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/ PC Gamer 2.4 / 1996-05_-_Disc_2.4.bin / demo50 / fgt / tex000.lib < prev    next >
MS-DOS COM Executable  |  1995-08-04  |  2MB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
65% dexvert Mythos Software LIB Archive (mythosSoftwareLIBArchive) ext
1% dexvert MS-DOS COM Executable (com) magic
1% dexvert AR Archive (arArchive) ext
1% dexvert IntelliFont Font (intelliFont) ext
1% dexvert Amiga Hunk Library/Object (amigaLibrary) ext
1% dexvert Amiga Shared Library (amigaSharedLibrary) ext
1% dexvert Chess Assistant File (chessAssistant) ext
1% dexvert COFF Library (coffLibrary) ext
1% dexvert Electronic Arts LIB container (electronicArtsLibContainer) ext
1% dexvert Microsoft Visual C Library (visualCLibrary) ext
100% file DOS executable (COM), start instruction 0x8ce21d00 54435420 default
99% file PGP symmetric key encrypted data - Plaintext or unencrypted data default
98% file data default
100% dexmagic POD Archive default