Tiger Disk 4 Years
say it
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Commodore BASIC
58 lines
10 rem -sayit-
20 print "[147]":print:print:print "do you want s[146]am or r[146]eciter"
30 get a$:if a$="" then 30
40 if a$="s" or a$="[211]" then:]sa:print:print:goto 100
50 if a$="r" or a$="[210]" then:]re:print:print:goto 100
60 goto 30
100 print "say:[146]";
110 sa$=""
120 get a$:if a$="" then 120
122 a=asc(a$):if a>132 and a<141 then 500
125 if asc(a$)=13 then sa$=t$:print:goto 200
126 sa$=a$:print a$;:if asc(a$)=20 then sa$="":goto 120
128 get a$:if a$="" then 128
130 print a$;:if asc(a$)=13 then 200
140 sa$=sa$+a$
150 if asc(a$)=20 then sa$=left$(sa$,len(sa$)-2)
160 goto 128
200 say sa$:]error:print:t$=sa$:goto 100
500 print "[147]":print " change[146]":print:print:print" r[146]eciter/sam[146]":print
510 print " p[146]itch":print:print " s[146]peed":print:print " t[146]hroat"
520 print:print " m[146]outh":print:print " l[146]ights":print
530 print " e[146]nd changes":print:print " n[146]ormal voice"
540 print :print " b[146]ack to basic"
600 get a$:if a$="" then 600
610 if a$="r" or a$="[210]" then 1000
620 if a$="p" or a$="[208]" then 1100
630 if a$="s" or a$="[211]" then 1200
640 if a$="t" or a$="[212]" then 1300
650 if a$="m" or a$="[205]" then 1400
660 if a$="l" or a$="[204]" then 1500
680 if a$="e" or a$="e" then print "[147]":print:print:goto 100
685 if a$="n"or a$="[206]" then 1600
690 if a$="b" or a$="[194]" then end
695 goto 600
1000 print:print "s[146]am or r[146]eciter";
1010 get a$:if a$="" then 1010
1020 if a$="s" or a$="[211]" then:]sa:goto 500
1030 if a$="r"or a$="[210]" then:]re:goto 500
1040 goto 1010
1100 print :print "p[146]itch = ";:input a
1110 if a<0 or a>255 then 1100
1120 poke 39439,a:goto 500
1200 print:print "s[146]peed = ";:input a
1210 if a<0 or a>255 then 1200
1220 poke 39438,a:goto 500
1300 print :print "t[146]hroat = ";:input a
1310 if a<0 or a>255 then 1300
1320 poke 38881,a:sys 38882:goto 500
1400 print :print "m[146]outh = ";:input a
1410 if a<0 or a>255 then 1400
1420 poke 38880,a:sys 38882:goto 500
1500 print:print " lights on[146] of[146]f"
1510 get a$:if a$="" then 1510
1520 if a$="f" or a$="[198]" then:]li 0:goto 500
1530 if a$="n" or a$="[206]" then:]li 1:goto 500
1540 goto 1510
1600 ]pi 64:]sp 72:]kn 128,128:]li 0:goto 500