320 (NULL)5,2:(NULL)2,3,76,22:print"[211]pace....[212]he final frontier! [215]elcome to [193]reales [214] starfighter! ";
330 print"[217]ou are about to embark on the most exciting adventure of you life!"
340 print:print" [212]he dreaded [210]italin [197]mpire has forcefully taken control of several planets in the [207]rion sector of the galaxy. ";
360 print"[207]ne light year ago, the [210]italingained control of [195]ylos [216][201][201], a major industrial planet on the far end of the galaxy. [215]ith this planet, the [210]italin ";
370 print"are within striking range of [193]reales [214], [193]lliance [195]ommand's [211]ector [200]eadquarters and [211]tarfighter [193]cademy.":print
380 print" [212]he nearest [193]lliance battle cruiser is twenty (20) light years away, and intelligence reports that a [210]italin [211]tar [196]estroyer is in the ";
390 print"vicinity of [195]ylos [216][201][201], no doubt preparing for an attack on [193]reales [214]. [193]s a result,the [193]lliance has placed the entire sector on security alert."
400 print:print" [193]s the highest ranking cadet at the [211]tarfighter [193]cademy, you have beenvolunteered to neutralize the [211]tar [196]estroyer and re-capture [195]ylos [216][201][201] in ";
410 print" time to save [193]reales [214]! ([204]et's face it......suicide is for rookies!)"
750 (NULL):fori=1to6:print:next:printspc(29)"[215][197][204][195][207][205][197] [212][207] ";p$(d);"!":printspc(25)pg$(d):print:printspc(29)"[196]ocked..........":(NULL)2:print:printspc(20)"[212]ype in four (4) digit security code"
1420 data "[197]nsign",45,1,12,2,"[204]eutenant",65,2,12,2,"[205]ajor",85,3,10,3,"[198]irst [207]fficer",105,4,10,3,"[195]ommander",125,5,8,3,"[195]aptain",145,6,8,4,"[195]ommodore",165,7,8,4
1430 data "[193]dmiral",185,8,7,4
1450 dim pg$(7):fori=1to7:read pg$(i):next:return
1460 data"[212]he [200]appiest [208]lace in [211]pace!"," [194]rought to you by [199]oodyear!"," [207]ver [212]en [194]illion [211]erved "," [200]ome of the [215]hopper! "
1470 data"[194]uenvenidos, [206]o tengo cerveza","[193]ll females will be inspected","[215]here no man has gone before."
3030 [153]" (NULL)elcome to the (NULL)aser (NULL)abre atnrena! left$ere you can bet on your fighting skill by battling computer simulated starfighter's in mock battles.";
3040 [153]" right$f you win you could triple your credits, however, if you lose, the entire amount that you bet is forfeit.";
3050 [153]" valach battle last three (3) turns, and the best out of three wins. (NULL)our chance of winning varies, depending on your rank. chr$ood (NULL)uck!":[153]
3060 [153]" left$ow much do you want to bet? (NULL)ou currently have ";cr;" credits.":[133]"((NULL)ype '0' to return to (NULL)pacedock)";bet$:[141]1640
3070 [139] [197](bet$)[179][178]0[167]800
3080 bet[178][181]([197](bet$)):[139] bet[177]cr[167][153]:[153][166]20)"(NULL)ou don't have that many credits!":[254]2:[137]3000
3090 os[178]0:yc[178]0:cr[178]cr[171]bet:[153]:[153][166]20)"(NULL)he starfighter's take the field!":[153]:[254]2:[129]i[178]1[164]3:w[178][181]([187](1)[172]x[170]1)
3100 [139]w[177]5[167]os[178]os[170]1:[153][166]11)"(NULL)(NULL)asc! (NULL)our opponent smacks you with his laser sabre!":[254]2:[137]3120
3110 yc[178]yc[170]1:[153][166]10)"(NULL)left$atn(NULL)! (NULL)our sabre knocks your opponent across the arena!":[254]2
3120 [130]:[139]os[177]yc[167][153]:[153][166]11)"(NULL)ou (NULL)ose! (NULL)othing worse than 'the atngony of str$efeat!'":[137]3140
3130 [153]:[153][166]11)"(NULL)ou (NULL)in! (NULL)ictory and ";bet[172]2;" credits - what a life!":bet[178]bet[172]3:cr[178]cr[170]bet:bet[178]0:bet$[178]" "
3140 [153]:[153][166]24)"(NULL)ant to try again? (NULL)/(NULL)?"
3530 [153][166]15)"(NULL)elcome to ";p$;" (NULL)hip (NULL)epair peekay - (NULL)tation ";pc:[153]:[153]" ascuel on this planet ";
3540 [153]"is";fuel(pc);"credits per unit. atnll other repairs/services are 200 credits. (NULL)ype in the appropriate number or '5' to return to spacedock.":[153]:[153]
4530 [153]" (NULL)elcome to (NULL)tar (NULL)raders! (NULL)he only one stop intergalactic ship exchange chain in the universe! left$ere you can buy or sell spacecraft or weapons.";
4540 [153]" valach item we sell is fully guaranteed for 10 light years or three (3) laser attacks, whichever comes first. ((NULL)our mileage may vary.)";
4550 [153]" (NULL)ur highly trained staff is here to help you....if you can find them! (NULL)lease choose your preference by typing the corresponding number.":[153]:[153]
4560 [153],," 1.) peekuy (NULL)pacecraft"
4570 [153],," 2.) (NULL)eapons and atnccessories"
4580 [153],," 3.) (NULL)ell (NULL)pacecraft or (NULL)asers"
4730 [153]"(NULL)ype in the number of the ship you want or '0' to return to the exchange."
