Due to feedback I decided put more work into the corridor below the Rocket Launcher and made it more 'Curse][-like'. I also fixed some textures and collison hull problems. There are 2 purple smoke clouds in mid air in one corridor, and 2 other green clouds inside a wall in another corridor, couldn't get rid of those for some reason :/.
Version 1.00 notes -
- removed most of the narrow metal doorways that create the clastrophobic feeling. I left them at points where it was originally narrow in curse][ and also in the water projector area.
- Removed collison hulls from walls in the LG area, to allow players to walk on the ledges like in Curse][.
- Removed most of the terrain in the map, to create more space to move and dodge. Removed foliage because it didn't look right without the terrain.
- Removed bricks static mesh that prevented entering the right window from the main corridor below flak.
- Resized collison hulls that prevented the player from jumping on those big pipes coming out of the skull doorway. Now you can jump on them and double-jump from them to the metal bridge that leads to the secret room.
- Removed some bricks static meshes in flak room, that prevented walking on the ledge near the stairs.
- Other cosmetic changes (moved lights, added bricks, etc.)
- I left the new minigun area untouched, because I think it adds another usefull route, and also the dragon heads, because they can be used to double-jump to the wooden bridge that leads to the minigun ammo (and they give such an awesome atmosphere!).
I think this version is less spammy, gives the player more freedom of movement, revives most of the tricks that were possible in Curse][, and still retains the atmosphere of the original Curse3. I hope the guys complaining about the crampiness will like it.