)-(sgn(fre(0)) < 0)*65536) > 500then935
925 printuc$"[147]this machine does not have enough"
930 print"memory to run this program !":end
935 print"[147]"uc$:if uw = 0then965
940 if uf = 60 or uf = 108 or uf = 124then950
945 poke52,0:poke53,uf-4:clr:gosub900
950 if uw = 160thenpoke1103,88:poke1104,228:poke1107,85:poke1111,228:goto965
955 if uw < > 1thenprint"[147]this pgm will not work on this machine!":end
960 poke1103,49:poke1104,230:poke1107,46:poke1111,230:goto965
965 sysud
970 gosub800:goto300
1000 if uz = 1thensysup%:sysup%:uz=0
1001 print"[147]"uc$;:restore:if uw = 0thenpokeuy,6:pokeux,6
1002 clr:gosub900
1003 ut$=" wachmann "
1010 rem ***watchperson***
1020 rem
1030 rem (c) mac oblesby march 1980
1040 rem
1050 rem last revised: 3/22/80 22:30
1060 rem
1070 rem copyright 1980 by mac oblesby
1080 rem
1090 rem
1100 rem initialization
1110 poke59468,12:rem graphics mode
1130 v$(1)="o[146]gle-[157][157][157][157][157]boro
1140 v$(2)[178]"kwaitrunk-cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdtown"
1150 v$(3)[178]"lwaitind-cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdburg"
1160 [129]j[178]1[164]4:[135]da(j),da$(j):[130]:[143] direction allowed
1170 [131]-40," n ",1," o ",40," s ",-1," w "
1180 sp$[178]" "
1190 dn$[178]""
1200 sq$[178]"spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc("
1210 [143]
1220 [129]i[178]1[164]40:zz$[178]zz$[170][199](20):[130]i:[143] line 1150=40 del
1230 vn[178]1:[141]2220
1240 [153]" ";dn$;"willkommen, wachmann..."
1250 [143]
1260 [141]835
1270 uh[178]0:up[178]0:ug$[178]"":[141]850
1280 [153]" als wachmann musst du in der stadt"
1290 [153]" durch alle strassen gehen, ohne auf"
1300 [153]" einer strasse zweimal zu laufen."
1310 [153]" such dir's aus: owaitgleboro, kwaitrunktown,"
1320 [153]" lwaitindburg. lindburg ist am schwersten."
1330 [153]" bitte drueck o, k, oder l : ";
1340 ul[178]1:us$[178]"oklz":[141]35:xa$[178]ur$
1350 [139] xa$ [178] "o"[167]vn[178]1:[137]1390
1360 [139] xa$ [178] "k"[167]vn[178]2:[137]1390
1370 [139] xa$ [178] "l"[167]vn[178]3:[137]1390
1380 xx$[178]""[170]xx$:[137]1340
1390 [139] n0$ [178] "n"[167]1580
1400 a$[178]"fussabdruecke"
1410 [153]"load";:[139]uw[178]0[167][158]uu,15
1420 [129]j[178]1[164][195](a$):[153][202](a$,j,1);:[141]2200:[130]
1430 a0[178]us[170]183:[151]a0,87
1440 [129]j[178]1[164]13:[141]2200:a0[178]a0[171]1:[151]a0,87:[130]
1450 [129]j[178]1[164]4:[141]2200:a0[178]a0[171]40:[151]a0,87:[130]
1460 [129]j[178]1[164]9:[141]2200:a0[178]a0[170]1:[151]a0,87:[130]
1470 [129]j[178]1[164]6:[141]2200:a0[178]a0[170]40:[151]a0,87:[130]
1480 [129]j[178]1[164]15:[141]2200:[151]a0[171]j,87:[130]
1490 [129]j[178]16[164]18:[141]2200:[151]a0[171]j,46:[130]
1500 [141]2210
1510 [153]"";
1520 [153]" also: du darfst nichtwait zweimal auf"
1530 [153]" einer strasse gehen, aber du darfst"
1540 [153]" oefters an ecken kommen."