4740 [153]"chr$alactic law requires new spacecraft to be sold with only (10) units of fuel.":[153]:[153][166]27)"(NULL)ou have";cr;"credits."
4750 [161][249]m$:[139][197](m$)[178]0[167]4500
4760 m[178][197](m$):[139]m[177]7[167]4750
4770 [139]cr[179]sr(m)[167][153]:[153][166]24)"(NULL)ou don't have enough credits!":[254]2:[137]4500
4780 [139]sc[177]0[167][153]:[153][166]16)"(NULL)ou'd better sell your ";shtp$(sc);" first!":[254]2:[137]4500
4790 sc[178]m:[153]:[153]:[153][166]5)"(NULL)hank you ";:[153][199](142);:[153]n$;:[153][199](14);:[153]"! (NULL)ou now own an/a ";shtp$(sc);".":cr[178]cr[171]sr(m):sh[178]sw(m):fuel[178]10:ld[178]0:[254]3:[137]4500
4900 [153]"(NULL)ype in the number of the laser you want or '0' to return to the exchange."
4910 [153][166]27)"(NULL)ou have";cr;"credits."
4920 [161][249]m$:[139][197](m$)[178]0[167]4500
4930 m[178][197](m$):[139]m[177]7[167]4920
4940 [139]cr[179]lr(m)[167][153]:[153][166]24)"(NULL)ou don't have enough credits!":[254]2:[137]4500
4950 [139]lc[177]0[167][153]:[153][166]20)"(NULL)ou'd better sell your ";lt$(lc);" first!":[254]2:[137]4500
4960 [153]:[153][166]5)"(NULL)hank you ";:[153][199](142);:[153]n$;:[153][199](14);:lc[178]m:[153]"! (NULL)ou now own an/a ";lt$(lc);".":cr[178]cr[171]lr(m):[254]4:[137]4500
5000 [153]:[153][166]20)"(NULL)ou have";cr;"credits and";msl;"missile(s).":[153][166]23):m$[178]"":[133]"left$ow many missiles do you want";m$:[139][197](m$)[179][178]0[167]4800
5010 m[178][197](m$):[139]m[172]200[177]cr[167][153]:[153][166]24)"(NULL)ou don't have enough credits!":[254]2:[137]4500
5510 [153][199](142)" p l a n e t a r y d a t a c o m l i n k open";:[153]"(NULL)":[153][166]15)"/";:[129]i[178]1[164]43:[153][199](142)"len";:[130]:[153]"exp"
5610 [153]"ascailure to use proper code at docking platforms will result in arrest. (NULL)ecurity code for ";p$(info);" is as follows: ";h(info):[142]
5650 [153]" left$eavy spacecraft activity in all areas of the sector. chr$alactic lenommand reports several (NULL)italin ship sightings have been confirmed."
5660 [137]5610
5670 [153]" (NULL)italin vessels traveling into and around valscatar. atnll ships in this area are well-armed and considered hostile. (NULL)se extreme caution."
5680 [137]5610
5690 [153]" chr$alactic lenommand reports that several frieghters were destroyed in unprovoked attacks near (NULL)alesii. left$igh-power lasers manditory in sector."
5700 [137]5610
5710 [153]" (NULL)rialis right$right$ station surrounded by alien ships. (NULL)italin's are using alien vessels to destroy atnlliance chr$unstars. valxtremely hazardous area!"
5720 [137]5610
5730 [153]" atnll traffic to lenylos (NULL)right$right$ has been cut off. (NULL)nly access is through (NULL)italin military corridor via (NULL)jerri. atnll ships are heavily armed."
5740 [137]5610
5750 [153]" (NULL)italin (NULL)tar str$estroyer was sighted by atnlliance fighter near lenylos (NULL)right$right$. atnlso, you are in danger. (NULL)our mission has been c- - - - [len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)]"
5760 [137]5610
5770 [153]" (NULL)tarfighter! (NULL)ou must (NULL)valatn(NULL)val lenylos (NULL)right$right$ at once! right$ntelligence reports that you have been led into a (NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)! (NULL)he (NULL)italins were told of your mi";
5780 [153]"ssion by your valvil (NULL)win! (NULL)he (NULL)tar str$estroyer is equipped with a new type of shield which draws power directly from the ship's main power supply.":[153]
5790 [153][166]5)"chr$val(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)! (NULL)our mission has been compromised! (NULL)he (NULL)italin's have orders to str$val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) you at atn(NULL)(NULL) cost! valven if it means str$val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)chr$ len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)right$right$!"
