EXE version - double click the Alliance24.exe and enter the location of your Quake 3 directory.
ZIP version - unzip the alliance24.zip to you quake 3 directory. Make sure you maintain the directory structure.
1 - Use the SETUP / ALLIANCE menu to configure all your bindings for the grapple, pogo and radio sounds. Have a good look at that menu. There are a lot of options.
2 - For a full list of features, check our website http://www.planetquake.com/alliance
3 - To play Alliance, select Alliance 2.0 from the start menu (Windows) or select the alliance20.sh file (linux). Select multiplayer from the menu and either browse for a server or create one. Mac users must use the mods menu from their regular Q3 shortcut. The mods menu is not recomended for Windows or Linux.
4 - You may also use gamespy to join an Alliance server. Importing the provided custom tab will allow you to set up an Alliance filter. Registered users can also make an Alliance smart-spy list.
5 - Don't ever join an Alliance game through the server browser under another mod or regular Q3. That will break things too.
6 - Alliance 2.4 installs itself into a different directory than 1.x. It installs into the /alliance20 folder. If you were an Alliance 1.X player and have custom configs you wish to use, you will have to move them to the /alliance20 folder manually.
1 - Use the provided .bat files (windoze) or .sh files (linux) to start a dedicated server. Currently they are set up for CTF games. If you wish to run other gametypes (FFA, Tourney, Team DM) you may edit them and change the 'g_gametype' setting.
2 - All other server settings are in the sv_ configs. All settings are thoroughly explained within the configs themselves. You may edit them as you wish if you know what you're doing.
3 - Edit the maplist.cfg to change your map rotaion. By default this file has been set up to rotate through all 26 Alliance CTF maps, starting with the new ones.
1 - In q3 v1.27, listen and dedicated servers read and write to the q3config.cfg which can mess up your server settings. A good solution is to remove all server commands from your q3config.cfg manually, then make it a read-only file. *IMPORTANT - This will lock you out from making any client changes so make sure you have you have things set up the way you like them before doing this.
2 - Bots don't grapple. Bots get stuck on actf24 and actf25. Bots make large maps play slow on a listen server. Get over it! Bots suck anyway!