1541 [153]:[153]" bedenke:"
1550 [153]" allewait strassen muessen begangen werden!"
1551 [153]:[153]" v i e l g l u e c k !"
1560 [143] xx$="drueck returnwait zum anfangen..."
1570 [141]835
1580 [141]2220
1590 z0[178]1
1600 [129]j[178]1[164]nc:[151]us[171]1[170]lc(j),j:[130]
1620 [153]" wo willst du starten: ?";
1630 ul[178]1:us$[178][200]("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy",nc)[170]"z":[141]35:xa$[178]ur$
1635 [153]" "
1640 [139] [198](xa$) [177] 64 [175] [198](xa$) [179] 65[170]nc[167]1660
1650 xx$[178]""[170]xx$:[137]1630
1660 z0[178]us[171]1[170]lc([198](xa$)[171]64)
1670 xx$[178]"drueck x um den startpunkt zu aendern."
1680 a$[178]""
1690 [129]j[178]1[164]4
1700 [139] [194](z0[170]da(j)) [178] 32[167]a$[178]a$[170]da$(j)
1710 [130]
1720 [153]" welche richtung ? wege:";a$
1725 [153]"on";
1730 uh[178]0:ul[178]1:us$[178]a$[170]"xz":[141]35:xa$[178]ur$
1740 [139] s [177] 0[167]1760
1750 [139] xa$ [178] "x"[167][153]zz$;zz$;zz$:[137]1590
1760 [139] xa$ [178] "n"[167] d[178][171]40
1770 [139] xa$ [178] "o"[167] d[178]1
1780 [139] xa$ [178] "s"[167] d[178]40
1790 [139] xa$ [178] "w"[167] d[178][171]1
1800 [139] [194](z0[170]d) [179] [177] 32[167]a$[178]""[170]a$:[137]1720
1810 [139] s [177] 0 [167]1850
1820 [129]j[178]1[164]nc:[151]lc(j)[170]us[171]1,32:[130]
1830 xx$[178]""
1840 [153]zz$;zz;
1850 [153]zz$;zz$;
1860 s[178]s[170]1:[151]z0,87
1870 cr[178]0
1880 z0[178]z0[170]d:[151]z0,87
1890 s[178]s[170]1
1900 [129]j[178]1[164]4
1910 [139] [194](z0[170]da(j)) [178] 32[167]cr[178]cr[170]1:d1[178]da(j)
1920 [130]
1930 [139] cr [178] 0[167]1970
1940 [139] cr [178] 1 [176] cr [178] 11[167]d[178]d1:[137]1870
1950 [139] cr [178] 10[167]1980
1960 [139] cr [179] 5 [176] cr [178] 12[167]d[178]0:[137]1680
1970 [139] [194](z0[170]d) [178] 87[167]cr[178]10:[137]1880
1980 [143] end of game celebration
1990 a$[178]" du solltest allewait strassen begehen!"
2000 [139] s [178] ts[167]a$[178]" prima!! du gingst auf jeder strasse!!!"
2010 [129]j[178]1[164]3
2020 [151]59409,52:[143] screen off
2030 [129]k[178]1[164]300:[130]
2040 [151]59409,60:[143] screen on
2050 [129]k[178]1[164]300:[130]
2060 [130]
2070 [129]j[178]1[164]5
2080 [153]"";dn$;a$
2090 [129]k[178]1[164]300:[130]
2100 [139] j[173]2 [178] [181](j[173]2)[167][153]"wait";:[137]2120
2110 [153]"";
2120 [130]
2130 [153]"wait":[141]835:[156]:[141]900:[137]300
2190 [143] various delays
2200 [129]x9[178]1[164]25:[130]:[142]
2210 [129]x9[178]1[164]200:[130]:[142]
2220 [143] read village data and draw it
2230 [139]vc [178] vn[167]2310
2240 [135]lh,wh:[143] length, width of reverse field
2250 [135]nc,ts:[143] number of corners, total steps
2260 [129]j[178]1[164]nc:[135]lc(j):[130]:[143] location of corners (home=1)
2270 [135]ns:[143] number of streets to draw
2280 [129]j[178]1[164]ns:[135]ds(j),ls(j):[130]:[143] direction, length of streets to draw
2290 [135]sd:[143] start drawing where?