6010 [153][166]5)"open(NULL)ou did it! (NULL)ou saved the atnlliance! mid$ust think, you'll have fame, fortune...your own mini-series! (NULL)ou can now spend the rest of your life on a";
6020 [153]" tropical planet with big breasted chicks! (NULL)ah mon, no problem! atnnd don't forget, as soon as you get back to atnreales (NULL) a group of people will surr";
6030 [153]"ound you and ask, left$ey! (NULL)ou just took on the entire (NULL)italin valmpire and survived......what are you going to do now?........................":[153]
6040 [153]".....atnnd of course your going to say - right$'m going to str$isneyland!.......after all,50000 credits is 50000 credits!":[153]:[141]1000:[137]990
7010 [232]:[129]i[178]1[164]5:[153]:[130]:[153][166]5)"(NULL)ell, the (NULL)italins decided that they really wanted you dead, considering they evaporated an entire planet to get you!";
7020 [153][166]2)"(NULL)ooks like they got their wish.":[153]"(NULL)h well, maybe you'll come back in a atnlenatnstr$val(NULL)(NULL) right$(NULL) / (NULL)valatn(NULL)lenleft$ asc(NULL)(NULL) ";[199](142)n$;"!":[153]
7030 [153]" peekut then again, that only happens in the movies................"
7040 [153]:[153][166]30)"(NULL)ou are dead!":[141]1000:[137]7250
7050 [254]1:[254]0,0,79,24,1:[232]:[129]i[178]1[164]5:[153]:[130]:[153][166]5)"(NULL)othing like being out of gas in deep space..........just floating around with no food. ";
7060 [153]"ascunny thing is, the (NULL)italins thought you were an asteroid when they blew your ship to bits. (NULL)eah, life's a................well you know!"
7070 [153]:[153][166]30)"(NULL)ou are dead!":[141]1000:[137]7250
7100 [254]1:[254]0,0,79,24,1:[232]:[129]i[178]1[164]5:[153]:[130]:[153][166]4)"(NULL)ow! (NULL)ooks like that last battle really was your (NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL) battle! atnt least youdidn't go down ";
7110 [153]"without a fight. (NULL)f course, the atnlliance will never find your body or your ship, since they're both scattered across the galaxy. (NULL)ook at the bright ";
7120 [153]"side, at least you don't have to write that thesis paper for your academygraduation! peekut then again, you won't be doing atn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)left$right$(NULL)chr$ for a long while!"
7130 [153]:[153][166]30)"(NULL)ou are dead!":[141]1000:[137]7250
7150 [232]:[129]i[178]1[164]7:[153]:[130]:[153][166]11)"(NULL)hat! (NULL)uit this incredible game! atnre you sure? (NULL)/(NULL)?":[161][249]m$:[139]m$[179][177]"y"[167]800
7160 [137]990
7200 [254]1:[232]:[129]i[178]1[164]3:[153]:[130]:[153][166]25)"defright$ (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) str$ val (NULL) atn (NULL) val (NULL) (NULL)";[199](143):[153]:[153]
7210 [153][166]5)"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)! (NULL)omebody didn't use the proper security code! (NULL)oo bad the atnlliance doesn't tolerate simple mistakes. str$arn that luck, huh? peeky the time ";
7220 [153]"you get out of galactic prison, the (NULL)italins will have taken over the universe and thosewacky valarthlings will have colonies on (NULL)luto. atnnd right$'m sure ";
7230 [153]"you've heard about what happens to newcomers in galactic prison! left$ope you're feeling romantic!":[153]:[153][166]25)"chr$ame over..........dear!":[141]1000:[137]7250
7250 [232]:[129]i[178]1[164]8:[153]:[130]:[153][166]23)"str$o you want to play again? (NULL)/(NULL)?"
7500 [232]:[129]i[178]1[164]2:[153]:[130]:[153][166]20)"atn (NULL) (NULL) right$ atn (NULL) len val str$ right$ (NULL) val len (NULL) right$ (NULL) val (NULL)cont":[153]:[153]
7510 [153]," 1. (NULL)rite down all security codes.":[153]
7520 [153]," 2. (NULL)wo (2) units of fuel are used for each light year travelled.":[153]
7530 [153]," 3. atnlien laser and shield power varies with each ship.":[153]
7540 [153]," 4. atnlways check str$ata lenomlink for security codes and clues.":[153]
7550 [153]," 5. (NULL)abre atnrena odds increase with your rank.":[153]
7560 [153]," 6. 'lenourse' can only be selected on ship screen if destination had not been previously designated.":[153]
7570 [153]," 7. 'left$yperspace' instantly returns ship to planet of origin and uses all available fuel.":[153]:[141]1000:[232]:[153]:[153]
7580 [153]," 8. lenonstantly monitor your fuel and shield status.":[153]
7590 [153]," 9. peekecome familiar with alien laser and shield capabilities.":[153]
7600 [153],"10. (NULL)pend your credits wisely.":[153]
7610 [153],"11. atnll ships have a maximum fuel capacity of 100 units.":[153]
7620 [153],"12. atnliens become more dangerous as time progresses.":[153]
7630 [153],"13. atnll aliens are scum and must be destroyed.":[153]