2300 vc[178]vc[170]1:[137]2230
2310 [153]"load";
2320 a$[178][200](sp$,(40[171]lh)[173]2)[170]""[170][200](sq$,lh)
2330 [129]j[178]1[164]wh:[153]a$:[130]
2340 px[178]us[171]1[170]sd
2350 [151]px,32
2360 [129]i[178]1[164]ns
2370 [129]j[178]1[164]ls(i)
2380 px[178]px[170]ds(i):[151]px,32
2390 [130]j
2400 [130]i
2410 [129]j[178]1[164]nc:[151]us[171]1[170]lc(j),j:[130]
2420 [153]" ncmd(NULL)cmdcmdcmdw-(NULL)-ocmdcmdcmd(NULL)cmds"
2430 [153]"kartecmdcmdcmdcmdcmdvoncmdcmdcmd";v$(vn)
2435 [153]"fuercmdcmdcmdcmdhilfecmdcmdcmdcmdcmddrueckcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmd'z'cmdcmdcmd"
2440 [142]
2450 [143] data for villages
2460 [143] ogleboro
2470 [131]22,17:[143] lh,wh
2480 [131]14,120:[143] nc,ts
2490 [131]56,65,171,176,185,190,336,345,350,496,505,510,611,625:[143]lc()
2500 [131]14:[143] ns
2510 [131]1,19,40,8,-1,5,40,3,-1,14,-40,11,1,5,40,8,1,14,-40,4
2520 [131]-1,14,-40,7,1,9,40,10:[143] ds(),ls()
2530 [131]171:[143]sd
2540 [143] kunktown
2550 [131]24,19:[143] lh,wh
2560 [131]19,157:[143]nc,ts
2570 [131]54,63,67,170,174,183,187,191,334,343,347
2580 [131]454,463,467,570,574,583,694,711:[143] lc()
2590 [131] 14:[143] ns
2600 [131]1,21,40,13,-1,17,-40,6,1,13,-40,10,-1,13,40,7,1,13
2610 [131]-40,7,-1,4,40,13,-1,13,-40,10:[143] ds(),ls()
2620 [131]170:[143] sd
2630 :
2640 [143] lindburg
2650 [131]28,20:[143]lh,wh
2660 [131]25,195:[143] nc,ts
2670 [131]56,65,69,73,172,176,185,189,328,332,336,345,349
2680 [131]492,496,505,509,612,616,625,629,728,732,736,753:[143] lc()
2690 [131]20:[143] ns
2700 [131]1,21,40,7,-1,17,40,3,-1,4,-40,10,1,4,40,4,1,17,40,3,-1,4
2710 [131]-40,14,-1,9,40,17,1,17,-40,17,-1,4,40,3,-1,17,40,4:[143]ds(), ls()
2720 [131]328:[143] sd
2725 [131]328:[143] excess data to prevent an end-of-data, before a restore
2730 [143] get a character
2740 [153]"";dn$;"";
2750 [139]xx$ [179] [177] ""[167][153]xx$
2760 [161]xa$:[139] xa$ [179] [177] ""[167]2760:[143] clear the buffer
2770 [161]xa$:[141]2790:[139] xa$ [178] ""[167]2770
2775 [139] [198](xa$) [178] 90 [167] ur$[178]ux$:[141] 70:[143] help request
2780 [142]
2790 [143] blink
2800 [139] z0 [178] 0[167]2850
2810 [139] ti[171]tt [179] 20[167]2850
2820 [139] [194](z0) [179] 128[167][151]z0,[194](z0)[170]128:[137]2840
2830 [151]z0,[194](z0)[171]128
2840 tt[178]ti
2850 [142]